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# ============================================================================
package MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Base;
# ============================================================================

use utf8;
use 5.010;

use List::Util qw(max);

use namespace::autoclean;
use Moose::Role;

use MooseX::App::Utils;
use Path::Class;
use Module::Pluggable::Object;
no if $] >= 5.018000, warnings => qw(experimental::smartmatch);

has 'app_messageclass' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'ClassName',
    lazy        => 1,
    builder     => '_build_app_messageclass',

has 'app_namespace' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'MooseX::App::Types::List',
    coerce      => 1,
    lazy        => 1,
    builder     => '_build_app_namespace',

has 'app_base' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Str',
    default     => sub { Path::Class::File->new($0)->basename },

has 'app_strict' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Bool',
    default     => sub {0},

has 'app_fuzzy' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Bool',
    default     => sub {1},

has 'app_command_name' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'CodeRef',
    default     => sub { \&MooseX::App::Utils::class_to_command },

has 'app_prefer_commandline' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Bool',
    default     => sub {0},

has 'app_permute' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Bool',
    default     => sub {0},

has 'app_commands' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'HashRef[Str]',
    traits      => ['Hash'],
    handles     => {
        command_register    => 'set',
        command_get         => 'get',
        command_classes     => 'values',
        command_list        => 'shallow_clone',
    lazy        => 1,
    builder     => '_build_app_commands',

sub _build_app_messageclass {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return 'MooseX::App::Message::Block'

sub _build_app_namespace {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return [ $self->name ];

sub _build_app_commands {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @list;
    foreach my $namespace ( @{ $self->app_namespace } ) {

    return { @list };

sub command_check {
    my ($self) = @_;

    foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes($self,'all')) {

sub command_scan_namespace {
    my ($self,$namespace) = @_;

    # Find all packages in namespace
    my $mpo = Module::Pluggable::Object->new(
        search_path => [ $namespace ],

    my $commandsub = $self->app_command_name;

    my %return;
    # Loop all packages
    foreach my $command_class ($mpo->plugins) {
        my $command_class_name =  substr($command_class,length($namespace)+2);

        # Check for odd class names - needs to be refactored for subcommands support
            if $command_class_name =~ m/::/;

        # Extract command name
        $command_class_name =~ s/^\Q$namespace\E:://;
        $command_class_name =~ s/^.+::([^:]+)$/$1/;
        my $command = $commandsub->($command_class_name,$command_class);

        # Check if command was loaded
        $return{$command} = $command_class
            if defined $command;

    return %return;

sub command_args {
    my ($self,$metaclass) = @_;

    $metaclass ||= $self;
    my $parsed_argv = MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->instance;

    # Process options
    my @attributes_option = $self->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,'option');

    my ($return,$errors) = $self->command_parse_options(\@attributes_option);

    my %raw_error;
    # Loop all left over options
    foreach my $option ($parsed_argv->available('option')) {
        my $key = $option->key;
        my $raw = $option->original;
        my $message;
            if defined $raw_error{$raw};

        # Get possible options with double dash - might be missing
        if (length $key == 1
            && $raw =~ m/^-(\w+)$/) {
            foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,[qw(option proto)])) {
                foreach my $name ($attribute->cmd_name_possible) {
                    # TODO fuzzy match
                    if ($name eq $1) {
                        $raw_error{$raw} = 1;
                        $message = "Did you mean '--$name'?";
                        last POSSIBLE_ATTRIBUTES;

        # Handle error messages
        my $error;
        if (defined $message) {
            $error = $self->command_message(
                header          => "Unknown option '".$raw."'", # LOCALIZE
                body            => $message,
                type            => "error",
        } else {
            $error = $self->command_message(
                header          => "Unknown option '".$option->key."'", # LOCALIZE
                type            => "error",

