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package CASCM::Wrapper;

use 5.006001;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use File::Temp qw();
use Carp qw(croak carp);

our $VERSION = '1.0.1';


# Constructor
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $options_ref = shift || {};

    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;
  return $self->_init($options_ref);
} ## end sub new

# Set Context
sub set_context {
    my $self = shift;
    my $context = shift || {};

    if ( ref $context ne 'HASH' ) {
        $self->_err("Context must be a hash reference");
    } ## end if ( ref $context ne 'HASH')

    $self->{_context} = $context;
  return 1;
} ## end sub set_context

# load context
sub load_context {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file
      = shift || ( $self->_err("File required but missing") and return );

    if ( not -f $file ) { $self->_err("File $file does not exist"); return; }

    eval {
        require Config::Tiny;
      return 1;
    } or do {
            "Please install Config::Tiny if you'd like to load context files"

    my $config = Config::Tiny->read($file)
      or do { $self->_err("Error reading $file") and return; };

    my $context = {};
    foreach ( keys %{$config} ) {
        if   ( $_ eq '_' ) { $context->{global} = $config->{$_}; }
        else               { $context->{$_}     = $config->{$_}; }
    } ## end foreach ( keys %{$config} )

  return $self->set_context($context);
} ## end sub load_context

# Update Context
sub update_context {
    my $self = shift;
    my $new = shift || {};

    if ( ref $new ne 'HASH' ) {
        $self->_err("Context must be a hash reference");
    } ## end if ( ref $new ne 'HASH')

    my $context = $self->get_context();

    foreach my $type ( keys %{$new} ) {
        foreach my $key ( keys %{ $new->{$type} } ) {
            $context->{$type}->{$key} = $new->{$type}->{$key};
    } ## end foreach my $type ( keys %{$new...})

  return $self->set_context($context);
} ## end sub update_context

# Parse logs
sub parse_logs {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
        $self->{_options}->{parse_logs} = shift;
        if ( $self->{_options}->{parse_logs} ) {
            eval {
                require Log::Any;
              return 1;
              or croak
              "Error loading Log::Any. Please install it if you'd like to parse logs";
        } ## end if ( $self->{_options}...)
    } ## end if (@_)
  return $self->{_options}->{parse_logs};
} ## end sub parse_logs

# Dry Run
sub dry_run {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{_options}->{dry_run} = shift; }
  return $self->{_options}->{dry_run};
} ## end sub dry_run

# Get context
sub get_context {
    my ( $self, $cmd ) = @_;
    my $context = {};
    if ($cmd) {
        $context = {

            # Global
            ? %{ $self->{_context}->{global} }
            : (),

            # Command specific
            $self->{_context}->{$cmd} ? %{ $self->{_context}->{$cmd} } : (),
    } ## end if ($cmd)
    else {
        $context = $self->{_context};

  return $context;
} ## end sub get_context

# Get error message
sub errstr { return shift->{_errstr}; }

# Get return code
sub exitval { return shift->{_exitval}; }

# Make argument string
sub make_arg_str {
    my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
    my @quoted;
    foreach my $arg (@args) {
      next unless defined $arg;
        $arg =~ s{^\"(.*)\"$}{$1}xi;
        $arg =~ s{^\'(.*)\'$}{$1}xi;
        $arg = '"' . $arg . '"';
        push( @quoted, $arg );
    } ## end foreach my $arg (@args)

    my $arg_str = '';
    $arg_str = join( ' ', map { "-arg=$_" } @quoted ) if (@quoted);
  return $arg_str;
} ## end sub make_arg_str


