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#! /bin/sybperl
#       @(#) 1.11    2/22/94
#   A script to extract a database structure from
#               a Sybase database
# Written by:   Michael Peppler (
# Last Modified:  22 Feb 1994
# Usage: -d database -o -t pattern -s server -v
#                   where   database is self-explanatory (default: master)
#                  is the output file (default: script.isql)
#                           pattern is the pattern of object names (in sysobjects)
#                           that we will look at (default: %), and server is
#                           the server to connect to (default, the value of $ENV{DSQUERY}).
#                   -v turns on a verbose switch.
#    Changes:   11/18/93 - bpapp - Put in interactive SA password prompt
#               11/18/93 - bpapp - Get protection information for views and
#                                  stored procedures.
#               02/22/94 - mpeppler - Merge bpapp's changes with itf version
#               06-07/96 - dpartridge - Added disk inits, thresholds, user info,
#                          etc.

require '';
require '';
require '';
require '';

@nul = ('not null','null');

select(STDOUT); $| = 1;         # make unbuffered

do Getopts('d:t:o:p:s:v');

$opt_d = "";
$opt_t = '%' unless $opt_t;
$opt_s = $ENV{DSQUERY} unless $opt_s;
$opt_p = $ENV{SAPW} unless $opt_p;
$opt_o = "$opt_s.$opt_d.schema.sql" unless $opt_o;
$need_d_comma = 0;
$need_l_comma = 0;
$opt_d = $db;
$dumpdir = $ENV{DUMPDIR};
$DIOUTFILE = "$dumpdir/$opt_s.disk.init.sql";

# Log us in to Sybase as 'sa' and prompt for admin password.
if ($opt_p eq "" || $opt_p == 1) {
        print "\nAdministrative account password: ";
        system("stty -echo");
        chop($sapw = <>);
        system("stty echo"); }
else {
        $sapw = $opt_p;

$dbproc = &dblogin("sa", $sapw, $opt_s);


&sql($dbproc, "use master");
@dbs = &sql($dbproc, "select name from sysdatabases order by name");

foreach $n (@dbs) {
#    print $n;
#    print "\n";


sub getSchema
    local($db) = $_[0];

$OUTFILE = "$dumpdir/$opt_s.$db.schema.sql";
print "Producing output file: $OUTFILE\n";

open(SCRIPT, "> $OUTFILE") || die "Can't open $OUTFILE: $!\n";
open(LOG, "> $OUTFILE.log") || die "Can't open $OUTFILE.log: $!\n";

print SCRIPT
    "/* This Isql script was generated by on $date.
** The indexes need to be checked: column names & index names
** might be truncated!

# Query system tables for database layout, produce create statement - dap, 6/96
&dbcmd($dbproc, "select device_fragments =, size =");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " str(size / 512, 10, 1),");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " usage = m.description");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " from master.dbo.sysdatabases d,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " master.dbo.sysusages u,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " master.dbo.sysdevices v,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " master.dbo.spt_values a,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " master.dbo.spt_values b,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " master.dbo.sysmessages m");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " where d.dbid = u.dbid");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and v.low <= u.size + vstart");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and v.high >= u.size + vstart - 1");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and v.status & 2 = 2 ");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and = '$db'");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and a.type = 'E'");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and a.number = 1");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and b.type = 'S'");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and u.segmap & 7 = b.number");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and b.msgnum = m.error");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " and isnull(m.langid, 0) = 0");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " order by 3,1");


print "Database create statement ...";
print SCRIPT "create database $db on ";
while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    $x = join('~', @dat);
    $x =~ s/ //g;
    $x =~ s/\.0//;
    ($devname, $devsize, $devtype ) = split("~", $x);
    if ($devtype =~ /dataonly|dataandlog/)
        if ($need_d_comma == 0)
        $need_d_comma = 1;
        print SCRIPT "$devname = $devsize";
        print SCRIPT ", $devname = $devsize";
        if ($need_l_comma == 0)
        $need_l_comma = 1;
        print SCRIPT " log on $devname = $devsize";
        print SCRIPT ", $devname = $devsize";
print SCRIPT "\ngo\n";
print "Done\n";
$need_d_comma = 0;
$need_l_comma = 0;

&sql($dbproc, "use $db");

chop($date = &ctime(time));

print LOG "Error log from on Database $db on $date\n\n";
print LOG "The following objects cannot be reliably created from the script in $opt_o.
Please correct the script to remove any inconsistencies.\n\n";

print SCRIPT "\nuse $db\ngo\n"; # Change to the appropriate database

# Add the thresholds - dap, 7/96

# Add the users/groups - dap, 6/96
# Add the appropriate user data types:

print "Add user-defined data types...";
print SCRIPT
    "/* Add user-defined data types: */\n\n";

