The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package HTML::HTMLDoc;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use IPC::Open3 qw();
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);

@ISA = qw();
$VERSION = '0.07';
my $DEBUG = 0;

# create a new Object
# param:
# return: object:HTML::HTMLDOC
sub new {
	my $package = shift;

	my $self = {};
	bless($self, $package);

	while (my $key = shift) {
		my $value = shift;
		$self->{'config'}->{$key} = $value;


	return $self;

# initialises the Object with the basic parameters
# param: -
# return: -
sub _init {
	my $self = shift;

	if ((not defined $self->{'config'}->{'mode'}) || ($self->{'config'}->{'mode'} ne 'file' && $self->{'config'}->{'mode'} ne 'ipc')) {
		$self->{'config'}->{'mode'} = 'ipc';

	if ( (!$self->{'config'}->{'tmpdir'}) || (!-d $self->{'config'}->{'tmpdir'})) {
		$self->{'config'}->{'tmpdir'} = '/tmp';

	$self->{'erros'} = [];
	$self->{'doc_config'} = {};

	# standard-header and footer
	$self->set_footer('.', '1', '.');
	$self->set_header('.', 't', '.');


# Store or get a global configuration value
# testet
# param: key:STRING, value:STRING
# return: 1
sub _config {
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	my $value = shift;

	my $ret;
	if (defined $value) {
		$self->{'config'}->{$key} = $value;
	} else {
		$ret = $self->{'config'}->{$key};
	return $ret;

# stores a specific value for formating the outputdoc
# testet
# param: key:STRING, value:STRING
# return: 1
sub _set_doc_config {
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	my $value = shift;

	if (ref($value) && (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') ) {
		# the value is an array, store it in an array too
		if ( !$self->{'doc_config'}->{$key} || ref($self->{'doc_config'}->{$key}) ne 'ARRAY') {
			# create a new array
			$self->{'doc_config'}->{$key} = [];
		foreach my $single_value(@{$value}) {
			push(@{$self->{'doc_config'}->{$key}}, $single_value);
	} else {
		$self->{'doc_config'}->{$key} = $value;

	return 1;

# deletes a specific config
# testet
# param: key:STRING
# return: value:STRING
sub _delete_doc_config {
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	my $value = shift;

	if (exists $self->{'doc_config'}->{$key}) {
		my $set_value = $self->_get_doc_config($key);
		if ( (ref($set_value) eq 'ARRAY') && $value ) {
			# remove specific value only
			# find the position of the value
			for(my $i=0; $i<@{$set_value}; $i++) {
				if ( $set_value->[$i] eq $value ) {
					splice(@{$set_value}, $i, 1);
		} else {
			# delete the singlevalue
			delete $self->{'doc_config'}->{$key};

# tells a specific value for formating the outputdoc
# testet
# param: key:STRING
# return: value:STRING
sub _get_doc_config {
	my $self = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	return $self->{'doc_config'}->{$key};

# returns all the configuration keys
# param: key:STRING
# return: value:STRING
sub _get_doc_config_keys {
	my $self = shift;

	my @keys = keys %{$self->{'doc_config'}};
	print STDERR "Keys: @keys\n" if $DEBUG;
	return @keys;

# tests if the parameter exists in the array
# of allowed params
# testet
# param: key:STRING, \@allowed
# return: 1/0
sub _test_params {
	my $self = shift;
	my $param = shift;
	my $allowed = shift;

	my $ok = 0;
	foreach my $aparam (@{$allowed}) {
		if (lc($param) eq lc($aparam)) {

	return $ok;

# 			public Methods for configuring behaviour and style of the
#			Document

# sets the size of the pages - default: a4
# testet
# param: letter, a4, WxH{in,cm,mm}
# return: 1/0
sub set_page_size {
	my $self = shift;
	my $value = shift;

	if ( !$value && $value ne 'a4' && $value ne 'letter' && $value!~/^\d+x\d+(?:in|cm|mm)/ ) {
		$self->error("unknown value for pagesize: $value");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config('size', $value);
    return 1;

