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## Name:        XS/PdfDocument.xsp
## Purpose:     XS++ for Wx::PdfDocument
## Author:      Mark Wardell
## Modified by:
## Created:     25/01/2006
## RCS-ID:      $Id: PdfDocument.xsp,v 1.0 2006/01/24 07:02:49 netcon Exp $
## Copyright:   (c) 2006, 2012 Mark Wardell
## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself


#define WXPERL_DEFAULT_DOC_UNIT wxString(wxT("mm"))

## DECLARE_OVERLOAD( wpfl, Wx::PdfLink )
## DECLARE_OVERLOAD( wimg, Wx::Image )

#include "cpp/streams.h"
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/mimetype.h>


%name{Wx::PdfDocument} class wxPdfDocument

        %Declaration{% WXPLI_DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxPlPdfDocument ); %};
        %Implementation{% WXPLI_IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxPlPdfDocument, wxPdfDocument ); %};

static void
    wxPli_thread_sv_clone( aTHX_ CLASS, (wxPliCloneSV)wxPli_detach_object );

  %name{newWidthHeight} wxPdfDocument(int orientation = wxPORTRAIT, 
                const wxString& unit = WXPERL_DEFAULT_DOC_UNIT, 
                wxPaperSize format = wxPAPER_A4) %Overload;
  %name{newSize} wxPdfDocument(int orientation, double pageWidth, double pageHeight,
                const wxString& unit = WXPERL_DEFAULT_DOC_UNIT ) %Overload;

  %name{Destroy} virtual ~wxPdfDocument()
        %code%{  wxPli_thread_sv_unregister( aTHX_ wxPli_get_class( aTHX_ ST(0) ), THIS, ST(0) );
		         delete THIS; %};

  virtual void SetProtection(int permissions,
                             const wxString& userPassword = wxEmptyString,
                             const wxString& ownerPassword = wxEmptyString,
                             wxPdfEncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = wxPDF_ENCRYPTION_RC4V1,
                             int keyLength = 0);

  // placeholder to pretend wxPdfDocument is an abstract class
  virtual void wxPerlHelperProc() %Virtual{pure};
  // wxPerl static funtion to launch a PDF document
  static void LaunchPdfViewer( const wxString& filePath )
        wxFileName fileName  = wxFileName(filePath);  
        wxFileType* fileType = wxTheMimeTypesManager->GetFileTypeFromExtension(wxT("pdf"));
        if (fileType != NULL)
          wxString cmd = fileType->GetOpenCommand(fileName.GetFullPath());
            if (!cmd.IsEmpty())
            delete fileType;
          // fallback
          wxString fileURL;
          if (wxIsAbsolutePath( filePath ) )
            fileURL = wxT("file://") + filePath;
            fileURL = wxT("file://") + wxGetCwd() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + filePath;
  virtual void SetImageScale(double scale);

  virtual double GetImageScale();

  virtual double GetPageWidth();
  virtual double GetPageHeight();
  virtual double GetBreakMargin();
  virtual double GetScaleFactor();

  virtual void SetMargins(double left, double top, double right = -1);
  virtual void SetLeftMargin(double margin);
  virtual double GetLeftMargin();

  virtual void SetTopMargin(double margin);
  virtual double GetTopMargin();
  virtual void SetRightMargin(double margin);

  virtual double GetRightMargin();
  virtual void SetCellMargin(double margin);

  virtual double GetCellMargin();

  virtual void SetLineHeight(double height);

  virtual double GetLineHeight();

  virtual void SetAutoPageBreak(bool autoPageBreak, double margin = 0);

  virtual void SetDisplayMode(wxPdfZoom zoom,
                              wxPdfLayout layout = wxPDF_LAYOUT_CONTINUOUS,
                              double zoomFactor = 100.);

  virtual void SetKerning(bool kerning);

  virtual void SetCompression(bool compress);

  virtual void SetViewerPreferences(int preferences = 0);

  virtual void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
  virtual void SetSubject(const wxString& subject);
  virtual void SetAuthor(const wxString& author);

  virtual void SetKeywords(const wxString& keywords);
  virtual void SetCreator(const wxString& creator);
  virtual void AliasNbPages(const wxString& alias = wxString(wxT("{nb}")));

