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## Name:        ext/propgrid/XS/PropertyGrid.xsp
## Purpose:     XS++ for Wx::PropertyGrid
## Author:      Mark Dootson
## Modified by:
## Created:     04/03/2012
## RCS-ID:      $Id: $
## Copyright:   (c) 2012 Mattia Barbon
## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself




%name{Wx::PropertyGridHitTestResult} class wxPropertyGridHitTestResult 
static void
    wxPli_thread_sv_clone( aTHX_ CLASS, (wxPliCloneSV)wxPli_detach_object );


    %code%{  wxPli_thread_sv_unregister( aTHX_ "Wx::PropertyGridHitTestResult", THIS, ST(0) );
             delete THIS;
    int GetColumn() const;

    wxPGProperty__parsed_nodelete* GetProperty();
    int GetSplitter() const;

    int GetSplitterHitOffset() const;

%name{Wx::PropertyGrid} class wxPropertyGrid : public %name{Wx::Control} wxControl


    %name{newDefault} wxPropertyGrid() %Overload
        %postcall{% wxPli_create_evthandler( aTHX_ RETVAL, CLASS ); %};

    %name{newFull} wxPropertyGrid( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                    const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                    const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                    long style = wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE,
                    const wxString& name = wxPropertyGridNameStr ) %Overload
        %postcall{% wxPli_create_evthandler( aTHX_ RETVAL, CLASS ); %};

    void AddActionTrigger( int action, int keycode, int modifiers = 0 );

    %name{AddToSelectionString} bool AddToSelection( wxString& id ) %Overload;
    %name{AddToSelectionProperty} bool AddToSelection( wxPGProperty* id ) %Overload;
    static void AutoGetTranslation( bool enable );

    void BeginLabelEdit( unsigned int colIndex = 0 );

    %name{ChangePropertyValueString} bool ChangePropertyValue( wxString& id, wxVariantArg newValue ) %Overload;
    %name{ChangePropertyValueProperty} bool ChangePropertyValue( wxPGProperty* id, wxVariantArg newValue ) %Overload;
    void CenterSplitter( bool enableAutoResizing = false );

    virtual void Clear(); /* %Virtual; */
    virtual wxPGVIterator GetVIterator( int flags ) const; /* %Virtual; */
    %name{IsPropertySelectedString} virtual bool IsPropertySelected( wxString& id ) const %Overload; /* %Virtual; */
    %name{IsPropertySelectedProperty} virtual bool IsPropertySelected( wxPGProperty* id ) const %Overload; /* %Virtual; */
    void ClearActionTriggers( int action );

    virtual bool CommitChangesFromEditor( wxUint32 flags = 0 ); /* %Virtual; */

    bool Create( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
                const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                long style = wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE,
                const wxString& name = wxPropertyGridNameStr );

    void DedicateKey( int keycode );

    bool EnableCategories( bool enable );

    void EndLabelEdit( bool commit = true );

    %name{EnsureVisibleString} bool EnsureVisible( wxString& id ) %Overload;
    %name{EnsureVisibleProperty} bool EnsureVisible( wxPGProperty* id  ) %Overload;
    wxSize FitColumns();

    wxTextCtrl* GetLabelEditor() const;

    wxWindow* GetPanel();

    wxColour GetCaptionBackgroundColour() const;

    wxFont& GetCaptionFont();

    wxColour GetCaptionForegroundColour() const;

    wxColour GetCellBackgroundColour() const;

    wxColour GetCellDisabledTextColour() const;

    wxColour GetCellTextColour() const;

    unsigned int GetColumnCount() const;

    wxColour GetEmptySpaceColour() const;

    int GetFontHeight() const;

    wxPropertyGrid* GetGrid();

    wxRect GetImageRect( wxPGProperty* property, int item ) const;

    wxSize GetImageSize( wxPGProperty* property = NULL, int item = -1 ) const;

    wxPGProperty__parsed_nodelete* GetLastItem( int flags = wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT );

    wxColour GetLineColour() const;

    wxColour GetMarginColour() const;
    %name{GetPropertyCategoryString} wxPropertyCategory__parsed_nodelete* GetPropertyCategory( wxString& id ) const %Overload;
	%name{GetPropertyCategoryProperty} wxPropertyCategory__parsed_nodelete* GetPropertyCategory( wxPGProperty* id ) const %Overload;

    wxPGProperty__parsed_nodelete* GetRoot() const;

    int GetRowHeight() const;

    wxPGProperty__parsed_nodelete* GetSelectedProperty() const;

    wxPGProperty__parsed_nodelete* GetSelection() const;

    wxColour GetSelectionBackgroundColour() const;

    wxColour GetSelectionForegroundColour() const;

