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package Kelp::Request;

use Kelp::Base 'Plack::Request';

use Encode;
use Carp;
use Try::Tiny;

attr -app => sub { confess "app is required" };

# The stash is used to pass values from one route to another
attr stash => sub { {} };

# The named hash contains the values of the named placeholders
attr named => sub { {} };

# If you're running the web app as a proxy, use Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy
sub address     { $_[0]->env->{REMOTE_ADDR} }
sub remote_host { $_[0]->env->{REMOTE_HOST} }
sub user        { $_[0]->env->{REMOTE_USER} }

sub new {
    my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( delete $args{env} );
    $self->{$_} = $args{$_} for keys %args;
    return $self;

sub is_ajax {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless my $with = $self->headers->header('X-Requested-With');
    return $with =~ /XMLHttpRequest/i;

sub is_json {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless $self->content_type;
    return lc($self->content_type) =~ qr[^application/json]i;

sub param {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( $self->is_json ) {
        croak "No JSON decoder" unless $self->app->can('json');
        my $hash = try {
            $self->app->json->decode( $self->content );
        catch {
        $hash = { ref($hash), $hash } unless ref($hash) eq 'HASH';
        return @_ ? $hash->{ $_[0] } : ( wantarray ? keys %$hash : $hash );

    return $self->SUPER::param(@_);

sub session {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( !@_ ) {
        return $self->env->{'psgix.session'}
          // croak "No Session middleware wrapped";
    return $self->session->{ $_[0] } if @_ == 1;
    my %hash = @_;
    $self->session->{$_} = $hash{$_} for keys %hash;
    return \%hash;




=head1 NAME

Kelp::Request - Request class for a Kelp application


    my $request = Kelp::Request( app => $app, env => $env );


This module provides a convenience layer on top of L<Plack::Request>. It extends
it to add several convenience methods.


=head2 app

A reference to the Kelp application.

=head2 stash

An all use, utility hash to use to pass information between routes.

=head2 named

This hash is initialized with the named placeholders of the path that the
current route is processing.

=head2 param

Returns the HTTP parameters of the request. This method delegates all the work
to L<Plack::Request/param>, except when the content type of the request is
C<application/json>. In that case, it will decode the JSON body and return as



If no arguments are passed, then it will return the names of the HTTP parameters
when called in array contest, and a reference to the entire JSON hash when
called in scalar context.

    # JSON body = { bar => 1, foo => 2 }
    my @names = $self->param;   # @names = ('bar', 'foo')
    my $json = $self->param;    # $json = { bar => 1, foo => 2 }



If a single argument is passed, then the corresponding value in the JSON
document is returned.

    my $bar = $self->param('bar');  # $bar = 1



=head2 address, remote_host, user

These are shortcuts to the REMOTE_ADDR, REMOTE_HOST and REMOTE_USER environment

    if ( $self->req->address eq '' ) {

Note. If you're running the web app behind nginx (or another web server), you need
to use L<Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy>.

    # app.psgi

    builder {
        enable_if { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /127\.0\.0\.1/ }

=head2 session

Returns the Plack session hash or dies if no C<Session> middleware was included.

    sub route_zero {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->session->{user} = 45;

If called with a single argument, returns that value from the session hash:

    sub route_one {
        my $self = shift;
        my $user = $self->req->session('user');

Set values in the session using key-value pairs:

    sub route_two {
        my $self = shift;
            name  => 'Jill Andrews',
            age   => 24,
            email => ''

=head3 Common tasks with sessions


=item Initialize file sessions

In your config file:

    middleware => ['Session'],
    middleware_init => {
        Session => {
            store => 'File'


=item Delete session values

    delete $self->req->session->{'useless'};


=item Remove all session values

    $self->req->session = {};



=head2 is_ajax

Returns true if the request was called with C<XMLHttpRequest>.

=head2 is_json

Returns true if the request's content type was C<application/json>.