sub haccess   { return shift->_run( 'haccess',   @_ ); }
sub hap       { return shift->_run( 'hap',       @_ ); }
sub har       { return shift->_run( 'har',       @_ ); }
sub hauthsync { return shift->_run( 'hauthsync', @_ ); }
sub hcbl      { return shift->_run( 'hcbl',      @_ ); }
sub hccmrg    { return shift->_run( 'hccmrg',    @_ ); }
sub hcrrlte   { return shift->_run( 'hcrrlte',   @_ ); }
sub hchgtype  { return shift->_run( 'hchgtype',  @_ ); }
sub hchu      { return shift->_run( 'hchu',      @_ ); }
sub hci       { return shift->_run( 'hci',       @_ ); }
sub hcmpview  { return shift->_run( 'hcmpview',  @_ ); }
sub hco       { return shift->_run( 'hco',       @_ ); }
sub hcp       { return shift->_run( 'hcp',       @_ ); }
sub hcpj      { return shift->_run( 'hcpj',      @_ ); }
sub hcropmrg  { return shift->_run( 'hcropmrg',  @_ ); }
sub hcrtpath  { return shift->_run( 'hcrtpath',  @_ ); }
sub hdbgctrl  { return shift->_run( 'hdbgctrl',  @_ ); }
sub hdelss    { return shift->_run( 'hdelss',    @_ ); }
sub hdlp      { return shift->_run( 'hdlp',      @_ ); }
sub hdp       { return shift->_run( 'hdp',       @_ ); }
sub hdv       { return shift->_run( 'hdv',       @_ ); }
sub hexecp    { return shift->_run( 'hexecp',    @_ ); }
sub hexpenv   { return shift->_run( 'hexpenv',   @_ ); }
sub hfatt     { return shift->_run( 'hfatt',     @_ ); }
sub hformsync { return shift->_run( 'hformsync', @_ ); }
sub hft       { return shift->_run( 'hft',       @_ ); }
sub hgetusg   { return shift->_run( 'hgetusg',   @_ ); }
sub himpenv   { return shift->_run( 'himpenv',   @_ ); }
sub hlr       { return shift->_run( 'hlr',       @_ ); }
sub hlv       { return shift->_run( 'hlv',       @_ ); }
sub hmvitm    { return shift->_run( 'hmvitm',    @_ ); }
sub hmvpkg    { return shift->_run( 'hmvpkg',    @_ ); }
sub hmvpth    { return shift->_run( 'hmvpth',    @_ ); }
sub hpg       { return shift->_run( 'hpg',       @_ ); }
sub hpkgunlk  { return shift->_run( 'hpkgunlk',  @_ ); }
sub hpp       { return shift->_run( 'hpp',       @_ ); }
sub hppolget  { return shift->_run( 'hppolget',  @_ ); }
sub hppolset  { return shift->_run( 'hppolset',  @_ ); }
sub hrefresh  { return shift->_run( 'hrefresh',  @_ ); }
sub hrepedit  { return shift->_run( 'hrepedit',  @_ ); }
sub hrepmngr  { return shift->_run( 'hrepmngr',  @_ ); }
sub hri       { return shift->_run( 'hri',       @_ ); }
sub hrmvpth   { return shift->_run( 'hrmvpth',   @_ ); }
sub hrnitm    { return shift->_run( 'hrnitm',    @_ ); }
sub hrnpth    { return shift->_run( 'hrnpth',    @_ ); }
sub hrt       { return shift->_run( 'hrt',       @_ ); }
sub hsigget   { return shift->_run( 'hsigget',   @_ ); }
sub hsigset   { return shift->_run( 'hsigset',   @_ ); }
sub hsmtp     { return shift->_run( 'hsmtp',     @_ ); }
sub hspp      { return shift->_run( 'hspp',      @_ ); }
sub hsql      { return shift->_run( 'hsql',      @_ ); }
sub hsv       { return shift->_run( 'hsv',       @_ ); }
sub hsync     { return shift->_run( 'hsync',     @_ ); }
sub htakess   { return shift->_run( 'htakess',   @_ ); }
sub hucache   { return shift->_run( 'hucache',   @_ ); }
sub hudp      { return shift->_run( 'hudp',      @_ ); }
sub hup       { return shift->_run( 'hup',       @_ ); }
sub husrmgr   { return shift->_run( 'husrmgr',   @_ ); }
sub husrunlk  { return shift->_run( 'husrunlk',  @_ ); }


# Object initialization
sub _init {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $options_ref = shift;

    # Basic initliazation
    $self->{_options} = {};
    $self->{_context} = {};
    $self->{_errstr}  = q();
    $self->{_exitval} = 0;

    # Make sure we have a option hash ref
    if ( ref $options_ref ne 'HASH' ) { croak "Hash reference expected"; }

    # Set default options
    my %default_options = (
        'context_file' => 0,
        'dry_run'      => 0,
        'parse_logs'   => 0,

