The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# ============================================================================
package Text::Phonetic;
# ============================================================================
use Moose;
use utf8;

use Text::Unidecode qw();
use Carp;
use Module::Find;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:MAROS';
our $VERSION = "2.05";

use 5.008000;

our $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM = 'Phonix';
our @AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS = grep { s/^Text::Phonetic::(.+)$/$1/x } 
    findsubmod Text::Phonetic;

has 'unidecode' => (
    is              => 'rw',
    isa             => 'Bool',
    default         => 1,
    required        => 1,
    documentation   => q[Transliterate strings to ASCII before processing]

after 'BUILDARGS' => sub { 
    my ($class) = @_;


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class methods

sub available_algorithms {

sub register_algorithm {
    my ($class,$algorithm) = @_;
    push @AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS,$algorithm
        unless grep { $algorithm eq $_ } @AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS;
    return $algorithm;

sub check_predicates {
    my ($class) = @_;
    if ($class->can('_predicates')
        && ! grep { $class eq $_ } @PREDICATES_CHECKED) {
        my @predicates = $class->_predicates;
        foreach my $predicate (@predicates) {
            my $ok = Class::Load::try_load_class($predicate);
            unless ($ok) {
                croak("Could not load '$class' phonetic algorithm: Predicate '$predicate' is missing")
            } else {

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor (new provided by Moose)

sub load {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = (scalar @_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? shift : { @_ };
    my $algorithm = delete($params->{algorithm}) || $DEFAULT_ALGORITHM;
    my $class = __PACKAGE__.'::'.$algorithm;
    unless (grep { $algorithm eq $_ } @AVAILABLE_ALGORITHMS) {
        croak("Could not load '$algorithm' phonetic algorithm: Algorithm not available");
    unless (Class::Load::is_class_loaded($class)) {
        my ($ok,$error) = Class::Load::try_load_class($class);
        unless ($ok) {
            croak("Could not load '$algorithm' phonetic algorithm: $error")
    return $class->new($params);

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public methods

sub encode {
    my $self = shift;
    # Single value
    if (scalar(@_) == 1) {
        my $string = shift;
        $string = Text::Unidecode::unidecode($string) 
            if ($self->unidecode);
            unless defined $string && $string !~ /^\s*$/;
        return $self->_do_encode($string);
    # Expand list
    } elsif (scalar(@_) > 1) {
        my @result_list;
        foreach my $string (@_) {
            push @result_list,$self->encode($string);
        return wantarray ? @result_list : \@result_list;
    # Fallback

sub compare {
    my ($self,$string1,$string2) = @_;

    return 0 unless defined $string1 && $string1 !~ /^\s*$/;
    return 0 unless defined $string2 && $string2 !~ /^\s*$/;

    # Extremely rare case ;-)
    return 100 if ($string1 eq $string2);

    if ($self->unidecode) {
        $string1 = Text::Unidecode::unidecode($string1);
        $string2 = Text::Unidecode::unidecode($string2);
        # Also not very likely, but has to be checked
        return 99 if ($string1 eq $string2);
    my $value1 = $self->_do_encode($string1);
    my $value2 = $self->_do_encode($string2);
    return 0 unless (defined $value1 && defined $value2);
    return $self->_do_compare($self->_do_encode($string1),$self->_do_encode($string2));
sub _do_compare {
    my ($self,$result1,$result2) = @_;
    return 50 if ($result1 eq $result2);
    return 0;

sub _do_encode {
    carp('_do_encode is an abstract method!');

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Utility functions

sub _is_inlist {
    my $string = shift;
    return 0 unless defined $string;
    my $list = (scalar @_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') ? shift : \@_;
    return 1 if grep {$string eq $_ } @$list;
    return 0;

sub _compare_list {
    my ($list1,$list2) = @_;

    return 0 unless ref($list1) eq 'ARRAY' && ref($list2) eq 'ARRAY';

    foreach my $element1 (@$list1) {
        next unless defined $element1;
        foreach my $element2 (@$list2) {
            next unless defined $element2;
            return 1 if    $element1 eq $element2;
    return 0;

"Schmitt ~ Smith ~ Schmitz";

