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# $Header: /home/cvsroot/NetZ3950/,v 1.22 2003/05/07 10:10:00 mike Exp $

package Net::Z3950;

use strict;
use Carp;

require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;
require AutoLoader;

@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
$VERSION = '0.34';

    # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
    # XS function.  If a constant is not found then control is passed
    # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.

    my $constname;
    ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
    croak "& not defined" if $constname eq 'constant';
    my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
    if ($! != 0) {
	if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
	    $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD;
	    goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
	else {
		croak "Your vendor has not defined Net::Z3950 macro $constname";
    no strict 'refs';
    *$AUTOLOAD = sub () { $val };
    goto &$AUTOLOAD;

bootstrap Net::Z3950 $VERSION;

=head1 NAME

Net::Z3950 - Perl extension for talking to Z39.50 servers.


(This code blocks in reads: see below for sample non-blocking code
which allows multiple servers to be searched in parallel.)

	use Net::Z3950;

	$conn = new Net::Z3950::Connection('', 210)
	    or die $!;
	$rs = $conn->search('au=kernighan or su=unix')
	    or die $conn->errmsg();

	my $n = $rs->size();
	print "found $n records:\n";
	foreach $i (1..$n) {
	    $rec = $rs->record($i) or die $rs->errmsg();
	    print $rec->render();



This module provides a Perl interface to the Z39.50 information
retrieval protocol (aka. ISO 23950), a mature and powerful protocol
used in application domains as diverse as bibliographic information,
geo-spatial mapping, museums and other cultural heritage information,
and structured vocabulary navigation.

C<> is an implementation of the Perl binding for ZOOM, the
Z39.50 Objct Orientation Model.  Bindings for the same abstract API
are, or will be, available in other languages including C, C++, Java
and Tcl.

Two basic approaches are possible to building clients with this

=over 4

=item *

The simple synchronous approach considers blocking reads acceptable, and
therefore allows a straightforward style of imperative programming.
This approach is suitable for clients which only talk to one server at
a time, and is exemplified by the code in the SYNOPSIS section above.

=item *

The more complex asynchronous approach, appropriate for clients which
multiplex simultaneous connections, requires a slightly less familiar
event-driven programming style, as exemplified in the ASYNCHRONOUS
SYNOPSIS section below.


(The simpler synchronous interface functions are implemented as a thin
layer on top of the asynchronous functions.)


(This code does not block in reads, and so is suitable for broadcast
clients which search multiple servers simultaneously: see above for
simpler sample code that blocks in reads.)

I<### To be written>


# Define the operation-code enumeration.  The values here are chosen
# to be in a distinctive range (i.e. 3950 plus a small integer) so
# that if they are misused in another context, they're easy to spot.
package Net::Z3950::Op;
sub Error  { 3951 }
sub Init   { 3952 }
sub Search { 3953 }
sub Get    { 3954 }
package Net::Z3950;

# Define the record-syntax enumeration.  These values must be kept
# synchronised with the values implied by the oid_value enumeration in
# the header file "yaz/oid.h"
package Net::Z3950::RecordSyntax;
sub UNIMARC    { 16 }
sub INTERMARC  { 17 }
sub CCF        { 18 }
sub USMARC     { 19 }
sub UKMARC     { 20 }
sub NORMARC    { 21 }
sub LIBRISMARC { 22 }
sub DANMARC    { 23 }
sub FINMARC    { 24 }
sub MAB        { 25 }
sub CANMARC    { 26 }
sub SBN        { 27 }
sub PICAMARC   { 28 }
sub AUSMARC    { 29 }
sub IBERMARC   { 30 }
sub CATMARC    { 31 }
sub MALMARC    { 32 }
sub EXPLAIN    { 33 }
sub SUTRS      { 34 }
sub OPAC       { 35 }
sub SUMMARY    { 36 }
sub GRS0       { 37 }
sub GRS1       { 38 }
sub EXTENDED   { 39 }
sub TEXT_HTML  { 70 }
sub TEXT_XML   { 80 }
package Net::Z3950;