    # Valid options
    my %valid_options = (
        'context_file' => 1,
        'dry_run'      => 1,
        'parse_logs'   => 1,

    # Read options
    my %options = ( %default_options, %{$options_ref} );
    foreach ( keys %options ) {
        croak "Invalid option $_" unless $valid_options{$_};
    $self->{_options} = \%options;

    # Set context
    if ( $options{'context_file'} ) {
        $self->load_context( $options{'context_file'} )
          or croak "Error Loading Context file : " . $self->errstr();
    } ## end if ( $options{'context_file'...})

    # Check if we're parsing logs
    $self->parse_logs( $options{'parse_logs'} ) if $options{'parse_logs'};

    # Done initliazing
  return $self;
} ## end sub _init

# Set error
sub _err {
    my $self = shift;
    my $msg  = shift;
    $self->{_errstr} = $msg;
  return 1;
} ## end sub _err

# Set exitval
sub _exitval {
    my ( $self, $rc ) = @_;
    $rc = 0 if not defined $rc;
    $self->{_exitval} = $rc;
  return 1;
} ## end sub _exitval

# Execute command
sub _run {
    my ( $self, $cmd, @args ) = @_;

    # Reset error

    # Get Context & Options
    my $context = {};
    ( $context, @args ) = $self->_get_run_context( $cmd, @args );

    # Get options
    my $dry_run   = delete $context->{dry_run};
    my $parse_log = delete $context->{parse_logs};

    # Check if we're parsing logs
    my $default_log;
    if ($parse_log) {

        # Init Log
        my $tmpfile = File::Temp->new(
            UNLINK => 1,
        $default_log = $tmpfile->filename();

        # Remove existing 'o' & 'oa' from context
        delete $context->{'o'}  if exists $context->{'o'};
        delete $context->{'oa'} if exists $context->{'oa'};

        # Set default log
        $context->{'o'} = $default_log;
    } ## end if ($parse_log)

    # Build argument string
    my $arg_str = $self->make_arg_str(@args);

    # Get option string for $cmd
    my $opt_str = $self->_get_option_str( $cmd, $context );

    # Dry run
    if ($dry_run) { return "$cmd $arg_str $opt_str"; }

    # Prepare DI file
    my $DIF = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0 );
    my $di_file = $DIF->filename;
    print( $DIF "$arg_str $opt_str" )
      or do { $self->_err("Unable to write to $di_file") and return; };

    # Run command
    my $cmd_str = "$cmd -di \"${di_file}\"";
    my $out     = qx($cmd_str 2>&1);
    my $rc      = $?;

    # Cleanup DI file if command didn't remove it
    if ( -f $di_file ) { unlink $di_file; }

    # Handle command error and return codes
    my $method_return_value = $self->_handle_error( $cmd, $rc, $out );

    # Parse log
    $self->_parse_log( $default_log, $parse_log ) if $parse_log;

    # Return
  return $method_return_value;
} ## end sub _run

# Get run context
sub _get_run_context {
    my ( $self, $cmd, @args ) = @_;

    my $run_context = {};
    if ( ref( $args[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) { $run_context = shift @args; }

    my $cmd_context = $self->get_context($cmd) || {};
    my $context = { %{$cmd_context}, %{$run_context} };

    $context->{dry_run} = $self->{_options}->{dry_run}
      if not exists $context->{dry_run};
    $context->{parse_logs} = $self->{_options}->{parse_logs}
      if not exists $context->{parse_logs};

  return ( $context, @args );
} ## end sub _get_run_context

# Get option string
sub _get_option_str {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $cmd     = shift;
    my $context = shift || {};

    my @cmd_options = _get_cmd_options($cmd);

    my @opt_args = qw();
    foreach my $option (@cmd_options) {
      next unless $context->{$option};
        my $val = $context->{$option};
        if ( $val eq '1' ) {
            push @opt_args, "-${option}";
        else {
            if ( $val =~ m{^\s*\-arg} ) {
                push @opt_args, "-${option}", $val;
            else {
                $val =~ s{^\"(.*)\"$}{$1}xi;
                $val =~ s{^\'(.*)\'$}{$1}xi;
                $val = '"' . $val . '"';
                push @opt_args, "-${option}", $val;
            } ## end else [ if ( $val =~ m{^\s*\-arg})]
        } ## end else [ if ( $val eq '1' ) ]
    } ## end foreach my $option (@cmd_options)

  return join( ' ', @opt_args );
} ## end sub _get_option_str

# Command options
sub _get_cmd_options {
    my $cmd = shift;

#<<< Don't touch this ...