=encoding utf8


=head1 NAME

Text::Phonetic - A base class for phonetic algorithms


  use Text::Phonetic::Metaphone;
  my $phonetic = Text::Phonetic::Metaphone->new();
  $encoded_string = $phonetic->encode($string);
  @encoded_list = $phonetic->encode(@list);
  my $same = $phonetic->compare($string1,$string2);


  use Text::Phonetic;
  my $phonetic = Text::Phonetic->load( algorithm => 'Phonix' );
  $encoded_string = $phonetic->encode($string);

This module provides an easy and convinient way to encode names with various 
phonetic algorithms. It acts as a wrapper around other phonetic algorithm
modules like L<Text::Metaphone>, L<Text::DoubleMetaphone>, L<Text::Soundex>
and also implements some other algorithms such as 
L<Text::Phonetic::DaitchMokotoff>, L<Text::Phonetic::Koeln>,
L<Text::Phonetic::Phonem> and L<Text::Phonetic::Phonix>. 

This module can easily be subclassed.


=head2 Constructors

=head3 new

 $obj = Text::Phonetic::SUBCLASS->new(%PARAMETERS)
You can pass arbitrary attributes to the constructor. The only global 
attribute is C<unidecode> which defaults to 1 if not set. This attribute 
controlls if non-latin characters should be transliterated to A-Z 
(see also L<Text::Unidecode>).

Additional attributes may be defined by the various implementation classes.

=head3 load

 $obj = Text::Phonetic->load(algorithm => $algorithm, %PARAMETERS)

Alternative constructor which also loads the requested algorithm subclass.

=head2 Methods

=head3 encode

 $RETURN_STRING = $obj->encode($STRING);
 @RETURN_LIST = $obj->encode(@LIST);
 $RETURN_LIST_REF = $obj->encode(@LIST);
Encodes the given string or list of strings. Returns a single value, array or
array reference depending on the caller context and parameters.

Returns undef on an empty/undefined/whitespace only string.

=head3 compare

 $RETURN_CODE = $obj->compare($STRING1,$STRING2);
The return code is an integer between 100 and 0 indicating the likelihood that
the to results are the same. 100  means that the strings are completely
identical. 99 means that the strings match after all non-latin characters
have been transliterated. Values in between 98 and 1 usually mean that the 
given strings match. 0 means that the used alogorithm couldn't match the two 
strings at all.
C<compare> is a shortcut to the C<$obj-E<gt>_do_compare($CODE1,$CODE2)> method.

=head2 Class Methods

=head3 available_algorithms 

 my @available = Text::Phonetic->available_algorithms;

Returns a list of all available/installed algorithms


You can easily subclass Text::Phonetic and add your own phonetic algorithm.
All subclasses must use Text::Phonetic as their base class, reside in
the Text::Phonetic namespace, and implement the following methods:

=head2 _do_encode

 $RESULT = $obj->_do_encode($STRING);

This method does the actual encoding. It should return either a string or
an array reference.

=head2 _do_compare

 $RETURN_STRING = $obj->_do_compare($RESULT1,$RESULT2);
If your C<_do_encode> method doesn't return a single scalar value you also 
might need to implement a comparison method. It takes two results as returned
by C<_do_encode> and returns an integer value between 98 and 0 
(see L<"compare">).

=head2 _predicates

Third party modules can be marked as predicates by adding the C<_predicates>
method which should return al list of package names. All predicates will be
loaded if installed. If missing an exception will be thrown.

=head2 Object structure

Text::Phonetic uses L<Moose> to declare attributes.

=head2 Helper class methods

=head3 _compare_list


Compares the two arrays and returns true if at least one element is equal 
(ignoring the position) in both lists.  

=head2 Example class

 package Text::Phonetic::MyAlgorithm;
 use Moose;
 extends qw(Text::Phonetic);
 has someattribute => (
    is  => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',
 sub _do_encode {
     my ($self,$string) = @_;
     # Do something
     return $phonetic_representation;
 no Moose;

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<DBIx::Class::PhoneticSearch> (Build phonetic indices via DBIx::Class),
L<Text::Phonetic::VideoGame> (Phonetic encoding for video game titles)

=head1 SUPPORT

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<>, or 
through the web interface at 
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on 
your report as I make changes.

=head1 AUTHOR

    Maroš Kollár
    maros [at]


Text::Phonetic is Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Maroš Kollár 
- L<>

=head1 LICENCE

This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
