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<!DOCTYPE hrc PUBLIC "-//Cail Lomecb//DTD Colorer HRC take5//EN"
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    MatLab Syntax description
    Walery Studennikov <>
   <type name="matlab">

      <import type="def"/>

      <region name="mlString" parent="SymbolStrong"/>
      <region name="mlComment" parent="Comment"/>
      <region name="mlSymb" parent="Symbol"/>
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      <scheme name="matlab">
<!-- Comments -->
         <block start="/\%/" end="/$/" scheme="Comment" region="mlComment"/>
<!-- Strings -->
         <regexp match="/&#34;.*?&#34;/" region0="mlString"/>
         <regexp match="/'.*?'/" region0="mlString"/>
         <inherit scheme="FloatNumber"/>
         <block start="/(\()/" end="/(\))/" scheme="matlab" region00="Symbol" region01="PairStart" region10="Symbol" region11="PairEnd"/>
         <block start="/(\[)/" end="/(\])/" scheme="matlab" region00="Symbol" region01="PairStart" region10="Symbol" region11="PairEnd"/>
<!-- Operator brackets -->
         <block start="/(\bfor\b)/" end="/(\bend\b)/" scheme="matlab" region00="mlKeyWord" region01="PairStart" region10="mlKeyWord" region11="PairEnd"/>
         <block start="/(\bif\b)/" end="/(\bend\b)/" scheme="matlab" region00="mlKeyWord" region01="PairStart" region10="mlKeyWord" region11="PairEnd"/>
         <block start="/(\bwhile\b)/" end="/(\bend\b)/" scheme="matlab" region00="mlKeyWord" region01="PairStart" region10="mlKeyWord" region11="PairEnd"/>
         <block start="/(\bswitch\b)/" end="/(\bend\b)/" scheme="matlab" region00="mlKeyWord" region01="PairStart" region10="mlKeyWord" region11="PairEnd"/>
<!-- Symbols -->
         <keywords region="mlSymb">
            <symb name="+"/>
            <symb name="-"/>
            <symb name="*"/>
            <symb name="/"/>
            <symb name="\"/>
            <symb name="^"/>
            <symb name="'"/>
            <symb name="."/>
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            <symb name="]"/>
            <symb name="("/>
            <symb name=")"/>
            <symb name=";"/>
            <symb name=":"/>
            <symb name="%"/>
            <symb name=","/>
            <symb name="!"/>
<!-- KeyWords -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlKeyWord">
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            <word name="elseif"/>
            <word name="break"/>
            <word name="switch"/>
            <word name="case"/>
            <word name="otherwise"/>
            <word name="try"/>
            <word name="catch"/>
            <word name="end"/>
<!-- General functions -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlStdFunc">
            <word name="info"/>
            <word name="whatsnew"/>
            <word name="hostid"/>
            <word name="help"/>
            <word name="lookfor"/>
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            <word name="pcode"/>
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            <word name="exit"/>
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            <word name="whos"/>
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            <word name="load"/>
            <word name="memory"/>
            <word name="clear"/>
            <word name="pack"/>
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            <word name="path"/>
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            <word name="echo"/>
            <word name="format"/>
            <word name="diary"/>
            <word name="pwd"/>
            <word name="cd"/>
            <word name="dir"/>
<!-- Data/Type functions -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlStdFunc">
            <word name="logical"/>
            <word name="isnumeric"/>
            <word name="islogical"/>
            <word name="isempty"/>
            <word name="isequal"/>
            <word name="reshape"/>
            <word name="repmat"/>
            <word name="find"/>
            <word name="length"/>
            <word name="size"/>
            <word name="cross"/>
            <word name="kron"/>
            <word name="linspace"/>
            <word name="logspace"/>
            <word name="meshgrid"/>
            <word name="zeros"/>
            <word name="ones"/>
            <word name="rand"/>
            <word name="randn"/>
            <word name="end"/>
            <word name="ind2sub"/>
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            <word name="repmat"/>
            <word name="cat"/>
            <word name="ndims"/>
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            <word name="squeeze"/>
            <word name="struct"/>
            <word name="fieldnames"/>
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            <word name="setfield"/>
            <word name="rmfield"/>
            <word name="isfield"/>
            <word name="isstruct"/>
            <word name="cell"/>
            <word name="celldisp"/>
            <word name="cellplot"/>
            <word name="cellstr"/>
            <word name="deal"/>
            <word name="iscell"/>
            <word name="num2cell"/>
            <word name="cell2struct"/>
            <word name="struct2cell"/>
            <word name="lists"/>
            <word name="varargin"/>
            <word name="varargout"/>
            <word name="inline"/>
            <word name="argnames"/>
            <word name="formula"/>
            <word name="char"/>
            <word name="vectorsize"/>
            <word name="class"/>
            <word name="isa"/>
            <word name="isobject"/>
            <word name="methods"/>
            <word name="inferioto"/>
            <word name="superioto"/>
            <word name="horzcat"/>
            <word name="vertcat"/>
            <word name="subsref"/>
            <word name="subsasgn"/>
            <word name="subsindex"/>
<!-- Misc functions -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlStdFunc">
            <word name="ans"/>
            <word name="inf"/>
            <word name="NaN"/>
            <word name="Pi"/>
            <word name="eps"/>
            <word name="log2"/>
            <word name="pow2"/>
            <word name="realmin"/>
            <word name="realmax"/>
            <word name="all"/>
            <word name="any"/>
            <word name="exist"/>
            <word name="bitset"/>
            <word name="bitget"/>
            <word name="bitmax"/>
            <word name="bitcmp"/>
            <word name="bitand"/>
            <word name="bitor"/>
            <word name="bitxor"/>
            <word name="bitshift"/>
            <word name="ismember"/>
            <word name="unique"/>
            <word name="union"/>
            <word name="intersect"/>
            <word name="setdiff"/>
            <word name="setxor"/>
            <word name="eval"/>
