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# -*- perl -*-

# t/05_extended.t - Extended tests

use Test::Most tests => 23+1;
use Test::NoWarnings;

use FindBin qw();
use lib 't/testlib';

use Test03;


subtest 'Non-Fuzzy command matching' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(some --private 1)]);
    my $test01 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test01->blocks->[0]->header,"Unknown command 'some'","Message ok");

subtest 'Non-Fuzzy attribute matching' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(somecommand --private 1)]);
    my $test01 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test01->blocks->[0]->header,"Unknown option 'private'","Message ok");


subtest 'Private option is not exposed' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(some --private 1)]);
    my $test01 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test01->blocks->[0]->header,"Unknown option 'private'","Message ok");
    is($test01->blocks->[0]->type,"error",'Message is of type error');

subtest 'Options from role' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(some --another 10 --role 15)]);
    my $test02 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test02->another_option,'10','Param is set');
    is($test02->roleattr,'15','Role param is set');

subtest 'Missing attribute value' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(some --another)]);
    my $test03 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test03->blocks->[0]->header,"Missing value for 'another'","Message ok");
    is($test03->blocks->[0]->type,"error",'Message is of type error');

subtest 'All options available & no description' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(some --help)]);
    my $test04 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test04->blocks->[2]->header,'options:','No description');
    is($test04->blocks->[2]->body,"    --another             [Required; Not important]
    --global_option       Enable this to do fancy stuff [Flag]
    --help -h --usage -?  Prints this usage information. [Flag]
    --roleattr            [Role]
    --some_option         Very important option!","Message ok");

subtest 'Test wrapper script error' => sub {
    my $output = `$^X $FindBin::Bin/example/ some`;
    like($output,qr/equired option 'another' missing/,'Output is ok');

# Not working on cpan testers
#subtest 'Test wrapper script encoding' => sub {
#    my $output = `LANG=en_US.UTF-8 $^X $FindBin::Bin/example/ some_command --another töst\\ möre --some_option "anöther täst"`;
#    is($output,'RUN:anöther täst:töst möre','Encoded output');

subtest 'Test type constraints integer' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(another --int 1a)]);
    my $test05 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test05->blocks->[0]->header,"Invalid value for 'integer'","Message ok");

subtest 'Test type constraints hash' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(another --hash xx)]);
    my $test06 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test06->blocks->[0]->header,"Invalid value for 'hash'","Message ok");

subtest 'Test type constraints number' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(another --number 2a)]);
    my $test07 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test07->blocks->[0]->header,"Invalid value for 'number'","Message ok");

subtest 'Test type constraints custom1' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(another --custom1 9)]);
    my $test08 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test08->blocks->[0]->header,"Invalid value for 'custom1'","Message ok");

subtest 'Test pass type constraints' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(another --hash key1=value1 --split a;b --split c --hash key2=value2 --integer 10 --number 10.10 --custom1 11 --custom2 test --extra1 wurtsch)]);
    my $test09 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test09->hash->{key1},"value1","Hash ok");
    is($test09->hash->{key2},"value2","Hash ok");
    is($test09->integer,10,"Integer ok");
    is($test09->custom1,11,"Custom type 1 ok");
    is(ref($test09->custom2),'SCALAR',"Custom type 2 ok");
    is(${$test09->custom2},'test',"Custom type 2 ok");
    is($test09->extra1,'wurtsch',"Attr set ok");
    cmp_deeply($test09->split,[qw(a b c)],'Split ok');

subtest 'Test ambiguous options' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(another --custom 1 --custom 2)]);
    my $test10 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test10->blocks->[0]->header,"Ambiguous option 'custom'","Message ok");
    like($test10->blocks->[0]->body,qr/Could be
    custom2/,"Message ok");

subtest 'Test flags & defaults' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(yet --bool3)]);
    my $test11 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test11->bool1,undef,'Bool1 flag is undef');
    is($test11->bool2,1,'Bool2 flag is set');
    is($test11->bool3,1,'Bool3 flag is set');
    is($test11->value,'hase','Value is default');

