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package Games::Lacuna::Task::Action::Vote;

use 5.010;
our $VERSION = $Games::Lacuna::Task::VERSION;

use Moose;
extends qw(Games::Lacuna::Task::Action);

our $BUILDING_COORDINATES_RE = qr/\(-?\d+,-?\d+\)/;
our $NAME_RE = qr/[[:space:][:alnum:]]+/;

has 'accept_proposition' => (
    isa             => 'RegexpRef',
    is              => 'rw',
    required        => 1,
    documentation   => 'Propositions matching this regexp should accepted',
    default         => sub { qr/^( 
        (Upgrade|Install) \s $NAME_RE
        Demolish \s (Dent|Bleeder)
        Rename \s $NAME_RE
        Repair \s $NAME_RE
        Seize \s $NAME_RE
        Transfer \s Station
    )/xi },

has 'reject_proposition' => (
    isa             => 'RegexpRef',
    is              => 'rw',
    required        => 1,
    documentation   => 'Propositions matching this regexp should be rejected',
    default         => sub { qr//xi },

sub description {
    return q[Parliament voting based on rules];

sub run {
    my ($self) = @_;
    foreach my $body_stats ($self->my_stations) {
        $self->log('info',"Processing space station %s",$body_stats->{name});
    my $inbox_object = $self->build_object('Inbox');
    my @trash_messages;
    my $page_number = 1;
    while (1) {
        # Get inbox for parliament
        my $inbox_data = $self->request(
            object  => $inbox_object,
            method  => 'view_inbox',
            params  => [{ tags => ['Parliament'],page_number => $page_number }],
        foreach my $message (@{$inbox_data->{messages}}) {
            if ($message->{subject} =~ m/^(Pass|Reject):\s+/
                || $message->{subject} =~ $self->accept_proposition
                || $message->{subject} =~ $self->reject_proposition) {
            if scalar(@{$inbox_data->{messages}}) < 25;
    # Archive
    if (scalar @trash_messages) {
        $self->log('notice',"Trashing %i messages",scalar @trash_messages);
            object  => $inbox_object,
            method  => 'trash_messages',
            params  => [\@trash_messages],

sub process_space_station {
    my ($self,$station_stats) = @_;
    # Get parliament ministry
    my ($parliament) = $self->find_building($station_stats->{id},'Parliament');
        unless $parliament;
    my $parliament_object = $self->build_object($parliament);
    my $proposition_data = $self->request(
        object  => $parliament_object,
        method  => 'view_propositions',
    foreach my $proposition (@{$proposition_data->{propositions}}) {
        next PROPOSITION
            if defined $proposition->{my_vote};
        my $vote;
        if ($proposition->{name} =~ $self->accept_proposition) {
            $vote = 1;
        } elsif ($proposition->{name} =~ $self->reject_proposition) {
            $vote = 0;
        } else {
            next PROPOSITION;
        $self->log('notice','Voting %s on proposition %s',($vote ? 'Yes':'No'),$proposition->{name});
            object  => $parliament_object,
            method  => 'cast_vote',
            params  => [$proposition->{id},$vote],

no Moose;