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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $RCS_Id  = '$Id:,v 1.5 2000-03-07 16:25:24+01 johanv Exp johanv $ ';

# Author          : Johan Vromans
# Created On      : Mon Feb 28 12:59:04 2000
# Last Modified By: Mark Overmeer
# Last Modified On: Tue Jul  4 14:58:54 2000

################ Common stuff ################

use strict;

my $my_package = 'PPresenter';
my ($my_name, $my_version) = $RCS_Id =~ /: (.+).pl,v ([\d.]+)/;

################ Command line parameters ################

use FindBin qw/$RealBin/;
use lib "$RealBin/../lib";

use Getopt::Long 2.13;

my $opt_geometry;
my $opt_device;
my $opt_exporter;
my $opt_perl = 0;
my $parse_esis = 0;
my $verbose = 0;		# verbose processing

# Development options (not shown with -help).
my $debug = 0;			# debugging
my $trace = 0;			# trace (show process)
my $test = 0;			# test (no actual processing)


# Options post-processing.
$trace |= ($debug || $test);

################ Presets ################

# Default attributes for the Presentation.
my $PPresenterData = {
    -name		=> "Presentation",

# Default attributes for the viewport.
my $viewportData = {
    -device		=> 'lcd',
    -geometry		=> '800x600',
    -resizable		=> 1,
    -hasControl		=> 1,
    -includeControls	=> 0,
    -showProgressBar	=> 0,
    -showSlideButtons	=> 0,
    -showNeighbours	=> 0,
    -showPhases		=> 1,
    -phaseLocation	=> 'se',
    -phaseDirection	=> 'horizontal',
    -phaseSymbol	=> 'square',

# Default for fontsets and such.
my $fontsetData = {
    fontset		=> 'scaling',

          || ($^O =~ /^Win/ ? 'C:/temp' : '/var/tmp');

################ The Process ################


# Command line args override...
$viewportData->{-device}   = $opt_device   if defined $opt_device;
$viewportData->{-geometry} = $opt_geometry if defined $opt_geometry;

$opt_perl ? gen_perl() : run_show();

exit 0;

################ XML parser ################

sub parse_xml_Grove {

    require XML::Grove::Builder;
    my $grove_builder = new XML::Grove::Builder::;

    my $document;
    my $parser;
    my %parser_opts;

    if ( $parse_esis ) {
	# ESISParser is a validating parser using nsgmls underneat.
	require XML::ESISParser;
	foreach ( qw(/usr/share/sp/pubtext/xml.soc
                     /usr/share/nsgmls/pubtext/xml.soc) ) {
	    if ( -s ) {
		$XML::ESISParser::NSGMLS_ENV_xml .=
	warn ("Warning: ESIS parser could not find SGML_CATALOG_FILES\n")
	  unless $XML::ESISParser::NSGMLS_ENV_xml =~ /SGML_CATALOG_FILES/;

	$parser = new XML::ESISParser:: (Handler => $grove_builder);
	%parser_opts = (Declaration => "");
    else {
	# PerlSAX is a SAX based, non-validating parser.
	require XML::Parser::PerlSAX;
	$parser = new XML::Parser::PerlSAX:: (Handler => $grove_builder);

    $document = $parser->parse ( Source => { SystemId => shift(@ARGV) },

    # Handle errors.
    my $err = pop @{$document->{Errors}};
    foreach ( @{$document->{Errors}}) {
	warn $_->{Message}."\n";
    die $err->{Message}."\n" if $err;

    $document = $document->{Contents};

    # Top level contains only one element. Locate the presentation
    # element.
    my $pres;
    foreach my $e ( @$document ) {
	next unless ref($e) eq 'XML::Grove::Element';
	if ( $e->{Name} eq 'presentation' ) {
	    $pres = $e;

    die ("This document does not seem to contain a presentation\n")
      unless defined ($pres);

    # Process its contents, ignoring whitespace and comments and such.
    my @sh;
    foreach my $e ( @{$pres->{Contents}} ) {
	next unless ref($e) eq 'XML::Grove::Element';
	if ( $e->{Name} eq 'slide' ) {
	    push (@sh, bless ({%$e}, ref($e)));

    die ("This presentation does not seem to contain slides\n")
      unless @sh;
    print STDERR Dumper(\@sh) if $debug;

    # Setup the presentation
    presentation (undef, $pres->{Name}, %{$pres->{Attributes}});

    # Setup the slides.
    foreach my $s ( @sh ) {
	grovepub ($s);

    # Finish the presentation.
    presentation_ (undef, $pres->{Name});

my $lvl;
sub grovepub {
    my ($s) = @_;
    if ( ref($s) eq 'XML::Grove::Characters' ) {
	add ($s->{Data});

    if ( ref($s) eq 'XML::Grove::Element' ) {
	my $tag = $s->{Name};
	my $contents = $s->{Contents};
	$lvl = '' unless defined $lvl;
	print STDERR "${lvl}grovepub:$tag ", Dumper($contents) if $debug;

