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package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

## ABSTRACT: JavaScript "simple object" (hashref) decoder

use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use Exporter qw<import>;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw<decode_js>;

our $js_grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
number:     hex | decimal
hex:        / 0 [xX] [0-9a-fA-F]+ (?! \w ) /x
    $return = bless {
        value => hex lc $item[1],
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::NUMBER';
decimal:    /(?: (?: 0 | [1-9][0-9]* ) \. [0-9]*
               | \. [0-9]+
               | (?: 0 | [1-9][0-9]* ) )
             (?: [eE][-+]?[0-9]+ )?
             (?! \w )/x
    $return = bless {
        value => 0+$item[1],
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::NUMBER';
    m{"             # Starts with a single-quote
      (               # Start capturing *inside* the double-quote
        [^\\"\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}]*+     # Any ordinary characters
        (?:                              # Followed by ...
            \\ [^\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}]     # Any backslash sequence
            [^\\"\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}]*+   # ... followed by any ordinary characters
        )*+                              # 0+ times
      )               # End capturing *inside* the double-quote
    "               # Ends with a double-quote
    $return = bless {
        value => "$1",
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::STRING';
    m{'             # Starts with a single-quote
      (               # Start capturing *inside* the single-quote
        [^\\'\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}]*+     # Any ordinary characters
        (?:                              # Followed by ...
            \\ [^\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}]     # Any backslash sequence
            [^\\'\r\n\x{2028}\x{2029}]*+   # ... followed by any ordinary characters
        )*+                              # 0+ times
      )               # End capturing *inside* the single-quote
    '               # Ends with a single-quote
    $return = bless {
        value => "$1",
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::STRING';
unescaped_key:        m{[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*}
    $return = bless {
        key => $item[1],
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::KEY';
string: string_single_quoted | string_double_quoted
key:       unescaped_key | string
token_undefined:    "undefined"
    $return = bless {
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::UNDEFINED';
token_null:         "null"
    $return = bless {
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::UNDEFINED';
undefined: token_undefined | token_null
true:  "true"
    $return = bless {
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::TRUE';
false:  "false"
    $return = bless {
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::FALSE';
boolean: true | false
any_value:  number | string | hashref | arrayref | undefined | boolean
tuple:  key ":" any_value
    $return = bless {
        key => $item[1],
        value => $item[3],
    }, 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::TUPLE';
list_of_values: <leftop: any_value "," any_value>(s?)
arrayref:   "[" list_of_values "]"
    $return = bless $item[2], 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::ARRAYREF';
tuples:     <leftop: tuple "," tuple>(s?)
hashref:    "{" tuples "}"
    $return = bless $item[2], 'JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::HASHREF';

our $parser;

=head1 NAME

JavaScript::HashRef::Decode - a JavaScript "data hashref" decoder for Perl


This module "decodes" a simple data-only JavaScript "object" and returns a
Perl hashref constructed from the data contained in it.

It only supports "data" which comprises of: hashrefs, arrayrefs, single- and
double-quoted strings, numbers, and "special" token the likes of "undefined",
"true", "false", "null".

It does not support functions, nor is it meant to be an all-encompassing parser
for a JavaScript object.

If you feel like the JavaScript structure you'd like to parse cannot
effectively be parsed by this module, feel free to look into the
L<Parse::RecDescent> grammar of this module.

Patches are always welcome.


    use JavaScript::HashRef::Decode qw<decode_js>;
    use Data::Dumper::Concise;
    my $js   = q!{ foo: "bar", baz: { quux: 123 } }!;
    my $href = decode_js($js);
    print Dumper $href;
        baz => {
            quux => 123
        foo => "bar"


=head2 C<decode_js($str)>

Given a JavaScript object thing (i.e. an hashref), returns a Perl hashref
structure which corresponds to the given data


Returns a Perl hashref:

  { foo => 'bar' }

The L<Parse::RecDescent> internal interface is reused across invocations.


sub decode_js {
    my ($str) = @_;

    $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($js_grammar)
        if !defined $parser;
    my $parsed = $parser->hashref($str);
    die "decode_js: Cannot parse (invalid js?) \"$str\""
        if !defined $parsed;
    return $parsed->out;

# For each "type", provide an ->out function which returns the proper Perl type
# for the structure, possibly recursively

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::NUMBER;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::NUMBER::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return $_[ 0 ]->{value};

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::STRING;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::STRING::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

my %unescape = (
    'b'  => "\b",
    'f'  => "\f",
    'n'  => "\n",
    'r'  => "\r",
    't'  => "\t",
    'v'  => "\x0B",
    '"'  => '"',
    "'"  => "'",
    '0'  => "\0",
    '\\' => '\\',

my $unescape_rx = do {
    my $fixed = join '|', map quotemeta, grep $_, reverse sort keys %unescape;

sub out {
    my $val = $_[ 0 ]->{value};
    $val =~ s{\\u[dD]([89abAB][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])
             { chr(0x10000 + ((hex($1) - 0x800 << 10) | hex($2) - 0xC00)) }xmsge;
    $val =~ s/$unescape_rx/$unescape{$1} || ($2 ? chr(hex $+) : $1)/ge;
    return $val;

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::UNDEFINED;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::UNDEFINED::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return undef;

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::TRUE;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::TRUE::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return (1 == 1);

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::FALSE;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::FALSE::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return (1 == 0);

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::ARRAYREF;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::ARRAYREF::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return [ map {$_->out} @{ $_[ 0 ] } ];

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::KEY;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::KEY::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return $_[ 0 ]->{key};

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::TUPLE;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::TUPLE::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return $_[ 0 ]->{key}->out => $_[ 0 ]->{value}->out;

package JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::HASHREF;
  $JavaScript::HashRef::Decode::HASHREF::VERSION = '0.130350'; # TRIAL

sub out {
    return { map {$_->out} @{ $_[ 0 ] } };

=head1 SEE ALSO


The ECMAScript Object specification: L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

Marco Fontani - L<>


Aaron Crane


Copyright (c) 2013 Situation Publishing LTD

