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package CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplate;

=head1 NAME

CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplate - HTML::Template driver to AnyTemplate


This is a driver for L<CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate>, which
provides the implementation details specific to rendering templates via
the L<HTML::Template> templating system.

All C<AnyTemplate> drivers are designed to be used the same way.  For
general usage instructions, see the documentation of


=head2 Syntax

The L<HTML::Template> syntax for embedding components is:

    <TMPL_VAR NAME="cgiapp_embed('some_run_mode', param1, param2, 'literal string3')">

I<(Support for parameter passing is limited.  See the note on paramters below.)>

This can be overridden by the following configuration variables:

    embed_tag_name       # default 'cgiapp_embed'

For instance by setting the following value in your configuration file:

    embed_tag_name       '***component***'

Then the embedded component tag will look like:

    <TMPL_VAR NAME="***component***('some_run_mode')">

=head2 Parameters

Since L<HTML::Template> doesn't support parameter passing in the
template, the C<HTMLTemplate> driver emulates this behaviour.

The parameter list passed to the embed subroutine is parsed before
the template is parsed.  Literal strings (strings enclosed in single or
double quotes) are passed verbatim to the target run mode.  Params not
enclosed in quotes are looked up in C<< $self->param >>; the resulting
literal or looked up values are passed to the target run mode.  Finally,
the return value of the run mode (its output) is passed as a parameter
value to the template.

Note that the param lookup scheme is somewhat simplistic.  For instance,
it does not respect the scope of loops or conditional constructs within
the template.

For proper parameter handling using L<HTML::Template>-style templates,
use either the
or the L<CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplatePluggable>
driver instead.


use strict;
use Carp;

use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::ComponentHandler;

use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Base;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = ('CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Base');


The L<CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplate> driver
accepts the following config parameters:

=over 4

=item embed_tag_name

The name of the tag used for embedding components.  Defaults to

=item template_extension

If C<auto_add_template_extension> is true, then
L<CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate> will append the value of
C<template_extension> to C<filename>.  By default
the C<template_extension> is C<.html>.

=item associate_query

B<This feature is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.>

If this config parameter is true, then
L<CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplate> will
copy all of the webapp's query params into the template using
L<HTML::Template>'s C<associate> mechanism:

    my $driver = HTML::Template->new(
        associate => $self->query,

By default C<associate_query> is false.

If you provide an C<associate> config parameter of your own, that will
disable the C<associate_query> functionality.


All other configuration parameters are passed on unchanged to L<HTML::Template>.


sub driver_config_keys {

sub default_driver_config {
        template_extension => '.html',
        embed_tag_name     => 'CGIAPP_embed',
        associate_query    => 0,

=head2 required_modules

The C<required_modules> function returns the modules required for this driver
to operate.  In this case: L<HTML::Template>.


sub required_modules {
    return qw(


=over 4

=item initialize

Initializes the C<HTMLTemplate> driver.  See the docs for
C<CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Base> for details.


# create the HTML::Template object,
# using:
#   $self->{'driver_config'}  # config info
#   $self->{'include_paths'}  # the paths to search for the template file
#   $self->filename           # the template file
#   $self->string_ref         # ...or the template string
#   $self->{'webapp'}->query  # for HTML::Template's 'associate' method,
#                             # so that the query params are included
#                             # in the template output
sub initialize {
    my $self = shift;


    my $string_ref = $self->string_ref;
    my $filename   = $self->filename;

    $string_ref or $filename or croak "HTML::Template: file or string must be specified";

    my $query    = $self->{'webapp'}->query or croak "HTML::Template webapp query not found";

    my %params = (
        %{ $self->{'native_config'} },
        path      => $self->{'include_paths'},

    if ($filename) {
        $params{'filename'} = $filename;
    if ($string_ref) {
        $params{'scalarref'} = $string_ref;

    if ($self->{'driver_config'}{'associate_query'}) {
        $params{'associate'} ||= $query;  # allow user to override associate with their own

    $self->{'driver'} = HTML::Template->new(%params);


# If we have already called output, then any stored params have already
# been stored in the driver.  So when the user calls clear_params on the
# AT object, we have to call clear_params on the driver as well.

sub clear_params {
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->{'driver'}) {

=item render_template

Fills the C<HTML::Template> object with C<< $self->param >>
replacing any magic C<*embed*> tags with the content generated by the
appropriate runmodes.

Returns the output of the filled template as a string reference.

See the docs for C<CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Base> for details.



sub render_template {
    my $self = shift;

    my $driver_config = $self->{'driver_config'};
    my $tmpl_vars     = $self->get_param_hash;

    # pull in any included templates by calling them as run modes

    my $tag_match = '^'
                  . quotemeta(
                  . '\s*'
                  . '\((.*?)\)?'   # optional params
                  . '\s*'
                  . '$';

    $tag_match    = qr/$tag_match/i;

    my $component_handler = $self->{'component_handler_class'}->new(
        'webapp'              => $self->{'webapp'},
        'containing_template' => $self,

    # fill the template
    my $template = $self->{'driver'};

    # fill the CGIAPP_embed(foo,...) tags
    foreach my $tag ($template->query) {
        # print STDERR "tag: $tag ($tag_match)\n";
        if ($tag =~ $tag_match) {
            # print STDERR "tag: $tag ($tag_match) MATCHED\n";
            my $params = $1;

            my @params = split /\s*,\s*/, $params;
            my @prepped_params;

            foreach my $param (@params) {
                # print STDERR "param: $param\n";
                if ($param =~ /^('|")?(.*?)\1$/) {
                    $param = $2;  # remove quotes
                    # print STDERR "param-de-quoted: $param\n";
                    push @prepped_params, $param;
                else {
                    $param = $tmpl_vars->{$param};
                    # print STDERR "param-looked-up: $param\n";
                    push @prepped_params, $param;
            my $run_mode = shift @prepped_params;
            # print STDERR "rm: $run_mode (@prepped_params)\n";

            $self->param($tag => ${ $component_handler->embed_direct($run_mode, @prepped_params) });

    my $output = $template->output;
    return \$output;

=head1 SEE ALSO








=head1 AUTHOR

Michael Graham, C<< <> >>


Copyright 2005 Michael Graham, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