	&{$::{$tag} ||= \&start_tag}(undef, $tag,
				     defined $s->{Attributes} ?
				     %{$s->{Attributes}} : ());
	$lvl .= ' ';
	foreach my $e ( @$contents ) {
	    grovepub ($e);
	chop ($lvl);
	&{$::{$tag.'_'} ||= \&end_tag}(undef, $tag);

################ Show handling routines ################

my @show;			# show in progress

sub run_show {

    # Require instead of use -- don't need it unless we run the show.
    require PPresenter;

    my $show = new PPresenter:: (%$PPresenterData);

    if ( defined $opt_exporter && $opt_exporter ne '' ) {

    foreach my $a ( @show ) {
	foreach ( keys %$a ) {
	    delete $a->{$_} unless defined $a->{$_};
	$show->addSlide (%$a);


# Format a Perl string. Always produces a '' string.
sub pstr {
    my $val = shift;
    return "<undef>" unless defined $val;

    if ( ref $val eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	my $ret = '[ ';
	foreach ( @$val ) {
	    $ret .= pstr ($_) . ', ';
	substr ($ret, -2) = ' ]';
    else {
	$val =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g;

# Print the keys/values of a hash. Suitable for multiline strings.
sub phash {
    my $h = shift;
    foreach ( sort keys %$h ) {
	my $str;
	next unless defined ($str = $h->{$_}) && $str ne "";
	my $eod = 'End_of_Data';
	if ( $str =~ /\n/ ) {
	    print STDOUT ("  $_ => <<'$eod',\n", $str, "\n",
			  $eod, "\n");
	else {
	    print STDOUT ("  $_ => ", pstr ($str), ",\n");

sub gen_perl {
    print STDOUT <<EOD;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Generated by $my_name $my_version, @{[scalar(localtime(time))]}, with Perl version $].
# $my_name is part of PPresenter version v1.17.

use strict;
use PPresenter;


    print STDOUT ("my \$show = new PPresenter:: (\n");
    phash ($PPresenterData);
    print STDOUT (");\n\n");

    if ( defined $opt_exporter && $opt_exporter ne '' ) {
	print STDOUT ("\$show->addExporter(", pstr($opt_exporter), ");\n\n");

    print STDOUT ("\$show->addViewport(\n");
    phash ($viewportData);
    print STDOUT (");\n\n");
    print STDOUT ("\$show->select(\n");
    phash ($fontsetData);
    print STDOUT (");\n\n");

    foreach my $a ( @show ) {
	print STDOUT ("\$show->addSlide(\n");
	phash ($a);
	print STDOUT (");\n\n");

    print STDOUT ("\$show->run;\n");

################ XML handling routines ################

my $currenttext;

sub add {
    $$currenttext .= join('',@_);

#### Text
sub handle_char {
    my ($self, $str) = @_;
    add($str) if defined $currenttext;

#### <presentation>
sub presentation {
    my ($self, $tag, %atts) = @_;

    my $str;
    if ( defined ($str = delete $atts{title}) ) {
	$PPresenterData->{-name} = $str;
    if ( defined ($str = delete $atts{imagesizebase}) ) {
	$PPresenterData->{-imageSizeBase} = $str;
    if ( defined ($str = delete $atts{exporter}) ) {
	$opt_exporter = $str unless defined $opt_exporter;
    if ( defined ($str = delete $atts{geometry}) ) {
	# Really a viewport attribute.
	$viewportData->{-geometry} = $str;

    # Copy the rest into the default data.
    foreach ( keys %atts ) {
	$PPresenterData->{$_} = $atts{$_};

sub presentation_ {

#### <slide>
my $slide_number;
BEGIN { $slide_number = 1; }
my $currentslide;
my $slide_phase;

sub slide {
    my ($self, $tag, %atts) = @_;
    $currentslide = { -title   => (delete $atts{title} || "Slide ".$slide_number)
		    , -aliases => ["Slide ".$slide_number]
    $slide_phase = 1;
    foreach ( keys %atts ) {
	my $str;
	if ( defined ($str = delete $atts{$_}) ) {
	    $currentslide->{"-$_"} = $str;

sub slide_ {

    unless ( defined $currentslide->{-template} ) {
        $currentslide->{-template} = defined $currentslide->{-left}  ? 'tlr'
                                   : defined $currentslide->{-right} ? 'tlr'
	                           :                                   'tm';

    print STDERR ("Slide:\n") if $debug;
    foreach ( keys %$currentslide ) {
	unless ( defined $currentslide->{$_} ) {
	    delete $currentslide->{$_};
	$currentslide->{$_} =~ s/^[\s\n]+//;
	$currentslide->{$_} =~ s/[\n\s]+$//;
	print STDERR ("  $_ => ", pstr($currentslide->{$_}), "\n") if $debug;

    push (@show, $currentslide);
    undef $currenttext;