# reads out the page-size
# param: letter, a4, WxH{in,cm,mm}
# return: 1/0
sub get_page_size {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->_get_doc_config('size');

# sets the master-password of the doc
# testet
# param: password:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_owner_password {
	my $self = shift;
	my $value = shift;
	$self->_set_doc_config('owner-password', $value);
	return 1;

# sets the user-password of the doc
# testet
# param: password:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_user_password {
	my $self = shift;
	my $value = shift;
	$self->_set_doc_config('user-password', $value);
	return 1;

# all,annotate,copy,modify,print,no-annotate,no-copy,no-modify,no-print,none
# sets the master-password of the doc
# testet
# param: password:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_permissions {
	my $self = shift;
	my @values = @_;

	my $thiskey = 'permissions';

	my @allowed = ('all','annotate','copy','modify','print','no-annotate','no-copy','no-modify','no-print','none');
	# test the set value
	if ($#values==-1) {
		$self->error("wrong permission set: no values");
		return 0;
	for( my $i=0; $i<=$#values; $i++ ) {
		$values[$i] = lc($values[$i]);
		if ( !$self->_test_params($values[$i], \@allowed) ) {
			# wrong permission set
			$self->error("wrong permission set: $values[$i]");
			return 0;

	foreach my $value(@values) {
		# take care of the combination of the options
		if ( $value eq 'all' ) {
			# delete all
		} elsif( $value eq 'none' ) {
			# delete all
		} else {
			# delete the corresponding flag
			if ( $value =~/^no-(.+)/ ) {
				my $key = $1;
				$self->_delete_doc_config($thiskey, $key);
			} else {
				$self->_delete_doc_config($thiskey, "no-$value");

		$self->_set_doc_config('permissions', [$value]);
	# enable encryption since without it there is no effect.
	return 1;

# sets the pages to landscape
# testet
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub landscape {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('landscape', '');
	return 1;

# sets the pages to landscape
# testet
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub portrait {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('portrait', '');
	return 1;

# turns the title on
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub title {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('title', '');
	return 1;

# turns the title off
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub no_title {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('no-title', '');
	return 1;

# sets the footer
# testet
# param: left:CHAR, center:CHAR, right:CHAR
# return: 1/0
sub set_footer {
	my $self = shift;
	my $left = shift;
	my $center = shift;
	my $right = shift;

	my @allowed = ('.', ':', '/', '1', 'a', 'A', 'c', 'C', 'd', 'D', 'h', 'i', 'I', 'l', 't', 'T');
	if (!$self->_test_params($left, \@allowed) ) {
		$self->error("wrong left-footer-option: $left");
		return 0;
	if (!$self->_test_params($center, \@allowed) ) {
		$self->error("wrong center-footer-option: $left");
		return 0;
	if (!$self->_test_params($right, \@allowed) ) {
		$self->error("wrong right-footer-option: $left");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config('footer', "${left}${center}${right}");

	return 1;

# sets the footer
# testet
# param: left:CHAR, center:CHAR, right:CHAR
# return: 1/0
sub set_header {
	my $self = shift;
	my $left = shift;
	my $center = shift;
	my $right = shift;

	my @allowed = ('.', ':', '/', '1', 'a', 'A', 'c', 'C', 'd', 'D', 'h', 'i', 'I', 'l', 't', 'T');
	if (!$self->_test_params($left, \@allowed) ) {
		$self->error("wrong left-header-option: $left");
		return 0;
	if (!$self->_test_params($center, \@allowed) ) {
		$self->error("wrong center-header-option: $left");
		return 0;
	if (!$self->_test_params($right, \@allowed) ) {
		$self->error("wrong right-header-option: $left");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config('header', "${left}${center}${right}");

	return 1;

