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# ============================================================================
package MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Base;
# ============================================================================

use utf8;
use 5.010;

use namespace::autoclean;
use Moose::Role;

use MooseX::App::Utils;
use Path::Class;
use Module::Pluggable::Object;

has 'app_messageclass' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'ClassName',
    lazy_build  => 1,

has 'app_namespace' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Str',
    lazy_build  => 1,

has 'app_base' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Str',
    default     => sub { Path::Class::File->new($0)->basename },

has 'app_fuzzy' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Bool',
    default     => 1,

has 'app_command_name' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'CodeRef',
    default     => sub { \&MooseX::App::Utils::class_to_command },

has 'app_commands' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'HashRef[Str]',
    traits      => ['Hash'],
    handles     => {
        command_register    => 'set',   
    lazy_build  => 1,

sub _build_app_messageclass {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return 'MooseX::App::Message::Block'

sub _build_app_namespace {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->name;

sub _build_app_commands {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $mpo = Module::Pluggable::Object->new(
        search_path => [ $self->app_namespace ],
    my $namespace = $self->app_namespace;
    my $commandsub = $self->app_command_name;
    my %return;
    foreach my $command_class ($mpo->plugins) {
        my $command_class_name =  substr($command_class,length($namespace)+2);
            if $command_class_name =~ m/::/;
        $command_class_name =~ s/^\Q$namespace\E:://;
        $command_class_name =~ s/^.+::([^:]+)$/$1/;
        my $command = $commandsub->($command_class_name);
        $return{$command} = $command_class;
    return \%return;

sub proto_command {
    my ($self) = @_;
    local $Getopt::Long::Parser::autoabbrev = $self->app_fuzzy;
    my $opt_parser = Getopt::Long::Parser->new( 
        config => [
            ($self->app_fuzzy ? 'auto_abbrev' : 'no_auto_abbrev')
    my $result = {};
    return $result;

sub proto_options {
    my ($self,$result) = @_;
    $result->{help} = 0;
    return (
        "help|usage|?"      => \$result->{help},

sub command_candidates {
    my ($self,$command) = @_;
    my $lc_command = lc($command);
    my $commands = $self->app_commands;
    my @candidates;
    my $candidate_length = length($command);
    # Compare all commands to find matching candidates
    foreach my $command_name (keys %$commands) {
        if ($command_name eq $lc_command) {
            return $command_name;
        } elsif ($lc_command eq substr($command_name,0,$candidate_length)) {
    return [ sort @candidates ];

sub command_get {
    my ($self,$command) = @_;
    my $lc_command = lc($command);
    my $commands = $self->app_commands;
    # Exact match
    if (defined $commands->{$lc_command}) {
        return $lc_command;
    } else {
        my $candidate =  $self->command_candidates($command);
        if (ref $candidate eq '') {
            return $candidate;
        } else {
            given (scalar @{$candidate}) {
                when (0) {
                    return $self->command_message(
                        header          => "Unknown command: $command",
                        type            => "error",
                when (1) {
                    if ($self->app_fuzzy) {
                        return $candidate->[0];
                    } else {
                        return $self->command_message(
                            header          => "Unknown command: $command",
                            type            => "error",
                            body            => "Did you mean '".$candidate->[0]."'?",
                default {
                    return $self->command_message(
                        header          => "Ambiguous command: $command",
                        type            => "error",
                        body            => "Which command did you mean?\n".MooseX::App::Utils::format_list(map { [ $_ ] } sort @{$candidate}),

sub command_message {
    my ($self,@args) = @_;
    my $messageclass = $self->app_messageclass;
    return $messageclass->new(@args);

sub command_usage_attributes_list {
    my ($self,$metaclass) = @_;
    $metaclass ||= $self;
    my @return;
    # TODO order by insertion order
    foreach my $attribute ($metaclass->get_all_attributes) {
            unless $attribute->does('AppOption');
    return @return;

sub command_usage_attributes_raw {
    my ($self,$metaclass) = @_;
    $metaclass ||= $self;
    my @attributes;
    foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes_list($metaclass)) {
        my ($attribute_name,$attribute_description) = $self->command_usage_attribute_detail($attribute);
    @attributes = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @attributes;
    return @attributes;

