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# Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Marcus Holland-Moritz. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.

use Test;
use Convert::Binary::C @ARGV;

$^W = 1;

BEGIN { plan tests => 116 }

my $CCCFG = require 'tests/include/';

# create object (1 tests)
eval { $p = new Convert::Binary::C };
ok($@,'',"failed to create Convert::Binary::C object");

# try to parse empty file / empty code (2 tests)
eval { $p->parse_file( 'tests/include/files/empty.h' ) };
ok($@,'',"failed to parse empty C-file");

eval { $p->parse( '' ) };
ok($@,'',"failed to parse empty C-code");

# check that parse/parse_file return object references (4 tests)

$p = eval { Convert::Binary::C->new->parse_file( 'tests/include/files/empty.h' ) };
ok($@,'',"failed to create Convert::Binary::C object");
ok(ref $p, 'Convert::Binary::C',
   "object reference not blessed to Convert::Binary::C");

$p = eval { Convert::Binary::C->new->parse( '' ) };
ok($@,'',"failed to create Convert::Binary::C object");
ok(ref $p, 'Convert::Binary::C',
   "object reference not blessed to Convert::Binary::C");

# create object (1 tests)
eval {
  $p = new Convert::Binary::C %$CCCFG,
                              EnumSize       => 0,
                              ShortSize      => 2,
                              IntSize        => 4,
                              LongSize       => 4,
                              LongLongSize   => 8,
                              PointerSize    => 4,
                              FloatSize      => 4,
                              DoubleSize     => 8,
                              LongDoubleSize => 12;
ok($@,'',"failed to create Convert::Binary::C object");

# try to parse a file with lots of includes (1 test)
eval {
  $p->parse_file( 'tests/include/include.c' );
ok($@,'',"failed to parse C-file");

# check if context is correctly evaluated (10 tests)
# also do a quick check if the right stuff was parsed (12 tests)

@enums     = $p->enum;
@compounds = $p->compound;
@structs   = $p->struct;
@unions    = $p->union;
@typedefs  = $p->typedef;

$s1 = @enums; $s2 = $p->enum;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'enum'");
ok($s1,35,"incorrect number of enums");

$s1 = @compounds; $s2 = $p->compound;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'compound'");
ok($s1,287,"incorrect number of compounds");

map {
  push @{$_->{type} eq 'union' ? \@r_unions : \@r_structs}, $_
} @compounds;

$s1 = @structs; $s2 = $p->struct;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'struct'");
$s2 = @r_structs;
ok($s1,$s2,"direct/indirect counts differ in 'struct'");
ok($s1,200,"incorrect number of structs");

$s1 = @unions; $s2 = $p->union;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'union'");
$s2 = @r_unions;
ok($s1,$s2,"direct/indirect counts differ in 'union'");
ok($s1,87,"incorrect number of unions");

$s1 = @typedefs; $s2 = $p->typedef;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'typedef'");
ok($s1,334,"incorrect number of typedefs");

@enum_ids     = $p->enum_names;
@compound_ids = $p->compound_names;
@struct_ids   = $p->struct_names;
@union_ids    = $p->union_names;
@typedef_ids  = $p->typedef_names;

$s1 = @enum_ids; $s2 = $p->enum_names;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'enum_names'");
ok($s1,4,"incorrect number of enum identifiers");

$s1 = @compound_ids; $s2 = $p->compound_names;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'compound_names'");
ok($s1,146,"incorrect number of compound identifiers");

$s1 = @struct_ids; $s2 = $p->struct_names;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'struct_names'");
ok($s1,141,"incorrect number of struct identifiers");

$s1 = @union_ids; $s2 = $p->union_names;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'union_names'");
ok($s1,5,"incorrect number of union identifiers");

$s1 = @typedef_ids; $s2 = $p->typedef_names;
ok($s1,$s2,"context not evaluated correctly in 'typedef_names'");
ok($s1,329,"incorrect number of typedef identifiers");

# catch warnings

# check if all sizes are correct (1 big test)

do 'tests/include/';
$max_size = 0;
@fail = ();
@success = ();

$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
  print "# unexpected warning: $_[0]";
  push @fail, $_[0];

for my $t ( keys %size ) {
  eval { $s = $p->sizeof($t) };

  if( $@ ) {
    print "# sizeof failed for '$t': $@\n";
  elsif( $size{$t} != $s ) {
    print "# incorrect size for '$t' (expected $size{$t}, got $s)\n";
  else {
    $max_size = $s if $s > $max_size;
    push @success, $t;

  push @fail, $t unless $s == $size{$t}

ok(@fail == 0);
ok(@success > 0);