# turns the links on
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub links {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('links', '');
	return 1;

# turns the links off
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub no_links {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('no-links', '');
	return 1;

# sets the search path for files in a document
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub path {
	my $self = shift;
    my $sp = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('path', $sp);
	return 1;

# sets the right margin
# testet
# param: margin|NUM, messure:in,cm,mm
# return: 1/0
sub set_right_margin {
	my $self = shift;
	my $margin = shift;
	my $m = shift || 'cm';
	return $self->_set_margin('right', $margin, $m);

# sets the right margin
# testet
# param: margin|NUM, messure:in,cm,mm
# return: 1/0
sub set_left_margin {
	my $self = shift;
	my $margin = shift;
	my $m = shift || 'cm';
	return $self->_set_margin('left', $margin, $m);

# sets the bottom margin
# param: margin|NUM, messure:in,cm,mm
# return: 1/0
sub set_bottom_margin {
	my $self = shift;
	my $margin = shift;
	my $m = shift || 'cm';
	return $self->_set_margin('bottom', $margin, $m);

# sets the right margin
# param: margin|NUM, messure:in,cm,mm
# return: 1/0
sub set_top_margin {
	my $self = shift;
	my $margin = shift;
	my $m = shift || 'cm';
	return $self->_set_margin('top', $margin, $m);

sub _set_margin {
	my $self = shift;
	my $where = shift;
	my $margin = shift;
	my $m = shift;

	# test the values
	if ( $margin!~/^\d+$/ || ( ($m ne 'in') && ($m ne 'cm') && ($m ne 'mm') )) {
		$self->error("wrong arguments for $where-margin: $margin $m");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config($where, "$margin$m");
	return 1;

# sets the color of the body
# testet
# param: color:hex
# return: 1/0
sub set_bodycolor {
	my $self = shift;

	my $ret;
	my $color = $self->_test_color(@_);
	if (!$color) {
		$self->error("wrong value set for bodycolor");
		$ret = 0;
	} else {
		$ret = $self->_set_doc_config('bodycolor', $color);

	return $ret;

# internal method for testing and converting colors
# testet
# param: color:hex || color: rgb || color: name
# return: color:hex
sub _test_color {
	my $self = shift;
	my @colors = @_;
	my $ret;

	if( (@colors == 1) && $colors[0]=~/^#[0-9a-f]{6}$/i ) {
		# got hex-color
		return $colors[0];
	} elsif( @colors==3 ) {
		# 3 input values, test if regular rgb is given
		my ($r, $g, $b) = @colors;
		if ($r=~/^\d{1,3}$/ && $g=~/^\d{1,3}$/ && $b=~/^\d{1,3}$/
			&& $r>=0 && $r <=255 && $b>=0 && $b<=255 && $g>=0 && $g<=255) {
				$ret = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $r, $g, $b);
	} elsif( @colors==1 ) {
		foreach my $c( qw(red green blue cyan magenta yellow darkRed
			darkGreen darkBlue darkCyan darkMagenta darkYellow white
			lightGray gray darkGray black) ) {
				if ($c eq $colors[0]) {
					$ret = $c;

	return $ret;

# sets the default font for the body
# testet
# param: fontface:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_bodyfont {
	my $self = shift;
	my $font = shift;

	my $ret = 0;
	my @allowed = qw(Arial Courier Helvetica Monospace Sans-Serif Serif Symbol Times);
	if ( !$self->_test_params($font, \@allowed) ) {
		$self->error("illegal font set $font");
	} else {
		$self->_set_doc_config('bodyfont', $font);
		$ret = 1;

	return $ret;

# sets the font size for body text
# param: size:NUM
# return: 1/0
sub set_fontsize {
	my $self = shift;
	my $fsize = shift;
	if ($fsize =~ /^\d+(\.\d+){0,1}$/) {
		return $self->_set_doc_config('fontsize', $fsize);
	} else {
		$self->error("illegal font size $fsize");
		return 0;

