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=head1 NAME

XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation - defines a SOAP11 interaction


   is a XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation


 # object created by XML::Compile::WSDL*
 my $op = $wsdl->operation('GetStockPrices');
 $op->explain($wsdl, PERL => 'INPUT', recurse => 1);


Objects of this type define one possible SOAP11 interaction, either
client side or server side.

Extends L<"DESCRIPTION" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation|XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"DESCRIPTION">.
=head1 METHODS

Extends L<"METHODS" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation|XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"METHODS">.
=head2 Constructors

Extends L<"Constructors" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation|XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Constructors">.
=over 4

=item XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation-E<gt>B<new>(%options)

C<input_def>, C<output_def> and C<fault_def> are HASHes which contain
the input and output message header, body and fault-header definitions
in WSDL1.1 style.

 -Option     --Defined in                   --Default
  action       XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation  undef
  endpoints    XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation  []
  fault_def                                   <undef>
  input_def                                   <undef>
  kin          XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation  <required>
  nam          XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation  <required>
  output_def                                  <undef>
  schemas      XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation  <required>
  server_type  XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation  undef
  style                                       'document'
  transport    XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation  'HTTP'

=over 2

=item action => STRING

=item endpoints => ADDRESS|ARRAY

=item fault_def => HASH

=item input_def => HASH

=item kin => d

=item nam => e

=item output_def => HASH

=item schemas => XML::Compile::Cache

=item server_type => NAME

=item style => 'document'|'rpc'

=item transport => URI|'HTTP'



=head2 Accessors

Extends L<"Accessors" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation|XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">.
=over 4

=item $obj-E<gt>B<bindingName>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<clientClass>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<endPoints>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<kind>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<longName>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<name>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<portName>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<schemas>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<serverClass>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<serviceName>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<soapAction>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<style>()

=item $obj-E<gt>B<version>()

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<wsaAction>('INPUT'|'OUTPUT')

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Accessors">


=head2 Modify

Operations are often modified by SOAP extensions.
See L<XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA|XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA>, for instance. Also demonstrated in
the FAQ, L<XML::Compile::SOAP::FAQ|XML::Compile::SOAP::FAQ>.

=over 4

=item $obj-E<gt>B<addHeader>( <'INPUT'|'OUTPUT'|'FAULT'>, $label, $element, %options )

Add a header definitions.  Many protocols on top of SOAP, like WSS, add
headers to the operations which are not specified in the WSDL.

[2.31] When you add a header with same $label again, it will get silently
ignored unless the $element type differs. An $element is either a full
type or a [3.00] prefixed type.

 -Option        --Default
  destination     undef
  mustUnderstand  undef

=over 2

=item destination => ROLE

[2.33] adds the destination attribute.

=item mustUnderstand => BOOLEAN

[2.33] adds the mustUnderstand attribute.



=head2 Handlers

Extends L<"Handlers" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation|XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Handlers">.
=over 4

=item $obj-E<gt>B<compileClient>(%options)

Returns one CODE reference which handles the processing for this
operation. Options C<transporter>, C<transport_hook>, and
C<endpoint> are passed to L<compileTransporter()|XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Handlers">.

You pass that CODE reference an input message of the correct
type, as pure Perl HASH structure.  An 'request-response' operation
will return then answer, or C<undef> in case of failure.  An 'one-way'
operation with return C<undef> in case of failure, and a true value
when successfull.

You B<cannot> pass options for L<XML::Compile::Schema::compile()|XML::Compile::Schema/"Compilers">, like
C<<sloppy_integers => 0>>, hooks or typemaps this way. Provide these to
the C<::WSDL> or other C<::Cache> object which defines the types, via
C<new> option C<opts_rw> and friends.

=item $obj-E<gt>B<compileHandler>(%options)

Prepare the routines which will decode the request and encode the answer,
as will be run on the server. The L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Server|XML::Compile::SOAP::Server> will
connect these. All %options will get passed to

 -Option  --Default
  callback  <required>
  selector  <from input def>

=over 2

=item callback => CODE

=item selector => CODE

Determines whether the handler belongs to a received message.


=item $obj-E<gt>B<compileTransporter>(%options)

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Handlers">


=head2 Helpers

Extends L<"Helpers" in XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation|XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Helpers">.
=over 4

=item $obj-E<gt>B<explain>($wsdl, $format, $direction, %options)

[since 2.13]

Dump an annotated structure showing how the operation works, helping
developers to understand the schema. The $format must be string "PERL".
($format "XML" is not yet supported)

When the $direction is string "INPUT", it will return the message which
the client sends to the server (input for the server). The "OUTPUT"
message is sent as response by the server.

All %options besides those described here are passed to
L<XML::Compile::Schema::template()|XML::Compile::Schema/"Compilers">, when C<recurse> is enabled.

 -Option     --Default
  recurse      <false>
  skip_header  <false>

=over 2

=item recurse => BOOLEAN

Append the templates of all the part structures.

=item skip_header => BOOLEAN


=item $obj-E<gt>B<parsedWSDL>(%options)

Inherited, see L<XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation/"Helpers">


=head1 SEE ALSO

This module is part of XML-Compile-SOAP distribution version 3.06,
built on December 22, 2014. Website: F<>

Other distributions in this suite:

Please post questions or ideas to the mailinglist at
F<> .
For live contact with other developers, visit the C<#xml-compile> channel
on C<>.

=head1 LICENSE

Copyrights 2007-2014 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<>