&dbcmd($dbproc, "select s.length,,,\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "       object_name(s.tdefault),\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "       object_name(s.domain)\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "from   $db.dbo.systypes s, $db.dbo.systypes st\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "where  st.type = s.type\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "and s.usertype > 100 and st.usertype < 100 and st.usertype != 18\n");

while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    print SCRIPT "sp_addtype $dat[1],";
    if ($dat[2] =~ /char|binary/)
        print SCRIPT "'$dat[2]($dat[0])'";
        print SCRIPT "$dat[2]";
    print SCRIPT "\ngo\n";
                                # Now remeber the default & rule for later.
#    print "Adding rule $dat[4] for $dat[1]\n" if $opt_v;
#    print "Adding default $dat[3] for $dat[1]\n" if $opt_v;
    $urule{$dat[1]} = $dat[4] if $dat[4] !~ /NULL/;
    $udflt{$dat[1]} = $dat[3] if $dat[3] !~ /NULL/;

print "Done\n";

print "Create rules...";
print SCRIPT
    "\n/* Now we add the rules... */\n\n";

&getObj('Rule', 'R');
print "Done\n";

print "Create defaults...";
print SCRIPT
    "\n/* Now we add the defaults... */\n\n";

&getObj('Default', 'D');
print "Done\n";

print "Bind rules & defaults to user data types...";
print SCRIPT "/* Bind rules & defaults to user data types... */\n\n";

while(($dat, $dflt)=each(%udflt))
#    print "sp_bindefault $dflt, $dat\ngo\n" if $opt_v; 
    print SCRIPT "sp_bindefault $dflt, $dat\ngo\n";
while(($dat, $rule) = each(%urule))
#    print "sp_bindrule $rule, $dat\ngo\n" if $opt_v;
    print SCRIPT "sp_bindrule $rule, $dat\ngo\n";
print "Done\n";

print "Create Tables & Indices...";
print "\n" if $opt_v;

&dbcmd($dbproc, "select,,\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "from $db.dbo.sysobjects o, $db.dbo.sysusers u\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "where o.type = 'U' and like '$opt_t' and u.uid = o.uid\n");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "order by\n");


while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
#    print "Adding object: $dat[0], user: $dat[1]\n" if $opt_v;
    $_ = join('@', @dat);       # join the data together on a line
    push(@tables,$_);           # and save it in a list

foreach (@tables)               # For each line in the list
    @tab = split(/@/, $_);

#    print "Creating table $tab[0], owner $tab[1] in database $db\n" if $opt_v;

    print SCRIPT "/* Start of description of table $tab[1].$tab[0] */\n\n";

    &dbcmd($dbproc, "select Column_name =, \n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "       Type =, \n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "       Length = c.length, \n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "       Nulls = convert(bit, (c.status & 8)),\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "       Default_name = object_name(c.cdefault),\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "       Rule_name = object_name(c.domain)\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "from   $db.dbo.syscolumns c, $db.dbo.systypes t\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "where = $tab[2]\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "and    c.usertype *= t.usertype\n");



    print SCRIPT "\n\nCREATE TABLE $db.$tab[1].$tab[0]\n ("; 
    $first = 1;
    while((@field = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
        print SCRIPT ",\n" if !$first;          # add a , and a \n if not first field in table
        print SCRIPT "\t$field[0] \t$field[1]";
        print SCRIPT "($field[2])" if $field[1] =~ /char|bin/;
        print SCRIPT " $nul[$field[3]]";
        $rule{"$tab[0].$field[0]"} = $field[5] if ($field[5] !~ /NULL/ && $urule{$field[1]} ne $field[5]);
        $dflt{"$tab[0].$field[0]"} = $field[4] if ($field[4] !~ /NULL/ && $udflt{$field[1]} ne $field[4]);;
        $first = 0 if $first;
    print SCRIPT " )\n";

    print SCRIPT "go\n";