# takes an image-filename that is used as background
# for all Pages
# param: image:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_bodyimage {
	my $self = shift;
	my $image = shift;

	if ( ! -f "$image" ) {
		$self->error("Backgroundimage $image could not be found");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config('bodyimage', $image);
	return 1;

# set the witdh in px for the background image
# param: width:INT
# return: 1/0
sub set_browserwidth {
	my $self = shift;
	my $width = shift;

	if ($width !~ /^\d+$/) {
		$self->error("wrong browserwidth $width set");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config('browserwidth', $width);
	return 1;

# sets the compression level
# param:
# return: 1/0
sub set_compression {
	my $self = shift;
	my $comp = shift;
	return $self->_set_doc_config('compression', $comp);

# sets the pagemode
# param: mode:[document,outline,fullscreen]
# return: 1/0
sub set_pagemode {
	my $self = shift;
	my $value = shift;

	#--pagemode {document,outline,fullscreen}
	if (!$self->_test_params($value, ['document', 'outline', 'fullscreen']) ) {
    #if ($value ne 'document' && $value ne 'outline' && $value ne 'fullscreen') {
		$self->error("wrong pagemode: $value");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config('pagemode', $value);

# sets the charset
# param: charset
# return: 1/0
sub set_charset {
	my $self = shift;
	my $charset = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('charset', $charset);
	return 1;

# embedding the used fonts into the pdf-file
# testet
# param:
# return: 1/0
sub embed_fonts {
	my $self = shift;
	$self->_set_doc_config('embedfonts', '');
	return 1;

# no font embedding
# testet
# param:
# return: 1/0
sub no_embed_fonts {
	my $self = shift;
	return 1;

# turns colors on in doc
# param: charset
# return: 1/0
sub color_on {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('color', '');
	$self->_delete_doc_config('grey', '');
	return 1;

# turns colors on in doc
# param:
# return: 1/0
sub color_off {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('grey', '');
	$self->_delete_doc_config('color', '');
	return 1;

# turns encryption on
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub enable_encryption {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('encryption', '');
	$self->_delete_doc_config('no-enryption', '');
	return 1;

# turns encryption on
# param: -
# return: 1/0
sub disable_encryption {
	my $self = shift;

	$self->_set_doc_config('no-encryption', '');
	$self->_delete_doc_config('enryption', '');
	return 1;

# sets the outputformat of the document
# param: format:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_output_format {
	my $self = shift;
	my $f = shift;

	my @allowed = qw(html pdf pdf11 pdf12 pdf13 pdf14 ps ps1 ps2 ps3);
	if( !$self->_test_params($f, \@allowed)) {
		$self->error("Wrong output format set $f");
		return 0;

	$self->_set_doc_config('format', $f);
	return 1;

# 			Methods for outputting the result

# sets the html-page that should be rendered
# param: html:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_html_content {
	my $self = shift;
	my $html = shift;

	$self->{'html'} = $html;
	return 1;

# returns the html-content
# param: -
# return: html:STRING
sub get_html_content {
	my $self = shift;

	if (ref($self->{'html'}) eq 'SCALAR') {
		return ${$self->{'html'}};

	return $self->{'html'};

# sets the filename of the html-page that should be rendered
# param: input_file:STRING
# return: 1/0
sub set_input_file {
	my $self = shift;
	my $infile = shift;

    if (-f $infile) {
        $self->{'input_file'} = $infile;
        $self->{'config'}->{'mode'} = 'file';
        return 1;
    return 0;

# returns the input htmlfile
# param: -
# return: input_file:STRING
sub get_input_file {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{'input_file'};