# check if the def method works correctly (1 big test)

$size{'_IO_lock_t'} = undef;
@names = ();
@fail = ();
push @names, map { { type => qr/^enum$/, id => $_ } }
             map { $_->{identifier} || () } $p->enum;
push @names, map { { type => qr/^(?:struct|union)$/, id => $_ } }
             map { $_->{identifier} || () } $p->compound;
push @names, map { { type => qr/^struct$/, id => $_ } }
             map { $_->{identifier} || () } $p->struct;
push @names, map { { type => qr/^union$/, id => $_ } }
             map { $_->{identifier} || () } $p->union;
push @names, map { { type => qr/^typedef$/,
                     id   => $_->{declarator} =~ /(\w+)/ } } $p->typedef;

for( @names ) {
  my $d = $p->def( $_->{id} );
  unless( defined $d ) {
    print "# def( '$_->{id}' ) = undef for existing type\n";
    push @fail, $_->{id};
  if( $d xor exists $size{$_->{id}} ) {
    print "# def( '$_->{id}' ) = $d\n";
    push @fail, $_->{id};
  if( $d and not $d =~ $_->{type} ) {
    unless( defined $p->$d( $_->{id} ) ) {
      print "# def( '$_->{id}' ) = $d ($_->{type})\n";
      push @fail, $_->{id};

ok(@fail == 0);

# and check if we can pack and unpack everything (1 big test)

sub chkpack
  my($orig, $pack) = @_;

  for( my $i = 0; $i < length $pack; ++$i ) {
    my $p = ord substr $pack, $i, 1;
    if ($i < length $orig) {
      my $o = ord substr $orig, $i, 1;
      return 0 unless $p == $o or $p == 0;
    else {
      return 0 unless $p == 0;

  return 1;

# don't use random data as it may cause failures
# for floating point values
$data = pack 'C*', map { $_ & 0xFF } 1 .. $max_size;
@fail = ();

for my $id ( @enum_ids, @compound_ids, @typedef_ids )
  # skip long doubles
  next if grep { $id eq $_ } qw( __convert_long_double float_t double_t );

  eval { $x = $p->unpack( $id, $data ) };

  if( $@ ) {
    print "# unpack failed for '$id': $@\n";
    push @fail, $id;

  eval { $packed = $p->pack( $id, $x ) };

  if( $@ ) {
    print "# pack failed for '$id': $@\n";
    push @fail, $id;

  unless( chkpack( $data, $packed ) ) {
    print "# inconsistent pack/unpack data for '$id'\n";
    print "# \$data   => @{[map { sprintf '%02X', $_ } unpack 'C*', substr $data, 0, $p->sizeof($id)]}\n";
    print "# \$x      => $x\n";
    print "# \$packed => @{[map { sprintf '%02X', $_ } unpack 'C*', $packed]}\n";
    push @fail, $id;

ok(@fail == 0);

# check member and offsetof (1 big test)

@fail = ();

foreach $type ( @compound_ids ) {
  next unless exists $size{$type};
  foreach( 0 .. $size{$type}-1 ) {
    eval { $x = $p->member( $type, $_ ) };
    if( $@ ) {
      print "# member failed for '$type', offset $_: $@\n";
      push @fail, $_;
    if( $x !~ /\+\d+$/ ) {
      eval { $o = $p->offsetof( $type, $x ) };
      if( $@ ) {
        print "# offsetof failed for '$type', member '$x': $@\n";
        push @fail, $_;
      if( $o != $_ ) {
        print "# offsetof( '$type', '$x' ) = $o, expected $_\n";
        push @fail, $_;

ok(@fail == 0);

# check reference counts (38 tests)

eval {
  %rc = (
    configure      => $p->configure,
    include        => $p->Include,

    enums_s        => scalar $p->enum_names,
    enums_a        => [$p->enum_names],
    compounds_s    => scalar $p->compound_names,
    compounds_a    => [$p->compound_names],
    structs_s      => scalar $p->struct_names,
    structs_a      => [$p->struct_names],
    unions_s       => scalar $p->union_names,
    unions_a       => [$p->union_names],
    typedefs_s     => scalar $p->typedef_names,
    typedefs_a     => [$p->typedef_names],

    enum_s         => scalar $p->enum,
    enum_a         => [$p->enum],
    compound_s     => scalar $p->compound,
    compound_a     => [$p->compound],
    struct_s       => scalar $p->struct,
    struct_a       => [$p->struct],
    union_s        => scalar $p->union,
    union_a        => [$p->union],
    typedef_s      => scalar $p->typedef,
    typedef_a      => [$p->typedef],