    # Process positional parameters
    my @attributes_parameter  = $self->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,'parameter');

    foreach my $attribute (@attributes_parameter) {
        my $element = $parsed_argv->consume('parameter');
            unless defined $element;

        my ($parameter_value,$parameter_errors) = $self->command_process_attribute($attribute, [ $element->key ] );
        $return->{$attribute->name} = $parameter_value;

    # Handle all unconsumed parameters and options
    if ($self->app_strict || $metaclass->command_strict) {
        foreach my $parameter ($parsed_argv->available('parameter')) {
                    header          => "Unknown parameter '".$parameter->key."'", # LOCALIZE
                    type            => "error",

    # Handle ENV
    foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,'all')) {
            unless $attribute->can('has_cmd_env')
            && $attribute->has_cmd_env;

        my $cmd_env = $attribute->cmd_env;

        if (exists $ENV{$cmd_env}
            && ! defined $return->{$attribute->name}) {

            my $value = $ENV{$cmd_env};

            if ($attribute->has_type_constraint) {
                my $type_constraint = $attribute->type_constraint;
                if ($attribute->should_coerce
                    && $type_constraint->has_coercion) {
                    my $coercion = $type_constraint->coercion;
                    $value = $coercion->coerce($value) // $value;

            $return->{$attribute->name} = $value;
            my $error = $attribute->cmd_type_constraint_check($value);
            if ($error) {
                        header          => "Invalid environment value for '".$cmd_env."'", # LOCALIZE
                        type            => "error",
                        body            => $error,

    return ($return,$errors);

sub command_proto {
    my ($self,$metaclass) = @_;

    $metaclass   ||= $self;

    my @attributes;
    foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,'proto')) {
            unless $attribute->does('MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Attribute::Option')
            && $attribute->has_cmd_type;

    return $self->command_parse_options(\@attributes);

sub command_parse_options {
    my ($self,$attributes) = @_;

    # Build attribute lookup hash
    my %option_to_attribute;
    foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes}) {
        foreach my $name ($attribute->cmd_name_possible) {
            if (defined $option_to_attribute{$name}
                && $option_to_attribute{$name} != $attribute) {
                Moose->throw_error('Command line option conflict: '.$name);
            $option_to_attribute{$name} = $attribute;

    my $match = {};
    my $return = {};
    my @errors;

    # Get ARGV
    my $parsed_argv = MooseX::App::ParsedArgv->instance;

    # Loop all exact matches
    foreach my $option ($parsed_argv->available('option')) {
        if (my $attribute = $option_to_attribute{$option->key}) {
            $match->{$attribute->name} = [ $option ];

    # Process fuzzy matches
    if ($self->app_fuzzy) {
        # Loop all options (sorted by length)
        foreach my $option (sort { length($b->key) <=> length($a->key) } $parsed_argv->available('option')) {

            # No fuzzy matching for one-letter flags
            my $option_length = length($option->key);
                if $option_length == 1;

            my ($match_attributes) = [];

            # Try to match attributes
            foreach my $name (keys %option_to_attribute) {
                    if ($option_length >= length($name));

                my $name_short = lc(substr($name,0,$option_length));

                # Partial match
                if (lc($option->key) eq $name_short) {
                    my $attribute = $option_to_attribute{$name};
                    unless (grep { $attribute == $_ } @{$match_attributes}) {

            # Process matches
            given (scalar @{$match_attributes}) {
                # No match
                when(0) {}
                # One match
                when(1) {
                    my $attribute = $match_attributes->[0];
                    $match->{$attribute->name} ||= [];
                # Multiple matches
                default {
                            header          => "Ambiguous option '".$option->key."'", # LOCALIZE
                            type            => "error",
                            body            => "Could be\n".MooseX::App::Utils::format_list( # LOCALIZE
                                map { [ $_ ] }
                                map { $_->cmd_name_primary }

    # Check all attributes
    foreach my $attribute (@{$attributes}) {

            unless exists $match->{$attribute->name};

        my @mapped_values;
        foreach my $element (@{$match->{$attribute->name}}) {

        my $values = [
            map { $_->value }
            sort { $a->position <=> $b->position }

