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# Term::Readline interface to SQL::Shell
# $Id: sqlsh,v 1.50 2006/12/05 11:38:47 andreww Exp $

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = ('$Revision: 1.50 $' =~ /([\d\.]+)/)[0];

use constant HISTORY_FILE => '~/.sqlsh_history';

use Term::ReadLine;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Log::Trace;
use SQL::Shell;

#Argument processing
use vars qw(@Arguments);
@Arguments = @ARGV; #Store away @ARGV for reload

my $dsn = $ENV{DBI_DSN};
my ($username, $password);
my ($read_from_stdin, $help, $quiet);
	'u:s' => \$username, 
	'p:s' => \$password, 
	'd=s' => \$dsn, 
	'i' => \$read_from_stdin, 
	'H' => \$help,
	'q' => \$quiet, 
pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if($help);
welcome() unless($quiet);

#Create SQL::Shell
my $sqlsh = new SQL::Shell({
	Verbose => 1,

# Connect to database
	$password = prompt_for_password($username, $dsn) if(defined $username and not defined $password);	

# Allow sqlsh to be batched from a pipe or a single command on @ARGV
my @batch_commands; 
if($read_from_stdin) {
	@batch_commands = map {chomp; $_} <STDIN>;
} else {
	push(@batch_commands,  join(" ", @ARGV)) if(@ARGV);

	#Run on batch of commands
	foreach(@batch_commands) {$sqlsh->execute_cmd($_) }
	#Run as a shell
	$sqlsh->set('Interactive', 1);

	# Set readline type according to user's preference
		: $ENV{SHELLOPTS} ? $ENV{SHELLOPTS} =~ /\b(emacs|vi)\b/

	my $term = new Term::ReadLine "SQL Shell (sqlsh)";
	my $autohistory = $term->Features()->{autohistory};
	my $ornaments = $term->ornaments;
	if (defined $ornaments && $ornaments ne ',,,') {
		$sqlsh->set('NULL', "\x1B[1mNULL\x1B[0m"); #bold

	#Wire up the history to the mechanism provided by $term
	$sqlsh->set('GetHistory',  sub {[$term->GetHistory()]}); #Callback to get history
	$sqlsh->set('SetHistory',  sub {my $history = shift; $term->SetHistory(@$history)}); #Callback to set history
	$sqlsh->set('AddHistory',  sub {my $cmd = shift; $term->addhistory($cmd) if !$autohistory});

	#Wire up additional commands
	my $quit = 0;
		qr/^help|\?$/ => \&_help,
		qr/^reload$/ => \&_reload,
		qr/^(cat|more|less) (.+)/ => \&_display_file,
		qr/^(?:exit|quit|bye|\w+\s+off)$/i => sub {
			my $sqlsh = shift;
			$quit = 1;		

	#Load any previous history
	$sqlsh->load_history(HISTORY_FILE) if(-f _expand_filename(HISTORY_FILE));
	#Command loop
	local $_;
	my $prompt = $dsn . "> ";
	while ( defined ($_ = $term->readline($prompt)) ) {
		my $rv;
		print "Error: $@" if($@);
		last if $quit;

		#Update prompt based on connection/log status 
		$dsn = $sqlsh->dsn();
		my $logging = $sqlsh->get('LogLevel') && 1;
		$prompt = $dsn .($logging?">":""). "> ";
	#Save history on exit

sub prompt_for_password
	my ($username, $dsn) = @_;
	print "Enter password for $username connecting to $dsn: ";	
	ReadMode 2;
	my $password = <STDIN>;
	ReadMode 0;
	print "\n";
	chomp $password;
	return $password;

sub welcome
print '
               _       _      
              | |     | |     
     ___  ____| |  ___| |__   
    /___)/ _  | | /___)  _ \  
   |___ | |_| | ||___ | | | | 
   (___/ \__  |\_|___/|_| |_| 
Type HELP for a list of commands

# Additional commands for the readline shell

sub _help
	my $self = shift;
	use Config;
	require Pod::Select;
	my $pager = $Config{pager};
	my $have_pager = ($pager && -f $pager && -x _);
	my $helptext = '
            _       _                                               _      
           | |     | |                                             | |     
  ___  ____| |  ___| |__      ____ ___  ____  ____  _____ ____   __| | ___ 
 /___)/ _  | | /___)  _ \    / ___) _ \|    \|    \(____ |  _ \ / _  |/___)
|___ | |_| | ||___ | | | |  ( (__| |_| | | | | | | / ___ | | | ( (_| |___ |
(___/ \__  |\_|___/|_| |_|   \____)___/|_|_|_|_|_|_\_____|_| |_|\____(___/ 
		local (*STDOUT, $^W);
		require Pod::Select;
		require IO::Scalar;
		tie *STDOUT, 'IO::Scalar', \$helptext;
		Pod::Select::podselect({-sections => ['COMMANDS']}, $INC{'SQL/'});	
		Pod::Select::podselect({-sections => ['COMMANDS ADDED BY SQLSH']}, $0);
		untie *STDOUT;
		$helptext =~ s/=head1.*?\n//sg;
		$helptext =~ s/\n\n/\n/g;		

	if ($have_pager) 
		local (*STDOUT, $^W);
		open PAGER, "| $pager";
		print $helptext;
		close PAGER;
	} else {
		print $helptext;

	return 1;

sub _reload
	my $self = shift;
	my $settings = $self->{settings};
	if($settings->{Interactive}) {
		exec($^X, $0, @Arguments) || warn;
		warn; #Should never get here
		return 0;
	return 1;	

sub _display_file
	my ($self, $_pager, $file) = @_;
	$file = _expand_filename($file);
	return system($_pager, $file) == 0;	

sub _expand_filename 
	my $file = shift;
	if ($file =~ s/^~([^\/]*)//) {
		my $home = $1 ? ((getpwnam ($1)) [7]) : $ENV{HOME};
		$file = $home . $file;
	return $file;

=head1 NAME

sqlsh - SQL shell


	sqlsh -d DBI:Oracle:DEVDB -u scott -p tiger


sqlsh is an interactive shell run from the command-line for working with databases.
This is a terse summary for quick reference.  For a full description see L<SQL::Shell::Manual>.
For a list of commands, type: 


at the prompt after running sqlsh.  If you pass a username with -u and don't pass a password with -p,
sqlsh will prompt you for a password.  You can pass a blank password with -p if required (-p followed by nothing).

=head1 OPTIONS

	-d <DSN>
	-u <username>
	-p <password>
	-i - read list of commands from STDIN
	-q - quiet (no banner)
	-H - help


 cat|more|less <file> - display file
 help|? - show this
 reload - reload the shell
 exit|quit|bye|\w+ off - quit the shell


This script uses Term::Readline. Term::Readline sets the editing mode
(vi/emacs) based on the user's F<.inputrc>, or the C<$EDITOR> environment

This script will set $EDITOR based on $PERL_READLINE_MODE or bash's $SHELLOPTS
variable. Any .inputrc C<editing-mode> declaration still takes precedence.

=head1 VERSION

$Revision: 1.50 $ on $Date: 2006/12/05 11:38:47 $ by $Author: andreww $

=head1 AUTHOR

John Alden with contributions by Simon Flack <cpan _at_ bbc _dot_ co _dot_ uk>


(c) BBC 2006. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GNU GPL.

See the file COPYING in this distribution, or