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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,"t");
use tools;


use XML::Twig;

my $TMAX=19; # do not forget to update!

print "1..$TMAX\n";

my $s='<doc>
  <section id="s1">
    <title id="t1">Title <b>bold</b></title>
    <p id="p1">para1</p>
    <p id="p2">para2</p>

  <section id="s2">
    <title id="t2">Title</title>
    <p id="p3">para2</p>
    <p id="p3">para3</p>

my @toc;
my $t= new XML::Twig( TwigHandlers => { title => sub { push @toc, $_[1]->text; } });
$t->parse( $s);
my $toc= join ':', @toc;
stest( $toc, "Title bold:Title", "text method");

undef @toc;
$t= new XML::Twig( TwigHandlers => { title => sub { push @toc, $_[1]->sprint( 1); } });
$t->parse( $s);
$toc= join ':', @toc;
stest( $toc, "Title <b>bold</b>:Title", "sprint method");

undef @toc;
$t= new XML::Twig( TwigHandlers => { title => sub { push @toc, $_[1]->sprint( 1); 
                                                    $_[0]->purge; } });
$t->parse( $s);
$toc= join ':', @toc;
stest( $toc, "Title <b>bold</b>:Title", "sprint method with purge");

my $purged_doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $purged_doc, '<doc><section id="s2"><p id="p3">para2</p><p id="p3">para3</p></section></doc>', "sprint purged doc");

$t= new XML::Twig( TwigRoots => { title => 1});
$t->parse( $s);
my $doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, '<doc><title id="t1">Title <b>bold</b></title><title id="t2">Title</title></doc>', "using title as TwigRoots");

$t= new XML::Twig( TwigHandlers => { doc => sub { $_[1]->set_att( mod => "yes"); } },
                   TwigRoots => { title => 1});
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, '<doc mod="yes"><title id="t1">Title <b>bold</b></title><title id="t2">Title</title></doc>', "using title as TwigRoots (with doc handler)");

  <section id="s1">
    <title id="t1">t1 <b>b1</b></title>
    <p id="p5">para1</p>
    <section id="ss1">
      <title id="ts1">ts1 <b>b2</b></title>
      <p2 id="p1">para1</p2>
      <p id="p2">para2</p>

  <section id="s2">
    <title id="t2">t2</title>
    <p id="p3">para3</p>
    <p2 id="p4">para4</p2>
    <section id="ss2">
      <title id="ts2">ts2</title>
      <p id="p6">para6</p>
      <p id="p7">para7</p>
$t= new XML::Twig( TwigHandlers => { doc => sub { $_[1]->set_att( mod => "yes"); } },
                   TwigRoots => { title => 1});
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, '<doc mod="yes"><title id="t1">t1 <b>b1</b></title><title id="ts1">ts1 <b>b2</b></title><title id="t2">t2</title><title id="ts2">ts2</title></doc>', "using title as TwigRoots (with doc handler)");

$t= new XML::Twig( TwigHandlers => { doc => sub { $_[1]->set_att( mod => "yes"); } },
                   TwigRoots => { title => 1, p2 => 1});
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, '<doc mod="yes"><title id="t1">t1 <b>b1</b></title><title id="ts1">ts1 <b>b2</b></title><p2 id="p1">para1</p2><title id="t2">t2</title><p2 id="p4">para4</p2><title id="ts2">ts2</title></doc>', "using title, p2 as TwigRoots (with doc handler)");

$s="<doc>string with ' here</doc>";
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, "<doc>string with ' here</doc>", "apos without KeepEncoding");

$t= new XML::Twig( KeepEncoding => 1);
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, "<doc>string with ' here</doc>", "apos WITH KeepEncoding");

$s="<doc>string with &quot; here</doc>";
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, "<doc>string with \" here</doc>", "quote without KeepEncoding");

$t= new XML::Twig( KeepEncoding => 1);
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, '<doc>string with &quot; here</doc>', "quote WITH KeepEncoding");

$s="<doc>string with &amp; here</doc>";
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, $s, "&amp; in text");

$s='<doc att="val &amp; tut">string</doc>';
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, $s, "&amp; in attribute");

$s="<doc>string with &lt; here</doc>";
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, $s, "&lt; in text");

$s='<doc att="val &lt; tut">string</doc>';
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, $s, "&lt; in attribute");

$s="<doc>string with &quot; here</doc>";
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, '<doc>string with " here</doc>', "&quot; in text");

$s='<doc att="val &lt; tut">string</doc>';
$t= new XML::Twig();
$t->parse( $s);
$doc= $t->sprint;
stest( $doc, $s, "&quot; in attribute");

#$s='<doc att="val &#130; tut">string</doc>';
#$t= new XML::Twig();
#$t->parse( $s);
#$doc= $t->sprint;
#stest( $doc, $s, "&#130; in attribute");

#$s="<doc>string with ‰ here</doc>";
#$t= new XML::Twig();
#$t->parse( $s);
#$doc= $t->sprint;
#stest( $doc, "<doc>string with &#130; here</doc>", "eacute without KeepEncoding");

#$t= new XML::Twig( KeepEncoding => 1);
#$t->parse( $s);
#$doc= $t->sprint;
#stest( $doc, '<doc>string with ‰ here</doc>', "eacute WITH KeepEncoding");

#$s='<doc>string with &#130; here</doc>';
#$t= new XML::Twig();
#$t->parse( $s);
#$doc= $t->sprint;
#stest( $doc, "<doc>string with &#130; here</doc>", "&#130; without KeepEncoding");

#$t= new XML::Twig( KeepEncoding => 1);
#$t->parse( $s);
#$doc= $t->sprint;
#stest( $doc, '<doc>string with &#130; here</doc>', "&#130; WITH KeepEncoding");

#$s='<doc><?PI text?><elt>text</elt></doc>';
#$t= new XML::Twig();
#$t->parse( $s);
#$doc= $t->sprint;
#stest( $doc, $s, "PI");

if( $] > 5.008)
  { my (@called);
    my $t= XML::Twig->new( 
          twig_handlers =>
            {  a     => sub { push @called, 'a';    1; },
              'b/a'  => sub { push @called, 'b/a';  1; },
              '/b/a' => sub { push @called, '/b/a'; 1; },
              '/a'   => sub { push @called, '/a'; 1; },

    $t->parse( '<b><a/></b>');
    my $calls= join( ':', @called);
    my $expected=  "/b/a:b/a:a";
    if( $calls eq $expected) { print "ok 19\n"; }
    else                     { print "not ok 19\n"; warn "\n[$calls] instead of [$expected]\n"; }

  {  warn "skipped for perl < 5.8\n"; print "ok 19\n"; } 

exit 0;