    my $options = {
        'common'    => [qw(o v oa wts)],
        'haccess'   => [qw(b eh en ft ha pw rn ug usr)],
        'hap'       => [qw(b c eh en pn pw st rej usr)],
        'har'       => [qw(b f m eh er pw mpw usr musr rport)],
        'hauthsync' => [qw(b eh pw usr)],
        'hcbl'      => [qw(b eh en pw rp rw ss st add rdp rmr usr)],
        'hccmrg'    => [qw(b p eh en ma mc pn pw st tb tt usr)],
        'hchgtype'  => [qw(b q eh pw rp bin ext txt usr)],
        'hchu'      => [qw(b eh pw npw usr ousr)],
        'hci'       => [qw(b d p s bo cp de eh en er if nd ob op ot pn pw rm ro st tr uk ur vp dcp dvp rpw usr rusr rport)],
        'hcmpview'  => [qw(b s eh pw en1 en2 st1 usr uv1 uv2 vn1 vn2 vp1 vp2 cidc ciic)],
        'hco'       => [qw(b p r s bo br cp cu eh en er nt op pf pn po pw rm ro ss st sy tb to tr up vn vp ced dcp dvp nvf nvs rpw usr rusr rport replace)],
        'hcp'       => [qw(b at eh en pn pw st usr)],
        'hcpj'      => [qw(b eh pw act cpj cug dac ina npj tem usr)],
        'hcropmrg'  => [qw(b eh mo p1 p2 pn pw en1 en2 plo st1 st2 usr vfs)],
        'hcrrlte'   => [qw(b d eh en pw usr epid epname)],
        'hcrtpath'  => [qw(b p de eh en ob ot pw rp st usr cipn)],
        'hdbgctrl'  => [qw(b eh pw rm usr rport)],
        'hdelss'    => [qw(b eh en pw usr)],
        'hdlp'      => [qw(b eh en pn pw st usr pkgs)],
        'hdp'       => [qw(b eh en pb pd pn pw st adp pdr usr vdr)],
        'hdv'       => [qw(b s eh en pn pw st vp usr)],
        'hexecp'    => [qw(m er ma pw prg syn usr args asyn rport)],
        'hexpenv'   => [qw(b f eh en pw cug eac eug usr)],
        'hfatt'     => [qw(b at cp eh er fn ft pw rm add fid get rem rpw usr comp rusr rport)],
        'hformsync' => [qw(b d f eh pw all hfd usr)],
        'hft'       => [qw(a b fo fs)],
        'hgetusg'   => [qw(b cu pu pw usr)],
        'himpenv'   => [qw(b f eh pw iug usr)],
        'hlr'       => [qw(b c f cp eh er pw rm rp rpw usr rcep rusr rport)],
        'hlv'       => [qw(b s ac cd eh en pn pw ss st vn vp usr)],
        'hmvitm'    => [qw(b p de eh en np ob ot pn pw st uk ur vp usr)],
        'hmvpkg'    => [qw(b eh en ph pn pw st ten tst usr)],
        'hmvpth'    => [qw(b p de eh en np ob ot pn pw st uk ur vp usr)],
        'hpg'       => [qw(b bp eh en pg pw st app cpg dpg dpp usr)],
        'hpkgunlk'  => [qw(b eh en pw usr)],
        'hpp'       => [qw(b eh en pb pd pm pn pw st adp pdr usr vdr)],
        'hppolget'  => [qw(b f eh gl pw usr)],
        'hppolset'  => [qw(b f eh fc pw usr)],
        'hrefresh'  => [qw(b iv pl pr ps pv st nst debug nolock)],
        'hrepedit'  => [qw(b eh fo pw rp all usr ismv isren ppath tpath rnpath newname oldname)],
        'hrepmngr'  => [qw(b c r co cp cr eh er fc ld mv nc nc pw rm rp all cep coe del drn drp dup isv mvs ren rpw srn srp upd usr appc gext ndac nmvs rext rusr noext rport addext appext remext addsgrp addugrp addvgrp newname oldname remsgrp remugrp remvgrp)],
        'hri'       => [qw(b p de eh en ob ot pn pw st vp usr)],
        'hrmvpth'   => [qw(b p de eh en ob ot pn pw st vp usr)],
        'hrnitm'    => [qw(b p de eh en nn ob on ot pn pw st uk ur vp usr)],
        'hrnpth'    => [qw(b p de eh en nn ob ot pn pw st uk ur vp usr)],
        'hrt'       => [qw(b f m eh er pw mpw usr musr rport)],
        'hsigget'   => [qw(a t v gl purge)],
        'hsigset'   => [qw(purge context)],
        'hsmtp'     => [qw(d f m p s cc bcc)],
        'hspp'      => [qw(b s eh en fp pn pw st tp usr)],
        'hsql'      => [qw(b f s t eh eh gl nh pw usr)],
        'hsv'       => [qw(b p s eh en gl ib id io it iu iv pw st vp usr)],
        'hsync'     => [qw(b av bo br cp eh en er fv il iv pl pn ps pv pw rm ss st sy tb to vp ced iol rpw usr excl rusr excls purge rport complete)],
        'htakess'   => [qw(b p eh en pb pg pn po pw rs ss st ts ve vp abv usr)],
        'hucache'   => [qw(b eh en er pw ss st vp rpw usr rusr purge rport cacheagent)],
        'hudp'      => [qw(b ap eh en ip pn pw st usr)],
        'hup'       => [qw(b p af at cf eh en ft nt pr pw rf afo apg del des npn rfo rpg usr)],
        'husrmgr'   => [qw(b ad ae cf du eh nn ow pw cpw dlm swl usr)],
        'husrunlk'  => [qw(b eh pw usr)],


