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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?>
<!DOCTYPE hrc PUBLIC "-//Cail Lomecb//DTD Colorer HRC take5//EN"
<!ENTITY perl-brackets SYSTEM "perl-brackets.hrc">
<!ENTITY perl-heredoc  SYSTEM "perl-heredoc.hrc">
<!ENTITY perl-keywords SYSTEM "perl-keywords.hrc">
<!ENTITY perl-genkeywords SYSTEM "perl-genkeywords.hrc">

<hrc version="take5" xmlns=""

   <type name="perl">

    Perl Syntax Description

   alexander smishlajev <>
   JULY <>
   Timur Safin <>
   Cail Lomecb <>:
       now using different schemes for
       different paired limiters, fulll s()() support
       needs complex variables parsing - using refs, hashs and lists
       also to correct constructions as    s@  foo  @  @bar  @ix;
   Eugene Efremov <>:
     - add full regexp support
     - add format support
     - changed names for take5-like style
     - any other fixs and addons...

  <prototype ref="perl.prot.hrc"/>
   <package name="regexp"/>

  Âîçìîæíûå ïðîáëåìû â ðåàëèçàöèè ïîääåðæêè ðåãóëÿðíûõ âûðàæåíèé:

  Â êîëîðåðå íà òåêèùèé ìîìåíò íå ñóùåñòâóåò âîçìîæíîñòè ðàñïîçíàòü
  êëþ÷ 'e' â êîíöå ðåãýêñïà. Ïî ýòîìó èñïîëüçåòñÿ ñëåäóùåå
   * åñëè èñïîëüçóåòñÿ çàïèñü âèäà s{}{},s()() è ò.ï òî âòîðàÿ ñêîáêà
   òðàêòóåòñÿ êàê êîä ïåðë.
   * åñëè èñïîëüçóåòñÿ çàïèñü âèäà s///,s||| è ò.ï. òî âòîðàÿ ñòðîêà
   òðàêòóåòñÿ êàê ñòðîêà.

  Èíûìè ñëîâàìè:
 - âûðàæåíèÿ òèïà s{s1}{s2} (ãäå '{' - ñêîáêà ëþáîãî òèïà) òðàêòóþòñÿ êàê:
   *s1* ïåðâàÿ ñêîáêà - ðåãóëÿðíîå âûðàæåíèå;
   *s2* âòîðàÿ ñêîáêà - âûðàæåíèå íà perl'å;
 - âûðàæåíèÿ òèïà s/s1/s2/ (ãäå '/' - \W ëþáîãî òèïà) òàðêòóþòñÿ êàê:
   *s1* ïåðâàÿ ñêîáêà - ðåãóëÿðíîå âûðàæåíèå;
   *s2* ïåðâàÿ ñêîáêà - îáû÷íàÿ perl-ñòðîêà.
 - âûðàæåíèÿ òèïà q{str},qw{str},qq{str} òðàêòóþòñÿ êàê ñòðîêè.

 - âûðàæåíèÿ òèïà m{str}, qr{str} etc. òðàêòóþòñÿ êàê ðåãóëÿðíûå âûðàæåíèÿ

 + âûðàæåíèÿ òèïà tr{s1}{s2} òðàêòîâàëèñü êàê ðåãóëÿðíûå âûðàæåíèÿ

      <!-- EE:  namespase modifed, import not need.
      import type="def"/ -->

      <region name="String" parent="def:String"/>
      <region name="StringEdge" parent="regexp:SpecQuote"/>
      <region name="Comment" parent="def:Comment"/>
      <region name="Symb" parent="def:Symbol"/>
      <region name="MainSymb" parent="def:SymbolStrong"/>
      <region name="Word" parent="def:Keyword"/>
      <region name="WordExt" parent="def:KeywordStrong"/>
      <region name="Numb" parent="def:Number"/>
      <region name="Stream" parent="def:Path"/>
      <region name="Rare" parent="def:DeprecatedKeyword"/>
      <region name="Slash" parent="def:StringContent"/>
      <region name="Var" parent="def:Var"/>
      <region name="Var2" parent="def:VarStrong"/>
      <region name="Pod" parent="def:CommentDoc"/>
      <region name="PodSym" parent="def:Symbol"/>
      <region name="PodText" parent="def:default"/>
      <region name="PodSel" parent="def:String"/>

