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package build::Wx::XSP::Virtual;
# Allow use when installed for other Wx based modules
# but always use this when building Wx
package Wx::XSP::Virtual; @ISA = qw( build::Wx::XSP::Virtual );
package build::Wx::XSP::Virtual;

use strict;
use warnings;

my %type_map;

sub new {
    return bless { virtual_methods => {},
                   virtual_classes => {},
                   skip_virtual_base => {},
                   virtual_non_object => {},
                   }, $_[0];

sub _add_type_map_template {
    my $template = shift;
    my @validmaptypes = qw( convert_return default_value type_char arguments );
    my $tmap = {};
    my $tname = $template->{name};
    # if we specified a merge, use those values as our base
    if(exists($template->{merge})) {
        if(exists($type_map{$template->{merge}})) {
            my $mergebase = $type_map{$template->{merge}};
            for my $vtype ( @validmaptypes ) {
                $tmap->{$vtype} = $mergebase->{$vtype} if(exists($mergebase->{$vtype}));
        } else {
            die qq(virtual template merge attempted for type $tname with unknown base type $template->{merge});
    # add values for this template, overriding anything in merged type and replacing any
    # existing map for the named type
    for my $vtype ( @validmaptypes ) {
        $tmap->{$vtype} = $template->{$vtype} if(exists($template->{$vtype}));
    $type_map{$tname} = $tmap;

sub register_plugin {
    my( $class, $parser ) = @_;
    my $instance = $class->new;
    $parser->add_toplevel_tag_plugin ( plugin => $instance, tag => 'VirtualTypeMap' );
    $parser->add_class_tag_plugin( plugin => $instance, tag => 'NoVirtualBase' );
    $parser->add_class_tag_plugin( plugin => $instance, tag => 'VirtualNonObject' );
    $parser->add_class_tag_plugin( plugin => $instance, tag => 'VirtualImplementation' );
    $parser->add_method_tag_plugin( plugin => $instance, tag => 'Virtual' );
    $parser->add_post_process_plugin( plugin => $instance );

sub handle_toplevel_tag {
    my( $self, $empty, $tag, %args ) = @_;
    if( $tag eq 'VirtualTypeMap' ) {
        my %map = @{$args{any_named_arguments}};
        my $typename = $map{Name}[0][0] || undef;
        die 'No Name in VirtualTypeMap' if !$typename;
        my $vtmap = {
            'name'            => $typename,
            'convert_return'  => $map{ConvertReturn}[0][0] || undef,
            'default_value'   => $map{DefaultValue}[0][0] || undef,
            'type_char'       => $map{TypeChar}[0][0] || undef,
            'arguments'       => $map{Arguments}[0][0] || undef,
            'merge'           => $map{Merge}[0][0] || undef,
        foreach my $key (sort keys( %$vtmap ) ) {
            delete($vtmap->{$key}) unless defined($vtmap->{$key});

sub handle_class_tag {
    my( $self, $class, $tag, %args ) = @_;

    if( $tag eq 'NoVirtualBase' ) {
        $self->{skip_virtual_base}{$class->cpp_name} = 1;
    } elsif( $tag eq 'VirtualNonObject' ) {
        $self->{virtual_non_object}{$class->cpp_name} = 1;
    } elsif( $tag eq 'VirtualImplementation' ) {
        my %map = @{$args{any_named_arguments}};

        $self->{virtual_implementation}{$class->cpp_name} =
            { name           => $map{Name}[0][0] || '',
              declaration    => join( "\n", @{$map{Declaration}[0] || []} ),
              implementation => join( "\n", @{$map{Implementation}[0] || []} ),


sub handle_method_tag {
    my( $self, $method, $tag, %args ) = @_;

    if(    $args{any_positional_arguments}
        && $args{any_positional_arguments}[0] eq 'pure' ) {
        $self->{virtual_methods}{$method} = [ $method, 1 ];
    } else {
        $self->{virtual_methods}{$method} = [ $method, 0 ];


