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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Carp;

use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->curdir,'t');
use tools;

# This just tests a complete twig, no callbacks


use XML::Twig;

my $doc='<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!NOTATION gif PUBLIC "gif">
<!ENTITY e1 SYSTEM "e1.gif" NDATA gif>
<!ENTITY e2 SYSTEM "e2.gif" NDATA gif>
<!ENTITY e3 \'internal entity\'>
<doc id="doc1">
  <section id="section1">
    <intro id="intro1">
      <para id="paraintro1">S1 I1</para>
      <para id="paraintro2">S1 I2</para>
    <title no="1" id="title1">S1 Title</title>
    <para id="para1">S1 P1</para>
    <para id="para2">S2 P2</para>
    <note id="note1">
      <para id="paranote1">Note P1</para>
    <para id="para3">S1 <xref refid="section2"/>para 3</para>
  <section id="section2">
    <intro id="intro2">
      <para id="paraintro3">S2 intro</para>
    <title no="2" id="title2">S2 Title</title>
    <para id="para4">S2 P1</para>
    <para id="para5">S2 P2</para>
    <para id="para6">S2 P3</para>
  <annex id="annex1">
    <title no="A" id="titleA">Annex Title</title>
    <para id="paraannex1">Annex P1</para>
    <para id="paraannex2">Annex P2</para>

my $TMAX=97; # don't forget to update!

print "1..$TMAX\n";

# test twig creation
my $t= new XML::Twig();
ok( $t, 'twig creation');

# test parse
$t->parse( $doc, ErrorContext=>2);
ok( $t, 'parse');

# test the root
my $root= $t->root;
etest( $t->root, 'doc', 'doc1', 'root');

# print in a file
open( TMP, '>tmp');   
select TMP;
select STDOUT;
$t->print( \*TMP);
$root->print( \*TMP);
ok( 'ok', "print");

# test the element root and twig functions on the root
ok( $root->twig, 'root->twig');
etest( $root->root, 
      'doc', 'doc1', 'root->root');

# navigation
my $section1= 
etest( $root->first_child, 
      'section', 'section1', 'first_child');
my $annex= 
etest( $root->first_child( 'annex'), 
      'annex', 'annex1', 'first_child( annex)');

etest( $root->last_child, 
      'annex', 'annex1', 'last_child');
my $section2= 
etest( $root->last_child( 'section'), 
      'section', 'section2', 'last_child( section)');

etest( $section2->prev_sibling,
     'section', 'section1', 'prev_sibling');
etest( $section1->next_sibling,
      'section', 'section2', 'next_sibling');

my $note= 
etest( $root->next_elt( 'note'),
      'note', 'note1', 'next_elt( note)');
etest( $note->root,
      'doc', 'doc1', 'root');
ok( $note->twig, 'twig');
etest( $note->twig->root,
      'doc', 'doc1', 'twig->root');

# playing with next_elt and prev_elt
my $para2=
etest( $note->prev_sibling,
      'para', 'para2', 'prev_sibling');
etest( $note->prev_elt( 'para'),
      'para', 'para2', 'prev_elt( para)');
my $para3=
etest( $note->next_sibling,
      'para', 'para3', 'next_sibling');
my $paranote1=
etest( $note->next_elt( 'para'),
      'para', 'paranote1', 'next_elt( para)');
etest( $paranote1->next_elt( 'para'),
      'para', 'para3', 'next_elt( para)');

# difference between next_sibling and next_sibling( gi)
etest( $para2->next_sibling,
      'note', 'note1', 'next_sibling');
etest( $para2->next_sibling( 'para'),
          'para', 'para3', 'next_sibling( para)');

# testing in/parent/in_context
ok( $paranote1->in( $note), 'in');
ok( $paranote1->in( $section1), 'in');
ok( !$paranote1->in( $section2), 'not in');
ok( $paranote1->in_context( 'note'), 'in_context');
ok( $paranote1->in_context( 'section'), 'in_context');
ok( !$paranote1->in_context( 'intro'), 'not in_context');
etest( $paranote1->parent,
          'note', 'note1', 'parent');

