The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Apache::AppCluster::Client;
use strict;

use IO::Socket;
use Time::HiRes;
use POSIX;
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
use Carp;
use Digest::MD5 qw( md5_hex );

use constant REQ_INCOMPLETE => 0;
use constant REQ_SUCCESS => 1;
use constant REQ_REMOTE_TIMEOUT => 2;
use constant REQ_CONNECT_FAIL => 4;

use constant SRV_NO_SUCH_METHOD => 6;
use constant SRV_SUCCESS => 7;
use constant SRV_METHOD_RETURNED_ERROR => 9;

use vars qw( $VERBOSE $VERSION );

$VERSION = '0.02';


sub new
	my ($caller, %args) = @_;
	my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
	my $self = bless {}, $class;

	return $self;

sub get_total_success
	my $self = shift @_;
	if(exists $self->{_total_success})
		return $self->{_total_success};
	} else
		return undef;

sub get_total_failed
	my $self = shift @_;
	if(exists $self->{_total_failed})
		return $self->{_total_failed};
	} else
		return undef;

sub translate_error
	my $self = shift @_;
	my $err = shift @_;

	if($err == REQ_INCOMPLETE)
		return "Request not completed yet.";
	} elsif($err == REQ_SUCCESS)
		return "Request successful.";
	} elsif($err == REQ_REMOTE_TIMEOUT)
		return "The request timed out while waiting for the remote server.";
	} elsif($err == REQ_CONNECT_FAIL)
		return "The request failed to connect to the server and/or port you specified.";
		return "The response the remote server sent back was not understood.";
	} elsif($err == SRV_NO_SUCH_METHOD)
		return "The remote server generated an error: No such method.";
	} elsif($err == SRV_SUCCESS)
		return "Remote server completed the operation succesfully.";
		return "The remote server could not understand the request you sent it.";
		return "The method called on the remote server returned an error.";
	} else
		return undef;

sub request_ok
	my $self = shift @_;
	my $key = shift @_;

	if($self->{_requests}->{$key}->{status} == REQ_SUCCESS)
		return 1;
	} else
		return 0;

sub add_request
	my $self = shift @_;
	my %data = @_;

	$self->{_requests} = {} if(!$self->{_requests});

	croak "A request with key " . $data{key} . " has already been registered! Each request must have a unique key." 
		if(exists $self->{_requests}->{$data{key}});

	my $new_req = {};

	$new_req->{method} = ($data{method}) ? $data{method} : croak "No remote method specified!";
	$new_req->{params} = ($data{params}) ? $data{params} : undef;
	$new_req->{status} = REQ_INCOMPLETE;

	my $msg = "Please use the format url => '' (The colon and port number are optional) and make sure your remote AppCluster server is configured to handle that URL.";
	(exists $data{url}) || croak "No server URL specified. $msg";
	if($data{url} =~ m/http:\/\/(.*?)(\/.*)$/i)
		my $sdetail = $1;
		my $uri = $2;
		my ($server, $port);
		if($sdetail =~ m/(.*?):(\d+)$/)
			$server = $1;
			$port = $2;
		} else
			$server = $sdetail;
			$port = 80;

		if($server =~ m/[^a-zA-Z\d\-\.]/)
			croak "Could not interpret your server name: $server";

		$new_req->{server} = $server;
		$new_req->{port} = $port;
		$new_req->{uri} = $uri;

	} else
		croak "Could not understand your URL: " . $data{url};

	$self->{_requests}->{$data{key}} = $new_req;

sub get_request_keys
	my $self = shift @_;
	if(ref($self->{_requests}) eq 'HASH')
		return (keys %{$self->{_requests}});
	} else
		return undef;

sub get_request_data
	my $self = shift @_;
	my $index = shift @_;

	if(exists $self->{_requests}->{$index})
		if(exists $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data})
			return $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data};
		} else
			return 0; #No data
	} else
		return undef; #No such request

sub get_request_status
	my $self = shift @_;
	my $index = shift @_;

	if(exists $self->{_requests}->{$index})
		return $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status}; 
	} else
		return undef; #no such request