subtest 'Test more flags & defaults' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(yet --bool3 -ab --value baer)]);
    my $test11 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test11->bool1,1,'Bool1 flag is undef');
    is($test11->bool2,0,'Bool2 flag is unset');
    is($test11->bool3,1,'Bool3 flag is set');
    is($test11->value,'baer','Value is set');

subtest 'Test positional params' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra hui --value baer)]);
    my $test12 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test12->extra1,'hui','Extra1 value is "hui"');
    is($test12->extra2, undef,'Extra2 value is undef');
    is($test12->alpha, undef,'alpha value is undef');
    is($test12->value,'baer','Value is set');

subtest 'Test positional params' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra --value baer hui)]);
    my $test12 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test12->extra1,'hui','Extra1 value is "hui"');
    is($test12->extra2, undef,'Extra2 value is undef');
    is($test12->alpha, undef,'alpha value is undef');
    is($test12->value,'baer','Value is set');

subtest 'Test optional positional params' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra hui 11 --value baer)]);
    my $test12 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test12->extra1,'hui','Extra1 value is "hui"');
    is($test12->extra2,11,'Extra2 value is "11"');
    is($test12->alpha, undef,'alpha value is undef');
    is($test12->value,'baer','Value is set');

subtest 'Test wrong positional params' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra hui aa --value baer)]);
    my $test13 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test13->blocks->[0]->header,"Invalid value for 'extra2'","Error message ok");
    is($test13->blocks->[2]->header,"parameters:","Usage header ok");
    is($test13->blocks->[2]->body,"    extra1  Important extra parameter [Required]
    extra2  [Integer]
    alpha   [Integer]","Usage body ok");

subtest 'Test missing positional params' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra  --value  baer)]);
    my $test14 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test14->blocks->[0]->header,"Required parameter 'extra1' missing","Message ok");


subtest 'Test extra positional params' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra p1 22 33 marder dachs --value 44 --flag luchs --flagg fuchs -- baer --hase)]);
    my $test15 = Test03->new_with_command;
    is($test15->extra1,'p1','Param 1 ok');
    is($test15->extra2,'22','Param 2 ok');
    is($test15->alpha,'33','Param 3 ok');
    is($test15->extra_argv->[0],'marder','Uncomsumed parameter ok');
    is($test15->extra_argv->[1],'dachs','Uncomsumed parameter ok');
    is($test15->extra_argv->[2],'luchs','Uncomsumed option ok');
    is($test15->extra_argv->[3],'fuchs','Uncomsumed option ok');
    is($test15->extra_argv->[4],'baer','Uncomsumed option ok');
    is($test15->extra_argv->[5],'--hase','Uncomsumed option ok');

subtest 'Test parameter preference' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra extra1 22 --value 13 --flag)]);
    my $test16 = Test03->new_with_command(extra1 => 'extra1man', value => 14, flag => 0, flaggo => 1);
    is($test16->extra1,"extra1man","Extra param from new_with_command ok");
    is($test16->extra2,22,"Extra param from argv ok");
    is($test16->value,14,"value option from argv ok");
    is($test16->flag,0,"Flag from new_with_command ok");
    is($test16->flaggo,1,"Flago from new_with_command ok");


subtest 'Test parameter preference reverse' => sub {
    MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->new(argv => [qw(extra extra1 22  --value 13 --flag)]);
    my $test17 = Test03->new_with_command(extra1 => 'extra1man', value => 14, flag => 0, flaggo => 1);
    is($test17->extra1,"extra1","Extra param from new_with_command ok");
    is($test17->extra2,22,"Extra param from argv ok");
    is($test17->value,13,"value option from argv ok");
    is($test17->flag,1,"Flag from new_with_command ok");
    is($test17->flaggo,1,"Flago from new_with_command ok");