# create some base templates for common types
   my @basetemplates =
  ( { name => 'bool',       convert_return => 'SvTRUE( ret )',
                            default_value  => 'false',
                            type_char      => 'b',
    { name => 'int',        convert_return => 'SvIV( ret )',
                            default_value  => '0',
                            type_char      => 'i',
    { name => 'long',       convert_return => 'SvIV( ret )',
                            default_value  => '0',
                            type_char      => 'l',
    { name => 'double',     convert_return => 'SvNV( ret )',
                            default_value  => '0.0',
                            type_char      => 'd',
    { name => 'wxAlignment', convert_return => '(wxAlignment)SvIV( ret )',
                            default_value  => '(wxAlignment)0',
                            type_char      => 'i',
    { name => 'wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind',
                            convert_return => '(wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind)SvIV( ret )',
                            default_value  => '(wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind)0',
                            type_char      => 'i',
    { name => 'unsigned int', convert_return => 'SvUV( ret )',
                            default_value  => '0',
                            type_char      => 'I',
    { name => 'wxUint32',   convert_return => 'SvIV( ret )',
                            default_value  => '0',
                            type_char      => 'i',
    { name => 'size_t',     merge          => 'unsigned int',
    { name => 'wxString',   convert_return => 'wxPli_sv_2_wxString( aTHX_ ret )',
                            default_value  => 'wxEmptyString',
                            type_char      => 'P',
                            arguments      => '&%s',
    { name => 'wxString&' ,  merge          => 'wxString', },
    { name => 'const wxString&', merge      => 'wxString', },
    { name => 'wxString*',  convert_return => '(wxString*)wxPli_sv_2_wxString( aTHX_ ret )',
                            default_value  => 'wxEmptyString',
                            type_char      => 'P',
                            arguments      => '&%s',
    { name => 'wxVariant',  convert_return => 'wxPli_sv_2_wxvariant( aTHX_ ret )',
                            default_value  => 'wxVariant()',
                            type_char      => 'q',
                            arguments      => '&%s, "Wx::Variant"',
    { name => 'wxVariant&', merge          => 'wxVariant',},
    { name => 'const wxVariant&', merge    => 'wxVariant',},

    { name => 'wxBitmap',  convert_return => '*(wxBitmap*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ ret, "Wx::Bitmap" )',
                           default_value  => 'wxBitmap()',
                           type_char      => 'O',
                           arguments      => '&%s',
    { name => 'wxBitmap&', merge          => 'wxBitmap',},
    { name => 'const wxBitmap&', merge    => 'wxBitmap',},
    { name => 'wxPoint',   convert_return => 'wxPli_sv_2_wxpoint( aTHX_ ret )',
                           default_value  => 'wxPoint()',
                           type_char      => 'o',
                           arguments      => '&%s, "Wx::Point"',
    { name => 'wxPoint&',  merge          => 'wxPoint',},
    { name => 'const wxPoint&', merge     => 'wxPoint',},
    { name => 'wxSize',    convert_return => 'wxPli_sv_2_wxsize( aTHX_ ret )',
                           default_value  => 'wxSize()',
                           type_char      => 'o',
                           arguments      => '&%s, "Wx::Size"',
    { name => 'wxSize&',   merge          => 'wxSize',},
    { name => 'const wxSize&', merge      => 'wxSize',},
    { name => 'const wxRect&', convert_return => '*(wxRect*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ ret, "Wx::Rect" )',
                           default_value  => 'wxRect()',
                           type_char      => 'O',
                           arguments      => '&%s',
    { name => 'const wxHeaderColumn&',
                           convert_return => '*(wxHeaderColumn*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ ret, "Wx::HeaderColumn" )',
                           type_char      => 'O',
                           arguments      => '&%s',
    { name => 'wxGrid*',   convert_return => '(wxGrid*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ ret, "Wx::Grid" )',
                           type_char      => 'O',
                           arguments      => '&%s',
    { name => 'wxGridCellAttr*', convert_return => 'convert_GridCellAttrOut( aTHX_ ret )',
                           type_char      => 'O',
                           arguments      => '&%s',