      <region name="SubOutline" parent="def:Outlined"/>
      <region name="PackageOutline" parent="def:Outlined"/>

      <!-- EE: new regions -->
      <region name="EvalText" parent="def:default"/>
      <region name="ReModif" parent="regexp:SpecArea"/>
      <region name="ReType" parent="Word"/><!-- StringEdge-->
      <region name="HereDoc" parent="String"/>
      <region name="HereDocName" parent="def:Label"/>
      <region name="HereDocLt" parent="StringEdge"/>

      <region name="FormatDoc" parent="HereDoc"/>
      <region name="Warning" parent="def:DeprecatedKeyword"/>

      <!-- EE Note: This region insert ` ` strings (system commands)
                    If you don't want it, change "def:Insertion" to "String"
      <region name="SystemExec" parent="def:Insertion"/>

      <scheme name="BuildinVars">
         <keywords region="Var">
            <word name="$&amp;"/>
            <word name="$&#34;"/>
            <word name="$'"/>
            <word name="$`"/>
            <word name="$]"/>
            <word name="$["/>
            <word name="$+"/>
            <word name="$*"/>
            <word name="$,"/>
            <word name="$/"/>
            <word name="$|"/>
            <word name="$."/>
            <word name="$\"/>
            <word name="$;"/>
            <word name="$%"/>
            <word name="$="/>
            <word name="$-"/>
            <word name="$~"/>
            <word name="$?"/>
<!--word name="$:"/-->
            <word name="$!"/>
            <word name="$@"/>
            <word name="$&lt;"/>
            <word name="$&gt;"/>
            <word name="$("/>
            <word name="$)"/>
            <word name="$_"/>
            <word name="$^L"/>
<!--word name="$$"/-->
            <word name="$^A"/>
            <word name="$^E"/>
            <word name="$^F"/>
            <word name="$^C"/>
            <word name="$^D"/>
            <word name="$^V"/>
            <word name="$^H"/>
            <word name="$^M"/>
            <word name="$^O"/>
            <word name="$^R"/>
            <word name="$^S"/>
            <word name="$^X"/>
            <word name="$^I"/>
            <word name="$^P"/>
            <word name="$^T"/>
            <word name="$^W"/>
            <word name="STDIN"/>
            <word name="STDOUT"/>
            <word name="STDERR"/>
            <word name="DATA"/>
            <word name="__FILE__"/>
            <word name="__PACKAGE__"/>
            <word name="__LINE__"/>
            <word name="__DIE__"/>
            <word name="__WARN__"/>
            <word name="ARGVOUT"/>
            <word name="stdin"/>
            <word name="stdout"/>
            <word name="stderr"/>
         <regexp match="/\$\:\M[^\:]/x" region0="Var"/>

      <scheme name="VarInt">
         <regexp match="/ (::|')? \w+ /x" region1="Symb"/>

      <scheme name="VarIntStr">
         <inherit scheme="VarInt"/>
         <block start="/\-&gt;(\{)/" end="/\}/"
          scheme="VarInt" region="Var"
          region01="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd"
         /><!-- priority="low" -->

      <scheme name="VarIntEx">
         <inherit scheme="VarInt"/>
         <inherit scheme="perl-core"/>

      <scheme name="Vars">
         <regexp match="/\* [^\w\s\{\$\@\%\(]/x" region0="Var"/>
         <inherit scheme="BuildinVars"/>
<!-- dynamic scheme's end regexp - cool :)  -->
         <block start="/[\@\%\*] \M [:'a-zA-Z]/x" end="//" scheme="VarInt" region="Var"/>
         <block start="/[\$\%\@\*]+ \#?\{/x" end="/\}/"
          scheme="VarIntEx" region="Var"
          region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd"
         <!--region01="def:SymbolStrong" region11="def:SymbolStrong"-->
         <block start="/\$+ \#? \M [:'\w\$]/x" end="//"
          scheme="VarInt" region="Var"