##### <body>
sub body {
    my ($self, $tag, %atts) = @_;

    # Attribute 'main' is default, but only a validating parser will
    # see that...
    $atts{target} ||= 'main';

    if ( $debug ) {
	# print STDERR Dumper(\@_);
	foreach ( sort keys %atts ) {
	    print STDERR $tag."::atts[$_] = \"", $atts{$_}, "\"\n";

    ${$currenttext = \$currentslide->{'-'.$atts{target}}} = "";

sub body_ {}

##### <notes>
sub notes {
    my ($self, $tag, %atts) = @_;
    ${$currenttext = \$currentslide->{-notes}} = "";

sub notes_ {}

##### <p>
my @p;				# keep track of para attributes

sub p {
    my ($self, $tag, %atts) = @_;

    add ("<$tag>");
    push (@p, "<$tag>");
    if ( ($atts{align}||'') eq 'center' ) {
	add ("<center>");
	push (@p, "center");

sub p_ {
    my ($self, $tag) = @_;
    my $p;
    while ( ($p = pop (@p)) ne "<$tag>" ) {
	add ("</$p>");
    add ("</$tag>");

#### <img ...>
sub img_ {}

#### <mark ...>
sub mark_ {}

#### <a ...>
sub a {
    my ($self, $tag, %atts) = @_;
    my $s = $atts{show} || '';

    if ( $s ne '' ) {
      if ( 0 && $s =~ /^(from|to|appear|disappear)/ ) {
	  $s = "phase ".(++$slide_phase)." ".$1.$';
      elsif ( $s =~ /^phase\s+-?(\d+)/ ) {
	  $slide_phase = $1+1;
      add ("<$tag show=", pstr($s), ">");
    else {
	add ("<$tag>");

#### <li ...>
sub li { &a; }
sub li_ {}

#### <larger>/<smaller>

sub larger   { $_[1] = 'large'; &start_tag; }
sub larger_  { $_[1] = 'large'; &end_tag; }
sub smaller  { $_[1] = 'small'; &start_tag; }
sub smaller_ { $_[1] = 'small'; &end_tag; }

#### All other tags are generic
sub start_tag {
    my ($self, $tag, %atts) = @_;
    if ( %atts ) {
	foreach my $k ( keys %atts ) {
	    add(" $k=", pstr($atts{$k}));
sub end_tag {
    my ($self, $tag) = @_;
    add ("</$tag>");

################ Command line parsing and help ################

sub app_ident {
    warn "This is $my_package [$my_name $my_version]\n";

sub app_usage {
    my $exit = shift;

    warn <<EndOfUsage;
Usage: $0 [options] file
    -device lcd|beamer|printer  device
    -geometry wxh               geometry
    -exporter package           specify exporter
    -esis                       use nsgmls parser instead of SAX
    -help                       this message
    -ident                      show identification
    -verbose                    verbose information

    exit $exit if defined $exit;

sub app_options {
    my $help = 0;		# handled locally
    my $ident = 0;		# handled locally

    # Process options, if any.
    # Make sure defaults are set before returning!
    return unless @ARGV > 0;

    app_usage 2 unless GetOptions(
		     'geometry=s' => \$opt_geometry,
		     'device=s'	=> \$opt_device,
		     'exporter=s' => \$opt_exporter,
		     'perl!'	=> \$opt_perl,
		     'esis'	=> \$parse_esis,
		     'ident'	=> \$ident,
		     'verbose'	=> \$verbose,
		     'trace'	=> \$trace,
		     'help|h|?'	=> \$help,
		     'debug'	=> \$debug,
    app_usage 0 if $help;
    app_ident   if $ident;

#--------------------------------------- doc ---------------------

=head1 NAME

present-xml - run Portable Presenter via XML.


B<present-xml> [options] file


Portable Presenter (PPresenter) is a package designed to give presentations.
It is written in Perl/Tk only, which is available for UNIX and for Windows.
Usually, you will run C<present> which will call this program when the
file supplied is contains xml.

=over 4

=item -debug

Show debug information.  The XML-interpreter, PPresenter and Perl/Tk
can all produce quite confusing messages, so running with debug on
may clarify things sometimes.

=item -device lcd|beamer|printer

What kind of output device are you using (this time).  This will influence
default color-settings and backdrop.

=item -esis

Use the validating ESIS XML interpreter in stead of the non-validating
PerlSAX parser.  You may encounter some problems with the ESIS parser.

=item -exporter module

PPresenter can export a presentation into a website or handouts.  The
html-based documentation describes how it works.  Specify the name
of the exporter module which shall be loaded.

=item -geometry geom

Specifies the size of the window to be used.  Defaults to '800x600', but
this might change.

=item -help

=item -h

=item -?

Brief help message.

=item -ident

Identify the version of the ppresenter-xml command.

=item -noperl

=item -perl

Do (do not) create a runnable perl program from the XML file.  So, you
may decide to run XML directly or create a perl program as intermediate.

=item -verbose

=item -trace

More details about the normal flow of activities while interpreting the
XML file.


=head1 SEE ALSO

A full documentation in html is included in the package, and available
on the website: C<>.

C<present(1)>, C<present-xml(1)>.