# private: opens a temporary file and sets the
# html-content in
# param: -
# return: filename:STRING
sub _prepare_input_file {
	my $self = shift;
	my $i=0;
	my $filename;
	return $filename if (defined ($filename = $self->{'input_file'}));

	while($i<1000) {
		my $randpart = int(rand(1000));
		$filename = $self->{'config'}->{'tmpdir'} . "/htmldoc$randpart.html";

		if (-f $filename) {
		} else {

	my $file = new IO::File($filename, 'w');
	if (!$file) {
		warn "could not open tempfile $!";
		return undef;
	$self->{'config'}->{'tmpfile'} = $filename;

	return $filename;

# private: cleans up, deletes the tempfile
# param: -
# return: -
sub _cleanup {
	my $self = shift;
		if ( (defined $self->{'config'}->{'tmpfile'}) && (-f $self->{'config'}->{'tmpfile'}) );

# finaly produces the pdf-output
# param: -
# return: pdf:STRING
sub generate_pdf {
	my $self = shift;

	my $params = $self->_build_parameters();
	my $pdf;

	#if ($self->{'config'}->{'mode'} eq 'ipc') {
	if ($self->_config('mode') eq 'ipc') {
		# we are in normale Mode, use IPC
		my ($pid, $error);
    	($pid,$pdf,$error) = $self->_run("htmldoc  $params --webpage -", $self->get_html_content());
	} else {
		# we are in file-mode
		my $filename = $self->_prepare_input_file();
		return undef if (!$filename);
		$pdf = `htmldoc  $params --webpage $filename`;

	my $doc = new HTML::HTMLDoc::PDF(\$pdf);

	return $doc;

# generates a string for the configuration of htmldoc
# testet
# param: -
# return: params:STRING
sub _build_parameters {
	my $self = shift;

	my $paramstring='';

	foreach my $key($self->_get_doc_config_keys()) {
		my $value = $self->_get_doc_config($key) || '';
		if ( ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
			# an array, set the option multiple
			foreach my $single_v(@{$value}) {
				$paramstring .= " --$key $single_v";
		} else {
			$paramstring .= " --$key $value";

	return $paramstring;

sub _run {
	my $self = shift;
	my $command = shift;
	my $input = shift;

	# create new Filehandles
	my ($stdin,$stdout,$stderr) = (IO::Handle->new(),IO::Handle->new(),IO::Handle->new());
	my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3($stdin,$stdout,$stderr, $command);
	if (!$pid) {
		$self->error("Cannot fork [COMMAND: '$command'].");
		return (0);

	print $stdin $input;
	close $stdin;

	my $output = join('',<$stdout>);
	close $stdout;

	my $error = join('',<$stderr>);
	close $stderr;


	if ($DEBUG) {
		print STDERR "\n********************************************************************\n";
		print STDERR "COMMAND : \n$command [PID $pid]\n";
		print STDERR "STDIN  :  \n$input\n";
		print STDERR "STDOUT :  \n$output\n";
		print STDERR "STDERR :  \n$error\n";
		print STDERR "\n********************************************************************\n";


# set or retrieve an occurred error
# param: -
# return: pdf:STRING
sub error {
	my $self = shift;
	my $error = shift;

	if (defined $error) {
		push(@{$self->{'errors'}}, $error);
	} else {
		if (wantarray()) {
			return @{$self->{'errors'}};
		} else {
			return $self->{'errors'}->[0];


=head1 NAME

HTML::HTMLDoc - Perl interface to the htmldoc program for producing PDF-Files from HTML-Content


  use HTML::HTMLDoc;

  my $htmldoc = new HTML::HTMLDoc();

  $htmldoc->set_html_content(qq~<html><body>A PDF file</body></html>~);
  # $htmldoc->set_input_file($filename); # alternative to use a present file from your fs

  my $pdf = $htmldoc->generate_pdf();

  print $pdf->to_string();


This Module provides an OO-interface to the htmldoc programm.

You can use it to produce PDF or PS files from a HTML-document. Currently many but not all
parameters of HTMLDoc are supported.

You need to have HTMLDoc installed before installing this module.