    /* wxPGSortCallback GetSortFunction() const; */

    int GetSplitterPosition( unsigned int splitterIndex = 0 ) const;

    wxTextCtrl* GetEditorTextCtrl() const;

    const wxPGCell& GetUnspecifiedValueAppearance() const;

    wxString GetUnspecifiedValueText( int argFlags = 0 ) const;

    int GetVerticalSpacing() const;

    wxPropertyGridHitTestResult HitTest( const wxPoint& pt ) const;
    bool IsAnyModified() const;

    bool IsEditorFocused() const;

    bool IsFrozen() const;

    void MakeColumnEditable( unsigned int column, bool editable = true );

    void OnTLPChanging( wxWindow* newTLP );

    void RefreshEditor();

    virtual void RefreshProperty( wxPGProperty* p ); /* %Virtual; */

    static wxPGEditor__parsed_nodelete* RegisterEditorClass( wxPGEditor__parsed_nodelete* editor, bool noDefCheck = false );
    static wxPGEditor__parsed_nodelete* DoRegisterEditorClass( wxPGEditor__parsed_nodelete* editor, const wxString& name,  bool noDefCheck = false );
    void ResetColours();

    void ResetColumnSizes( bool enableAutoResizing = false );
    %name{RemoveFromSelectionString} bool RemoveFromSelection( wxString& id ) %Overload;
    %name{RemoveFromSelectionProperty} bool RemoveFromSelection( wxPGProperty* id ) %Overload;
    %name{SelectPropertyString} bool SelectProperty( wxString& id, bool focus = false ) %Overload;
    %name{SelectPropertyProperty} bool SelectProperty( wxPGProperty* id, bool focus = false ) %Overload;
    void SetCaptionBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetCaptionTextColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetCellBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetCellDisabledTextColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetCellTextColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetColumnCount( int colCount );

    %name{SetCurrentCategoryString} void SetCurrentCategory( wxString& id ) %Overload;
    %name{SetCurrentCategoryProperty} void SetCurrentCategory( wxPGProperty* id ) %Overload;
    void SetEmptySpaceColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetLineColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetMarginColour(const wxColour& col);  


wxPropertyGrid::SetSelection( selectarr = 0 )
    SV* selectarr
    wxArrayPGProperty newSelections;
    AV* av;
    if( !SvROK( selectarr ) ||
        ( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( av = (AV*) SvRV( selectarr ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
        croak( "the value is not an array reference" );
    int n = av_len( av ) + 1;
    for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
        SV* t = *av_fetch( av, i, 0 );
        newSelections.push_back( (wxPGProperty*)wxPli_sv_2_object( aTHX_ t, "Wx::PGProperty" ) );
    THIS->SetSelection( newSelections );


    void SetSelectionBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col);

    void SetSelectionTextColour(const wxColour& col);

    /* void SetSortFunction( wxPGSortCallback sortFunction ); */

    void SetSplitterPosition( int newxpos, int col = 0 );

    void SetSplitterLeft( bool privateChildrenToo = false );

    void SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance( const wxPGCell& cell );

    void SetVerticalSpacing( int vspacing );

    virtual void DoShowPropertyError( wxPGProperty* property,
                                      const wxString& msg ); /* %Virtual; */

    virtual void DoHidePropertyError( wxPGProperty* property );/* %Virtual; */

    virtual wxStatusBar* GetStatusBar(); /* %Virtual; */

    void EditorsValueWasModified();

    void EditorsValueWasNotModified();

    wxVariant GetUncommittedPropertyValue();

    bool IsEditorsValueModified() const;

    void ShowPropertyError( wxString& id, const wxString& msg );
    bool WasValueChangedInEvent() const;
    wxWindow* GetEditorControl() const;

    wxWindow* GetPrimaryEditor() const;

    wxWindow* GetEditorControlSecondary() const;


/*                                                                        */
/* wxPropertyGridInterface                                                */
/*                                                                        */

INCLUDE_COMMAND: $^X -I../.. -MExtUtils::XSpp::Cmd -e xspp -- -t typemap.xsp -t ../../typemap.xsp XS/PropertyGridInterface.xsp
INCLUDE_COMMAND: $^X -pe "s/PGPGridInterfaceBase/PropertyGrid/g" xspp/PropertyGridInterface.h