        #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($raw);
        my ($value,$errors) = $self->command_process_attribute( $attribute, $values );

        $return->{$attribute->name} = $value;

    return ($return,\@errors);

sub command_process_attribute {
    my ($self,$attribute,$raw) = @_;

    $raw = [ $raw ]
        unless ref($raw) eq 'ARRAY';

    my @errors;
    my $value;

    # Attribute with split
    if ($attribute->has_cmd_split) {
        my @raw_unfolded;
        foreach (@{$raw}) {
        $raw = \@raw_unfolded;

    # Attribute with counter - transform value count into value
    if ($attribute->cmd_count) {
        $value = $raw = [ scalar(@$raw) ];

    # Attribute with type constraint
    if ($attribute->has_type_constraint) {
        my $type_constraint = $attribute->type_constraint;

        if ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef')) {
            $value = $raw;
        } elsif ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('HashRef')) {
            $value = {};
            foreach my $element (@{$raw}) {
                if ($element =~ m/^([^=]+)=(.+?)$/) {
                    $value->{$1} ||= $2;
                } else {
                            header          => "Invalid value for '".$attribute->cmd_name_primary."'", # LOCALIZE
                            type            => "error",
                            body            => "Value must be supplied as 'key=value' (not '$element')", # LOCALIZE
        } elsif ($type_constraint->is_a_type_of('Bool')) {
            $value = $raw->[-1];

#            if ($self->has_default
#                && ! $self->is_default_a_coderef
#                && $self->default == 1) {

        } else {
            $value = $raw->[-1];

        unless(defined $value) {
                    header          => "Missing value for '".$attribute->cmd_name_primary."'", # LOCALIZE
                    type            => "error",
        } else {
            if ($attribute->should_coerce
                && $type_constraint->has_coercion) {
                my $coercion = $type_constraint->coercion;
                $value = $coercion->coerce($value) // $value;
            my $error = $attribute->cmd_type_constraint_check($value);
            if (defined $error) {
                        header          => "Invalid value for '".$attribute->cmd_name_primary."'", # LOCALIZE
                        type            => "error",
                        body            => $error,

    } else {
         $value = $raw->[-1];

    return ($value,\@errors);

sub command_candidates {
    my ($self,$command) = @_;

    my $lc_command = lc($command);
    my $commands = $self->app_commands;

    my @candidates;
    my $candidate_length = length($command);

    # Compare all commands to find matching candidates
    foreach my $command_name (keys %$commands) {
        if ($command_name eq $lc_command) {
            return $command_name;
        } elsif ($lc_command eq substr($command_name,0,$candidate_length)) {

    return [ sort @candidates ];

sub command_find {
    my ($self,$command) = @_;

    my $lc_command = lc($command);
    my $commands = $self->app_commands;

    # Exact match
    if (defined $commands->{$lc_command}) {
        return $lc_command;
    } else {
        my $candidate =  $self->command_candidates($command);

        if (ref $candidate eq '') {
            return $candidate;
        } else {
            given (scalar @{$candidate}) {
                when (0) {
                    return $self->command_message(
                        header          => "Unknown command '$command'", # LOCALIZE
                        type            => "error",
                when (1) {
                    if ($self->app_fuzzy) {
                        return $candidate->[0];
                    } else {
                        return $self->command_message(
                            header          => "Unknown command '$command'", # LOCALIZE
                            type            => "error",
                            body            => "Did you mean '".$candidate->[0]."'?", # LOCALIZE
                default {
                    return $self->command_message(
                        header          => "Ambiguous command '$command'", # LOCALIZE
                        type            => "error",
                        body            => "Which command did you mean?\n". # LOCALIZE
                            MooseX::App::Utils::format_list(map { [ $_ ] } sort @{$candidate}),

sub command_parser_hints {
    my ($self,$metaclass) = @_;

