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package String::Range::Expand;

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Carp qw(croak carp);

our $VERSION = '0.04';

use base qw(Exporter);
our ( @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK );

@EXPORT    = qw(expand_range);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(expand_range expand_expr);

sub expand_range {
    my ($range_expr) = @_;

    my @range;

    # Define a valid range
    my $valid_range = qr{[a-zA-Z0-9\,\-\^]+}x;

    # split expression into ranges
    my @bits;
    if ( $range_expr =~ m{\[$valid_range\]}x ) {

        # This is a Range
        # Loop thru' multiple instances (e.g. [a-c][f-i])
        while (1) {

            if ( $range_expr =~ m{(\[$valid_range\])}x ) {
                my $match = $+;
                my $pre = substr( $range_expr, 0, $-[0] );
                push @bits, ($pre) if defined $pre;
                push @bits, $match;
                substr( $range_expr, 0, $+[0], '' );
            } ## end if ( $range_expr =~ m{(\[$valid_range\])}x)
            else {
                push @bits, $range_expr;
                $range_expr = '';
            } ## end else [ if ( $range_expr =~ m{(\[$valid_range\])}x)]
          last unless $range_expr;

        } ## end while (1)
    } ## end if ( $range_expr =~ m{\[$valid_range\]}x)
    else {

        # Expression does not have any ranges to expand
        push @range, $range_expr;
    } ## end else [ if ( $range_expr =~ m{\[$valid_range\]}x)]

    # Expand
    foreach my $_bit (@bits) {
        if ( $_bit =~ m{^\[(.+)\]$}x ) {
              ? do { @range = _combine( \@range, [ _compute($1) ] ); }
              : do { @range = _compute($1); };
        } ## end if ( $_bit =~ m{^\[(.+)\]$}x)
        else {
              ? do { @range = _combine( \@range, [$_bit] ); }
              : do { push( @range, $_bit ); };
        } ## end else [ if ( $_bit =~ m{^\[(.+)\]$}x)]
    } ## end foreach my $_bit (@bits)

    @range = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @range if @range;
  return @range;
} ## end sub expand_range

sub expand_expr {
    my @range;
    foreach my $expr ( _split_expr(@_) ) {
        push @range, expand_range($expr);
    @range = sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @range if @range;
  return @range;
} ## end sub expand_expr


## _compute
##  This performs the actual expansion
sub _compute {
    my ($expr) = @_;

    my @list;  # Expanded values

    # Loop thru' ranges
    foreach my $_range ( split( /,/x, $expr ) ) {

        # Type: [aa-az]. Normal Range
        if ( $_range =~ m{^(\w+)\-(\w+)$}x ) { push @list, ( $1 .. $2 ); }

        # Type: [^ba-be]. Negate range
        elsif ( $_range =~ m{^\^(\w+)\-(\w+)$}x ) {
            foreach my $_exclude ( $1 .. $2 ) {
                @list = grep { !/^$_exclude$/x } @list;
        } ## end elsif ( $_range =~ m{^\^(\w+)\-(\w+)$}x)

        # Type: [^zz]. Negate element
        elsif ( $_range =~ m{^\^(\w+)$}x ) {
            @list = grep { !/^$1$/x } @list;

        # Type: [foo]. Individual element
        else { push @list, $_range; }
    } ## end foreach my $_range ( split(...))
  return @list;
} ## end sub _compute

## _combine
sub _combine {
    my ( $a1, $a2 ) = @_;

    my @list;

    foreach my $_a1 (@$a1) {
        foreach my $_a2 (@$a2) {
            push @list, join( '', $_a1, $_a2 );
    } ## end foreach my $_a1 (@$a1)

  return @list;
} ## end sub _combine

## split string into range expressions
sub _split_expr {
    my @args = @_;
    my @found;
    foreach my $arg (@args) {
        my @parts = split( /\s*(?<!\\)[\s,]\s*/, $arg );
        while ( my $bit = shift @parts ) {
          next unless $bit =~ m{^\S+$};
            if ( $bit =~ m{\[} and $bit !~ m{\]} ) {
                my @current = ($bit);
                while ( my $next = shift @parts ) {
                    push @current, $next;
                  last if $next =~ m{\]};
                } ## end while ( my $next = shift ...)
                push @found, join( ',', @current );
            } ## end if ( $bit =~ m{\[} and...{]})
            elsif ( $bit =~ m{\]} and $bit !~ m{\[} ) {
                my $previous = pop @found;
                push @found, join( ',', $previous, $bit );
            } ## end elsif ( $bit =~ m{\]} and...{[})
            else {
                push @found, $bit;
        } ## end while ( my $bit = shift @parts)
    } ## end foreach my $arg (@args)
  return @found;
} ## end sub _split_expr




=head1 NAME

String::Range::Expand - Expand range-like strings


    use String::Range::Expand;

    print "$_\n" for expand_range('host[aa-ac,^ab,ae][01-04,^02-03]');

    # Prints ...
        # hostaa01
        # hostaa04
        # hostac01
        # hostac04
        # hostae01
        # hostae04


This module provides functions to expand a string that contains
range-like expressions. This is something that is usually useful when
working with hostnames, but can be used elsewhere too.


=head2 expand_range($string)

    my @list = expand_range('...');

This function accept a single string, evaluates expressions in those
strings and returns a list with all available permutations. Ranges with
limits are expanded using the L<Range

    my @list = expand_range('[aa-ad]'); # This is identical to ('aa' .. 'ad')

The following formats are recognized and evaluated

    my @list = expand_range('foo[bar,baz]');        # Comma separated list
    my @list = expand_range('foo[aa-ad,^ab]');      # Negated element
    my @list = expand_range('foo[aa-ag,^ab-ad]');   # Negated range

=head2 expand_expr(@array)

	my @list = expand_expr('foo-bar[01-03] host[aa-ad,^ab]Z[01-04,^02-03].name');

This runs C<expand_range> against every range-like expression detected
in the argument list

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item L<SSH::Batch>

This is an extremely useful distribution if you are working with
hostnames. C<String::Range::Expand> was inspired by this distribution,
and provides only a subset of features of C<SSH::Batch>

=item L<String::Glob::Permute>

Pretty similar, but does not evaluate alphabetical ranges

=item L<Text::Glob::Expand>

Like C<String::Glob::Permute>, it does not evaluate alphabetical
ranges. But it does provide some additional functionality like setting
upper limits and formatting.



This module does not attempt to limit the number of permutations for an

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at

=head1 AUTHOR

Mithun Ayachit C<>


Copyright (c) 2013, Mithun Ayachit. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.
