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# ============================================================================
package MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Attribute::Option;
# ============================================================================

use utf8;
use 5.010;

use namespace::autoclean;
use Moose::Role;

has 'cmd_type' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'MooseX::App::Types::CmdTypes',
    predicate   => 'has_cmd_type',

has 'cmd_tags' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
    predicate   => 'has_cmd_tags',

has 'cmd_flag' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Str',
    predicate   => 'has_cmd_flag',

has 'cmd_aliases' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'MooseX::App::Types::List',
    predicate   => 'has_cmd_aliases',
    coerce      => 1,

has 'cmd_split' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::union([qw(Str RegexpRef)]),
    predicate   => 'has_cmd_split',

has 'cmd_count' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Bool',
    default     => sub { 0 },

has 'cmd_env' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'MooseX::App::Types::Env',
    predicate   => 'has_cmd_env',

has 'cmd_position' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Int',
    default     => sub { 0 },


around 'new' => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $class = shift;

    my $self = $class->$orig(@_);

    if ($self->has_cmd_type) {
        if ($self->cmd_position == 0) {

    return $self;

sub cmd_has_value {
    my ($self) = @_;

    if ($self->has_type_constraint
        && $self->type_constraint->is_a_type_of('Bool')) {

        # Bool and defaults to true
        #if ($self->has_default
        #    && ! $self->is_default_a_coderef
        #    && $self->default == 1) {
        #    return 0;
        ## Bool and is required
        #} elsif (! $self->has_default
        #    && $self->is_required) {
        #    return 0;

        # Ordinary bool
        return 0;

    if ($self->cmd_count) {
        return 0;

    return 1;

sub cmd_type_constraint_description {
    my ($self,$type_constraint,$singular) = @_;

    $type_constraint //= $self->type_constraint;
    $singular //= 1;

    if ($type_constraint->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum')) {
        return 'one of these values: '.join(', ',@{$type_constraint->values});
    } elsif ($type_constraint->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized')) {
        my $from = $type_constraint->parameterized_from;
        if ($from->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef')) {
            return $self->cmd_type_constraint_description($type_constraint->type_parameter);
        } elsif ($from->is_a_type_of('HashRef')) {
            return 'key-value pairs of '.$self->cmd_type_constraint_description($type_constraint->type_parameter,0);
    # TODO union
    } elsif ($type_constraint->equals('Int')) {
        return $singular ? 'an integer':'integers'; # LOCALIZE
    } elsif ($type_constraint->equals('Num')) {
        return $singular ? 'a number':'numbers'; # LOCALIZE
    } elsif ($type_constraint->equals('Str')) {
        return $singular ? 'a string':'strings';
    } elsif ($type_constraint->equals('HashRef')) {
        return 'key-value pairs'; # LOCALIZE

    if ($type_constraint->has_parent) {
        return $self->cmd_type_constraint_description($type_constraint->parent);


sub cmd_type_constraint_check {
    my ($self,$value) = @_;

        unless ($self->has_type_constraint);
    my $type_constraint = $self->type_constraint;

    if ($type_constraint->has_coercion) {
        $value = $type_constraint->coerce($value)

    # Check type constraints
    unless ($type_constraint->check($value)) {
        if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
            $value = join(', ',grep { defined } @$value);
        } elsif (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
            $value = join(', ',map { $_.'='.$value->{$_} } keys %$value)

        # We have a custom message
        if ($type_constraint->has_message) {
            return $type_constraint->get_message($value);
        # No message
        } else {
            my $message_human = $self->cmd_type_constraint_description($type_constraint);
            if (defined $message_human) {
                return "Value must be ". $message_human ." (not '$value')";
            } else {
                return $type_constraint->get_message($value);


sub cmd_usage_description {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $description = ($self->has_documentation) ? $self->documentation : '';
    my @tags = $self->cmd_tags_list();
    if (scalar @tags) {
        $description .= ' '
            if $description;
        $description .= '['.join('; ',@tags).']';
    return $description

sub cmd_usage_name {
    my ($self) = @_;

    if ($self->cmd_type eq 'parameter') {
        return $self->cmd_name_primary;
    } else {
        return join(' ',
            map { (length($_) == 1) ? "-$_":"--$_" }

sub cmd_name_primary {
    my ($self) = @_;

    if ($self->has_cmd_flag) {
        return $self->cmd_flag;
    } else {
        return $self->name;

sub cmd_name_possible {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @names = ($self->cmd_name_primary);

    if ($self->has_cmd_aliases) {
        push(@names, @{$self->cmd_aliases});