# now get the indexes...

    print "Indexes for table $tab[1].$tab[0]\n" if $opt_v;
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "sp_helpindex '$tab[1].$tab[0]'\n");


    while((@field = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
        print SCRIPT "\nCREATE ";
        print SCRIPT "unique " if $field[1] =~ /unique/;
        print SCRIPT "clustered " if $field[1] =~ /^clust/;
        print SCRIPT "index $field[0]\n";
        @col = split(/,/,$field[2]);
        print SCRIPT "on $db.$tab[1].$tab[0] (";
        $first = 1;
        foreach (@col)
            print SCRIPT ", " if !$first;
            $first = 0;
            print SCRIPT "$_";
        print SCRIPT ")\n";
        print SCRIPT "go\n";


    print SCRIPT "go\n";

#    print "Bind rules & defaults to columns...\n" if $opt_v;
    print SCRIPT "/* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */\n\n";

    if($tab[1] ne 'dbo' && (keys(%dflt) || keys(%rule)))
        print SCRIPT "/* The owner of the table is $tab[1].
** I can't bind the rules/defaults to a table of which I am not the owner.
** The procedures below will have to be run manualy by user $tab[1].
        print LOG "Defaults/Rules for $tab[1].$tab[0] could not be bound\n";

    while(($dat, $dflt)=each(%dflt))
        print SCRIPT "/* " if $tab[1] ne 'dbo';
        print SCRIPT "sp_bindefault $dflt, '$dat'";
        if($tab[1] ne 'dbo')
            print SCRIPT " */\n";
            print SCRIPT "\ngo\n";
    while(($dat, $rule) = each(%rule))
        print SCRIPT "/* " if $tab[1] ne 'dbo';
        print SCRIPT "sp_bindrule $rule, '$dat'";
        if($tab[1] ne 'dbo')
            print SCRIPT " */\n";
            print SCRIPT "\ngo\n";
    print SCRIPT "\n/* End of description of table $tab[1].$tab[0] */\n";


print "Done\n";

# Now create any views that might exist

print "Create views...";
print SCRIPT
    "\n/* Now we add the views... */\n\n";

&getObj('View', 'V');

print "Done\n";

# Now create any stored procs that might exist

print "Create stored procs...";
print SCRIPT
    "\n/* Now we add the stored procedures... */\n\n";
&getObj('Stored Proc', 'P');

print "Done\n";

# Now create the triggers

print "Create triggers...";
print SCRIPT
    "\n/* Now we add the triggers... */\n\n";

&getObj('Trigger', 'TR');

print "Done\n";

print "\nLooks like I'm all done!\n";


#print "Undefining default associative array ..,\n" if $opt_v;
undef %udflt;

#print "Undefining rule associative array ..,\n" if $opt_v;
undef %urule;


sub getPerms
    local($obj) = $_[0];
    local($ret, @dat, $act, $cnt);

    &dbcmd($dbproc, "sp_helprotect '$obj'\n");

    $cnt = 0;
    while(($ret = &dbresults($dbproc)) != $NO_MORE_RESULTS && $ret != $FAIL)
        while(@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc))
            $act = 'to';
            $act = 'from' if $dat[2] =~ /Revoke/;
            print SCRIPT "$dat[2] $dat[3] on $obj $act $dat[1]\n";
#           print SCRIPT "$dat[0] $dat[1] on $obj $act $dat[2]\n";

sub getObj
    local($objname, $obj) = @_;
    local(@dat, @items, @vi, $found);
#    print "Executing getObj for types $objname, $obj ...\n" if $opt_v;
#    print "Data ...\n" if $opt_v;

    &dbcmd($dbproc, "select,,\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "from $opt_d.dbo.sysobjects o, $opt_d.dbo.sysusers u\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "where o.type = '$obj' and like '$opt_t' and u.uid = o.uid\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "order by\n");


    while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    {                           # 
        $_ = join('@', @dat);   # join the data together on a line
        push(@items, $_);       # and save it in a list
        print "$dat[0], $dat[1]\n" if $opt_v;

    foreach (@items)
        @vi = split(/@/, $_);
        $found = 0;

        &dbcmd($dbproc, "select text from syscomments where id = $vi[2]");
        print SCRIPT
            "/* $objname $vi[0], owner $vi[1] */\n";

        while(($text) = &dbnextrow($dbproc))
            if(!$found && $vi[1] ne 'dbo')
                ++$found if($text =~ /$vi[1]/);
            print SCRIPT $text;
        print SCRIPT "\ngo\n";
        if(!$found && $vi[1] ne 'dbo')
            print "**Warning**\n$objname $vi[0] has owner $vi[1]\nbut this is not mentioned in the CREATE PROC statement!!\n";
            print LOG "$objname $vi[0] (owner $vi[1])\n";
        if ($obj eq 'V' || $obj eq 'P')
           &getPerms("$vi[0]") && print SCRIPT "go\n";

sub getusers
    local(@group, @user, @grp, @usr, @alias, @als);
#find out if the dbowner is someone other than dbo, sa
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "select from master.dbo.syslogins a, sysusers b ");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "where a.suid=b.suid ");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "and b.uid = 1 ");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "and a.suid != 1 ");


    while(($dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    {                           # 
        print "dbowner is $dat\n" if $opt_v;
        print SCRIPT
            "\n/* Add db owner */\n\n";
        print SCRIPT "sp_changedbowner $dat\ngo\n"; 

