#!/usr/bin/env perl
# test facets

use warnings;
use strict;

use lib 'lib','t';
use TestTools;

use XML::Compile::Schema;
use XML::Compile::Tester;
use XML::Compile::Util qw/pack_type/;

use Test::More tests => 392;

    elements_qualified => 'NONE';

my $schema   = XML::Compile::Schema->new( <<__SCHEMA__ );
<schema targetNamespace="$TestNS"

<simpleType name="t1">
  <restriction base="int" />

<simpleType name="t2">
  <restriction base="int">
    <maxInclusive value="42" />
    <minInclusive value="12" />

<element name="test1" type="me:t1" />

<element name="test2" type="me:t2" />

<element name="test3">
    <restriction base="int">
      <maxExclusive value="45" />
      <minExclusive value="13" />

<element name="test4">
    <restriction base="string">
      <length value="3" />

<element name="test5">
    <restriction base="string">
      <whiteSpace value="preserve" />

<element name="test6">
    <restriction base="string">
      <whiteSpace value="replace" />

<element name="test7">
    <restriction base="string">
      <whiteSpace value="collapse" />

<element name="test8">
    <restriction base="string">
      <enumeration value="one" />
      <enumeration value="two" />

<element name="test9">
    <restriction base="long">
      <totalDigits value="4" />

<element name="test10">
    <restriction base="float">
      <totalDigits value="4" />

<element name="test11">
      <element name="t11" type="me:t2" />

<!-- rt.cpan.org#39224, order of pattern match and value decoding -->
<simpleType name="DecimalType">
  <restriction base="decimal">
    <pattern value="[0-9]{1,13}\\.[0-9]{0,2}"/>
<element name="test12" type="me:DecimalType" />

<element name="test13">
    <restriction base="base64Binary">
      <length value="5"/>

<!-- rt.cpan.org#62237, enumeration of qname -->
<element name="test14">
    <restriction base="QName">
      <enumeration value="me:DataEncodingUnknown"/>
      <enumeration value="me:MustUnderstand"/>
      <enumeration value="me:Receiver"/>
      <enumeration value="me:Sender"/>
      <enumeration value="me:VersionMismatch"/>

<!-- from KML 2.2 -->
<element name="test15" type="me:colorType" />
<simpleType name="colorType">
        ffffffff: opaque white
        ff000000: opaque black
  <restriction base="hexBinary">
    <length value="4"/>

<!-- rt.cpan.org#63464, combined totalDigits and fracDigits -->
<element name="test16">
    <restriction base="decimal">
      <fractionDigits value="2" />

<element name="test17">
    <restriction base="decimal">
      <totalDigits value="5" />
      <fractionDigits value="2" />

<!-- rt.cpan.org#121946 canonicalization and pattern -->
<element name="test18">
    <restriction base="integer">
      <pattern value="-?[0-9]{4,4}" />

<!-- reported by Wesley Schengle -->
<element name="test19">
  <simpleType name="test19">
	<restriction base="integer">
      <enumeration value="03" />
      <enumeration value="14" />


ok(defined $schema);
      #<minInclusive value="0"/>
      #<maxInclusive value="99"/>

### Integers

test_rw($schema, test1 => <<__XML, 12);

test_rw($schema, test2 => <<__XML, 13);

test_rw($schema, test2 => <<__XML, 42);

my $error = error_r($schema, test2 => <<__XML);
is($error, "too large inclusive 43, max 42 at {http://test-types}test2#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test2 => 43);
is($error, "too large inclusive 43, max 42 at {http://test-types}test2#facet");

$error = error_r($schema, test2 => <<__XML);
is($error, "too small inclusive 11, min 12 at {http://test-types}test2#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test2 => 11);
is($error, "too small inclusive 11, min 12 at {http://test-types}test2#facet");

test_rw($schema, "test3" => <<__XML, 44);

$error = error_r($schema, test3 => <<__XML);
is($error, "too large exclusive 45, smaller 45 at {http://test-types}test3#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test3 => 45);
is($error, "too large exclusive 45, smaller 45 at {http://test-types}test3#facet");