    _add_type_map_template($_) for ( @basetemplates );

sub _virtual_typemap {
    my( $type ) = @_;
    my $tm = $type_map{$type->print};

    die "No virtual typemap for ", $type->print unless $tm;

    return $tm;

sub _emit_method_conditions {
    my( $class ) = @_;
    my @res;

    foreach my $method ( @{$class->methods} ) {
        next unless $method->isa( 'ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Preprocessor' );
        push @res, $method;

    return @res;

sub post_process {
    my( $self, $nodes ) = @_;

    my @copy = @$nodes;

    foreach my $node ( @copy ) {
        next unless $node->isa( 'ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Class' );
        next if $self->{virtual_classes}{$node};
        my( @virtual, $abstract_class, @classes, %redefined, $vnon_object, $nonobject_forced );
        @classes = $node;
        # find virtual method in this class and in all base classes
        while( @classes ) {
            my $class = shift @classes;
            next if    $class ne $node
                    && $self->{skip_virtual_base}{$class->cpp_name};
            $vnon_object = ( $self->{virtual_non_object}{$class->cpp_name} ) ? 1 : 0;
            foreach my $method ( @{$class->methods} ) {
                next unless $method->isa( 'ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Method' );
                # do not generate virtual handling code for methods that
                # are marked as virtual in a base class and redefined as
                # non-virtual in this class
                unless( $self->{virtual_methods}{$method} ) {
                    $redefined{$method->cpp_name} ||= 1;
                next if $redefined{$method->cpp_name};

                push @virtual, $self->{virtual_methods}{$method};
                $abstract_class ||= $virtual[-1][1];
            # force abstract style for O_NON_WXOBJECT types
            # so that constructors return a self ref and all
            # methods therefore forward the self ref and not
            # a scalarish object. (At least for SV* obtained
            # from constructor or CallBack)
            if( $vnon_object && !$abstract_class) {
                $abstract_class   = 1;
                $nonobject_forced = 1;

            push @classes, @{$class->base_classes};

        next unless @virtual;

        # TODO wxPerl-specific
        my $cpp_class;
        if( $self->{virtual_implementation}{$node->cpp_name}{name} ) {
            $cpp_class = $self->{virtual_implementation}{$node->cpp_name}{name};
        } else {
            ( $cpp_class = $node->cpp_name ) =~ s/^wx/wxPl/;
        my $perl_class;
        if( $abstract_class ) {
            ( $perl_class = $cpp_class ) =~ s/^wx/Wx::/;
        } else {
            ( $perl_class = $cpp_class ) =~ s/^wxPl/Wx::/;
        my $file = lc "xspp/$cpp_class.h";

        my $include = ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Raw->new
                          ( rows => [ "#include \"$file\"" ] );
        for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#$nodes; ++$i ) {
            next unless $nodes->[$i] == $node;
            splice @$nodes, $i, 0, $include;
            # TODO a very crude hack that should somehow be
            # encapsulated by XS++: the class definition in the
            # generated .h need to use the preprocessor conditions
            # applied to the various methods, but the conditions are
            # only emitted together with the method definition, which
            # require the header
            # this forces the preprocessor #defines to be emitted just before
            # including the header
            splice @$nodes, $i, 0, _emit_method_conditions( $node );

        # for abstract class, delete all constructors
        my @constructors = grep $_->isa( 'ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Constructor' ),
        $node->delete_methods( @constructors );
        # for non_object classes, put destructors in the Wx::Pl##Name package
        my @destructors = ( $vnon_object )
            ?  grep $_->isa( 'ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Destructor' ), @{$node->methods}
            : ();
        $node->delete_methods( @destructors );
        my @cpp_code;
        push @cpp_code, sprintf <<EOC,
#include "cpp/v_cback.h"

class %s : public %s
    // TODO wxPerl-specific
    SV* GetSelf()
        return m_callback.GetSelf();