  virtual void Open();
  virtual void Close();
  virtual void AddPage() %Overload;
  virtual void AddPage(int orientation) %Overload;

  virtual void AddPage(int orientation, wxPaperSize format) %Overload;

  virtual void AddPage(int orientation, double pageWidth, double pageHeight) %Overload;

  virtual void Header() %Virtual;

  virtual void Footer() %Virtual;
  virtual bool IsInFooter();
  virtual int  PageNo();
  virtual void AddSpotColour(const wxString& name, double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black);

  virtual bool AddPattern(const wxString& patternName, const wxImage& image, double width, double height);

  %name{SetDrawColourName} virtual void SetDrawColour(const wxString& name) %Overload;
  %name{SetDrawColourTint} virtual void SetDrawColour(const wxString& name, double tint) %Overload;
  %name{SetDrawColourColour} virtual void SetDrawColour(const wxColour& colour) %Overload;
  %name{SetDrawColourPDFColour} virtual void SetDrawColour(const wxPdfColour& colour) %Overload;
  %name{SetDrawColourGreyScale} virtual void SetDrawColour(const unsigned char grayscale) %Overload;
  %name{SetDrawColourRGB} virtual void SetDrawColour(const unsigned char red, const unsigned char green, const unsigned char blue) %Overload;
  %name{SetDrawColourCMYB} virtual void SetDrawColour(double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black) %Overload;

  virtual void SetDrawPattern(const wxString& name) %Overload;

  virtual const wxPdfColour GetDrawColour();
  %name{SetFillColourName} virtual void SetFillColour(const wxString& name) %Overload;
  %name{SetFillColourTint} virtual void SetFillColour(const wxString& name, double tint) %Overload;
  %name{SetFillColourGreyScale} virtual void SetFillColour(const unsigned char grayscale) %Overload;
  %name{SetFillColourColour} virtual void SetFillColour(const wxColour& colour) %Overload;
  %name{SetFillColourPDFColour} virtual void SetFillColour(const wxPdfColour& colour) %Overload;
  %name{SetFillColourRGB} virtual void SetFillColour(const unsigned char red, const unsigned char green, const unsigned char blue) %Overload;

  %name{SetFillColourCMYB} virtual void SetFillColour(double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black) %Overload;

  virtual void SetFillPattern(const wxString& name);
  virtual const wxPdfColour GetPatternColour(const wxString& patternName);
  virtual const wxPdfColour GetFillColour();
  %name{SetTextColourName} virtual void SetTextColour(const wxString& name) %Overload;
  %name{SetTextColourTint} virtual void SetTextColour(const wxString& name, double tint) %Overload;
  %name{SetTextColourGreyscale} virtual void SetTextColour(const unsigned char grayscale) %Overload;
  %name{SetTextColourColour} virtual void SetTextColour(const wxColour& colour) %Overload;
  %name{SetTextColourPDFColour} virtual void SetTextColour(const wxPdfColour& colour) %Overload;
  %name{SetTextColourRGB} virtual void SetTextColour(const unsigned char red, const unsigned char green, const unsigned char blue) %Overload;

  %name{SetTextColourCMYB} virtual void SetTextColour(double cyan, double magenta, double yellow, double black) %Overload;

  virtual void SetTextPattern(const wxString& name);

  virtual const wxPdfColour GetTextColour();
  virtual void SetTextRenderMode(wxPdfTextRenderMode mode = wxPDF_TEXT_RENDER_FILL);
  virtual wxPdfTextRenderMode GetTextRenderMode() const;

  virtual double GetStringWidth(const wxString& s);

  virtual void SetLineWidth(double width);

  virtual double GetLineWidth();
  virtual void SetLineStyle(const wxPdfLineStyle& linestyle);

  virtual const wxPdfLineStyle& GetLineStyle();

  virtual void SetFillingRule(int rule = wxWINDING_RULE);

  virtual int GetFillingRule();

  virtual void Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
  virtual void Arrow(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double linewidth, double height, double width);

  virtual void Rect(double x, double y, double w, double h, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);

