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package Ruby::VersionManager::Gem;

use 5.010;
use Moo;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

our $VERSION = 0.004004;

has _gem_list => ( is => 'rw' );
has _dispatch => ( is => 'rw' );
has _options  => ( is => 'rw' );

sub BUILD {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $dispatch = { reinstall => $self->can('_reinstall'), };


	return 1;

sub run_action {
	my ( $self, $action, @options ) = @_;

	if ( exists $self->_dispatch->{$action} ) {
	else {
		system 'gem ' . join ' ', ( $action, @options );

	return 1;

sub _reinstall {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $stdin .= $_ while (<>);
	if ($stdin) {
		$self->_gem_list( $self->_parse_gemlist($stdin));
	elsif ( defined $self->_gem_list && -f $self->_gem_list ) {
		my $gemlist = '';
			local $/;
			open my $fh, '<', $self->_gem_list;
			$gemlist = <$fh>;
			close $fh;
		$self->_gem_list( $self->_parse_gemlist($gemlist) );
	elsif ( defined $self->_options && -f ( $self->_options )[0] ) {
		my $gemlist = '';
			local $/;
			open my $fh, '<', ( $self->_options )[0];
			$gemlist = <$fh>;
			close $fh;
		$self->_gem_list( $self->_parse_gemlist($gemlist) );
	else {
		my $gemlist = qx[gem list];
		$self->_gem_list( $self->_parse_gemlist($gemlist) );

	$self->_install_gems( $self->_gem_list, { nodeps => 1 } );

sub _parse_gemlist {
	my ( $self, $gemlist ) = @_;

	my $gems = {};
	for my $line ( split /\n/, $gemlist ) {
		my ( $gem, $versions ) = $line =~ /
			([-_\w]+)\s # capture gem name
		$gems->{$gem} = [ split ', ', $versions ] if defined $gem;

	return $gems;

sub _install_gems {
	my ( $self, $gems, $opts ) = @_;

	for my $gem ( keys %$gems ) {
		for my $version ( @{ $gems->{$gem} } ) {
			my $cmd = "gem install $gem ";
			$cmd .= "-v=$version";
			if ( defined $opts && $opts->{'nodeps'} ) {
				$cmd .= " --ignore-dependencies";

			my $output = qx[$cmd];

	return 1;



=head1 NAME


=head1 WARNING!

This is an unstable development release not ready for production!

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.004004


The Ruby::VersionManager::Gem module is basically a wrapper around the gem command providing some additional funcionality.


	my $gem = Ruby::VersionManager::Gem->new;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 run_action

Run the gem command with parameters or use one of the additional functions.

	$gem->run_action('install', ('unicorn', '-v=4.0.1'));

=head1 ACTIONS

The additional actions to pass to Ruby::VersionManager::Gem::run_action.

=head2 reinstall

You can resemble gemsets from other users or machines by using reinstall with a file containing the output of 'gem list'. When omiting the file name the gemset is read from <STDIN>. If nothing can be read the currently installed gemset will be completely reinstalled without pulling in any additional dependencies.

	$gem->run_action('reinstall', ($filename));

=head1 AUTHOR

Matthias Krull, C<< <m.krull at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Report bugs at:

=over 2

=item * Ruby::VersionManager issue tracker


=item * support at

C<< <m.krull at> >>


=head1 SUPPORT

=over 2

=item * Technical support

C<< <m.krull at> >>

