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# SixApart's Jabber Server

    $^P |= 0x01 if $ENV{TRACE_DJABBERD};

use strict;
use lib 'lib';
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Getopt::Long;

use DJabberd;
use DJabberd::Delivery::Local;
use DJabberd::Delivery::S2S;
use DJabberd::PresenceChecker::Local;
use DJabberd::RosterStorage::SQLite;
use DJabberd::Plugin::MUC;
use DJabberd::Plugin::VCard::SQLite;
my $daemonize;
                         'd|daemon'       => \$daemonize,

$SixApart::LDAP_SERVER = "";

my $rs = DJabberd::RosterStorage::SixApart->new;

my $vcard = DJabberd::Plugin::VCard::SQLite->new;

my $muc = DJabberd::Plugin::MUC->new;

my $vhost = DJabberd::VHost->new(
                                 server_name => '',
                                 require_ssl => 1,
                                 s2s       => 1,
                                 plugins   => [

my $server = DJabberd->new(
                           daemonize => $daemonize,
                           old_ssl   => 1,


package DJabberd::Authen::SixApart;
use strict;
use base 'DJabberd::Authen';
use Net::LDAP;

sub can_retrieve_cleartext { 0 }

sub check_cleartext {
    my ($self, $cb, %args) = @_;
    my $user = $args{username};
    my $pass = $args{password};
    my $conn = $args{conn};

    unless ($user =~ /^\w+$/) {

    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $SixApart::LDAP_SERVER ) or die "$@";
    my $dn   = "uid=$user,ou=People,dc=sixapart,dc=com";
    my $msg  = $ldap->bind($dn, password => $pass, version => 3);
    if ($msg && !$msg->is_error) {
    } else {

package DJabberd::RosterStorage::SixApart;
use strict;
use base 'DJabberd::RosterStorage::SQLite';

sub get_roster {
    my ($self, $cb, $jid) = @_;
    # cb can '->set_roster(Roster)' or decline

    my $myself = lc $jid->node;
    warn "SixApart loading roster for $myself ...\n";

    my $on_load_roster = sub {
        my (undef, $roster) = @_;

        my $pre_ct = $roster->items;
        warn "  $pre_ct roster items prior to population...\n";

        # see which employees already in roster
        my %has;
        foreach my $it ($roster->items) {
            my $jid = $it->jid;
            next unless $jid->as_bare_string =~ /^(\w+)\@sixapart\.com$/;
            $has{lc $1} = $it;

        # add missing employees to the roster
        my $emps = _employees();
        foreach my $uid (keys %$emps) {
            $uid = lc $uid;
            next if $uid eq $myself;

            my $emp = $emps->{$uid};
            my $ri = $has{$uid} || DJabberd::RosterItem->new(jid  => "$uid\",
                                                             name => ($emp->{displayName} || $emp->{cn}),
                                                             groups => ["SixApart"]);


        my $post_ct = $roster->items;
        warn "  $post_ct roster items post population...\n";


    my $cb2 = DJabberd::Callback->new({set_roster => $on_load_roster,
                                      decline    => sub { $cb->decline }});
    $self->SUPER::get_roster($cb2, $jid);

my $last_emp;
my $last_emp_time = 0;  # unixtime of last ldap suck (ldap server is slow sometimes, so don't always poll)
sub _employees {
    my $now = time();

    # don't get new employees more often than once an hour.... :-)
    if ($last_emp && $last_emp_time > $now - 3600) {
        return $last_emp;

    my $opts = "cn mailLocalAddress mail displayName";
    my @lines = `ldapsearch -H ldap://$SixApart::LDAP_SERVER -x -b ou=People,dc=SixApart,dc=com $opts`;
    my $line_ct = @lines;
    warn "Got employee lines from LDAP: $line_ct\n";
    if ($line_ct == 0) {
        warn "zero employees: error=$?\n";
        if ($last_emp) {
            warn " ... returning cached copy\n";
            return $last_emp;

    my %info;  # uid -> key -> value
    my $curuid = undef;
    foreach my $line (@lines) {
        $line =~ s/^\#.*//;
        if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
            $curuid = undef;
        if ($line =~ /uid=(\w+)/) {
            $curuid = $1;
        next unless $curuid;

        if ($line =~ /^(\w+): (.+)/) {
            $info{$curuid}{$1} = $2;

    delete $info{'tempaccount'};
    delete $info{'usability'};

    foreach my $uid (keys %info) {
        delete $info{$uid} unless $info{$uid}{mailLocalAddress} || $info{$uid}{mail};

    $last_emp_time = $now;
    return $last_emp = \%info;

sub load_roster_item {
    my ($self, $jid, $contact_jid, $cb) = @_;

    my $is_employee = sub {
        my $jid = shift;
        return $jid->domain eq "";

    if ($is_employee->($jid) && $is_employee->($contact_jid)) {
        my $both = DJabberd::Subscription->new;
        my $rit = DJabberd::RosterItem->new(jid  => $contact_jid,
                                            subscription => $both);

    $self->SUPER::load_roster_item($jid, $contact_jid, $cb);

package DB;
no strict 'refs';
no utf8;

sub DB{};
sub sub {
    # localize CALL_DEPTH so that we don't need to decrement it after the sub
    # is called
    local $DB::CALL_DEPTH = $DB::CALL_DEPTH+1;
    #my @foo = @_;
    my $fileline = "";
    if (ref $DB::sub eq "CODE") {
        my @caller = caller;
        my $pkg = $caller[0];
        my $line = $caller[2];
        $fileline = " called from $pkg, line $line";
    warn ("." x $DB::CALL_DEPTH . " ($DB::CALL_DEPTH) $DB::sub$fileline\n");

    # Call our subroutine. @_ gets passed on for us.
    # by calling it last, we don't need to worry about "wantarray", etc
    # by returning it like this, the caller's expectations are conveyed to
    # the called routine