  virtual void RoundedRect(double x, double y, double w, double h,
                           double r, int roundCorner = wxPDF_CORNER_ALL, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);

  virtual void Curve(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,
                     double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3,
                     int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);

  virtual void Ellipse(double x0, double y0, double rx, double ry = 0, 
                       double angle = 0, double astart = 0, double afinish = 360,
                       int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, int nSeg = 8, bool doSector = false);

  virtual void Circle(double x0, double y0, double r, 
                      double astart = 0, double afinish = 360,
                      int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, int nSeg = 8);

  virtual void Sector(double x0, double y0, double r, double astart, double afinish,
                      int style = wxPDF_STYLE_FILLDRAW, bool clockwise = true, double origin = 90.);

wxPdfDocument::Polygon(svx, svy, style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW)
    SV* svx
	SV* svy
	int style
    wxArrayDouble arr_x;
	wxArrayDouble arr_y;
    AV* avx;
	AV* avy;
	int n;
	if( !SvROK( svx ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avx = (AV*) SvRV( svx ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the x value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avx );
	arr_x.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avx, i, 0 );
		arr_x[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	if( !SvROK( svy ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avy = (AV*) SvRV( svy ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the y value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avy );
	arr_y.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avy, i, 0 );
		arr_y[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	THIS->Polygon( arr_x, arr_y, style );

wxPdfDocument::RegularPolygon(x0, y0, r, ns, angle = 0, circle = false, style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, circleStyle = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, circleLineStyle = new wxPdfLineStyle(),  circleFillColour = new wxPdfColour() )
    double x0
	double y0
	double r
	int ns
	double angle
	bool circle
	int style
	int circleStyle
	wxPdfLineStyle* circleLineStyle
	wxPdfColour* circleFillColour
	THIS->RegularPolygon(x0,y0,r,ns,angle,circle,style,circleStyle,*circleLineStyle, *circleFillColour);

wxPdfDocument::StarPolygon(x0, y0, r, nv, ng, angle = 0, circle = false, style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, circleStyle = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW, circleLineStyle = new wxPdfLineStyle(), circleFillColour = new wxPdfColour() ) 
    double x0
	double y0
	double r
	int nv
	int ng
	double angle
	bool circle
	int style
	int circleStyle
	wxPdfLineStyle* circleLineStyle
	wxPdfColour* circleFillColour  
	THIS->StarPolygon(x0,y0,r,nv,ng,angle,circle,style,circleStyle,*circleLineStyle, *circleFillColour);

wxPdfDocument::BezierSpline(svx, svy, style)
    SV* svx
	SV* svy
	int style
    wxArrayDouble arr_x;
	wxArrayDouble arr_y;
    AV* avx;
	AV* avy;
	int n;
	if( !SvROK( svx ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avx = (AV*) SvRV( svx ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the x value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avx );
	arr_x.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avx, i, 0 );
		arr_x[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	if( !SvROK( svy ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avy = (AV*) SvRV( svy ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the y value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avy );
	arr_y.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avy, i, 0 );
		arr_y[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	THIS->BezierSpline( arr_x, arr_y, style );

wxPdfDocument::ClosedBezierSpline(svx, svy, style)
    SV* svx
	SV* svy
	int style
    wxArrayDouble arr_x;
	wxArrayDouble arr_y;
    AV* avx;
	AV* avy;
	int n;
	if( !SvROK( svx ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avx = (AV*) SvRV( svx ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the x value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avx );
	arr_x.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avx, i, 0 );
		arr_x[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	if( !SvROK( svy ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avy = (AV*) SvRV( svy ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the y value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avy );
	arr_y.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avy, i, 0 );
		arr_y[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	THIS->ClosedBezierSpline( arr_x, arr_y, style );

  virtual void Shape(const wxPdfShape& shape, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);

  virtual void Rotate(double angle, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual void SetFontSubsetting(bool fontSubsetting = true);

  virtual bool GetFontSubsetting() const;

  virtual bool AddFont(const wxString& family, 
                       const wxString& style = wxEmptyString, 
                       const wxString& file = wxEmptyString);

  virtual bool AddFontCJK(const wxString& family);