sub send_requests
	my $self = shift @_;
	my $timeout = shift @_; #in seconds - can be a float
	my $stime = Time::HiRes::time();

	foreach my $index (keys %{$self->{_requests}})
		warn "Connecting to: " . $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{server} . ":" . $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{port} if($VERBOSE);
		if(! ($self->{_requests}->{$index}->{sock} = new IO::Socket::INET (
			PeerAddr => $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{server},
			PeerPort => $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{port},
			Proto => 'tcp',)) 
			$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} = REQ_CONNECT_FAIL;
		} else
			fcntl($self->{_requests}->{$index}->{sock}, F_SETFL(), O_NONBLOCK()); #now you're a non-blocker

	my $connected_sockets = 0;
	foreach my $index (keys %{$self->{_requests}})
		if( $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} == REQ_INCOMPLETE ) #those that didn't fail to connect
			my $href = {
				method => $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{method},
				params => $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{params},

			my $data = freeze($href);
			my $digest = md5_hex($data);
			my $send_data = '<frozen>' . $digest . $data . '</frozen>';
			my $content_length = length($send_data);
			my $uri = $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{uri};
			my $host = $self->{_requests}->{$index}->{server};

#I'm guessing that octet-stream is the correct mime type for this sort of thing.
			print {$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{sock}} <<"EOF";
POST $uri HTTP/1.0
Accept: application/octet-stream
Accept: */*
Host: $host
Connection: close
User-Agent: Apache::AppCluster::Client v0.1
Content-Length: $content_length
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;



	my $cutoff_time = Time::HiRes::time() + $timeout;

	my $sockets_pending = $connected_sockets;

	while((Time::HiRes::time() < $cutoff_time) && $sockets_pending)
		my $sockets_finished = 0;
		foreach my $index (keys %{$self->{_requests}})
			if($self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} == REQ_INCOMPLETE) 
				my $buf;
				my $bytes_read = sysread($self->{_requests}->{$index}->{sock}, $buf, 1024);
				if(defined($bytes_read) )
					if($bytes_read == 0)
						$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} = REQ_SUCCESS; #finished
					} else
						$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data} .= $buf;
				} else #no data to read yet
					if($! == EAGAIN()) #socket would have blocked
						#keep going until there is more data on the socket
					} else
						$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} = REQ_SUCCESS;

	foreach my $index (keys %{$self->{_requests}})
		if($self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} == REQ_SUCCESS)
			if($self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data} =~ m/<frozen>(.*)<\/frozen>/s)
				my $input = $1;
				my $digest = substr($input, 0, 32);
				my $data = substr($input, 32);
				my $response;
				if($digest eq md5_hex($data))
					$response = thaw($data);
					if($response->{status} == SRV_SUCCESS) #remote success
						$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data} = $response->{data};
					} else
						$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data} = undef;
						$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} = $response->{status};
						$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{method_error} = $response->{method_error};
				} else
					warn "Digest failed." if($VERBOSE);
					$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data} = undef;
					$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} = REQ_RESPONSE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD;

			} else
				warn "Regex not matched." if($VERBOSE);
				$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{data} = undef;
				$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} = REQ_RESPONSE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD;
		} else
			if($self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} == REQ_INCOMPLETE)
				$self->{_requests}->{$index}->{status} = REQ_REMOTE_TIMEOUT;

	$self->{_time_taken} = Time::HiRes::time() - $stime;

	return $self->{_total_success};

sub get_total_request_time
	my $self = shift @_;
	if(exists $self->{_time_taken})
		return $self->{_time_taken};
	} else
		return undef;

=head1 NAME



  #To call a single remote method:
  use Apache::AppCluster::Client;
  my $client = Apache::AppCluster::Client->new();
    key => 'key1',
    method => 'MyLib::search()',
    params => ['val1', 'val2', 'another_val', 'more_stuff'],
    url => '',
  my $timeout = 5.6; #seconds - can be a float
  my $num_succesful = $client->send_requests($timeout);
  my $num_failed = $client->get_total_failed();
  if($client->request_ok('key1')) {
    my $key1_data = $client->get_request_data('key1');
  } else {
    print "Request 'key1' failed with error: " . 