    my @cmd_options = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b }
      ( @{ $options->{common} }, @{ $options->{$cmd} } );
  return @cmd_options;
} ## end sub _get_cmd_options

# Handle error/return
sub _handle_error {
    my ( $self, $cmd, $rc, $out ) = @_;

    # Fix return code
    if ( $rc > 255 ) { $rc = $rc >> 8; }

    # Save exitval

    # Standard cases
    my %error = (
        '1' => "Command syntax for $cmd is incorrect."
          . ' Please check your context setting',
        '2'  => 'Broker not connected',
        '3'  => "$cmd failed",
        '4'  => 'Unexpected error',
        '5'  => 'Invalid login',
        '6'  => 'Server or database down',
        '7'  => 'Incorrect service pack level',
        '8'  => 'Incompatible server version',
        '9'  => 'Exposed password',
        '10' => 'Ambiguous arguments',
        '11' => 'Access denied',
        '12' => 'Pre-link failed',
        '13' => 'Post-link failed',

    # Special cases
    if ( $cmd eq 'hchu' ) {
        %error = (
            '94' =>
              'Password changes executed from the command line using hchu are disabled when external authentication is enabled',
    } ## end if ( $cmd eq 'hchu' )
    elsif ( $cmd eq 'hco' ) {
        %error = (
            '14' => 'No version was found for the file name or pattern',
    } ## end elsif ( $cmd eq 'hco' )
    elsif ( $cmd eq 'hexecp' ) {
        %error = (
            '2' =>
              'Broker not connected OR the invoked program did not return a value of its own',
    } ## end elsif ( $cmd eq 'hexecp' )

    # Cleanup command output
    if ($out) {
        my @lines;
        foreach my $line ( split( /\r\n|\r|\n/, $out ) ) {
            chomp $line;
            $line =~ s{^\s+}{}gxi;
            $line =~ s{\s+$}{}gxi;
          next unless $line;
          next if $line =~ /^[[:blank:]]$/;
            push @lines, $line;
        } ## end foreach my $line ( split( /\r\n|\r|\n/...))