    $metaclass ||= $self;

    my %hints;
    my %names;
    my $return = { permute => [], novalue => [], fixedvalue => {} };
    foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,[qw(option proto)])) {
        my $permute = 0;
        my $bool = 0;
        my $type_constraint = $attribute->type_constraint;
        if ($type_constraint) {
            $permute = 1
                if $type_constraint->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef')
                || $type_constraint->is_a_type_of('HashRef');

            $bool = 1
                if $type_constraint->is_a_type_of('Bool');

        my $hint = {
            name    => $attribute->name,
            bool    => $bool,
            novalue => $bool || $attribute->cmd_count,
            permute => $permute,

        foreach my $name ($attribute->cmd_name_list) {
             $names{$name} = $hints{$name} = $hint;

        # Negated values
        if ($bool) {
            $hint->{fixedvalue} = 1;
            if ($attribute->has_cmd_negate) {
                my $hint_neg = { %{$hint} }; # shallow copy
                $hint_neg->{fixedvalue} = 0;
                foreach my $name (@{$attribute->cmd_negate}) {
                    $names{$name} = $hints{$name} = $hint_neg;
        } elsif ($attribute->cmd_count) {
            $hint->{fixedvalue} = 1;

    if ($self->app_fuzzy) {
        my $length = max(map { length($_) } keys %names) // 0;
        foreach my $l (reverse(2..$length)) {
            my %tmp;
            foreach my $name (keys %names) {
                    if length($name) < $l;
                my $short_name = substr($name,0,$l);
                    if defined $hints{$short_name};
                $tmp{$short_name} ||= [];
                    if defined $tmp{$short_name}->[0]
                    && $tmp{$short_name}->[0]->{name} eq $names{$name}->{name};
            foreach my $short_name (keys %tmp) {
                    if scalar @{$tmp{$short_name}} > 1;
                $hints{$short_name} = $tmp{$short_name}->[0];

    foreach my $name (keys %hints) {
        if ($hints{$name}->{novalue}) {
        if ($hints{$name}->{permute}) {
        if (defined $hints{$name}->{fixedvalue}) {
            $return->{fixedvalue}{$name} = $hints{$name}->{fixedvalue};

        #warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($return);
    return $return;

sub command_message {
    my ($self,@args) = @_;
    my $messageclass = $self->app_messageclass;
    return $messageclass->new(@args);

sub command_check_attributes {
    my ($self,$command_meta,$errors,$params) = @_;

    $command_meta ||= $self;

    # Check required values
    foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes($command_meta,[qw(option proto parameter)])) {
        if ($attribute->is_required
            && ! exists $params->{$attribute->name}
            && ! $attribute->has_default) {
                    header          => "Required ".($attribute->cmd_type eq 'parameter' ? 'parameter':'option')." '".$attribute->cmd_name_primary."' missing", # LOCALIZE
                    type            => "error",

    return $errors;

sub command_usage_attributes {
    my ($self,$metaclass,$types) = @_;

    $metaclass ||= $self;
    $types ||= [qw(option proto)];

    my @return;
    foreach my $attribute ($metaclass->get_all_attributes) {
            unless $attribute->does('MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Attribute::Option')
            && $attribute->has_cmd_type;

            unless $types eq 'all'
            || $attribute->cmd_type ~~ $types;


    return (sort {
        $a->cmd_position <=> $b->cmd_position ||
        $a->cmd_usage_name cmp $b->cmd_usage_name
    } @return);

sub command_usage_options {
    my ($self,$metaclass,$headline) = @_;

    $headline ||= 'options:'; # LOCALIZE
    $metaclass ||= $self;

    my @options;
    foreach my $attribute ($self->command_usage_attributes($metaclass,[qw(option proto)])) {

        unless scalar @options > 0;

    return $self->command_message(
        header  => $headline,
        body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_list(@options),

sub command_usage_parameters {
    my ($self,$metaclass,$headline) = @_;