  #To call many remote methods on distributed servers simultaneously:
  use Apache::AppCluster::Client;
  my $client = Apache::AppCluster::Client->new();
  my @servers = qw( );
  for(my $counter = 0; $counter < 4000; $counter += 4) {
    my $server_url = 'http://' . $servers[$counter % 4] . '/server_uri';
      key => $counter,
      #Method and params can vary per request
      method => 'MyLib::do_something()', 
      params => { key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2' },
      url => $server_url,

  my $num_succesful = $client->send_requests(60);
  my $num_failed = $client->get_total_failed();
  my %data;
  for(my $counter = 0; $counter < 4000; $counter++) {
    if($client->request_ok($counter)) {
      $data{$counter} = $client->get_request_data($counter);
    } else {
      $data{$counter} = undef;

  print "Total time for all requests to finish: " . 

Apache::AppCluster::Client is designed to be a lightweight RPC mechanism 
for mod_perl applications that allows concurrent method calls to
multiple remote mod_perl application servers. If you simply want 
a mod_perl app to do 20 things at once locally, or you have a cluster
of 100 distributed mod_perl web servers acting as back end processors 
for a front end web server, you'll (hopefully) find this useful.


The client object is created by calling new with no parameters. 
Then call add_request() to add as many requests as you like specifying
a request key each time. 
Then call send_requests($timeout) to send all requests simultaneously
to their respective remote servers. The return data for each request
can be retreived using get_request_data($request_key). 

=head1 METHODS

The following methods may be called on the client object.

=over 4

=item new()
Creates a client object - takes no parameters.

=item add_request()

    key => $keyname,
    method => 'MyLib::MainModule::method()',
    params => $scalar_reference,
    url => '',

Add request registers a request to be sent to a remote server with
the client object. 'key' may be any key that may be used in a hash. 
'method' is the name of the remote method you wish to invoke including
full package name and brackets. 'params' is any scalar. The scalar may
contain a reference to a HASH, ARRAY, object, or anything that 
Storable::freeze and Storable::thaw can serialize. 'url' is a URL in
standard format. You may optionally specify a remote port. If none 
is specified, it defaults to 80 as per normal. The URI portion of the 
URL (/svr_uri in the example) must point to the URI that is handled
by Apache::AppCluster::Server. Please see the latters documentation
for details.

=item $n = send_requests($timeout)

Send requests must be called with a timeout in seconds. The timeout can be 
a floating point number. The return value is the number of requests succesfully returned.
All requests that have been 
registered with add_request will be sent simultaneously to their respective
servers when send_requests is called. 
send_requests will return when all responses have been received or
the specified timeout has elapsed. If the timeout is 0 or omitted, then
send_requests will wait an infinite time for a response. 

B<NOTE> that when you call send_requests, a socket will be created for each request
to be sent. Please make sure you have enough sockets available i.e. don't 
try to send 100000 requests simultaneously. Also note that the client first
establishes a connection to all remote servers, then sends the requests. 
If you are connecting to a single server, make sure you dont overload it
with connections, or you will find all your requests timing out i.e. B<Don't
exceed your apache server's MaxClient's setting.>

=item get_total_failed()

Returns the number of failed requests.

=item get_total_success()

Returns number of succesful requests.

=item request_ok($key)

Returns true if the request associated with $key was succesful

=item get_request_data($key)

Returns the data that was returned from the request associated with $key. 
Returns undef if there is no such request and false if there is no data 
(which would be the case if the request failed). If you have a function
that returns false, then have it return a reference that points to a false

=item get_total_request_time()

Returns the total time taken to process all requests. You can call this after
you call send_requests.

=item request_status($key)

Returns a numerical status for the request.

=item translate_error(request_status($key))

translate_error() will translate the numerical status returned by request_status().

=item get_request_keys()

Returns an array of all keys for all requests added using add_request().


=head1 BUGS

None yet. Please send to

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Mark Maunder <> - Any problems, bugs, feature requests or questions are welcome.