          $cpp_class, $node->cpp_name,
          $self->{virtual_implementation}{$node->cpp_name}{declaration} || '';

        # add the (implicit) default constructor
        unless( @constructors ) {
            push @constructors,
                     ( cpp_name        => $cpp_class,
                       arguments       => [],
                       emit_condition  => $node->condition_expression,

        my( @new_constructors, @call_base );
        foreach my $constructor ( @constructors ) {
            my $cpp_parms = join ', ', map $_->name, @{$constructor->arguments};
            my $cpp_args = join ', ', map $_->print, @{$constructor->arguments};
            my $comma = @{$constructor->arguments} ? ',' : '';

            push @cpp_code, sprintf <<EOC,
    %s( const char* CLASS %s %s )
        : %s( %s ),
          m_callback( "%s" )
        m_callback.SetSelf( wxPli_make_object( this, CLASS ), true );
              $cpp_class, $comma, $cpp_args, $node->cpp_name, $cpp_parms, $perl_class;

            my $code = [ "RETVAL = new $cpp_class( CLASS $comma $cpp_parms );" ];

            my $ctor_name = $constructor->perl_name eq $node->cpp_name ? $cpp_class : $constructor->perl_name;
            my $new_ctor = ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Constructor->new
                               ( cpp_name   => $cpp_class,
                                 perl_name  => $ctor_name,
                                 code       => $code,
                                 arguments  => $constructor->arguments,
                                 postcall   => $constructor->postcall,
                                 cleanup    => $constructor->cleanup,
                                 condition  => $constructor->condition,

            push @new_constructors, $new_ctor;

        foreach my $m ( @virtual ) {
            my( $method, $pure ) = @$m;
            my( @cpp_parms, @arg_types );
            foreach my $arg ( @{$method->arguments} ) {
                my $typemap = _virtual_typemap( $arg->type );
                my $format = $typemap->{arguments} || '%s';

                push @cpp_parms, sprintf $format, $arg->name;
                push @arg_types, $typemap->{type_char};

            my @base_parms = map $_->name, @{$method->arguments};
            my( $cpp_parms, $arg_types );
            if( @cpp_parms ) {
                $cpp_parms = join ', ', @cpp_parms;
                $arg_types = '"' . join( '', @arg_types ) . '", ';
            } else {
                $cpp_parms = '';
                $arg_types = 'NULL';

            push @cpp_code, '#if ' . ( $method->condition_expression || 1 );
            push @cpp_code, '    ' . $method->print_declaration;
            my $call_base = $node->cpp_name . '::' . $method->cpp_name .
              '(' . join( ', ', @base_parms ) . ')';
            if( $method->ret_type->is_void ) {
                my $default = $pure ? 'return' : $call_base;
                push @cpp_code, sprintf <<EOT,
    // TODO wxPerl-specific
        if( wxPliFCback( aTHX_ &m_callback, "%s" ) )
            wxPliCCback( aTHX_ &m_callback, G_SCALAR|G_DISCARD,
                         %s %s );
                  $method->cpp_name, $arg_types, $cpp_parms, $default;
            } else {
                my $ret_type_map = _virtual_typemap( $method->ret_type );
                my $default = $pure ? $ret_type_map->{default_value} : $call_base;
                # pure virtual without default value: abort
                if( !defined $default ) {
                    # TODO better error message
                    $default = 'croak( "Must override" );';
                } else {
                    $default = 'return ' . $default;
                my $convert = $ret_type_map->{convert_return};
                push @cpp_code, sprintf <<EOT,
    // TODO wxPerl-specific
        if( wxPliFCback( aTHX_ &m_callback, "%s" ) )
            wxAutoSV ret( aTHX_ wxPliCCback( aTHX_ &m_callback, G_SCALAR,
                                             %s %s ) );
            return %s;
                  $method->cpp_name, $arg_types, $cpp_parms, $convert, $default;
            push @cpp_code, '#endif';