      <scheme name="VarsEx"><!-- EE: % and * cannot interpolated -->
         <!--inherit scheme="BuildinVars"/-->
         <block start="/\@ \M [:'\w]/x" end="//"
          scheme="VarInt" region="Var" priority="low"
         <block start="/[\$\@]+ \#?\{/x" end="/\}/"
          scheme="VarInt" region="Var"
          region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd" priority="low"
         <block start="/\$+ \#? \M ['\w]/x" end="//"
          scheme="VarIntStr" region="Var" priority="low"

      <scheme name="Pod">
         <inherit scheme="def:NetAddresses"/>
         <regexp match="/^=(pod|cut)/" region0="PodSym"/>
         <regexp match="/^=head[12]\s(.*)$/" region0="PodSym" region1="PodText"/>
         <regexp match="/^=(item|back|end)/" region0="PodSym"/>
         <regexp match="/^=over\s+(\d+)/" region0="PodSym" region1="Numb"/>
         <regexp match="/[IBSCLFXZE]&lt;.*?&gt;/" region0="PodSel"/>

      <scheme name="BinNumb">
         <regexp match="/\b 0[bB][01]+ /ix" region0="def:NumberBin"/>

      <scheme name="META"/>

      <scheme name="String">
         <inherit scheme="META"/>
<!-- Non-interpolated string ignore all escape-sequences except \' and \\ -->
         <regexp match="/\\['\\\/]/" region0="Slash"/>

      <!-- EE: New schemes: strings for blocks -->
      <scheme name="ClassString">
       <inherit scheme="String"/>
       <inherit scheme="regexp:perl.string"/>
       <regexp match="/(\-)?~1\-($)?!/" region="Word" priority="low"/>
      <scheme name="StringForRegExp">
       <inherit scheme="String"/>
       <inherit scheme="regexp:perl.string"/>
       <inherit scheme="VarsEx"/>

      <scheme name="InterpolateString">
         <inherit scheme="META"/>
         <inherit scheme="def:NetAddresses"/>
         <regexp match="/\b0[xX][\da-fA-F]+\b/" region0="Numb"/>
         <inherit scheme="def:FloatNumber"/>
         <inherit scheme="def:DecNumber"/>
         <inherit scheme="BinNumb"/>
<!-- cail: problems with s@ foo @ bar @ix;
              @ix is not a list :(( -->
         <inherit scheme="StringForRegExp"/>
         <inherit scheme="regexp:perl.quote"/>
         <regexp match="/\\[LUluQE]/" region0="Slash"/>
<!-- <inherit scheme="BuildinVars"/> -->
         <regexp match="/\\[xX]0*[\da-fA-F]{1,2}/" region0="Slash"/>
         <regexp match="/\\[^xX0-7]/" region0="Slash"/>

      <!-- EE: sprintf support - not conflict with hash now... -->
      <entity name="pfn" value="(?{Var}\d+\$)?"/>
      <entity name="sf" value="(\d+|(?{Symb}\*)%pfn;)"/>
      <scheme name="PrintfString">
       <regexp match="/\%{2}/" region="Slash"/>
       <regexp region="Var2">

      <scheme name="Stringf">
        <inherit scheme="String"/>
         <inherit scheme="PrintfString"/>
      <scheme name="InterpolateStringf">
        <inherit scheme="InterpolateString"/>
         <inherit scheme="PrintfString"/>

      <scheme name="SubstComment">
<!-- are we need here  lowpriority="lowpriority" ??? -->
         <regexp match="/(^\s*|\s{2,}|\t)(\#\s.*$)/" region0="Comment"/>

      <scheme name="SubstElements">
         <inherit scheme="InterpolateString"/>
         <inherit scheme="SubstComment"/>

      <!--EE: regexps -->
      <scheme name="RegExpString">
       <inherit scheme="regexp:perl.regexp">
        <virtual scheme="regexp:string" subst-scheme="StringForRegExp"/>
        <virtual scheme="regexp:code" subst-scheme="perl"/>
        <virtual scheme="regexp:perl.regexp" subst-scheme="RegExpString"/>

      <!-- scheme bracket -->
      <!-- scheme heredoc -->

      <!-- EE: scheme for documet format -->
      <scheme name="FormatText">
       <inherit scheme="InterpolateString"/>
       <regexp match="/([\@\^])(\*|[&lt;&gt;\|]+)/"
        region1="def:SymbolStrong" region2="def:Symbol"/>
       <regexp match="/([\@\^])(\#+(\.\#+)?)/"
        region1="def:SymbolStrong" region2="def:VarStrong"/>

