The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use Carp;
use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,"t");
use tools;

my $DEBUG=0;
use XML::Twig;

my $TMAX=21;
print "1..$TMAX\n";

my $d= '<d/>';

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $result = $r->att('a');
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $result = foo($r->att('a'));
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att in sub(1)');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $result = sub { return @_ }->($r->att('a'));
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att in anonymous sub');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $a= $r->att( 'a');
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att in scalar context');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my( $a1, $a2)= ($r->att( 'a1'), $r->att( 'a2'));
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att in list context');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  $r->att( 'a');
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att in void context');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $result = $r->att('a');
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $result = foo($r->class);
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'class in sub(1)');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $result = sub { return @_ }->($r->class);
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'att in anonymous sub');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $a= $r->class;
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'class in scalar context');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my( $a1, $a2)= ($r->class, $r->class);
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'class in list context');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  is( $r->sprint, $d, 'class in void context');

{ my $t= XML::Twig->new->parse( '<d/>');
  $t->root->latt( 'a')= 1; 
  is( $t->sprint, '<d a="1"/>', 'latt');

{ my $r= XML::Twig->parse( $d)->root;
  my $att= $r->att( 'foo');
  is( $att, undef, 'unexisting att');

#  my $value = $root->att('any_attribute');
#  $result = length($value);

sub foo { return @_; }

my $r;
my $doc='<d><_e id="e1"><foo _a="2" id="bar"/></_e><_e id="e2"><_foo a="2" id="foo"/></_e></d>';
my $t= XML::Twig->new( twig_handlers => { _e => sub { $r.= $_->id } })
                ->parse( $doc);
is( $r, 'e1e2', 'handler, condition on tag starting with an underscore');
is( $t->first_elt( '_foo')->id, 'foo', 'navigation, element name starts with underscore'); 
is( $t->first_elt( '*[@_a="2"]')->id, 'bar', 'navigation, attribute name starts with underscore'); 

{ if( _use( 'LWP') && _use( 'HTML::TreeBuilder') )
    { my $html=q{<html><body><h1>Title</h1><p>foo<br>bar</p>};
      my $expected= qq{<html><head></head><body><h1>Title</h1><p>foo<br />bar</p></body></html>};
      my $html_file= "t/test_3_38.html";
      spit( $html_file, $html);
      is( scrub_xhtml( XML::Twig->new( )->parseurl_html( "file:$html_file")->sprint), $expected, 'parseurl_html');
      unlink $html_file;
    { skip( 1, "LWP and/or HTML::TreeBuilder not available, cannot test safe_parseurl_html"); }


{ my $doc="<d><e>  foo  bar   baz</e></d>";
  is( XML::Twig->parse( $doc)->simplify( normalize_space => 2)->{e}, 'foo bar baz', 'simplify with normalize_space => 2');

{ my $doc="<d>foo bar foofoo foobar totofoo</d>";
   my $t= XML::Twig->parse( $doc);
   is( $t->subs_text( qr/(f)o(o)/, '&elt(b => $1) $2')->sprint, '<d><b>f</b> o bar <b>f</b> o<b>f</b> o <b>f</b> obar toto<b>f</b> o</d>', 'complex subs_text');

{ my $t= XML::Twig->parse( '<d><e>e1</e><s><e>e2</e></s></d>');
  is( join( '-', $t->findvalues( '//e')), 'e1-e2', 'findvalues');