    $headline ||= 'parameter:'; # LOCALIZE
    $metaclass ||= $self;

    my @parameters;
    foreach my $attribute (
        sort { $a->cmd_position <=> $b->cmd_position }
    ) {

        unless scalar @parameters > 0;

    return $self->command_message(
        header  => $headline,
        body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_list(@parameters),

sub command_usage_header {
    my ($self,$command_meta_class) = @_;

    my $caller = $self->app_base;

    my ($command_name,$usage);
    if ($command_meta_class) {
        $command_name = $self->command_class_to_command($command_meta_class->name);
    } else {
        $command_name = '<command>';

    $command_meta_class ||= $self;
    if ($command_meta_class->can('command_usage')
        && $command_meta_class->command_usage_predicate) {
        $usage = MooseX::App::Utils::format_text($command_meta_class->command_usage);

    unless (defined $usage) {
        # LOCALIZE
        $usage = "$caller $command_name ";
        my @parameter= $self->command_usage_attributes($command_meta_class,'parameter');
        foreach my $attribute (@parameter) {
            if ($attribute->is_required) {
                $usage .= "<".$attribute->cmd_usage_name.'> ';
            } else {
                $usage .= '['.$attribute->cmd_usage_name.'] ';
        $usage .= "[long options...]
$caller help
$caller $command_name --help";
        $usage = MooseX::App::Utils::format_text($usage);

    return $self->command_message(
        header  => 'usage:', # LOCALIZE
        body    => $usage,

sub command_usage_description {
    my ($self,$command_meta_class) = @_;

    $command_meta_class ||= $self;
    if ($command_meta_class->can('command_long_description')
        && $command_meta_class->command_long_description_predicate) {
        return $self->command_message(
            header  => 'description:', # LOCALIZE
            body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_text($command_meta_class->command_long_description),
    } elsif ($command_meta_class->can('command_short_description')
        && $command_meta_class->command_short_description_predicate) {
        return $self->command_message(
            header  => 'short description:', # LOCALIZE
            body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_text($command_meta_class->command_short_description),

sub command_class_to_command {
    my ($self,$command_class) = @_;

    my $commands = $self->app_commands;
    foreach my $element (keys %$commands) {
        if ($command_class eq $commands->{$element}) {
            return $element;


sub command_usage_command {
    my ($self,$command_meta_class) = @_;

    $command_meta_class ||= $self;

    my $command_class = $command_meta_class->name;
    my $command_name = $self->command_class_to_command($command_class);

    my @usage;
    push(@usage,$self->command_usage_parameters($command_meta_class,'parameters:')); # LOCALIZE
    push(@usage,$self->command_usage_options($command_meta_class,'options:')); # LOCALIZE

    return @usage;

sub command_usage_global {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @commands;
    push(@commands,['help','Prints this usage information']); # LOCALIZE

    my $commands = $self->app_commands;

    foreach my $command (keys %$commands) {
        my $class = $commands->{$command};
        my $command_description;
        $command_description = $class->meta->command_short_description
            if $class->meta->can('command_short_description');

        $command_description ||= '';

    @commands = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @commands;

    my @usage;

    my $description = $self->command_usage_description($self);
        if $description;
    push(@usage,$self->command_usage_parameters($self,'global parameters:')); # LOCALIZE
    push(@usage,$self->command_usage_options($self,'global options:')); # LOCALIZE
            header  => 'available commands:', # LOCALIZE
            body    => MooseX::App::Utils::format_list(@commands),

    return @usage;




=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Base - Meta class role for application base class


This meta class role will automatically be applied to the application base
class. This documentation is only of interest if you intend to write
plugins for MooseX-App.


=head2 app_messageclass

Message class for generating error messages. Defaults to
MooseX::App::Message::Block. The default can be overwritten by altering
the C<_build_app_messageclass> method. Defaults to MooseX::App::Message::Block

=head2 app_namespace

Usually MooseX::App will take the package name of the base class as the
namespace for commands. This namespace can be changed.