         <block start="/&lt;&lt;\x22([a-zA-Z_][\w_]*)\x22/" end="/^(\y1)$/" scheme="InterpolateString" region="HereDoc" region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd" region01="Word" region11="Word"/>
         <block start="/&lt;&lt;'([a-zA-Z_][\w_]*)'/" end="/^(\y1)$/" scheme="def:Comment" region="HereDoc" region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd" region01="Word" region11="Word"/>
         <block start="/&lt;&lt;`([a-zA-Z_][\w_]*)`/" end="/^(\y1)$/" scheme="def:Comment" region="HereDoc" region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd" region01="Word" region11="Word"/>
         <block start="/&lt;&lt;([a-zA-Z_][\w_]*)/" end="/^(\y1)$/" scheme="InterpolateString" region="HereDoc" region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd" region01="Word" region11="Word"/>
         <block start="/&lt;&lt;\M([^\s\w_])/" end="/^$/" scheme="InterpolateString" region="HereDoc" region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd" region01="Word" region11="Word"/>

      <scheme name="perl">
<!-- linear comments -->
         <block start="/;?\#/" end="/$/" region="Comment" scheme="def:Comment"/>

         <inherit scheme="heredoc"/>
         <inherit scheme="perl-core"/>

      <scheme name="perl-core">
<!-- Variables -->
         <inherit scheme="Vars"/>
         <regexp match="/\b(sub) \s+ \M (?{SubOutline}[\w_']+) /x" region="Word"/>
         <regexp match="/\b(package) \s+ \M (?{PackageOutline}[\w_']+) /x" region="Word"/>
<!-- module::var -->
         <regexp match="/\b\w[\w\d]*\s*(::)\s*\w[\w\d]*\b/" region="WordExt" region1="Symb"/>

<!-- perl 5.6.0 number-encoded strings -->
         <regexp match="/\bv(\d+)(\.\d+)*\b/" region0="String"/>
         <regexp match="/\b(\d+)(\.\d+){2,}\b/" region0="String"/>
<!-- perl numbers  -->
         <inherit scheme="BinNumb"/>
         <regexp match="/\b0[xX][\da-fA-F_]+/" region0="Numb"/>
         <regexp match="/\b\d[\d_]*\./" region0="Numb"/>
         <regexp match="/\c[\d_]*\.?\d[\d_]*([eE][\-+]?[\d_]+)?/" region0="Numb"/>
         <regexp match="/\b\d[\d_]+/" region0="Numb"/>
<!-- strings -->
         <block start="/(`)/" end="/(`)/"
          scheme="InterpolateString" region="SystemExec"
          region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd"
          region01="String" region11="String"
         <block start="/&quot;/" end="/&quot;/" scheme="InterpolateStringf" region="String" region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd"/>
         <block start="/&apos;/" end="/&apos;/" scheme="Stringf" region="String" region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd"/>
<!-- cail: paired block for matching -->
         <inherit scheme="def:PairedBrackets">
            <virtual scheme="def:PairedBrackets" subst-scheme="perl"/>
<!-- cail: this block cracks the constructions
     $var = $var / $var / $var;
     $var =~ / $var /;
     if (/ $var /){};
     and so on...

     can't use ?regexp? - it conflicts with  $a = $b ? 1 : 2;
     really ?this? is deprecated construction in perl5, so...

<!-- EE: move ~ to separated block (s{}{/... - '/' no regexp ) -->
   <block start="/((\=|\! \~) |
                  [^&lt;\]\}\)\+\-\w\s\/] |
                  (\bif) | (\bunless) | (\bsplit) | ^ )
          end="/(\y6([cmiogxes]*) )/x" scheme="RegExpString"
          region="String" region01="Symb"
          region06="StringEdge" region07="def:PairStart"
          region10="StringEdge" region11="def:PairEnd" region12="ReModif"/>
   <block start="/([\)\}\]\>])?~2(~)
          end="/(\y3([cmiogxes]*) )/x" scheme="RegExpString"
          region="String" region01="Symb"
          region03="StringEdge" region04="def:PairStart"
          region10="StringEdge" region11="def:PairEnd" region12="ReModif"/>

