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use strictures 1;

package Mojito::Model::MetaCPAN;
  $Mojito::Model::MetaCPAN::VERSION = '0.21';
use Moo;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use MetaCPAN::API;
use Text::MultiMarkdown;
use CHI;
use Data::Dumper::Concise;

=head1 Name

Mojito::Model::MetaCPAN - Tap into


has http_client => (
    is      => 'ro',
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub { HTTP::Tiny->new },

has metacpan => (
    is      => 'ro',
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub { MetaCPAN::API->new },

has cache => (
    is      => 'rw',
    default => sub {
            driver => 'Memory',
            global => 1,
#            driver   => 'File',
            root_dir => '/tmp/mojito/cache',

has not_found_string => (
    is => 'rw',
    lazy => 1,
   'default' => sub { 'NOT FOUND' },

has markdown => (
    is => 'ro',
    lazy => 1,
    'default' => sub { return Text::MultiMarkdown->new }

=head1 Methods

=head2 get_synopsis_from_metacpan

    Args: (Str: main module path, ModuleName: main module)
    Returns: (Array: ($pod_url_used, @synopsis_lines)


sub get_synopsis_from_metacpan {
    my ($self, $main_module, $pod_url) = @_;

    my $pod_url_used = 'release';
    # Use markdown format (easy to parse out SYNOPSIS)
#    my $format = '?content-type=text/x-markdown';
    my $format = '?content-type=text/plain';
    my $secondary_pod_url = "${main_module}${format}";
    if (not $pod_url) {
        $pod_url = $secondary_pod_url;
        $pod_url_used = 'main_module';
    else {
        $pod_url .= $format;
    my $response = $self->http_client->get($pod_url);
    if (not $response->{success} && ($pod_url_used = 'release')) {
        warn "Could not find POD at $pod_url. Trying: $secondary_pod_url..";
        $response = $self->http_client->get($secondary_pod_url);
        if (not $response->{success}) {
            warn "Could not find POD at $secondary_pod_url";
            return $self->not_found_string;
    my $content = $response->{content}; # if length $response->{content};
    my @synopsis_lines = ();
    my $seen_synopsis = my $seen_synopsis_end = 0;
    my @content_lines = split '\n', $content;

    foreach (@content_lines) {
        # Are we starting the section after the Synopsis?
#        if ($seen_synopsis && m/^#\s/) {
        if ($seen_synopsis && m/^\S/) {
            $seen_synopsis_end = 1;
#        if (m/^#\s+SYNOPSIS/i) {
        if (m/^SYNOPSIS/i) {
            $seen_synopsis = 1;
        if ($seen_synopsis && not $seen_synopsis_end) {
            use Encode qw/ decode_utf8 encode_utf8/;
            push @synopsis_lines, decode_utf8($_);
#            push @synopsis_lines, $_;
    return wantarray ? @synopsis_lines : join "\n", @synopsis_lines;

sub get_description_from_metacpan {
    my ($self, $Module) = @_;
    my $pod_url =
    my $response = $self->http_client->get($pod_url);
    if (not $response->{success}) {
        #warn "Failed to get URL: $pod_url";
    my $content = $response->{content}; # if length $response->{content};
    my @description_lines = ();
    my $seen_description = my $seen_description_end = 0;
    my @content_lines = split '\n', $content;

    foreach (@content_lines) {
        # Are we starting the section after the Synopsis?
        if ($seen_description && m/^#\s/) {
            $seen_description_end = 1;
        if (m/^#\s+DESCRIPTION/i) {
            $seen_description = 1;
        if ($seen_description && not $seen_description_end) {
            push @description_lines, $_;
    return wantarray ? @description_lines : join "\n", @description_lines;
=head2 get_synopsis_formatted

    signature: (a Perl Module name, an element of qw/presentation/)
    example: my $synop = $self->get_synopsis_formatted('Moose', 'presentation');

sub get_synopsis_formatted {
    my ($self, $release, $format) = @_;
    $format ||= 'presentation';
     my $main_module_pod_url = my $main_module = $release->{distribution};
     $main_module =~ s|-|::|g;
     $main_module_pod_url =~ s|-|/|g;
     $main_module_pod_url = "$release->{author}/$release->{name}/lib/${main_module_pod_url}.pm";
    # Just have the presentation format for starters.
    my $dispatch_table = {
        presentation => sub {
            my @synopsis_lines = $self->get_synopsis_from_metacpan($main_module, $main_module_pod_url);
            @synopsis_lines = $self->trim_lines(@synopsis_lines);
            if (not scalar @synopsis_lines) {
                return $self->not_found_string;
            my $abstract = '';
            $abstract = "<section class='module_abstract'>$release->{abstract}</section>\n" if $release->{abstract};
            # Comment out lines that don't start with a comment
            # and are not indented (i.e. not code)
            # because we'd like the Synopsis to be runnable (in theory)
            my ($whitespace) = $synopsis_lines[0] =~ m/^(\s*)/;
            @synopsis_lines = map { my $line = $_; $line =~ s/^(\w)/&#35; $1/; $line; } @synopsis_lines;