# testing list methods (ancestors/children)
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $paranote1->ancestors),
       'note1:section1:doc1', 'ancestors');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $paranote1->ancestors('section')),
       'section1', 'ancestors( section)');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section1->children), 
       'intro1:title1:para1:para2:note1:para3', 'children');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section1->children( 'para')), 
       'para1:para2:para3', 'children( para)');

stest( $paranote1->level, 3, 'level');

# testing attributes
my $title1=
   etest( $root->next_elt( 'title'),
          'title', 'title1', 'next_elt( title)');
stest( $title1->id, 'title1', 'id');
stest( $title1->att('id'), 'title1', 'att( id)');
stest( $title1->att('no'), '1', 'att( no)');
$title1->set_att('no', 'Auto');
stest( $title1->att('no'), 'Auto', 'set att( no)');
$title1->set_att('no', '1');

$title1->set_att('newatt', 'newval');
stest( $title1->att('newatt'), 'newval', 'set att( newval)');
stest( stringifyh( %{$title1->atts}), 'id:title1:no:1', 'del_att');

$title1->set_att('id', 'newid');
stest( $title1->id, 'newid', 'set_att(id)');
stest( $title1->att( 'id'), 'newid', 'set_att(id)');
$title1->set_id( 'title1');
stest( $title1->id, 'title1', 'set_id');
stest( $title1->att( 'id'), 'title1', 'set_id');

stest( stringifyh( %{$title1->atts}), 'id:title1:no:1', 'atts');

stest( $title1->att( 'id'), '', 'del_atts');
$title1->set_atts( { 'no' => '1', 'id' => 'newtitleid'});
stest( stringifyh( %{$title1->atts}), 'id:newtitleid:no:1', 'set_atts');
stest( $title1->id, 'newtitleid', 'id');
stest( $title1->att('id'), 'newtitleid', 'att( id)');
$title1->set_id( 'title1');

# now let's cut and paste
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section1->children), 
       'intro1:para1:para2:note1:para3', 'cut (1)');
my $intro1= $section1->first_child( 'intro');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section1->children), 
       'para1:para2:note1:para3', 'cut (2)');
$intro1->paste( $section1);
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section1->children), 
       'intro1:para1:para2:note1:para3', 'paste');

$title1->paste( 'first_child', $section2, );
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'title1:intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'paste( first_child)');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'paste');
$title1->paste( $section2);
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'title1:intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'paste');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'cut (3)');
$title1->paste( 'last_child', $section2);
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6:title1', 'paste( last_child)');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'cut(4)');

my $intro2= 
   etest( $section2->first_child( 'intro'),
          'intro', 'intro2', 'first_sibling( intro)');

$title1->paste( 'after', $intro2);
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title1:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'paste( after)');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'cut (5)');

$title1->paste( 'before', $intro2);
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'title1:intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'paste( before)');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'cut (6)');

my $para4=  etest( $t->elt_id( 'para4'), 'para', 'para4', 'elt_id');
$title1->paste( 'after', $para4);
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:title1:para5:para6', 'paste( after)');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'cut (7)');

$title1->paste( 'before', $para4);
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:title1:para4:para5:para6', 'paste( before)');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'intro2:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'cut (8)');

# now let's mess up the document
# let's erase that pesky intro
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'paraintro3:title2:para4:para5:para6', 'erase');

stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section2->children), 
       'paraintro3:title2:para5:para6', 'delete');
$t->change_gi( 'paraintro', 'para');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->gi} $section2->children), 
       'para:title:para:para', 'change_gi');

$para3=  etest( $t->elt_id( 'para3'), 'para', 'para3', 'elt_id');
stest( $section1->text, 'S1 I1S1 I2S1 P1S2 P2Note P1', 'text');

stest( $section1->sprint,
'<section id="section1"><intro id="intro1"><para id="paraintro1">S1 I1</para><para id="paraintro2">S1 I2</para></intro><para id="para1">S1 P1</para><para id="para2">S2 P2</para><note id="note1"><para id="paranote1">Note P1</para></note></section>',