      <!-- EE!! cut here (begin) ->
         <block start="/( [\=\!]\~ |
                         [^&lt;\]\}\)\+\-\w\s\/] |
                         \bif | \bunless | \bsplit | ~ | ^)
                         \s* ((\/)) /x"
                         end="/(\y2[cmiogxes]*)/x" scheme="RegExpString"
                         region="String" region01="Symb" region02="StringEdge"
                         region03="def:PairStart" region10="StringEdge" region11="def:PairEnd"/>
      <!- EE!! cut here (end) -->

<!-- formatted output -->
         <block start="/^\s* \m (format)\s*(\s\w*)\s*(\=) /x" end="/^(\.)/"
          scheme="FormatText" region="FormatDoc"
          region01="Word" region02="Var" region03="Symb"
          region00="def:PairStart" region10="def:PairEnd" region11="StringEdge"
<!-- <<out -->
<!-- cail: perl in perl :)
   <block start="/(eval)\s+<<'([^']+)'/i" end="/^(\y2)$/" scheme="def:Perl" region1="def:Inserts" region2="Word" region3="Word" region4="Word"-->
<!-- pod stuff -->
         <block start="/\M^=/" end="/^=(head|cut)\m/" scheme="Pod" region="Pod" region10="PodSym"/>
         <block start="/__(END|DATA)__/" end="/$NeVeReAcH^/" scheme="Pod" region="Pod"/>
<!-- streams and globs with html </script> hack -->
         <regexp match="/&lt;[^\s\/\%]*?\&gt;/i" region0="Stream"/>
         <regexp match="/\B \- [ABCMORSTWXbcdefgkloprstuwxz]\b/x" region0="Word"/>
         <regexp match="/x(\d+)/x" region0="Word" region1="Numb"/>

         <inherit scheme="Keywords"/>

   cail: regexps
        in reallity  s'foo'bar' does no interpolation - but i thing this
          isn't so important :)
        currently this subst will not work in such cases:
         s        # here we can't know which of schemes was called :(
         {        #
         }        # but such form is works :)
         {        #
        but i think this is real perversion :)

   EE: next included scheme
        was created by my script 'bracket.xml'


         <inherit scheme="bracket"/>

<!-- Timur: hack against Ada maniacs -->
         <regexp match="/\c(&amp;|\w+)'[\w_']+\b/" region0="Var"/>
<!-- operators -->
         <keywords region="Symb">
            <symb name="!"/>
            <symb name="~"/>
            <symb name="\"/>
            <symb name="+"/>
            <symb name="-"/>
            <symb name="."/>
            <symb name="*"/>
            <symb name="/"/>
            <symb name=".."/>
            <symb name="%"/>
            <word name="lt"/>
            <word name="gt"/>
            <word name="le"/>
            <word name="ge"/>
            <word name="eq"/>
            <word name="ne"/>
            <word name="cmp"/>
            <symb name="&amp;"/>
            <symb name="|"/>
            <symb name="^"/>
            <symb name="?"/>
            <symb name=":"/>
            <symb name=","/>
            <symb name="="/>
            <word name="and"/>
            <word name="not"/>
            <word name="or"/>
            <word name="xor"/>
            <symb name="-&gt;"/>
            <symb name="&gt;"/>
            <symb name="&lt;"/>
            <symb name=";" region="MainSymb"/>
            <symb name="{" region="def:Error"/>
            <symb name="}" region="def:Error"/>
            <symb name="(" region="def:Error"/>
            <symb name=")" region="def:Error"/>
            <symb name="[" region="def:Error"/>
            <symb name="]" region="def:Error"/>

         <!-- EE: labels -->
         <regexp match="/^\s*(\w+\:)\M(\s|$)/" region1="def:Label"/>



<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
   - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
   - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
   - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
   - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
   - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
   - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
   - License.
   - The Original Code is the Colorer Library.
   - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
   - Cail Lomecb <>.
   - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999-2003
   - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
   - Contributor(s):
   - alexander smishlajev <>
   - Eugene Efremov <>
   - JULY <>
   - Timur Safin <>

   - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
   - either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
   - the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
   - in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
   - of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
   - under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
   - use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
   - decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
   - and other provisions required by the LGPL or the GPL. If you do not delete
   - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
   - the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
   - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->