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=head1 NAME

XML::Compile::SOAP::FAQ - frequently asked questions


On this page, a wild collection of questions are answered related to
the XML::Compile::SOAP modules.  Or better said: let's hope there will
be more in the future. If you have contributions either in question or
as answer, then please contribute via the xml mailinglist.

Also read L<XML::Compile::FAQ|XML::Compile::FAQ>.

=head2 Modifing the messages

=head3 add header fields

Although WSDLs offer a nice way to define header-fields explicitly, quite
a number of applications require fields which are not described. Also
some W3C standards play this game.  See L<XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA|XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA>
for a complex example. A simple example follows here.

  use warnings;
  use strict;

  package XML::Compile::SOAP::MYEXT;
  use base 'XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension';

  use Log::Report;
  use XML::Compile::SOAP::Util      qw/WSDL11/;
  use XML::Compile::Util            qw/pack_type/;

  my $my_ns = 'http://..../';
  my $my_schema_fie = 'aaa.xsd';

  sub wsdl11Init($@)
  {   my ($self, $wsdl, $args) = @_;
      $wsdl->addPrefixes(myprefix => $my_ns);

  sub soap11Operation$$)
  {   my ($self, $op, $args) = @_;
      # towards the server
        => "myprefix_$fieldname" => "{$my_ns}$fieldtype");

      # in server answers
      $op->addHeader(OUTPUT => ...);

With C<soap11ClientWrapper()> and C<soap11HandlerWrapper()>
you can influence the client respectively server processing, for
instance to fill-in default values.

=head3 Adding HTTP headers

Some applications require to add headers to the HTTP headers sent or
check headers which are received. SOAP is not about HTTP, so you have
to dive deeper in the underlaying constructs; you have to construct the
code references in more steps, not using the auto-generation mechanisms
of some objects, by default hidden to you.

Examples of needs: authentication/cookies in the header, content
(crypt) checksums, non-standard content-type headers.

The ::WSDL11 module detects that the soap-http protocol is needed.
(There is also a pure http protocol defined in the SOAP spec, which
is never used).  When the operation gets compiled (with compileClient),
the ::SOAPHTTP module is used to create the soap-http specific message
transport logic. Then, that module uses LWP to do the actual HTTP
exchange. To be able to access the in- and outgoing messages, you have
to reach to that LWP::UserAgent.

Michael Ludwig contributed the following example (slightly adapted)
Of course, select your own preferences carefully.

  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

  # First the HTTP logic
  # defaults when https is used
  $ua->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 0, keep_alive => 1);

  # Auto-use cookies
  $ua->cookie_jar( {file => $my_jar_file
    , autosave => 1, ignore_discard => 1 });

  # Now, we need the SOAP logic
  my $trans = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP
    ->new(user_agent => $ua, timeout => 10, address => $srv_url);

  # Finally the message, with explicit transporter
  my $call = $wsdl->compileClient($opname, transport => $trans);

  # $answer is the decoded XML content.
  my($answer, $trace) = $call->( \%parms );

  # If you need headers from the response HTTP headers.
  my $http_response = $trace->response;
  print $http_response->header('X-Secret');

You may know the C<$srv_url> to get the address of the server, but
you can also ask the operation itself. Here a different implementation:

  my $op    = $wsdl->operation($opname);
  my $srv   = ($op->addresses)[0];
  my $trans = XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP->new(address => $srv);

  # Now configure the userAgent
  my $ua    = $trans->userAgent;

  my $call  = $op->compileClient(transport => $trans);

The L<LWP::UserAgent> has many useful hooks (<i>Handlers</i>), for
instance C<request_send> and C<response_done>.

Even shorter, The next works as well. In the whole XML::Compile::SOAP
suite, parameters passed on higher levels are passed to all lower
levels. Yeh, unclean programming but useful.

  my $ua    = $trans->userAgent;
  my $call  = $wsdl->compileClient(transport => $trans
    , user_agent => $ua);

When you only need to add simple authentication to the headers, you
may use the magic of LWP: provide your server address into

=head2 Collection XSD imports

From a maintenance point of view, it is a very bad idea that some XML
client implementations load all the required schemas on the moment they
start off. The server may change the schemas at any moment, which may
break the application at any moment. Also, network problems will cause
the application to break easily. Therefore, XML::Compile requires the
schemas to be on local disk (although you can use tricks with wget at
start-up time to voluntarily give-up your stability)

To collect the imported schema files, you may use this (on the
UNIX/Linux prompt)

  wget -c -nv $(cat * |
                sed -n 's/.*schemaLocation="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p' |
                sort -u)

In your program, you typically start with

  my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new($wsdl_filename);
  $wsdl->importDefinitions([glob "*.xsd"]);

=head1 SEE ALSO

This module is part of XML-Compile-SOAP distribution version 3.06,
built on December 22, 2014. Website: F<>

Other distributions in this suite:

Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at
F<> .
For live contact with other developers, visit the C<#xml-compile> channel
on C<>.

=head1 LICENSE

Copyrights 2007-2014 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<>