$error = error_r($schema, test3 => <<__XML);
is($error, "too small exclusive 13, larger 13 at {http://test-types}test3#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test3 => 13);
is($error, "too small exclusive 13, larger 13 at {http://test-types}test3#facet");

### strings

test_rw($schema, "test4" => <<__XML, "aap");

$error = error_r($schema, test4 => <<__XML);

is($error, "string `noot' does not have required length 3 but 4 at {http://test-types}test4\#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test4 => 'noot');
is($error, "string `noot' does not have required length 3 but 4 at {http://test-types}test4\#facet");

$error = error_r($schema, test4 => <<__XML);
is($error, "string `ik' does not have required length 3 but 2 at {http://test-types}test4#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test4 => "ik");
is($error,  "string `ik' does not have required length 3 but 2 at {http://test-types}test4#facet");

test_rw($schema, "test5" => <<__XML, "\ \ \t\n\tmies \t");
<test5>\ \ \t
\tmies \t</test5>

test_rw($schema, "test6" => <<__XML, "     mies  ", <<__XML, "\ \ \t \tmies \t");
<test6>\ \ \t
\tmies \t</test6>
<test6>     mies  </test6>

test_rw($schema, "test7" => <<__XML, 'mies', <<__XML, "\ \ \t \tmies \t");
<test7>\ \ \t
\tmies \t</test7>

test_rw($schema, "test8" => <<__XML, 'one');

test_rw($schema, "test8" => <<__XML, 'two');

$error = error_r($schema, test8 => <<__XML);
is($error, "invalid enumerate `three' at {http://test-types}test8#facet");

$error = error_r($schema, test8 => <<__XML);
is($error, "invalid enumerate `' at {http://test-types}test8#facet");

### test9 (bug reported by Gert Doering)

   sloppy_integers    => 1
 , sloppy_floats      => 1
 , elements_qualified => 'NONE';

test_rw($schema, test9 => '<test9>0</test9>', 0);

test_rw($schema, test9 => '<test9>12</test9>', 12);

test_rw($schema, test9 => '<test9>123</test9>', 123);

test_rw($schema, test9 => '<test9>1234</test9>', 1234);

$error = error_w($schema, test9 => 12345);
is($error, 'decimal too long, got 5 digits max 4 at {http://test-types}test9#facet');

$error = error_r($schema, test9 => '<test9>12345</test9>');
is($error, 'decimal too long, got 5 digits max 4 at {http://test-types}test9#facet');

### test10 (same bug reported by Gert Doering)

test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>0</test10>', 0);
test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>1.2</test10>', 1.2);
test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>1.23</test10>', 1.23);
test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>12.3</test10>', 12.3);
test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>1.234</test10>', 1.234);
test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>12.34</test10>', 12.34);
test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>123.4</test10>', 123.4);
test_rw($schema, test10 => '<test10>1234</test10>', 1234);

### test11 (from bug reported by Allan Wind)

$error = error_w($schema, test11 => {t11 => 3});
is($error, 'too small inclusive 3, min 12 at {http://test-types}test11/t11#facet');

### test12 rt.cpan.org#39224

test_rw($schema, test12 => '<test12>1.12</test12>', '1.12');
test_rw($schema, test12 => '<test12>1.10</test12>', '1.10');
test_rw($schema, test12 => '<test12>1.00</test12>', '1.00');
test_rw($schema, test12 => '<test12>1.2</test12>',  '1.2');
test_rw($schema, test12 => '<test12>1.</test12>',   '1.');

$error = error_r($schema, test12 => '<test12>1</test12>');
like($error, qr/^string \`1' does not match pattern /);

# dot problem with regex '.'
$error = error_r($schema, test12 => '<test12>42</test12>');
like($error, qr/^string \`42' does not match pattern /);

### test13 length on base64

test_rw($schema, test13 => '<test13>YWJjZGU=</test13>', 'abcde');

