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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Regexp::Common;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Test::WWW::Simple;

use constant SHEBANG => '#!/usr/bin/env perl';
my($generate, $run);

GetOptions('generate' => \$generate,
           'run'      => \$run);

# Assume run if no flags at all.
$run++ unless $run or $generate;

my @tests;
my @countries;
my $agent = "Windows IE 6";
my $number_of_tests;
my @lines = <>;
while(@lines) {
  $_ = shift @lines;
  # Discard comments.
  /^#/ and next;

  # Discard blank lines.
  /^\s*$/ and next;

  # First, look for any of our pragmas.
  # These all start with %% and a pragma name.

  # %xx: es de au ..
  # This pragma lets us define a list of country IDs
  # to be substituted into the URLs following it. We look for ">xx<"
  # in the URLs to find the characters we'll replace.
  /^%%xx:/ and do {
    if (/^%%xx: (([a-z1-9]{2,}(\s+|$))+)/) {
      my $countries = $1;
      @countries = split(/\s+/, $countries);
    else {
      die "Invalid '%%xx:' pragma: must be '%%xx: ' followed by two (or more) character country IDs.\n";

  # %agent: agent_alias
  # This pragma tells us to switch the user agent to the one specified.
  # if it's not a valid user agent, we die.
  /%%agent: (.*)/ and do {
    $agent = $1;
    my @aliases = WWW::Mechanize::known_agent_aliases(); 
    unless (grep {/$agent/} @aliases) {
      die "$agent is an invalid user agent alias/";
    push @tests, qq!Test::WWW::Simple::user_agent("$agent");\n!;

  # if an xx: pragma is in effect, substitute the country for ">xx<" 
  # everywhere in the input record (so we can include the country in the
  # comment!).
  if (@countries) {
    my @localized;
    for my $country (@countries) {
      my $localized;
      # don't create localized tests if the test is not localizable.
      unless (/>xx</) {
      # Localize.
      ($localized = $_) =~ s/>xx</$country/g;
      push @localized, $localized;

    # Discard the unlocalized line.

  # No localization in effect. Just make a test.
  else {


if (defined $number_of_tests) {
  unshift @tests, 
    "@{[SHEBANG]}\nuse Test::WWW::Simple tests=>$number_of_tests;\n";
  print @tests if $generate;
  eval(join '',@tests) if $run;
  $@ and warn $@,"\n";
else {
  warn "# No tests were found in your input file.\n";

sub emit_a_test {
  my (@input) = @_;
  # All these extra undefs are the result of using Regexp::Common to 
  # capture the first two fields. Less confusing and error-prone than
  # actually coding the regexes oneself.
  local $_;
  for (@input) {
    my($url,   undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
       undef, undef, $regex, undef, 
       @comment) =
      m[$RE{URI}{HTTP}{-keep}\s+              # a URL
        $RE{delimited}{-delim=>'/'}{-keep}\s+ # a regex, in slashes
        (Y|N)\s+                              # should/shoudn't match
        (.*)$]x;                              # test comment

    @comment = qw(No comment supplied) unless @comment;
    push @comment, "[$url]" if defined $url;
    next unless defined $url and defined $regex and defined $which;

    push @tests, qq!page_@{[$which eq 'Y' ? "" : "un"]}! .
                 qq!like("$url", qr/$regex/, "@{[join " ",@comment]}");\n!;

=head1 NAME

simple_scan - scan a set of Web pages for strings present/absent


  simple_scan [--generate] [--run] {file file file ...}

=head1 USAGE

  # Run the tests in the files supplied on the command line.
  # --run (or -run; we're flexible) is assumed if you give no switches.
  % simple_scan file1 file2 file3

  # Generate a set of tests and save them, then run them.
  % <complex pipe> | simple_scan --generate > pipe_scan.t

  # Run one simple test
  % echo " yahoo Y Look for"  | simple_scan -run


C<simple_scan> reads either files supplied on the command line, or standard
input. It creates and runs, or prints, or even both, a L<Test::WWW::Simple>
test for the criteria supplied to it.

C<simple_scan>'s input should be in the following format:

  <URL> <pattern> <Y|N> <comment>

The I<URL> is any URL; I<pattern> is a Perl regular expression, delimited by
slashes; I<Y|N> is C<Y> if the pattern should match, or C<N> if the pattern 
should B<not> match; and I<comment> is any arbitrary text you like (as long as it's all on the same line as everything else).


We use L<Getopt::Long> to get the command-line options, so we're really very
flexible as to how they're entered. You can use either one dash (as in
C<-foo>) or two (as in C<--bar>). You only need to enter the minimum number
or characters to match a given switch.

=over 4

=item C<--run>

C<--run> tells C<simple_scan> to immediately run the tests it's created. Can
be abbreviated to C<-r>.

This option is mosst useful for one-shot tests that you're not planning to
run repeatedly.

=item C<--generate>

C<--generate> tells C<simple_scan> to print the test it's generated on the
standard output.

This option is useful to build up a test suite to be reused later.


Both C<-r> and C<-g> can be specified at the same time to run a test and print 
it simultaneously; this is useful when you want to save a test to be run later 
as well as right now without having to regenerate the test.

=head1 PRAGMAS

Pragmas are ways to influence what C<simple_scan> does when generating tests.
They don't output anything themselves.

Pragmas are specified with C<%%> in column 1 and the pragma name immediately
following. Any arguments aer supplied after a colon, like this:

   %%foo: bar baz

This invokes the C<foo> pragma with the argument C<bar baz>.

=head2 xx

The C<xx> pragma allows for very simple-minded internationalization. It assumes
that you want to substitute each of a list of two-character country codes into
a string (most likely somewhere in the URL, but possibly in the comment too). 
C<simple_scan> will do this for you, creating a test for each country code
you specify. For instance:

   %%xx: es au my jp
   http://>xx<     /blargh/  Y  look for blargh (>xx<)

This would generate 4 tests, for C<>, C<>, 
c<>, and C<>, all looking to match C<blargh> 
somewhere on the page.

=head2 agent

The C<agent> pragma allows you to switch user agents during the test. 
C<Test::WWW::Simple>'s default is C<Windows IE 6>, but you can switch it
to any of the other user agents supported by C<WWW::Mechanize>. /Explorer/ Y Should be Explorer
   %%agent: Mac Safari /Safari/ Y Should be Safari

=head1 AUTHOR

Joe McMahon E<lt>mcmahon@yahoo-inc.comE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2005 by Yahoo!

This script is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the
same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or, at your option, any
later version of Perl 5 you may have available.