    return @names;

sub cmd_tags_list {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @tags;

    if ($self->is_required
        && ! $self->is_lazy_build
        && ! $self->has_default) {

    if ($self->has_default && ! $self->is_default_a_coderef) {
        if ($self->has_type_constraint
            && $self->type_constraint->is_a_type_of('Bool')) {
#            if ($attribute->default) {
#                push(@tags,'Default:Enabled');
#            } else {
#                push(@tags,'Default:Disabled');
#            }
        } else {

    if ($self->has_cmd_split) {
        my $split = $self->cmd_split;
        if (ref($split) eq 'Regexp') {
            $split = "$split";
            $split =~ s/^\(\?\^\w*:(.+)\)$/$1/x;
        push(@tags,'Multiple','Split by "'.$split.'"');

    if ($self->has_type_constraint) {
        my $type_constraint = $self->type_constraint;
        if ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef')) {
            if (! $self->has_cmd_split) {
        } elsif ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('HashRef')) {
        unless ($self->should_coerce) {
            if ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('Int')) {
            } elsif ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('Num')) {
                push(@tags ,'Number');
            } elsif ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('Bool')) {
                push(@tags ,'Flag');
            } elsif ($type_constraint->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum')) {
                push(@tags ,'Possible values: '.join(', ',@{$type_constraint->values}));

    if ($self->can('has_cmd_env')
        && $self->has_cmd_env) {
        push(@tags,'Env: '.$self->cmd_env)

    if ($self->can('cmd_tags')
        && $self->can('cmd_tags')
        && $self->has_cmd_tags) {

    return @tags;

    package Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::AppOption;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    sub register_implementation { return 'MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Attribute::Option' }



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Attribute::Option - Meta attribute role for options


This meta attribute role will automatically be applied to all attributes
that should be used as options.


In your app and command classes you can
use the following attributes in option or parameter definitions.

 option 'myoption' => (
     is                 => 'rw',
     isa                => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
     documentation      => 'My special option',
     cmd_flag           => 'myopt',
     cmd_aliases        => [qw(mopt localopt)],
     cmd_tags           => [qw(Important!)],
     cmd_env            => 'MY_OPTION',
     cmd_position       => 1,
     cmd_split          => qr/,/,

=head2 cmd_flag

Use this name instead of the attribute name as the option name

=head2 cmd_type

Option to mark if this attribute should be used as an option or parameter value.

Allowed values are:


=item * option - Command line option

=item * proto - Command line option that should be processed prior to other
options (eg. a config-file option that sets other attribues) Usually only
used for plugin developmemt

=item * parameter - Positional parameter command line value


=head2 cmd_env

Environment variable name (only uppercase letters, numeric and underscores
allowed). If variable was not specified otherwise the value will be
taken from %ENV.

=head2 cmd_aliases

Arrayref of alternative option names

=head2 cmd_tags

Extra option tags displayed in the usage information (in brackets)

=head2 cmd_position

Override the order of the parameters in the usage message.

=head2 cmd_split

Splits multiple values at the given separator string or regular expression.
Only works in conjunction with an 'ArrayRef[*]' type constraint (isa).
ie. '--myattr value1,value2' with cmd_split set to ',' would produce an
arrayref with to elements.

=head2 cmd_count

Similar to the Getopt::Long '+' modifier, cmd_count turns the attribute into
a counter. Every occurrence of the attribute in @ARGV (without any value)
would increment the resulting value by one

=head1 METHODS

These methods are only of interest to plugin authors.

=head2 cmd_name_possible

 my @names = $attribute->cmd_name_possible();

Returns a list of all possible option names.

=head2 cmd_name_primary

 my $name = $attribute->cmd_name_primary();

Returns the primary option name

=head2 cmd_usage_name

 my $name = $attribute->cmd_usage_name();

Returns the name as used by the usage text

=head2 cmd_usage_description

 my $name = $attribute->cmd_usage_description();

Returns the description as used by the usage text

=head2 cmd_tags_list

 my @tags = $attribute->cmd_tags_list();

Returns a list of tags

=head2 cmd_has_value

 my $has_value = $attribute->cmd_has_value();

Indicates if an commandline attribute has a value. Usually attributes with a
boolean type constraint or counters don't have values.


=item * undef: Does not have a boolean type constraint

=item * true: Has a boolean type constraint

=item * false: Has a boolean type constraint, and a true default value


=head2 cmd_type_constraint_check


Checks the type constraint. Returns an error message if the check fails

=head2 cmd_type_constraint_description


Creates a description of the selected type constraint.