sub command_usage_attribute_detail {
    my ($self,$attribute) = @_;
    my $name = $self->command_usage_attribute_name($attribute);
    my @tags = $self->command_usage_attribute_tags($attribute);
    my $description = ($attribute->has_documentation) ? $attribute->documentation : '';
    if (scalar @tags) {
        $description .= ' '
            if $description;
        $description .= '['.join('; ',@tags).']';
    return ($name,$description);

sub command_usage_attribute_name {
    my ($self,$attribute) = @_;
    my @names;
    if ($attribute->can('cmd_flag')
        && $attribute->has_cmd_flag) {
    } else {
    if ($attribute->can('cmd_aliases')
        && $attribute->cmd_aliases) {
        push(@names, @{$attribute->cmd_aliases});
    if ($attribute->has_type_constraint
        && $attribute->type_constraint->equals('Bool')) {
        if ($attribute->has_default 
            && ! $attribute->is_default_a_coderef
            && $attribute->default == 1) {
            @names = map { 'no'.$_ } @names;    
        } elsif (! $attribute->has_default
            && $attribute->is_required) {
            push(@names,map { 'no'.$_ } @names);        
    return join(' ', map { (length($_) == 1) ? "-$_":"--$_" } @names);

sub command_usage_attribute_tags {
    my ($self,$attribute) = @_;
    my @tags;
    if ($attribute->is_required
        && ! $attribute->is_lazy_build
        && ! $attribute->has_default) {
    if ($attribute->has_default && ! $attribute->is_default_a_coderef) {
        if ($attribute->has_type_constraint
            && $attribute->type_constraint->equals('Bool')) {
#            if ($attribute->default) {
#                push(@tags,'Default:Enabled');
#            } else {
#                push(@tags,'Default:Disabled');
#            }
        } else {
    if ($attribute->has_type_constraint) {
        my $type_constraint = $attribute->type_constraint;
        if ($type_constraint->is_subtype_of('ArrayRef')) {
        unless ($attribute->should_coerce) {
            if ($type_constraint->equals('Int')) {
            } elsif ($type_constraint->equals('Num')) {
                push(@tags ,'Number');
            } elsif ($type_constraint->equals('Bool')) {
                push(@tags ,'Flag');
    if ($attribute->can('cmd_tags')
        && $attribute->can('cmd_tags')
        && $attribute->has_cmd_tags) {
    return @tags;

sub command_usage_attributes {
    my ($self,$metaclass,$headline) = @_;
    $headline ||= 'options:';
    $metaclass ||= $self;
    my @attributes = $self->command_usage_attributes_raw($metaclass);
        unless scalar @attributes > 1;
    return $self->command_message(
        header  => $headline,
        body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_list(@attributes),

sub command_usage_header {
    my ($self,$command_meta_class) = @_;
    my $caller = $self->app_base;
    my ($command_name,$usage);
    if ($command_meta_class) {
        $command_name = $self->command_class_to_command($command_meta_class->name);
        if ($command_meta_class->can('command_usage')
            && $command_meta_class->command_usage) {
            $usage = MooseX::App::Utils::format_text($command_meta_class->command_usage);
    } else {
        $command_name = 'command';
    $usage ||= MooseX::App::Utils::format_text("$caller $command_name [long options...]
$caller help
$caller $command_name --help");
    return $self->command_message(
        header  => 'usage:',
        body    => $usage,

sub command_usage_description {
    my ($self,$command_meta_class) = @_;
    $command_meta_class ||= $self;
    if ($command_meta_class->can('command_long_description')
        && $command_meta_class->command_long_description_predicate) {
        return $self->command_message(
            header  => 'description:',
            body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_text($command_meta_class->command_long_description),
    } elsif ($command_meta_class->can('command_short_description')
        && $command_meta_class->command_short_description_predicate) {
        return $self->command_message(
            header  => 'short description:',
            body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_text($command_meta_class->command_short_description),

sub command_class_to_command {
    my ($self,$command_class) = @_;
    my $commands = $self->app_commands;
    foreach my $element (keys %$commands) {
        if ($command_class eq $commands->{$element}) {
            return $element;