    enum_sx        => scalar $p->enum( $p->enum_names ),
    enum_ax        => [$p->enum( $p->enum_names )],
    compound_sx    => scalar $p->compound( $p->compound_names ),
    compound_ax    => [$p->compound( $p->compound_names )],
    struct_sx      => scalar $p->struct( $p->struct_names ),
    struct_ax      => [$p->struct( $p->struct_names )],
    union_sx       => scalar $p->union( $p->union_names ),
    union_ax       => [$p->union( $p->union_names )],
    typedef_sx     => scalar $p->typedef( $p->typedef_names ),
    typedef_ax     => [$p->typedef( $p->typedef_names )],

    sizeof         => $p->sizeof( 'AMT' ),
    typeof         => $p->typeof( 'AMT.table[2]' ),
    offsetof       => $p->offsetof( 'AMT', 'table[2]' ),
    member_sxx     => scalar $p->member( 'AMT', 100 ),
    member_axx     => [$p->member( 'AMT', 100 )],
    member_sx      => scalar $p->member( 'AMT' ),
    member_ax      => [$p->member( 'AMT' )],

    dependencies_s => scalar $p->dependencies,
    dependencies_a => [$p->dependencies],
    sourcify       => $p->sourcify,
ok($@,'',"method call failed");

$debug = Convert::Binary::C::feature( 'debug' );

for( keys %rc ) {
  $fail = $succ = 0;
  if( $debug ) {
    # print "# dumping $_\n";
    my $r = Convert::Binary::C::__DUMP__( $rc{$_} );
    # print "# checking $_\n";
    while( $r =~ /REFCNT\s*=\s*(\d+)/g ) {
      if( $1 == 1 ) { $succ++ }
      else {
        print "# REFCNT = $1, should be 1\n";
    # print "# $_ (succ = $succ, fail = $fail)\n";
  skip( $debug ? '' : 'no debugging', $fail == 0 && $succ > 0 );

# check parser stack (2 tests)

my @tests = (
  { level => 4997, error => '' },
  { level => 4998, error => qr/memory exhausted/ },

for my $t ( @tests ) {
  my $c = new Convert::Binary::C;
  my $pre  = 'struct { ' x $t->{level};
  my $post = ' x; }'     x $t->{level};
  eval { $c->parse("typedef $pre int $post deep;") };
  ok( $@, $t->{error} );
  # Don't try to unpack data (or even worse, call $c->typedef('deep')).
  # Doing so can result in a stack overflow in perl during destruction.

# check parse error recovery (9 tests)

$c = new Convert::Binary::C IntSize => 4, EnumSize => 4;

eval {

struct foo {
  int a, b, c;

}}} Whew!


ok($@, qr/syntax error/);

# however, we should still be able to use 'foo'
$s = eval { $c->sizeof('foo') };
ok($@, '');
ok($s, 12);

$p = eval { $c->pack('foo', { a => 4711, b => -101, c => 42 }) };
ok($@, '');
ok(length $p, $s);

$u = eval { $c->unpack('foo', $p) };
ok($@, '');
ok($u->{a}, 4711);
ok($u->{b}, -101);
ok($u->{c},   42);

# check that another parse updates parse info

eval {

struct bar {
  int a;
  int b;

enum enu { A, B, C };

typedef struct {
  int x, y, z;
} t_bar;


ok($@, '');

$s = eval { $c->sizeof('bar') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, 8);

# check that all possible methods update the parse info

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

my $d = $c->clone;   # also check cloning here

$s = eval { $c->sizeof('bar') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, 8);

$s = eval { $d->sizeof('bar') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, 8);

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->compound('bar') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s->{size}, 8);

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->def('bar.a') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, 'member');

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->enum('enu') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s->{size}, 4);

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->initializer('bar', { a => 1, b => 2 }) };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, qr/^\s*\{\s*1,\s*2\s*\}\s*$/);

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->member('bar', 5) };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, '.b+1');

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->offsetof('bar', '.b') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, 4);

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->pack('bar', { a => 1, b => 2 }) };

ok($@, '');
ok($s, pack('VV', 1, 2));

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->unpack('bar', pack('VV', 42, 4711)) };

ok($@, '');
ok($s->{a}, 42);
ok($s->{b}, 4711);

$c->ByteOrder('BigEndian')->ByteOrder('LittleEndian');  # reset

$s = eval { $c->typedef('t_bar') };

ok($@, '');
ok($s->{type}{size}, 12);