        # Reset
        $out = join( '. ', @lines );
    } ## end if ($out)

    # Get error message
    my $msg;
    if ( $rc == -1 ) {
        $msg = "Failed to execute $cmd";
        $msg .= " : $out" if $out;
    } ## end if ( $rc == -1 )
    elsif ( $rc > 0 ) {
        if ( $error{$rc} ) {
            $msg = $error{$rc};
            $msg .= " : $out" if $out;
        } ## end if ( $error{$rc} )
        else {
            if   ($out) { $msg = $out; }
            else        { $msg = 'Unknown error'; }
        } ## end else [ if ( $error{$rc} ) ]
    } ## end elsif ( $rc > 0 )

    # Return true
  return 1;
} ## end sub _handle_error

# Parse Log
sub _parse_log {
    my ( $self, $logfile, $category ) = @_;

    $category ||= 0;
    $category = __PACKAGE__ if ( $category eq '1' );

    my $log
      = Log::Any->get_logger( $category ? ( category => $category ) : () );

    if ( not -f $logfile ) {

        # The log file was probably not created
        #   if the command didn't even execute
        $log->error( $self->errstr() ) if ( $self->errstr() );
      return 1;
    } ## end if ( not -f $logfile )

    open( my $LOG, '<', $logfile ) or do {
        $log->warn("Unable to read $logfile");
        $log->error( $self->errstr() ) if ( $self->errstr() );
      return 1;

    while (<$LOG>) {
        my $line = $_;
      next unless defined $line;
        chomp $line;
        $line =~ s{^\s+}{}gxi;
        $line =~ s{\s+$}{}gxi;
      next unless $line;
      next if $line =~ /^[[:blank:]]*$/;

        if    ( $line =~ s/^\s*E0\w{7}\:\s*//x ) { $log->error($line); }
        elsif ( $line =~ s/^\s*W0\w{7}\:\s*//x ) { $log->warn($line); }
        elsif ( $line =~ s/^\s*I0\w{7}\:\s*//x ) { $log->info($line); }
        else                                     { $log->info($line); }
    } ## end while (<$LOG>)
    close $LOG;

    $log->error( $self->errstr() ) if ( $self->errstr() );

  return 1;
} ## end sub _parse_log




=head1 NAME

CASCM::Wrapper - Run CA-SCM (Harvest) commands

    use CASCM::Wrapper;

    # Initialize
    my $cascm = CASCM::Wrapper->new();

    # Set Context
            # Set a global context.
            # This is applied to all commands where required
            global => {
                b  => 'harvest',
                eh => 'user.dfo',

            # Set 'hco' specific context,
            #   applied only to hco commands
            hco => {
                up => 1,
                vp => '\repository\myapp\src',
                pn => 'Checkout Items',

            # Similarly for 'hci'
            hci => {
                vp => '\repository\myapp\src',
                pn => 'Checkin Items',
                de => 'Shiny new feature',

            # And 'hcp'
            hcp => {
                st => 'development',
                at => 'userid',
    ) or die $cascm->errstr;

    # Create Package
    my $pkg = 'new_package';
    $cascm->hcp($pkg) or die $cascm->errstr;

    # Checkout files
    my @files = qw(foo.c bar.c);
    $cascm->hco( { p => $pkg }, @files ) or die $cascm->errstr;

    # Update Context
    $cascm->update_context( { hci => { p => $pkg }, } ) or die $cascm->errstr;

    # Checkin files
    $cascm->hci(@files) or die $cascm->errstr;


This module is a wrapper around CA Software Change Manager's (formerly
known as Harvest) commands. It provides a perl-ish interface to setting
the context in which each command is executed, along with optional
loading of context from files as well as parsing output logs.

=head1 CONTEXT

The context is a I<hash of hashes> which contain the following types of


=item global

This specifies the global context. Any context set here will be applied
to every command that uses it.

    my $global_context = {
        global => {
            b  => 'harvest',
            eh => 'user.dfo',

=item command specific

This provides a command specific context. Context set here will be
applied only to those specific commands.

    my $hco_context = {
        hco => {
            up => 1,
            vp => '\repository\myapp\src',
            pn => 'Checkout Items',


The global and command context keys are synonymous with the command
line options detailed in the CA-SCM Reference Manual. Options that do
not require a value should be set to '1'. i.e. C<< {hco => {up => 1} }
>> is equivalent to C<hco -up>. The methods are intelligent enough to
apply only the context keys that are used by a command. For e.g. a
global context of C<vp> will not apply to C<hcp>.