sub command_usage_command {
    my ($self,$command_meta_class) = @_;
    $command_meta_class ||= $self;
    my $command_class = $command_meta_class->name;
    my $command_name = $self->command_class_to_command($command_class);
    my @usage;
    return @usage;

sub command_usage_global {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @commands;
    push(@commands,['help','Prints this usage information']);
    my $commands = $self->app_commands;
    while (my ($command,$class) = each %$commands) {
        my $description;
        $description = $class->meta->command_short_description
            if $class->meta->can('command_short_description');
        $description ||= '';
    @commands = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @commands;
    my @usage;
    push (@usage,$self->command_usage_header());
    push (@usage,$self->command_usage_attributes($self,'global options:'));
    push (@usage,
            header  => 'available commands:',
            body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_list(@commands),
    return @usage;




=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Base - Meta class role for application base class


This meta class role will automatically be applied to the application base
class. This documentation is only of interest if you intent to write
plugins for MooseX-App.


=head2 app_messageclass

Message class for generating error messages. Defaults to
MooseX::App::Message::Block. The default can be overwritten by altering
the C<_build_app_messageclass> method. Defaults to MooseX::App::Message::Block

=head2 app_namespace

Usually MooseX::App will take the package name of the base class as the 
namespace for commands. This namespace can be changed.

=head2 app_base

Usually MooseX::App will take the name of the calling wrapper script to 
construct the programm name in various help messages. This name can 
be changed via the app_base accessor. Defaults to the base name of $0

=head2 app_fuzzy

Boolean attribute that controlls if command names and attributes should be 
matched exactly or fuzzy. Defaults to true.

=head2 app_command_name

Coderef attribute that controlls how package names are translated to command 
names and attributes. Defaults to &MooseX::App::Utils::class_to_command

=head1 METHODS

=head2 command_class_to_command

 my $command_moniker = $meta->command_class_to_command($command_class);

Returns the command moniker for the given command class name.

=head2 command_message

 my $message = $meta->command_message( header => $header, type => 'error', body => $message );

Generates a message object (based on L<app_messageclass>)

=head2 command_usage_attributes

 my $message = $meta->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,$headline);

Returns a message object containing the attribute documentation for a given
meta class.

=head2 command_usage_attributes_list

 my @attributes = $meta->command_usage_attributes($metaclass);

Returns a list of attributes/command options.

=head2 command_usage_attributes_raw

 my @attributes = $meta->command_usage_attributes_raw($metaclass);

Returns a list of attribute documentations for a given meta class.

=head2 command_usage_attribute_detail

 my ($name,$description) = $meta->command_usage_attribute_detail($metaattribute);

Returns a name and description for a given meta attribute class.

=head2 command_usage_attribute_tags

 my (@tags) = $meta->command_usage_attribute_tags($metaattribute);

Returns a list of tags for the given attribute.

=head2 command_usage_attribute_name

 my ($name,$description) = $meta->command_usage_attribute_name($metaattribute);

Returns a name for a given meta attribute class.

=head2 command_usage_attribute_tag

 my @tags = $meta->command_usage_attribute_name($metaattribute);

Returns a list of tags for a given meta attribute class.

=head2 command_usage_command

 my @messages = $meta->command_usage_command($command_metaclass);

Returns a list of messages containing the documentation for a given
command meta class.

=head2 command_usage_description

 my $message = $meta->command_usage_description($command_metaclass);

Returns a messages with the basic command description.

=head2 command_usage_global

 my @messages = $meta->command_usage_global();

Returns a list of messages containing the documentation for the application.

=head2 command_usage_header

 my $message = $meta->command_usage_header();
 my $message = $meta->command_usage_header($command_meta_class);

Returns a message containing the basic usage documentation

=head2 app_commands

 my $commands = $meta->app_commands;

Returns a hashref of command name and command class.

=head2 command_get

 my @commands = $meta->command_get($user_command_input);

Returns a list of command names matching the user input

=head2 command_candidates

 my $commands = $meta->command_candidates($user_command_input);

Returns either a single command or an arrayref of possibly matching commands.

=head2 proto_command

 my $result = $meta->proto_command();

Returns the proto command command-line options.

=head2 proto_options

 my @getopt_options = $meta->proto_command($result_hashref);

Sets the GetOpt::Long options for the proto command