  %name{SetFontFamilyStringStyle} virtual bool SetFont(const wxString& family, const wxString& style = wxEmptyString, double size = 0) %Overload;
  %name{SetFontFamilyNumberStyle} virtual bool SetFont(const wxString& family, int style, double size = 0) %Overload;
  %name{SetFontPdfFont} virtual bool SetFont(const wxPdfFont& font, int style = wxPDF_FONTSTYLE_REGULAR, double size = 0) %Overload;

  %name{SetFontFont} virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& font) %Overload;

  virtual void SetFontSize(double size);
  virtual wxPdfFont GetCurrentFont() const;

  virtual const wxPdfFontDescription& GetFontDescription() const;
  virtual const wxString GetFontFamily();

  virtual const wxString GetFontStyle() const;
  virtual int GetFontStyles() const;
  virtual double GetFontSize() const;

  virtual int AddLink();

  virtual bool SetLink(int link, double y = 0., int page = -1);
  virtual void Link(double x, double y, double w, double h, const wxPdfLink& link);

  virtual void Bookmark(const wxString& txt, int  level = 0, double y = 0);

  virtual void Text(double x, double y, const wxString& txt);

  virtual void RotatedText(double x, double y, const wxString& txt, double angle);

  virtual bool AcceptPageBreak() %Virtual;

wxPdfDocument::Cell(w, h = 0.0, txt = wxEmptyString, border = wxPDF_BORDER_NONE, ln = 0, align = wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT, fill = 0, link = new wxPdfLink(-1))
	double w
	double h
	wxString& txt
	int border
	int ln
	int align
	int fill
	wxPdfLink* link
	THIS->Cell(w,h,txt,border,ln,align,fill, *link);

wxPdfDocument::Write(double h, wxString& txt, wxPdfLink* link = new wxPdfLink(-1))
	THIS->Write(h, txt, *link);

wxPdfDocument::WriteCell(double h, wxString& txt, int border = wxPDF_BORDER_NONE, int fill = 0, wxPdfLink* link = new wxPdfLink(-1))

wxPdfDocument::Image( ... )
        MATCH_REDISP_COUNT_ALLOWMORE( wxPliOvl_s_n_n_n_n_s_wpfl_n, ImageFileName, 3 )
        MATCH_REDISP_COUNT_ALLOWMORE( wxPliOvl_s_wimg_n_n_n_n_wpfl_n, ImageImage, 4 )
		MATCH_REDISP_COUNT_ALLOWMORE( wxPliOvl_s_wist_s_n_n_n_n_wpfl_n, ImageFH, 5 )
		END_OVERLOAD( "Wx::PdfDocument::Image" )

wxPdfDocument::ImageFileName(wxString& file, double x, double y, double w = 0, double h = 0, wxString& mimeType = wxEmptyString, wxPdfLink* link = new wxPdfLink(-1), int maskImage = 0)
	RETVAL = THIS->Image(file,x,y,w,h,mimeType,*link,maskImage);

wxPdfDocument::ImageImage(wxString& name, wxImage* image, double x, double y, double w = 0, double h = 0, wxPdfLink* link = new wxPdfLink(-1), int maskImage = 0)
    RETVAL = THIS->Image(name,*image,x,y,w,h,*link,maskImage);

wxPdfDocument::ImageFH(wxString& name, SV* fh, wxString& mimeType, double x, double y, double w = 0, double h = 0, wxPdfLink* link = new wxPdfLink(-1), int maskImage = 0)
    wxInputStream* stream = wxPliInputStream_ctor( fh );
	RETVAL = THIS->Image(name, *stream, mimeType, x,y,w,h, *link, maskImage );
	delete stream;

  virtual int MultiCell(double w, double h, const wxString& txt,
                        int border = 0, int align = wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY,
                        int fill = 0, int maxline = 0);

  virtual int LineCount(double w, const wxString& txt);

  virtual int TextBox(double w, double h, const wxString& txt,
                      int halign = wxPDF_ALIGN_JUSTIFY, int valign = wxPDF_ALIGN_TOP,
                      int border = 0, int fill = 0);