The common options I<i> and I<di> are not applicable and ignored for
all commands. See L</SECURITY>

The following methods are available to manage context

=head2 set_context($context)

Sets the context. Old context is forgotten. The argument provided must
be a hash reference

=head2 update_context($context)

Updates the current context. The argument provided must be a hash

=head2 load_context($file)

This loads the context from an I<INI> file. The root parameters defines
the global context. Each sectional parameter defines the command
specific context. Old context is forgotten.

    # Load context file at initialization.
    #   This will croak if it fails to read the context file
    my $cascm = CASCM::Wrapper->new( { context_file => $file } );

    # Alternatively
    $cascm->load_context($file) or die $cascm->errstr;

This is a sample context file

    # Sample context file

    # Root parameters. These define the 'global' context
    b  = harvest
    eh = user.dfo

    # Sectional parameters. These define the 'command' context

        up = 1
        vp = /repository/myapp/src

        st = development

B<NOTE:> This method requires L<Config::Tiny> in order to read the
context file.

=head2 get_context()

Returns a hash reference of current context

    my $context = $cascm->get_context();
    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper($context);

You can also get a command specific context by passing the command as
an argument

    my $hco_context = $cascm->get_context('hco');
    use Data::Dumper;
    print Dumper($hco_context);


Almost every 'h' command that uses a context is supported. The command
names are synonymous with the methods used to invoke them.

Every method accepts two optional arguments. The first is an hash
reference that overrides/appends to the context for that method. This
allows setting a context only for that specific method call. The second
is an array of arguments that is passed on to the 'h' command. Any
arguments provided is passed using the '-arg' option.

    # No parameters. Everything required is already set in the context
    $cascm->hdlp() or die $cascm->errstr;

    # Array of arguments
    $cascm->hci( @files ) or die $cascm->errstr;

    # Override/Append to context
    $cascm->hci( { p => 'new_package' }, @files ) or die $cascm->errstr;

The following CA-SCM commands are available as methods



This module uses the I<di> option for executing CA-SCM commands. This
prevents any passwords from being exposed while the command is running.
The temporary I<di> file is deleted irrespective if the outcome of the

=head1 DRY RUN

The CASCM methods can be called in a I<dry run> mode. Where the method
returns the full command line, without executing anything. This can be
useful for debugging.

    $cascm = CASCM::Wrapper->new( { dry_run => 1 } );
    $cmd = $cascm->hsync();
    print "Calling hsync() would have executed -> $cmd";

C<dry_run> can also be toggled using contexts. For e.g.,

    $cascm->hsync({dry_run => 1,});

=head1 LOGGING

Since CA-SCM commands output only to log files, this module allows
parsing and logging of a command's output. L<Log::Any> is required to
use this feature, which in turn allows you to use any (supported)
Logging mechanism. When using this, any C<o> or C<oa> options specified
in the context will be ignored. Your scripts will need to load the
appropriate L<Log::Any::Adapter> to capture the log statements. The
CA-SCM log is parsed and the messages are logged either as I<INFO>,

    # Using Log4perl

    use CASCM::Wrapper;
    use Log::Log4perl;
    use Log::Any::Adapter;


    # Get logger
    my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();

    # Set parse_logs to true. This will croak if Log:Any is not found.
    my $cascm = CASCM::Wrapper->new( { parse_logs => 1 } );

    # You can also set the logging category
    #    This is currently available with Log4perl only

    # Set Context
    my $context = { ... };

    # Calling the method automatically will parse the log output into the Log4perl object
    # The output is also logged in the 'CASCM::Wrapper' category.

    $cascm->hco(@files) or die $cascm->errstr;


All methods return true on success and C<undef> on failure. The error
that most likely caused the I<last> failure can be obtained by calling
the C<errstr> method. The exit value of the last I<h> command can be
obtained by calling the C<exitval> method.


CA-SCM r12 (or higher) client. Harvest 7.1 might work, but has not been

The CA-SCM methods depends on the corresponding commands to be
available in the I<PATH>

At least Perl 5.6.1 is required to run.

Optionally, L<Config::Tiny> is required to read context files

Optionally, L<Log::Any> and L<Log::Any::Adapter> is required to parse
CA-SCM log files

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<CA Software Change


Please report any bugs or feature requests at

=head1 AUTHOR

Mithun Ayachit C<>


Copyright (c) 2014, Mithun Ayachit. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.