# let's have a look at those entities
# first their names
stest( join( ':', $t->entity_names), 'e1:e2:e3', 'entity_list');
# let's look at their content
my $e1= $t->entity( 'e1');
stest( $e1->text, '<!ENTITY e1 SYSTEM "e1.gif" NDATA gif>', 'e1 text');
my $e2= $t->entity( 'e2');
stest( $e2->text, '<!ENTITY e2 SYSTEM "e2.gif" NDATA gif>', 'e2 text');
my $e3= $t->entity( 'e3');
stest( $e3->text, '<!ENTITY e3 "internal entity">', 'e3 text');

# additionnal erase test
$section1= $root->first_child;
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section1->children), 
       'intro1:para1:para2:note1', 'erase (2)');
$intro1= $section1->first_child( 'intro');
stest( (join ":", map { $_->id} $section1->children), 
       'paraintro1:paraintro2:para1:para2:note1', 'erase (3)');

# new elt test
my $new_elt= new XML::Twig::Elt; 
stest( ref $new_elt, 'XML::Twig::Elt', "new"); 
my $new_elt1= new XML::Twig::Elt( 'subclass');
stest( ref $new_elt, 'XML::Twig::Elt', "new subclass"); 

my $new_elt2= new XML::Twig::Elt;
stest( ref $new_elt2, 'XML::Twig::Elt', "create no gi"); 

my $new_elt3= new XML::Twig::Elt( 'elt3');
$new_elt3->set_id( 'elt3');
etest( $new_elt3, 'elt3', 'elt3', "create with gi"); 

my $new_elt4= new XML::Twig::Elt( 'elt4', 'text of elt4');
ttest( $new_elt4, 'text of elt4', "create with gi and text"); 

my $new_elt5= new XML::Twig::Elt( 'elt5', 'text of elt5 ', $new_elt4);
ttest( $new_elt5, 'text of elt5 text of elt4', "create with gi and content"); 

my $new_elt6= new XML::Twig::Elt( PCDATA, 'text of elt6');
ttest( $new_elt6, 'text of elt6', "create PCDATA"); 

# test CDATA
my $st1='<doc><![CDATA[<br><b>bold</b>]]></doc>';
my $t1= new XML::Twig;
$t1->parse( $st1); 
sttest( $t1->root, $st1, "CDATA Section"); 

my $st2='<doc>text <![CDATA[<br><b>bold</b>]]> more text</doc>';
my $t2= new XML::Twig;
$t2->parse( $st2); 
sttest( $t2->root, $st2, "CDATA Section"); 

my $st3='<doc><![CDATA[<br><b>bold</b>]]> text</doc>';
my $t3= new XML::Twig;
$t3->parse( $st3); 
sttest( $t3->root, $st3, "CDATA Section"); 

my $st4='<doc><el>text</el><![CDATA[<br><b>bold</b>]]><el>more text</el></doc>';
my $t4= new XML::Twig;
$t4->parse( $st4); 
sttest( $t4->root, $st4, "CDATA Section"); 

my $st5='<doc>text <![CDATA[ text ]]&lt; ]]><el>more text</el></doc>';
my $t5= new XML::Twig;
$t5->parse( $st5); 
sttest( $t5->root, $st5, "CDATA Section with ]]&lt;"); 

# test prefix
my $st6='<doc><el1>text</el1><el2>more text</el2></doc>';
my $t6= new XML::Twig;
$t6->parse( $st6); 
$doc= $t6->root;
$doc->prefix( 'p1:');
sttest( $t6->root,'<doc>p1:<el1>text</el1><el2>more text</el2></doc>', 
        "prefix doc"); 
my $el1= $doc->first_child( 'el1');
$el1->prefix( 'p2:');
sttest( $t6->root,'<doc>p1:<el1>p2:text</el1><el2>more text</el2></doc>',
        "prefix el1"); 
my $el2= $doc->first_child( 'el2');
my $pcdata= $el2->first_child( PCDATA);
$pcdata->prefix( 'p3:');
sttest( $t6->root,'<doc>p1:<el1>p2:text</el1><el2>p3:more text</el2></doc>', 
        "prefix pcdata"); 

exit 0;