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use strict;
use warnings;

#use lib 't/lib';

#use Moose ();
#use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
#use NoInlineAttribute;
use Test::Fatal;
use Test::More;
#use Test::Moose;

    my %handles = (
        option_accessor  => 'accessor',
        quantity         => [ accessor => 'quantity' ],
        clear_options    => 'clear',
        num_options      => 'count',
        delete_option    => 'delete',
        is_defined       => 'defined',
        options_elements => 'elements',
        has_option       => 'exists',
        get_option       => 'get',
        has_no_options   => 'is_empty',
        keys             => 'keys',
        values           => 'values',
        key_value        => 'kv',
        set_option       => 'set',

    my $name = 'Foo1';

    sub build_class {
        my %attr = @_;

        my $class = $name++;

        eval qq|
            package $class;

            use Moo;
            use MooX::HandlesVia;
            use MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base qw/HashRef Str/;

            has options => (
                is      => 'rw',
                isa     => HashRef[Str],
                handles_via => 'Hash',
                handles => \\%handles,
                default => sub { {} },
                clearer => '_clear_options',


        return ( $class, \%handles, \%attr );

    run_tests( build_class( lazy => 1, default => sub { { x => 1 } } ) );
    run_tests( build_class( trigger => sub { } ) );
    #run_tests( build_class( no_inline => 1 ) );

    # Will force the inlining code to check the entire hashref when it is modified.
    #subtype 'MyHashRef', as 'HashRef[Str]', where { 1 };

    #run_tests( build_class( isa => 'MyHashRef' ) );

    #coerce 'MyHashRef', from 'HashRef', via { $_ };

    #run_tests( build_class( isa => 'MyHashRef', coerce => 1 ) );

sub run_tests {
    my ( $class, $handles, $obj_attr) = @_;

    can_ok( $class, $_ ) for sort keys %{$handles};

    my $obj = $class->new( options => {} );

    ok( $obj->has_no_options, '... we have no options' );
    is( $obj->num_options, 0, '... we have no options' );

    is_deeply( $obj->options, {}, '... no options yet' );
    ok( !$obj->has_option('foo'), '... we have no foo option' );

    is( exception {
            $obj->set_option( foo => 'bar' ),
            'set return single new value in scalar context'
    }, undef, '... set the option okay' );

        #exception { $obj->set_option( foo => 'bar', 'baz' ) },
        #qr/You must pass an even number of arguments to set/,
        #'exception with odd number of arguments'

        #exception { $obj->set_option( undef, 'bar' ) },
        #qr/Hash keys passed to set must be defined/,
        #'exception when using undef as a key'

    ok( $obj->is_defined('foo'), '... foo is defined' );

    ok( !$obj->has_no_options, '... we have options' );
    is( $obj->num_options, 1, '... we have 1 option(s)' );
    ok( $obj->has_option('foo'), '... we have a foo option' );
    is_deeply( $obj->options, { foo => 'bar' }, '... got options now' );

    is( exception {
        $obj->set_option( bar => 'baz' );
    }, undef, '... set the option okay' );

    is( $obj->num_options, 2, '... we have 2 option(s)' );
        $obj->options, { foo => 'bar', bar => 'baz' },
        '... got more options now'

    is( $obj->get_option('foo'), 'bar', '... got the right option' );

        [ $obj->get_option(qw(foo bar)) ], [qw(bar baz)],
        "get multiple options at once"

        scalar( $obj->get_option(qw( foo bar)) ), "baz",
        '... got last option in scalar context'

    is( exception {
        $obj->set_option( oink => "blah", xxy => "flop" );
    }, undef, '... set the option okay' );

    is( $obj->num_options, 4, "4 options" );
        [ $obj->get_option(qw(foo bar oink xxy)) ],
        [qw(bar baz blah flop)], "get multiple options at once"

    is( exception {
        is( scalar $obj->delete_option('bar'), 'baz',
            'delete returns deleted value' );
    }, undef, '... deleted the option okay' );

    is( exception {
            [ $obj->delete_option( 'oink', 'xxy' ) ],
            [ 'blah', 'flop' ],
            'delete returns all deleted values in list context'
    }, undef, '... deleted multiple option okay' );

    is( $obj->num_options, 1, '... we have 1 option(s)' );
        $obj->options, { foo => 'bar' },
        '... got more options now'


    is_deeply( $obj->options, {}, "... cleared options" );

    is( exception {
    }, undef, '... options added okay with defaults' );

    is( $obj->quantity, 4, 'reader part of curried accessor works' );

        $obj->option_accessor('quantity'), 4,
        'accessor as reader'

        $obj->options, { quantity => 4 },
        '... returns what we expect'

    $obj->option_accessor( size => 42 );

        #exception {
        #qr/Cannot call accessor without at least 1 argument/,
        #'error when calling accessor with no arguments'

        #exception { $obj->option_accessor( undef, 'bar' ) },
        #qr/Hash keys passed to accessor must be defined/,
        #'exception when using undef as a key'

        $obj->options, { quantity => 4, size => 42 },
        'accessor as writer'

    is( exception {
        $class->new( options => { foo => 'BAR' } );
    }, undef, '... good constructor params' );

    TODO: {
        local $TODO = 'this is currently difficult to implement due to Moo details.';
        isnt( exception {
            $obj->set_option( bar => {} );
        }, undef, '... could not add a hash ref where an string is expected' );
    isnt( exception {
        $class->new( options => { foo => [] } );
    }, undef, '... bad constructor params' );

    $obj->options( {} );

        [ $obj->set_option( oink => "blah", xxy => "flop" ) ],
        [ 'blah', 'flop' ],
        'set returns newly set values in order of keys provided'

        [ sort $obj->keys ],
        [ 'oink', 'xxy' ],
        'keys returns expected keys'

        [ sort $obj->values ],
        [ 'blah', 'flop' ],
        'values returns expected values'

    my @key_value = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } $obj->key_value;
            sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] }[ 'xxy', 'flop' ],
            [ 'oink',     'blah' ]
        '... got the right key value pairs'
        or do {
        require Data::Dumper;
        diag( Data::Dumper::Dumper( \@key_value ) );

    my %options_elements = $obj->options_elements;
        \%options_elements, {
            'oink'     => 'blah',
            'xxy'      => 'flop'
        '... got the right hash elements'

    if ($obj_attr->{lazy}) {
        my $obj = $class->new;

        $obj->set_option( y => 2 );

            $obj->options, { x => 1, y => 2 },
            'set_option with lazy default'


            'key for x exists - lazy default'


            'key for x is defined - lazy default'


            [ $obj->key_value ],
            [ [ x => 1 ] ],
            'kv returns lazy default'


        $obj->option_accessor( y => 2 );

            [ sort $obj->keys ],
            [ 'x', 'y' ],
            'accessor triggers lazy default generator'

    use MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base qw/HashRef/;
    my ( $class, $handles ) = build_class( isa => HashRef );
    my $obj = $class->new;
        exception { $obj->option_accessor( 'foo', undef ) },
        'can use accessor to set value to undef'
        exception { $obj->quantity(undef) },
        'can use accessor to set value to undef'