# Define the reason-for-decodeAPDU()-failure enumeration.  This must
# be kept synchronised with the values #defined in "yazwrap/yazwrap.h"
package Net::Z3950::Reason;
sub EOF        { 23951 }	# read EOF from connection (server gone)
sub Incomplete { 23952 }	# read bytes, but not yet a whole APDU
sub Malformed  { 23953 }	# couldn't decode APDU (malformed)
sub BadAPDU    { 23954 }	# APDU was well-formed but unrecognised
sub Error      { 23955 }	# some other error (consult errno)
package Net::Z3950;

# Define the query-type enumeration.  This must be kept synchronised
# with the values #defined in "yazwrap/yazwrap.h"
package Net::Z3950::QueryType;
sub Prefix  { 39501 }		# Yaz's "@attr"-ish forward-Polish notation
sub CCL     { 39502 }		# Send CCL string to server ``as is''
sub CCL2RPN { 39503 }		# Convert CCL to RPN (type-1) locally
package Net::Z3950;

### Move to  Not currently used anyway
# Define the result-set-status enumeration, used by the
# `resultSetStatus' field in the Net::Z3950::SearchResponse class in cases
# where `searchStatus' is false (indicating failure).  This must be
# kept synchronised with the ASN.1 for the structure described in
# section of the Z39.50 standard itself.
package Net::Z3950::ResultSetStatus;
sub Subset  { 1 }
sub Interim { 2 }
sub None    { 3 }
package Net::Z3950;

### Move to
# Define the present-status enumeration, used by the `presentStatus'
# field in the Net::Z3950::SearchResponse class in cases where
# `searchStatus' is true (indicating success).  This must be kept
# synchronised with the ASN.1 for the structure described in section
# of the Z39.50 standard itself.
package Net::Z3950::PresentStatus;
sub Success  { 0 }
sub Partial1 { 1 }
sub Partial2 { 2 }
sub Partial3 { 3 }
sub Partial4 { 4 }
sub Failure  { 5 }
package Net::Z3950;

# Include modules implementing Net::Z3950 classes
use Net::Z3950::Manager;
use Net::Z3950::Connection;
use Net::Z3950::APDU;
use Net::Z3950::ResultSet;
use Net::Z3950::Record;


The C<Net::Z3950> module itself provides very few functions: most of the
functionality is provided by the daughter modules included by C<Net::Z3950>
- C<Net::Z3950::Manager>, C<Net::Z3950::Connection>, I<etc.>


=head2 errstr()

	$errcode = $conn->errcode();
	$errmsg = Net::Z3950::errmsg($errcode);
	print "error $errcode ($errmsg)\n";

Returns an English-language string describing the error indicated by
the Z39.50 BIB-1 diagnostic error code I<$errcode>.


sub errstr {
    my($errcode) = @_;
    return "not yet available (try again later)" if $errcode == 0;
    return diagbib1_str($errcode);

=head2 opstr()

	$str = Net::Z3950::opstr($conn->errop());
	print "error occurred in $str\n";

Returns an English-language string describing the operation indicated
by the argument, which must be one of the C<Net::Z3950::Op::*> constants
described in the documentation for the C<Net::Z3950::Connection> class's
C<op()> method.


sub opstr {
    my($op) = @_;
    return "error" if $op == Net::Z3950::Op::Error;
    return "search" if $op == Net::Z3950::Op::Search;
    return "get" if $op == Net::Z3950::Op::Get;
    return "unknown op " . $op;

=head1 AUTHOR

Mike Taylor E<lt><gt>

First version Tuesday 23rd May 2000.

=head1 SEE ALSO

The ZOOM API for Z39.50, of which this is an implementation, is fully
specified at
where links to other implementations may also be found.

This module is built on Index Data's Yaz (Yet Another Z39.50) toolkit,
which is freely available at

Index Data also provide a variety of other useful Z39.50 software
including the free server/database Zebra, the commercial
server/database Z'mbol, a Tcl interface to Z39.50 called Ir/Tcl, and a
free web-to-Z39.50 gateway called Zap.  See their home page at

The best source of information about Z39.50 itself is the official
Mainenance Agency at