All the pdf-Methods return true for success or false for failure. You can test if errors
occurred by calling the error-method.

Normaly this module uses IPC::Open3 for communacation with the HTMLDOC process. However,
in mod_perl-environments there appear problems with this module because the standard-output can not
be captured. For this problem this module provides a fix doing the communication in file-mode.

For this you can specify the parameter mode in the constructor:
my $htmldoc = new HTMLDoc('mode'=>'file', 'tmpdir'=>'/tmp');

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

creates a new Instance of HTML::HTMLDoc.

Optional parameters are:
mode=>['file'|'ipc'] defaults to ipc
tmpdir=>$dir defaults to /tmp

The tmpdir is used for temporary html-files in filemode. Remember to set the file-permissions
to write for the executing process.

=head2 set_page_size($size)

sets the desired size of the pages in the resulting PDF-document. $size is one of:

=over 4

=item *
a4 (default)

=item *

=item *
WxH{in,cm,mm} eg '10x10cm'


=head2 set_owner_password($password)

sets the owner-password for this document. $password can be any string. This only has effect if encryption is enabled.
see enable_encryption().

=head2 set_user_password($password)

sets the user-password for this document. $password can be any string. If set, User will be asked for this
password when opening the file. This only has effect if encryption is enabled, see enable_encryption().

=head2 set_permissions($perm)

sets the permissions the user has to this document. $perm can be:

=over 4

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

setting one of this flags automatically enables the document-encryption ($htmldoc->enable_encryption())
for you, because setting permissions will have no effect without it.

Setting 'all' and 'none' will delete all other previously set options. You can set multiple options if
you need, eg.:


this one will do the same:
$htmldoc->set_permissions('no-copy', 'no-modify');


=head2 links()

turns link processing on.

=head2 no_links()

turns the links off.

=head2 path()

specify the search path for files in a document

=head2 landscape()

sets the format of the resulting pages to landscape

=head2 portrait()

sets the format of the resulting pages to portrait

=head2 title()

turns the title on.

=head2 no_title()

turns the title off.

=head2 set_right_margin($margin, $messure)

set the right margin. $margin is a INT, $messure one of 'in', 'cm' or 'mm'.

=head2 set_left_margin($margin, $messure)

set the left margin. $margin is a INT, $messure one of 'in', 'cm' or 'mm'.

=head2 set_bottom_margin($margin, $messure)

set the bottom margin. $margin is a INT, $messure one of 'in', 'cm' or 'mm'.

=head2 set_top_margin($margin, $messure)

set the top margin. $margin is a INT, $messure one of 'in', 'cm' or 'mm'.

=head2 set_bodycolor($color)

Sets the background of all pages to this background color. $color is a hex-coded color-value (eg. #FFFFFF),
a rgb-value (eg set_bodycolor(0,0,0) for black) or a color name (eg. black)

=head2 set_bodyfont($font)

Sets the default font of the content. Currently the following fonts are supported:

Arial Courier Helvetica Monospace Sans-Serif Serif Symbol Times

=head2 set_fontsize($fsize)

Sets the default font size for the body text.

=head2 set_bodyimage($image)

Sets the background image for the document. $image is the path to the image in your filesystem.

=head2 set_browserwidth($width)

specifies the browser width in pixels. The browser width is used to scale images and pixel measurements when generating PostScript and PDF files. It does not affect the font size of text.

The default browser width is 680 pixels which corresponds roughly to a 96 DPI display. Please note that your images and table sizes are equal to or smaller than the browser width, or your output will overlap or truncate in places.

=head2 set_compression($level)

specifies that Flate compression should be performed on the output file. The optional level parameter is a number from 1 (fastest and least amount of compression) to 9 (slowest and most amount of compression).

This option is only available when generating Level 3 PostScript or PDF files.