wxPdfDocument::WriteGlyphArray(svx, svy, svg)
    SV* svx
	SV* svy
	SV* svg
    wxArrayDouble arr_x;
	wxArrayDouble arr_y;
	wxPdfArrayUint32 arr_g;
    AV* avx;
	AV* avy;
	AV* avg;
	int n;
	if( !SvROK( svx ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avx = (AV*) SvRV( svx ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the x value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avx );
	arr_x.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avx, i, 0 );
		arr_x[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	if( !SvROK( svy ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avy = (AV*) SvRV( svy ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the y value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avy );
	arr_y.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avy, i, 0 );
		arr_y[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	if( !SvROK( svg ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avg = (AV*) SvRV( svg ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the glyph value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avg );
	arr_g.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avg, i, 0 );
		arr_g[i] = (wxUint32) SvUV( t );
	THIS->WriteGlyphArray( arr_x, arr_y, arr_g );


  %name{ImageMaskFileName}virtual int ImageMask(const wxString& file, const wxString& mimeType = wxEmptyString);

  %name{ImageMaskImage} virtual int ImageMask(const wxString& name, const wxImage& image);

  %name{ImageMaskFH} virtual int ImageMask(const wxString& name, SV* fh, const wxString& mimeType)
					%code{% wxInputStream* stream = wxPliInputStream_ctor( fh );
							RETVAL = THIS->ImageMask(name, *stream, mimeType );
							delete stream;


wxPdfDocument::ImageMask( ... )
	    MATCH_REDISP( wxPliOvl_s_wimg, ImageMaskImage )
		MATCH_REDISP( wxPliOvl_s_wist_s, ImageMaskFH )
        MATCH_REDISP_COUNT_ALLOWMORE( wxPliOvl_s_s, ImageMaskFileName, 1 )
	END_OVERLOAD( "Wx::PdfDocument::ImageMask" )

wxPdfDocument::RotatedImage(wxString& file, double x, double y, double w, double h, double angle, wxString& type = wxEmptyString, wxPdfLink* link = new wxPdfLink(-1), int maskImage = 0)


  virtual void Ln(double h = -1);

  virtual double GetX();
  virtual void SetX(double x);
  virtual double GetY();
  virtual void SetY(double y);
  virtual void SetXY(double x, double y);
  virtual void SaveAsFile(const wxString& name = wxEmptyString);


    SV* output;
	unsigned char* outputbuffer;
	const wxMemoryOutputStream& stream = THIS->CloseAndGetBuffer();
	size_t outputsize = (size_t)stream.GetLength();
	SvUPGRADE(output, SVt_PV);
	outputbuffer = (unsigned char *)SvGROW(output, outputsize + 1);
	stream.CopyTo( outputbuffer, outputsize );
	SvCUR_set(output, outputsize);
    *SvEND(output) = '\0';
    (void) SvPOK_only(output);


  virtual void ClippingText(double x, double y, const wxString& txt, bool outline = false);

  virtual void ClippingRect(double x, double y, double w, double h, bool outline = false);

  virtual void ClippingEllipse(double x, double y, double rx, double ry = 0, bool outline = false);


wxPdfDocument::ClippingPolygon(svx, svy, outline = false )
    SV* svx
	SV* svy
	bool outline
    wxArrayDouble arr_x;
	wxArrayDouble arr_y;
    AV* avx;
	AV* avy;
	int n;
	if( !SvROK( svx ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avx = (AV*) SvRV( svx ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the x value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avx );
	arr_x.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avx, i, 0 );
		arr_x[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	if( !SvROK( svy ) ||
		( SvTYPE( (SV*) ( avy = (AV*) SvRV( svy ) ) ) != SVt_PVAV ) )
		croak( "the y value is not an array reference" );
	n = av_len( avy );
	arr_y.SetCount(n + 1);
	for( int i = 0; i <= n; ++i )
		SV* t = *av_fetch( avy, i, 0 );
		arr_y[i] = (double) SvNV( t );
	THIS->ClippingPolygon( arr_x, arr_y, outline );


  virtual void ClippingPath();

  virtual void MoveTo(double x, double y);

  virtual void LineTo(double x, double y);

  virtual void CurveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);

  virtual void EndPath(int style = wxPDF_STYLE_DRAW);

  virtual void ClosePath(int style = wxPDF_STYLE_NOOP);