            <word name="feval"/>
            <word name="builtin"/>
            <word name="assignin"/>
            <word name="evalin"/>
            <word name="run"/>
            <word name="nargchk"/>
            <word name="nargin"/>
            <word name="nargout"/>
            <word name="inputname"/>
            <word name="input"/>
            <word name="pause"/>
            <word name="error"/>
            <word name="warning"/>
            <word name="lasterr"/>
            <word name="lastwarn"/>
            <word name="disp"/>
            <word name="fprintf"/>
            <word name="sprintf"/>
<!-- Math functions -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlStdFunc">
            <word name="abs"/>
            <word name="angle"/>
            <word name="real"/>
            <word name="imag"/>
            <word name="conj"/>
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            <word name="fix"/>
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            <word name="csch"/>
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            <word name="ascch"/>
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            <word name="acosh"/>
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            <word name="asech"/>
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            <word name="tanh"/>
            <word name="atan"/>
            <word name="atan2"/>
            <word name="atanh"/>
            <word name="cot"/>
            <word name="coth"/>
            <word name="acot"/>
            <word name="acoth"/>
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            <word name="cart2sph"/>
            <word name="pol2cartsph2cart"/>
            <word name="besselj"/>
            <word name="bessely"/>
            <word name="besseli"/>
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            <word name="besselh"/>
            <word name="airy"/>
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            <word name="betaln"/>
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            <word name="erfc"/>
            <word name="erfcx"/>
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            <word name="gamma"/>
            <word name="gammainc"/>
            <word name="gammaln"/>
            <word name="expint"/>
            <word name="legendre"/>
<!-- Matrix functions -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlStdFunc">
            <word name="eye"/>
            <word name="diag"/>
            <word name="tril"/>
            <word name="triu"/>
            <word name="fliplr"/>
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            <word name="compan"/>
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            <word name="norm"/>
            <word name="det"/>
            <word name="see"/>
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            <word name="trace"/>
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            <word name="inv"/>
            <word name="lu"/>
            <word name="qr"/>
            <word name="svd"/>
            <word name="gsvd"/>
            <word name="roots"/>
            <word name="poly"/>
<!-- Data analize functions -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlStdFunc">
            <word name="sum"/>
            <word name="cumsum"/>
            <word name="prod"/>
            <word name="cumprod"/>
            <word name="sort"/>
            <word name="sortrows"/>
            <word name="max"/>
            <word name="min"/>
            <word name="median"/>
            <word name="mean"/>
            <word name="std"/>
            <word name="cov"/>
            <word name="corrcoef"/>
            <word name="diff"/>
            <word name="gradient"/>
            <word name="polyfit"/>
            <word name="interpft"/>
            <word name="spline"/>
            <word name="ppval"/>
            <word name="fft"/>
            <word name="ifft"/>
            <word name="fft2"/>
            <word name="ifft2"/>
            <word name="fftn"/>
            <word name="ifftn"/>
            <word name="filter"/>
            <word name="filter2"/>
<!-- Plotting functions -->
         <keywords ignorecase="yes" region="mlStdFunc">
            <word name="root"/>
            <word name="figure"/>
            <word name="axes"/>
            <word name="line"/>
            <word name="patch"/>
            <word name="surface"/>
            <word name="text"/>
            <word name="plot"/>
            <word name="fplot"/>
            <word name="ezplot"/>
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            <word name="semilogx"/>
            <word name="semilogy"/>
            <word name="polar"/>
            <word name="piotyy"/>
            <word name="plot3"/>
            <word name="meshgrid"/>
            <word name="mesh"/>
            <word name="meshc"/>
            <word name="meshz"/>
            <word name="axis"/>
            <word name="hold"/>
            <word name="grid"/>
            <word name="bar"/>
            <word name="barh"/>
            <word name="pie"/>
            <word name="subplot"/>
            <word name="zoom"/>
            <word name="colormap"/>
            <word name="label"/>
            <word name="legend"/>
            <word name="errorbar"/>
            <word name="hist"/>
            <word name="stem"/>
            <word name="stairs"/>
            <word name="scatter"/>
            <word name="roze"/>

<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
   - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
   - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
   - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
   - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
   - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
   - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
   - License.
   - The Original Code is the Colorer Library.
   - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
   - Cail Lomecb <>.
   - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999-2003
   - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
   - Contributor(s):
   - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
   - either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
   - the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
   - in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
   - of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
   - under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
   - use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
   - decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
   - and other provisions required by the LGPL or the GPL. If you do not delete
   - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
   - the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
   - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->