            my $callbase_decl = $method->ret_type->print . ' ' .
                                'base_' . $method->cpp_name . '( ' .
                                join( ', ', map $_->print, @{$method->arguments} ) . ')' .
                                ( $method->const ? ' const' : '' );

            if( !$pure ) {
                push @cpp_code, '#if ' . ( $method->condition_expression || 1 );
                push @cpp_code, '    ' . $callbase_decl, '    {';

                if( $method->ret_type->is_void ) {
                    push @cpp_code, '        ' . $call_base . ';';
                } else {
                    push @cpp_code, '        return ' . $call_base . ';';

                push @cpp_code, '    }';
                push @cpp_code, '#endif';

                my $call_base = ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Method->new
                               ( cpp_name       => 'base_' . $method->cpp_name,
                                 perl_name      => $method->perl_name,
                                 arguments      => $method->arguments,
                                 condition      => $method->condition,
                                 emit_condition => $method->condition_expression,

                push @call_base, $call_base;

        push @cpp_code, sprintf <<'EOT',

          $self->{virtual_implementation}{$node->cpp_name}{implementation} || '';

        mkdir 'xspp' unless -d 'xspp';
        open my $h_file, '>', $file or die "open '$file': $!";
        print $h_file join "\n", @cpp_code;
        close $h_file;

        ExtUtils::XSpp::Typemap::add_class_default_typemaps( $cpp_class );
        if( $abstract_class ) {
            my $new_class = ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Class->new
                                ( cpp_name        => $cpp_class,
                                  perl_name       => $perl_class,
                                  base_classes    => [ $node ],
                                  condition       => $node->condition,
                                  emit_condition  => $node->condition_expression,
                                  methods         => [ @new_constructors,
                                                       @destructors ],

            push @$nodes, $new_class;
            ##if( $nonobject_forced ) {
            ##    # No pure virtual methods so user is expecting
            ##    # Wx::Something->new to work ( as opposed to Wx::PlSomething->new ).
            ##    # Hack a set of constructors so that user expectation will
            ##    # be met in most cases.
            ##    my $use_perl_class = $perl_class;
            ##    $use_perl_class =~ s/^Wx::Pl/Wx::/;
            ##    my $ctors_class = ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Class->new
            ##                        ( cpp_name        => $cpp_class,
            ##                          perl_name       => $use_perl_class,
            ##                          condition       => $node->condition,
            ##                          emit_condition  => $node->condition_expression,
            ##                          methods         => [ @new_constructors ],
            ##                          );
            ##    push @$nodes, $ctors_class;
        } else {
            $node->add_methods( @new_constructors );

            if( @call_base ) {
                # make calls to base_* methods available; needs to be a
                # new class object because the generated methods are only
                # available in the generated C++ class
                # does not specify base classes because the base class
                # list is emitted for the class in $node; at some
                # point XS++ should be fixed to detect and remove the
                # duplicate base class list
                # for now hack out any duplicates ourself
                    my %callbasenamehash;
                    for my $callmethod ( @call_base ) {
                        if( $callmethod->isa('ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Method') ) {
                            my $pmname = $callmethod->perl_name;
                            $callbasenamehash{$pmname} = 1;
                    my @delmethods = ();
                    for my $basemethod ( @{$node->methods} ) {
                        if( $basemethod->isa('ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Method') ) {
                            my $pmname = $basemethod->perl_name;
                            push( @delmethods, $basemethod ) if exists($callbasenamehash{$pmname});
                    $node->delete_methods( @delmethods ) if @delmethods;
                } # end of hack
                my $new_class = ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Class->new
                                    ( cpp_name        => $cpp_class,
                                      perl_name       => $perl_class,
                                      condition       => $node->condition,
                                      emit_condition  => $node->condition_expression,
                                      methods         => [ @call_base ],

                push @$nodes, $new_class;