  virtual void ClippingPath(const wxPdfShape& shape, int style = wxPDF_STYLE_NOOP);

  virtual void UnsetClipping();


wxPdfDocument::ClippedCell(double w, double h = 0.0, wxString& txt = wxEmptyString, int border = wxPDF_BORDER_NONE, int ln = 0, int align = wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT, int fill = 0, wxPdfLink* link = new wxPdfLink(-1))


  virtual void StartTransform();

  virtual bool ScaleX(double sx, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual bool ScaleY(double sy, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual bool ScaleXY(double s, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual bool Scale(double sx, double sy, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual void MirrorH(double x = -1);

  virtual void MirrorV(double y = -1);

  virtual void TranslateX(double tx);

  virtual void TranslateY(double ty);

  virtual void Translate(double tx, double ty);

  virtual bool SkewX(double xAngle, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual bool SkewY(double yAngle, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual bool Skew(double xAngle, double yAngle, double x = -1, double y = -1);

  virtual void Transform( double a, double b, double c, double d, double tx, double ty );

  virtual void StopTransform();

  virtual int SetAlpha(double lineAlpha = 1, double fillAlpha = 1, wxPdfBlendMode blendMode = wxPDF_BLENDMODE_NORMAL);

  virtual void SetAlphaState(int alphaState);

  virtual int LinearGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2,
                             wxPdfLinearGradientType gradientType = wxPDF_LINEAR_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL);

  virtual int AxialGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2,
                            double x1 = 0, double y1 = 0,
                            double x2 = 1, double y2 = 0,
                            double intexp = 1);

  virtual int MidAxialGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2,
                               double x1 = 0, double y1 = 0,
                               double x2 = 1, double y2 = 0,
                               double midpoint = 0.5, double intexp = 1);

  virtual int RadialGradient(const wxPdfColour& col1, const wxPdfColour& col2, 
                              double x1 = 0.5, double y1 = 0.5, double r1 = 0,
                              double x2 = 0.5, double y2 = 0.5, double r2 = 1,
                              double intexp = 1);
  virtual int CoonsPatchGradient(wxPdfCoonsPatchMesh& mesh, double minCoord = 0, double maxCoord = 1);
  virtual void SetFillGradient(double x, double y, double w, double h, int gradient);

  virtual void Marker(double x, double y, wxPdfMarker markerType, double size);

  virtual void Annotate(double x, double y, const wxString& text);

  virtual void AppendJavascript(const wxString& javascript);

  virtual void WriteXml(const wxString& str);

  %name{CheckBoxWidth} virtual void CheckBox(const wxString& name, double width) %Overload;
  %name{CheckBoxWidthBool} virtual void CheckBox(const wxString& name, double width, bool checked) %Overload;

  %name{CheckBoxXYWidth}virtual void CheckBox(const wxString& name, double x, double y, double width) %Overload;
  %name{CheckBoxXYWidthBool}virtual void CheckBox(const wxString& name, double x, double y, double width, bool checked) %Overload;

wxPdfDocument::ComboBox( ... )
	    MATCH_REDISP( wxPliOvl_s_n_n_arr, ComboBoxWH )
		MATCH_REDISP( wxPliOvl_s_n_n_n_n_arr, ComboBoxXYWH )
	END_OVERLOAD( "Wx::PdfDocument::ComboBox" )

wxPdfDocument::ComboBoxWH( name, width, height, values )
    wxString name
    double width
    double height
    SV* values
    wxArrayString	vallarry;
    wxPli_av_2_arraystring( aTHX_ values, &vallarry );
    THIS->ComboBox( name, width, height, vallarry );

wxPdfDocument::ComboBoxXYWH( name, x, y, width, height, values )
    wxString name
    double x
    double y
    double width
    double height
    SV* values
    wxArrayString	vallarry;
    wxPli_av_2_arraystring( aTHX_ values, &vallarry );
    THIS->ComboBox( name, x, y, width, height, vallarry );