            # Trim off leading whitespace (usually 2 or 4)
            @synopsis_lines = map { my $line = $_; $line =~ s/^$whitespace//; $line; } @synopsis_lines;
            my $synopsis = join "\n", @synopsis_lines;

            # pre wrapper for syntax highlight
            $synopsis = "${abstract}<pre class='sh_perl'>\n" . $synopsis . "</pre>\n";
            $synopsis = "<h2 class='Module'><a href='$release->{author}/$release->{name}'>$release->{distribution}</a></h2>" . $synopsis;
            return $synopsis;

    my $cache_key = "$release->{name}:SYNOPSIS:${format}";
    my $synopsis  = $self->cache->get($cache_key);
    if (not $synopsis) {
        warn "GET $main_module SYNOPSIS from CPAN" if $ENV{MOJITO_DEBUG};
        $synopsis = $dispatch_table->{$format}->($main_module_pod_url);
        $self->cache->set($cache_key, $synopsis, '3 days');
    return $synopsis;

=head2 trim_lines

Remove first line
Remove leading and trailing blank lines


sub trim_lines {
    my ($self, @lines) = @_;

    return if not scalar @lines;

    # Get rid of first line and any blank line directly after
    # We'll rewrite the first line and are making the results more
    # compact by removing the blank lines.
    shift @lines;
    return if not scalar @lines;
    while ($lines[0] && $lines[0] =~ m/^\s*?$/) {
        shift @lines;
    return if not scalar @lines;

    # Do same for tail
    while ($lines[-1] && $lines[-1] =~ m/^\s*?$/) {
        pop @lines;
    return if not scalar @lines;
    return @lines;
=head2 get_recent_releases_from_metacpan

    Get an ArrayRef[HashRef] of the most recent CPAN releases


sub get_recent_releases_from_metacpan {
    my ($self, $how_many) = @_;
    $how_many ||= 10;

    my @fields        = qw/author name distribution version maturity status abstract download_url/;
    my $fields_string = join ',', @fields;
    my $result        = $self->metacpan->release(
        search => {
            sort   => "date:desc",
            fields => $fields_string,
            size   => $how_many,

    return [ map { $_->{fields} } @{ $result->{hits}->{hits} } ];

=head2 recent_synopses_shortcut

    Create the Mojito shortcut that gets the synopses of the most 
    recently released CPAN distributions.  Looks like:
    {{synopsis Module1}}
    {{synopsis Module2}}
    {{synopsis Modulen}}

sub recent_synopses_shortcut {
    my ($self, $how_many) = @_;
    $how_many ||= 10;

    my $cache_key = "CPAN_RECENT_SYNOPSES:${how_many}";
    my $synopses  = $self->cache->get($cache_key);
    if (not $synopses) {
        warn "GET Recent Release from CPAN" if $ENV{MOJITO_DEBUG};
        my @releases = $self->get_recent_releases_from_metacpan($how_many);
        my @recent_synopses = map { "{{cpan.synopsis $_}}" } 
        map {
            my $dist = $_->{distribution}; 
            $dist =~ s/\-/::/g;
        } @releases;
        $synopses = join "\n", @recent_synopses;
        $self->cache->set($cache_key, $synopses, '1 minute');
    return $synopses;

=head2 get_recent_releases

Get the most recent releases (as module names)

sub get_recent_releases {
    my ($self, $how_many) = @_;
    $how_many ||= 10;

    my $cache_key = "CPAN_RECENT_RELEASES:${how_many}";
    my $releases  = $self->cache->get($cache_key);
    if (not $releases) {
        warn "GET Recent Releases from CPAN\n" if $ENV{MOJITO_DEBUG};
        $releases = $self->get_recent_releases_from_metacpan($how_many);
        $self->cache->set($cache_key, $releases, '1 minute');
    return $releases;

=head2 get_recent_synopses

Get the most recent synopses from CPAN

sub get_recent_synopses {
    my ($self, $how_many) = @_;
    $how_many ||= 10;
    my $metacpan_web_host = '';

    my $html;
    my $releases = $self->get_recent_releases($how_many);
    # Avoid duplicates
    my %have_seen = ();
    foreach my $release (@{$releases}) {
        my $main_module = $release->{distribution};
        $main_module =~ s/\-/::/g;
        next if $have_seen{$main_module};
        my $synopsis = $self->get_synopsis_formatted($release, 'presentation');
        my $not_found_message = '';
        if ($synopsis eq $self->not_found_string) {
            $not_found_message = 'Synopsis not found for '; 
            if ($release->{maturity} eq 'released') {
                $html .= "<section class='released'>$not_found_message 
                <a href='${metacpan_web_host}/release/$release->{author}/$release->{name}'>$release->{name}</a>
            else {
                $html .= "<section class='developer'>$not_found_message
                <a href='${metacpan_web_host}/release/$release->{author}/$release->{name}'>$release->{name}</a>
                <span style='font-size: 88%;'> (dev)</span>
        else {
            $html .= $synopsis;
    return $html;