#!/usr/bin/env perl

use FindBin '$Bin';
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use Contenticious;
use Contenticious::Generator;
use Mojolicious;

# got a command
if (defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] !~ /h(elp)?/i) {
    my $command = shift @ARGV;

    # generate config, web app, example pages and public stylesheet
    if ($command eq 'init') {

        print "generating contenticious boilerplate...\n";
        print "done.\n";


    # print version
    if ($command eq 'version') {
        print "This is Contenticious $Contenticious::VERSION";
        print " using Mojolicious $Mojolicious::VERSION on perl $^V\n";

    # unknown command
    print "Whoops: command '$command' unknown.\n";
    print "Try 'contenticious help' for a short help message.\n";

# display help message
print <<'EOD';
USAGE: contenticious COMMAND

Contenticious builds websites from Markdown documents. Commands:

    init        Generates a basic contenticious directory structure in your
                current working directory, which includes:

                    config      a config file (Perl like)
                    webapp.pl   a mojolicious web app which serves your files
                    pages       put markdown documents here (with examples)
                    public      public files like a stylesheet

    version     prints the Contenticious version you are using

For more help please check out the docs: perldoc Contenticious