$error = error_r($schema, test13 => '<test13>YWJjYWJjZGU=</test13>');
is($error, "string `abcabcde' does not have required length 5 but 8 at {http://test-types}test13#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test13 => 'abcdef');
is($error, "string `abcdef' does not have required length 5 but 6 at {http://test-types}test13#facet");

### test14 enumeration of qnames [Aleksey Mashanov]

    include_namespaces    => 1
  , use_default_namespace => 0
  , prefixes => [ a => $TestNS ];

test_rw($schema, test14 => qq{<a:test14 xmlns:a="$TestNS">a:Sender</a:test14>}
  , "{$TestNS}Sender");

### test15 length of hexBinary

test_rw($schema, test15 => qq{<a:test15 xmlns:a="$TestNS">DEADBEEF</a:test15>},
   pack('N', 0xdeadbeef));

$error = error_r($schema, test15 => qq{<a:test15 xmlns:a="$TestNS">345678</a:test15>});
is($error, "string `4Vx' does not have required length 4 but 3 at a:test15#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test15 => 'abc');
is($error, "string `abc' does not have required length 4 but 3 at a:test15#facet");

$error = error_w($schema, test15 => 'anything');
is($error, "string `anything' does not have required length 4 but 8 at a:test15#facet");

### test16 fracDigits

# max 2 digits
my $t16 = pack_type $TestNS, 'test16';
my $r16 = reader_create $schema, "frac 2r", $t16;
is($r16->(qq{<test16 xmlns="$TestNS">2.14</test16>}), "2.14");
is($r16->(qq{<test16 xmlns="$TestNS">3.1</test16>}), "3.1");
is($r16->(qq{<test16 xmlns="$TestNS">3.14152</test16>}), "3.14");

my $w16 = writer_create $schema, 'frac 2w', $t16;
my $x16 = writer_test $w16, '3.141526';
compare_xml($x16, qq{<a:test16 xmlns:a="$TestNS">3.14</a:test16>});

### test17, totalFracDigits [mimon-cz]

my $t17 = pack_type $TestNS, 'test17';
my $r17 = reader_create $schema, "total 5, frac 2r", $t17;
is($r17->(qq{<test17 xmlns="$TestNS">2.14</test17>}), "2.14");
is($r17->(qq{<test17 xmlns="$TestNS">3.1</test17>}), "3.1");
$error = error_r($schema, test17 => qq{<test17 xmlns="$TestNS">3.14152</test17>});
is($error, 'fractional part for 3.14152 too long, got 5 digits max 2 at a:test17#facet');

my $w17 = writer_create $schema, 'total 5, frac 2w', $t17;
my $x17 = writer_test $w17, '3.14';
compare_xml($x17, qq{<a:test17 xmlns:a="$TestNS">3.14</a:test17>});

### test18 canonicalization and patterns

my $t18 = pack_type $TestNS, 'test18';
my $r18 = reader_create $schema, "canon patterns", $t18;
is($r18->(qq{<test18 xmlns="$TestNS">0519</test18>}), '0519');

my $w18 = writer_create $schema, 'canon patterns', $t18;
my $x18 = writer_test $w18, '0519';
compare_xml($x18, qq{<a:test18 xmlns:a="$TestNS">0519</a:test18>});

### test19 canonicalization and patterns, multiple facets

my $t19 = pack_type $TestNS, 'test19';
my $r19 = reader_create $schema, "canon patterns multi", $t19;
is($r19->(qq{<test19 xmlns="$TestNS">14</test19>}), '14');
is($r19->(qq{<test19 xmlns="$TestNS">03</test19>}), '03');
$error = error_r($schema, test19 => qq{<test19 xmlns="$TestNS">124</test19>});
is($error, "invalid enumerate `124' at a:test19#facet");

my $w19 = writer_create $schema, 'canon patterns multi', $t19;
my $x19a = writer_test $w19, '14';
compare_xml($x19a, qq{<a:test19 xmlns:a="$TestNS">14</a:test19>});
my $x19b = writer_test $w19, '03';
compare_xml($x19b, qq{<a:test19 xmlns:a="$TestNS">03</a:test19>});