package Font::TTF::Glat;

=head1 TITLE

Font::TTF::Glat - Hold glyph attributes


Holds glyph attributes associated with each glyph.

=over 4

=item Version

Table format version

=item attribs

An array of hashes. On array entry for each glyph id. Since the glyph attributes are usually in a sparse
array, they are stored in a hash keyed by the attribute id and with the value as attribute value.


use Font::TTF::Table;
use Font::TTF::Utils;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Font::TTF::Table);

sub read
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ($gloc) = $self->{' PARENT'}{'Gloc'};
    my ($fh) = $self->{' INFILE'};
    my ($numGlyphs);
    my ($base) = $self->{' OFFSET'};
    my ($dat, $i);

    $self->SUPER::read or return $self;
    $numGlyphs = $gloc->{'numGlyphs'};
    $fh->seek($base, 0);
    $fh->read($dat, 4);
    ($self->{'Version'}) = TTF_Unpack('v', $dat);

    for ($i = 0; $i < $numGlyphs; $i++)
        my ($j) = 0;
        my ($num) = $gloc->{'locations'}[$i + 1] - $gloc->{'locations'}[$i];
        my ($first, $number, @vals);
        $fh->seek($base + $gloc->{'locations'}[$i], 0);
        $fh->read($dat, $num);
        while ($j < $num)
            if ($self->{'Version'} > 1)
                ($first, $number) = unpack("n2", substr($dat, $j, 4));
                @vals = unpack("n$number", substr($dat, $j + 4, $number * 2));
                $j += ($number + 2) * 2;
                ($first, $number) = unpack("C2", substr($dat, $j, 2));
                @vals = unpack("n$number", substr($dat, $j + 2, $number * 2));
                $j += $number * 2 + 2;
            for (my $k = 0; $k < $number; $k++)
            { $self->{'attribs'}[$i]{$first + $k} = $vals[$k]; }

sub out
    my ($self, $fh) = @_;
    my ($gloc) = $self->{' PARENT'}{'Gloc'};
    my ($numGlyphs) = 0;
    my ($base) = $fh->tell();
    my ($i, $type);

    return $self->SUPER::out($fh) unless ($self->{' read'});
    $numGlyphs = scalar @{$self->{'attribs'}};
    if ($gloc->{'numAttrib'} > 256)
        $self->{'Version'} = 2;
        $type = "n";
        $self->{'Version'} = 1;
        $type = "C";

    $gloc->{'locations'} = [];
    $fh->print(TTF_Pack('v', $self->{'Version'}));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numGlyphs; $i++)
        my (@a) = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$self->{'attribs'}[$i]};
        push(@{$gloc->{'locations'}}, $fh->tell() - $base);
        while (@a)
            my ($first) = shift(@a);
            my ($next) = $first;
            my (@v, $j);
            while (@a and $a[0] <= $next + 2)
            { $next = shift(@a); }
            for ($j = $first; $j <= $next; $j++)
            { push (@v, $self->{'attribs'}[$i]{$j}); }
            { $fh->print(pack("${type}2n*", $first, $next - $first + 1, @v)); }
    push(@{$gloc->{'locations'}}, $fh->tell() - $base);


=head2 $t->minsize()

Returns the minimum size this table can be. If it is smaller than this, then the table
must be bad and should be deleted or whatever.


sub minsize
    return 4;


=head1 AUTHOR

Martin Hosken L<>. 


Copyright (c) 1998-2013, SIL International ( 

This module is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. 
For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.

The test suite contains test fonts released under the SIL Open Font License 1.1, see OFL.txt.