=head2 app_base

Usually MooseX::App will take the name of the calling wrapper script to
construct the program name in various help messages. This name can
be changed via the app_base accessor. Defaults to the base name of $0

=head2 app_fuzzy

Boolean flag that controls if command names and attributes should be
matched exactly or fuzzy. Defaults to true.

=head2 app_command_name

Coderef attribute that controls how package names are translated to command
names and attributes. Defaults to &MooseX::App::Utils::class_to_command

=head2 app_commands

Hashref with command to command class map.

=head2 app_strict

Boolean flag that controls if an application with superfluous/unknown
positional parameters should terminate with an error message or not.
If disabled all extra parameters will be copied to the L<extra_argv>
command class attribute.

=head2 app_prefer_commandline

By default, arguments passed to new_with_command and new_with_options have a
higher priority than the command line options. This boolean flag will give
the command line an higher priority.

=head2 app_permute

Boolean flag that controls if command line arguments that take multiple values
(ie ArrayRef or HashRef type constraints) can be permuted.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 command_check

Runs sanity checks on options and parameters. Will usually only be executed if
either HARNESS_ACTIVE or APP_DEVELOPER environment are set.

=head2 command_register


Registers an additional command

=head2 command_get

 my $command_class = $self->command_register($command_moniker);

Returns a command class for the given command moniker

=head2 command_class_to_command

 my $command_moniker = $meta->command_class_to_command($command_class);

Returns the command moniker for the given command class.

=head2 command_message

 my $message = $meta->command_message(
    header  => $header,
    type    => 'error',
    body    => $message

Generates a message object (using the class from L<app_messageclass>)

=head2 command_usage_attributes

 my @attributes = $meta->command_usage_attributes($metaclass);

Returns a list of attributes/command options for the given meta class.

=head2 command_usage_command

 my @messages = $meta->command_usage_command($command_metaclass);

Returns a list of messages containing the documentation for a given
command meta class.

=head2 command_usage_description

 my $message = $meta->command_usage_description($command_metaclass);

Returns a messages with the basic command description.

=head2 command_usage_global

 my @messages = $meta->command_usage_global();

Returns a list of messages containing the documentation for the application.

=head2 command_usage_header

 my $message = $meta->command_usage_header();
 my $message = $meta->command_usage_header($command_meta_class);

Returns a message containing the basic usage documentation

=head2 command_find

 my @commands = $meta->command_find($user_command_input);

Returns a list of command names matching the user input

=head2 command_candidates

 my $commands = $meta->command_candidates($user_command_input);

Returns either a single command or an arrayref of possibly matching commands.

=head2 command_proto

 my ($result,$errors) = $meta->command_proto($command_meta_class);

Returns all parsed options (as hashref) and erros (as arrayref) for the proto
command. Is a wrapper around L<command_parse_options>.

=head2 command_args

 my ($options,$errors) = $self->command_args($command_meta_class);

Returns all parsed options (as hashref) and erros (as arrayref) for the main
command. Is a wrapper around L<command_parse_options>.

=head2 command_parse_options

 my ($options,$errors) = $self->command_parse_options(\@attribute_metaclasses);

Tries to parse the selected attributes from @ARGV.

=head2 command_scan_namespace

 my %namespaces = $self->command_scan_namespace($namespace);

Scans a namespace for command classes. Returns a hash with command names
as keys and package names as values.

=head2 command_process_attribute

 my @attributes = $self->command_process_attribute($attribute_metaclass,$matches);

###Returns a list of all attributes with the given type

=head2 command_usage_options

 my $usage = $self->command_usage_options($metaclass,$headline);

Returns the options usage as a message object

=head2 command_usage_parameters

 my $usage = $self->command_usage_parameters($metaclass,$headline);

Returns the positional parameters usage as a message object

=head2 command_check_attributes

 $errors = $self->command_check_attributes($command_metaclass,$errors,$params)

Checks all attributes. Returns/alters the $errors arrayref

=head2 command_parser_hints


Generates parser hints as required by L<MooseX::App::ParsedArgv>