  %name{PushButtonWH} virtual void PushButton(const wxString& name, double width, double height, 
                          const wxString& caption, const wxString& action) %Overload;
  %name{PushButtonXYWH} virtual void PushButton(const wxString& name, double x, double y, double width, double height, 
                          const wxString& caption, const wxString& action) %Overload;
  %name{RadioButtonWH} virtual void RadioButton(const wxString& group, const wxString& name, double width) %Overload;
  %name{RadioButtonXYWH} virtual void RadioButton(const wxString& group, const wxString& name, 
                           double x, double y, double width) %Overload;

  %name{TextFieldWH} virtual void TextField(const wxString& name, double width, double height) %Overload;
  %name{TextFieldWHValue} virtual void TextField(const wxString& name, double width, double height, const wxString& value) %Overload;
  %name{TextFieldWHValueMult} virtual void TextField(const wxString& name, double width, double height, const wxString& value, bool multiline) %Overload;

  %name{TextFieldXYWH} virtual void TextField(const wxString& name, double x, double y, double width, double height) %Overload;
  %name{TextFieldXYWHValue} virtual void TextField(const wxString& name, double x, double y, double width, double height,
                         const wxString& value) %Overload;
  %name{TextFieldXYWHValueMulti} virtual void TextField(const wxString& name, 
                         double x, double y, double width, double height,
                         const wxString& value, bool multiline) %Overload;


wxPdfDocument::SetFormColours(wxPdfColour* borderColour = new wxPdfColour(), wxPdfColour* backgroundColour = new wxPdfColour(250), wxPdfColour* textColour = new wxPdfColour())
    THIS->SetFormColours(*borderColour, *backgroundColour, *textColour);


  virtual void SetFormBorderStyle(wxPdfBorderStyle borderStyle = wxPDF_BORDER_SOLID,
                                  double borderWidth = -1);

  virtual int BeginTemplate(double x = 0, double y = 0, double width = 0, double height = 0);

  virtual int EndTemplate();

  virtual void UseTemplate(int templateId, double x = -1, double y = -1, double width = 0, double height = 0);

  virtual int SetSourceFile(const wxString& filename, const wxString& password = wxEmptyString);


    RETVAL = new wxPdfInfo();
    bool res = THIS->GetSourceInfo(*RETVAL);

    int templateId
    double x, y, width, height;
    THIS->wxPdfDocument::GetTemplateBBox(templateId, x, y, width, height );
    EXTEND( SP, 4 );
    PUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVnv( x ) ) );
    PUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVnv( y ) ) );
    PUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVnv( width ) ) );
    PUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVnv( height ) ) );

wxPdfDocument::GetTemplateSize(templateId, width, height)
    int templateId
    double width
    double height
    THIS->wxPdfDocument::GetTemplateSize(templateId, width, height );
    EXTEND( SP, 2 );
    PUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVnv( width ) ) );
    PUSHs( sv_2mortal( newSVnv( height ) ) );


  virtual int ImportPage(unsigned int pageno, wxPdfPageBox pageBox = wxPDF_PAGEBOX_ARTBOX);

  virtual void SetTemplateBBox(int templateId, double x, double y, double width, double height);

  virtual void ShapedText(const wxPdfShape& shape, const wxString& text, wxPdfShapedTextMode mode = wxPDF_SHAPEDTEXTMODE_STRETCHTOFIT);

  virtual wxPdfLayer* AddLayer(const wxString& layerName);

  virtual wxPdfLayer* AddLayerTitle(const wxString& layerTitle);

  virtual wxPdfLayerMembership* AddLayerMembership();

  virtual void LockLayer(wxPdfLayer* layer);

  virtual void AddLayerRadioGroup(const wxPdfLayerGroup& radioGroup);

  %name{EnterLayerLayer} virtual void EnterLayer(wxPdfLayer* layer) %Overload;
  %name{EnterLayerLayerMembership} virtual void EnterLayer(wxPdfLayerMembership* layer) %Overload;

  virtual void LeaveLayer();

  void SetMessageTranslateMode(bool translate);

  bool GetMessageTranslateMode();
  virtual double GetLastImageBottomRightX();

  virtual double GetLastImageBottomRightY();

  virtual bool AttachFile(const wxString& fileName, 
                          const wxString& attachName = wxEmptyString,
                          const wxString& description = wxEmptyString);
