=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

POSIX::1003::Math - POSIX handling time


  use POSIX::1003::Math qw/ceil floor sqrt/;
  print ceil 3.14;
  print sqrt floor 4.9;


B<Be aware> that math in Perl has unclear precission! Be aware that the
math library often provides many variations of these functions... it is
hard to determine which one is used. Probably, Math::Trig will serve
you better. Or PDL for real number crunchers.

B<Be warned> that these functions do not have an obligatory scalar
parameter, but only an optional parameter (defaults to C<$_>). This
means that they have the lowest (is list) priority.


=head2 Standard POSIX via this module (via POSIX.xs)

Like the built-in sin, cos, and sqrt, the EXPR defaults to C<$_> and
there is a scalar context (missing from POSIX.pm).

=over 4

=item B<acos>(EXPR)

=item B<asin>(EXPR)

=item B<atan>(EXPR)

=item B<ceil>(EXPR)

=item B<cosh>(EXPR)

=item B<div>(NUMER, DENOM)

Devide NUMER by DENOminator. The result is a list of two: quotient and
remainder.  Implemented in Perl for completeness, currently not with the
speed of XS.

  my ($quotient, $remainder) = div($number, $denom);

=item B<floor>(EXPR)

=item B<fmod>(EXPR, EXPR)

=item B<frexp>(EXPR)

=item B<ldexp>(EXPR)

=item B<log10>(EXPR)

=item B<modf>(EXPR, EXPR)

=item B<pow>(EXPR1, EXPR2)

Returns C<EXPR1 ** EXPR2>

=item B<rint>(NUMBER)

Round to the closest integer.  Implemented in Perl for completeness.

=item B<sinh>(EXPR)

=item B<tan>(EXPR)

=item B<tanh>(EXPR)


=head2 Standard POSIX, using CORE

A small set of mathematical functions are available in Perl CORE,
without the need to load this module.  But if you do import them,
it simply gets ignored.

=over 4

=item B<abs>([EXPR])

=item B<atan2>(EXPR, EXPR)

=item B<cos>([EXPR])

=item B<exp>([EXPR])

=item B<log>([EXPR])

=item B<rand>([EXPR])

=item B<sin>([EXPR])

=item B<sqrt>([EXPR])

=item B<srand>([EXPR])


=head2 Numeric conversions

All C<strto*>, C<atof>, C<atoi> and friends functions are usually
not needed in Perl programs: the integer and float types are at their
largest size, so when a string is used in numeric context it will get
converted automatically.  Still, POSIX.xs does provide a few of those
functions, which are sometimes more accurate in number parsing for
large numbers.

All three provided functions treat errors the same way.  Truly
POSIX-compliant systems set C<$ERRNO> ($!) to indicate a translation
error, so clear C<$!> before calling strto*.  Non-compliant systems
may not check for overflow, and therefore will never set C<$!>.

To parse a string C<$str> as a floating point number use

  $! = 0;
  ($num, $n_unparsed) = strtod($str);

  if($str eq '' || $n_unparsed != 0 || $!) {
      die "Non-numeric input $str" . ($! ? ": $!\n" : "\n");

  # When you do not care about handling errors, you can do
  $num = strtod($str);
  $num = $str + 0;     # same: Perl auto-converts

=over 4

=item B<strtod>(STRING)

String to double translation.  Returns the parsed number and the number
of characters in the unparsed portion of the string.  When called in a
scalar context C<strtod> returns the parsed number.

=item B<strtol>(STRING, BASE)

String to integer translation.  Returns the parsed number and
the number of characters in the unparsed portion of the string.
When called in a scalar context C<strtol> returns the parsed number.

The base should be zero or between 2 and 36, inclusive.  When the base
is zero or omitted C<strtol> will use the string itself to determine the
base: a leading "0x" or "0X" means hexadecimal; a leading "0" means
octal; any other leading characters mean decimal.  Thus, "1234" is
parsed as a decimal number, "01234" as an octal number, and "0x1234"
as a hexadecimal number.

=item B<strtoul>(STRING, BASE)

String to unsigned integer translation, which behaves like C<strtol>.



The following constants are exported, shown here with the values
discovered during installation of this module:

=for comment

  CHAR_BIT         8
  CHAR_MAX         127
  CHAR_MIN         -128
  DBL_DIG          15
  DBL_EPSILON      2.22044604925031e-16
  DBL_MANT_DIG     53
  DBL_MAX          1.79769313486232e+308
  DBL_MAX_10_EXP   308
  DBL_MAX_EXP      1024
  DBL_MIN          2.2250738585072e-308
  DBL_MIN_10_EXP   -307
  DBL_MIN_EXP      -1021
  FLT_DIG          6
  FLT_EPSILON      1.19209289550781e-07
  FLT_MANT_DIG     24
  FLT_MAX          3.40282346638529e+38
  FLT_MAX_10_EXP   38
  FLT_MAX_EXP      128
  FLT_MIN          1.17549435082229e-38
  FLT_MIN_10_EXP   -37
  FLT_MIN_EXP      -125
  FLT_RADIX        2
  FLT_ROUNDS       1
  HUGE_VAL         inf
  INT_MAX          2147483647
  INT_MIN          -2147483648
  LDBL_DIG         18
  LDBL_EPSILON     undef
  LDBL_MAX         undef
  LDBL_MAX_10_EXP  4932
  LDBL_MAX_EXP     16384
  LDBL_MIN         undef
  LDBL_MIN_10_EXP  -4931
  LDBL_MIN_EXP     -16381
  LONG_MAX         9223372036854775807
  LONG_MIN         -9223372036854775808
  RAND_MAX         2147483647
  SCHAR_MAX        127
  SCHAR_MIN        -128
  SHRT_MAX         32767
  SHRT_MIN         -32768
  UCHAR_MAX        255
  UINT_MAX         4294967295
  ULONG_MAX        18446744073709551615
  USHRT_MAX        65535

=for comment

=head1 SEE ALSO

This module is part of POSIX-1003 distribution version 0.93,
built on April 23, 2013. Website: F<http://perl.overmeer.net>.  The code is based on L<POSIX>, which
is released with Perl itself.  See also L<POSIX::Util> for
additional functionality.


Copyrights 2011-2013 on the perl code and the related documentation
 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>