    &dbcmd($dbproc, "sp_helpgroup");


    while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    {                           # 
        $_ = join('@', @dat);   # join the data together on a line
        push(@group, $_);       # and save it in a list
        print "$dat[0]\n" if $opt_v;

    print SCRIPT
            "\n/* Add groups */\n\n";

    foreach (@group)
        @grp = split(/@/, $_);

            "adding group $grp[0] ...\n" if $opt_v;

        print SCRIPT
             "sp_addgroup $grp[0]\ngo\n";


    &dbcmd($dbproc, "sp_helpuser\n");


    while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    {                           # 
        $_ = join('@', @dat);   # join the data together on a line
        push(@user, $_);        # and save it in a list
        print "$dat[0]\n" if $opt_v;

    print SCRIPT
            "\n/* Add users */\n\n";

    foreach (@user)
        @usr = split(/@/, $_);

            "adding user $usr[0] to group $usr[2] ...\n" if $opt_v;

        if ($usr[0] !=~ /dbo/) {
        if ($usr[2] =~ /public/){
        print SCRIPT
             "sp_adduser $usr[0], $usr[3]\ngo\n\n"; }
        else {
        print SCRIPT
             "sp_adduser $usr[0], $usr[3], $usr[2]\ngo\n\n"; }

    &dbcmd($dbproc, "select, from sysalternates c, sysusers a, master.dbo.syslogins b\n");
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "where a.suid = c.altsuid and b.suid = c.suid\n");


    while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    {                           # 
        $_ = join('@', @dat);   # join the data together on a line
        push(@alias, $_);       # and save it in a list
        print "$dat[0]\n" if $opt_v;

    print SCRIPT
            "\n/* Add alias users */\n\n";

    foreach (@alias)
        @als = split(/@/, $_);

            "aliasing login $als[0] to $als[1] ...\n" if $opt_v;

        print SCRIPT
             "sp_addalias $als[0], $als[1]\ngo\n\n"; 


sub getThresholds
    local($db) = $_[0];
    local(@threshold, @thrsh);
    &dbcmd($dbproc, "sp_helpthreshold");


    while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    {                           # 
        $_ = join('@', @dat);   # join the data together on a line
        push(@threshold, $_);   # and save it in a list
        print "$dat[0]\n" if $opt_v;

    print "Adding thresholds...";

    print SCRIPT
            "\n/* Add thresholds */\n\n";

    foreach (@threshold)
        @thrsh = split(/@/, $_);

        print SCRIPT
             "sp_addthreshold $db, $thrsh[0], $thrsh[1], $thrsh[3]\ngo\n";


print "Done\n";

# Get the device info and produce disk init statements - dap, 6/96
sub diskinit

open(DISCRIPT, "> $DIOUTFILE") || die "Can't open $DIOUTFILE: $!\n";

print "Producing disk init statements ...";
&dbcmd($dbproc, " select device_name =,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " physical_name = v.phyname,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " device_number = convert(tinyint, substring(convert(binary(4), v.low),");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "               a.low, 1)),");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " cntrltype, pages = (v.high - v.low + 1) ");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " from master.dbo.sysdevices v,");
&dbcmd($dbproc, "      master.dbo.spt_values a");
&dbcmd($dbproc, " where a.type = 'E' and a.number = 3");

while((@dat = &dbnextrow($dbproc)))
    $x = join('~', @dat);
    $x =~ s/ //g;
    ($devname, $physname, $devno, $ctrltype, $pages ) = split("~", $x);
    if ($ctrltype =~ /0/)
        print DISCRIPT "disk init\nname = \"$devname\",\n";
        print DISCRIPT "physname = \"$physname\",\n";
        print DISCRIPT "vdevno = $devno,\n";
        print DISCRIPT "size = $pages,\n";
        print DISCRIPT "cntrltype = $ctrltype\n";
        print DISCRIPT "go\n\n";
print "Done\n";