=head2 set_pagemode($mode)

specifies the initial viewing mode of the document. $mode is one of:

=over 4

=item *
document - the document pages are displayed in a normal window

=item *
outline - the document outline and pages are displayed

=item *
fullscreen - the document pages are displayed on the entire screen


=head2 set_charset($charset)

defines the charset for the output document. The following charsets are currenty supported:
cp-874 cp-1250 cp-1251 cp-1252 cp-1253 cp-1254 cp-1255 cp-1256 cp-1257 cp-1258
iso-8859-1 iso-8859-2 iso-8859-3  iso-8859-4 iso-8859-5 iso-8859-6 iso-8859-7
iso-8859-8 iso-8859-9 iso-8859-14 iso-8859-15 koi8-r

=head2 color_on()

defines that color output is desired

=head2 color_off()

defines that b&w output is desired

=head2 enable_encryption()

enables encryption and security features for the document.

=head2 disable_encryption()

enables encryption and security features for the document.

=head2 set_output_format($format)

sets the format of the output-document. $format can be one of:

=over 4

=item *

=item *
pdf (default)

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *

=item *


=head2 set_html_content($html)

this is the function to set the html-content as a scalar. See set_input_file($filename)
to use a present file from your filesystem for input

=head2 get_html_content()

gives back the previous set html-content.

=head2 set_input_file($input_filename)

this is the function to set the input file name.  It will also switch the
operational mode to 'file'.

=head2 get_input_file()

gives back the previous set input file name.

=head2 set_header($left, $center, $right)

defines the data that should be displayed in header. One can choose from the following chars for each left,
center and right:

=over 4

=item *
B<.> A period indicates that the field should be blank.

=item *
B<:> A colon indicates that the field should contain the current and total number of pages in the chapter (n/N).

=item *
B</> A slash indicates that the field should contain the current and total number of pages (n/N).

=item *
B<1> The number 1 indicates that the field should contain the current page number in decimal format (1, 2, 3, ...)

=item *
B<a> A lowercase "a" indicates that the field should contain the current page number using lowercase letters.

=item *
B<A> An uppercase "A" indicates that the field should contain the current page number using UPPERCASE letters.

=item *
B<c> A lowercase "c" indicates that the field should contain the current chapter title.

=item *
B<C> An uppercase "C" indicates that the field should contain the current chapter page number.

=item *
B<d> A lowercase "d" indicates that the field should contain the current date.

=item *
B<D> An uppercase "D" indicates that the field should contain the current date and time.

=item *
B<h> An "h" indicates that the field should contain the current heading.

=item *
B<i> A lowercase "i" indicates that the field should contain the current page number in lowercase roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...)

=item *
B<I> An uppercase "I" indicates that the field should contain the current page number in uppercase roman numerals (I, II, III, ...)

=item *
B<l> A lowercase "l" indicates that the field should contain the logo image.

=item *
B<t> A lowercase "t" indicates that the field should contain the document title.

=item *
B<T> An uppercase "T" indicates that the field should contain the current time.



Setting the header to contain the title left, nothing in center and actual pagenumber right do the follwing

$htmldoc-E<gt>set_header('t', '.', '1');

=head2 set_footer($left, $center, $right)

defines the data that should be displayed in footer. See set_header() for details setting the left, center and right

=head2 embed_fonts()

specifies that fonts should be embedded in PostScript and PDF output. This is especially useful when generating documents in character sets other than ISO-8859-1.

=head2 no_embed_fonts()

turn the font-embedding previously enabled by embed_fonts() off.

=head2 generate_pdf()

generates the output-document. Returns a instance of HTML::HTMLDoc::PDF. See the perldoc of this class
for details

=head2 error()

in scalar content returns the last error that occurred, in list context returns all errors that occurred.

=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 AUTHOR

Michael Frankl -


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself

=head1 CREDITS

Thanks very much to:

Rajat Bhatia

Keith W. Sheffield

Christoffer Landtman

for suggestions and bug fixes.

=head1 SEE ALSO


