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package Proc::Application::Daemon;

=head1 NAME

Proc::Application::Daemon - daemon class based on Proc::Application;


 package Program;
 use Proc::Application::Daemon;
 use base qw(Proc::Application::Daemon);
 sub handler 
     my ( $his, $clientSocket ) = @_;
     $this->socket->print ( 'Done' );
     $this->log->warning ( 'warning' );
     die "Error";
 package main;


daemon class based on Proc::Application;


use strict;
use Proc::Application;
use base qw(Proc::Application);
use POSIX;
use Errno;

use constant FORK_COUNT => 10;

=head2 new

A construtror, setup childs and childCount


sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my $this  = $class->SUPER::new ( @_ );
    $this->{childs} ||= {};
    $this->{childCount} ||= 0;

=head2 options

Add mode (fork|single|prefork=[count]) and socket (domain=unix|inet|ssl:all_io::socket:: parameter) options


sub options
    my $this = shift;
    my $options = $this->SUPER::options();
    $options->{mode}   = { template     => 'mode=s', #fork|prefork|single | =count
			   description  => 'fork|single|prefork=count',
			   default      => 'fork',
			   action       => sub { $this->processModeParameter ( @_ ) } };
    $options->{socket} = { template     => 'socket=s',
			   description  => 'parameters for init socket',
			   priority     => 8,
			   action       => sub { $this->processSocketCreate ( @_ ) } };

=head2 processSocketCreate

Handler for socket option. Create new socket and store it to $object->{socket}


sub processSocketCreate
    my ( $this, $option, $params ) = @_;
    my %params       = $this->_decodeOption ( $params );
    my $socketDomain = delete $params{domain} || die "Your must setup domain parameter for socket";
    my $socketClass  = 'IO::Socket::' .
	( { inet => 'INET', unix => 'UNIX', ssl => 'SSL' }->{ $socketDomain } || die "Error socket domain: $socketDomain" );
    eval "use $socketClass;"; die $@ if $@;
    $this->{mainSocket} = $socketClass->new ( %params ) || die "Can't create socket: $!";

=head2 processModeParameter

Child for 'prefork=count' mode and setup preforkCount option


sub processModeParameter
    my ( $this, $option, $value ) = @_;
    my ( $mode, $count ) = split /=/, $value;
    $mode eq 'prefork' || return;
    $this->{options}->{mode} = $mode;
    $count ||= FORK_COUNT;
    $count =~ /^\d+$/ || die "Your must setup numeric value for prefork childs count";
    $this->{options}->{preforkcount} = $count;

=head2 socket

Return a client socket from $object->{socket}


sub socket
    my $this = shift;

=head2 mainSocket

Return a main daemon socket from $object->{socket}


sub mainSocket
    my $this = shift;

=head2 done

You must return 'true' for end main loop


sub done

=head2 mainHandler

Call handler() method with $cliendSocket atrument, log the errors of execution and close client socket at exit


sub mainHandler
    my ( $this, $childSocket ) = @_;
    eval { $this->handler () };
    $this->log->warning ( $@ ) if $@;
    $childSocket && $childSocket->close();

=head2 handler

Real work method, get $this and $clientSocket argumentds.


sub handler
    my $this = shift;

=head2 childs

Return a hash reference of childs with keys with pids


sub childs
    my $this = shift;

=head2 processSigChild

SIGCHLD processor. Get a child pid by waitpid() and delete it from childs()


sub processSigChild
    my $this = shift || return;

    while ( my $pid = waitpid ( -1, WNOHANG ) )
	if ( $pid == -1 ) # process errors
	    next if $! == Errno::EINTR;
	    last if $! == Errno::ECHILD;
	    $this->log->error ( "waitpid() error: $!" );

	#$this->done && last;
	$this->{childCount}-- if $this->{childCount};
	delete $this->{childs}->{ $pid } || $this->log->warning ( "Unknown child $pid" );

    $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $this || return; $this->processSigChild };

=head2 forkFunction

Get three code refs ( for run at parent, child and error fork sitiations ), fork process and
execute parameters functions. Store pid of new process at childs(), exit(0) at child after 
execute of child function, log fork error and sleep(1) after fork error.


sub forkFunction
    my ( $this, $parentFunction, $childFunction, $errorFunction ) = @_;
    if  ( my $pid = fork() )
	$this->{childs}->{ $pid } = 1;
	&$parentFunction() if $parentFunction;
    elsif ( defined $pid )
	&$childFunction()  if $childFunction;
	exit ( 0 );
	$this->log->error ( "fock failed(): $!" );
	&$errorFunction() if &$errorFunction();
	sleep ( 1 );

=head2 threadFunction


sub threadFunction
    my ( $this, $parentFunction, $childFunction, $errorFunction ) = @_;
    if  ( my $pid = fork() )
	$this->{childs}->{ $pid } = 1;
	&$parentFunction() if $parentFunction;
    elsif ( defined $pid )
	&$childFunction()  if $childFunction;
	exit ( 0 );
	$this->log->error ( "fock failed(): $!" );
	&$errorFunction() if &$errorFunction();
	sleep ( 1 );

=head2 realMain

Main loop. accept() the new connection, and fork (if fork more) and pass execution to mainHandler


sub realMain
    my $this = shift;
    my $mode = $this->{options}->{mode};
    while ( ! $this->done() )
	my $mainSocket  = $this->mainSocket();

	my $childSocket = $this->{socket} = $mainSocket->accept;

	unless ( $childSocket )
	    $this->log->error ( "accept() failed: $!" );

	if ( $mode eq 'fork' )
	    $this->forkFunction ( sub { $childSocket->close() }, sub { $mainSocket->close(); $this->mainHandler (); } );
	elsif ( $mode eq 'thread' )
	    $this->threadFunction ( sub { $childSocket->close() }, sub { $mainSocket->close(); $this->mainHandler (); } );
	elsif ( $mode eq 'single' || $mode eq 'prefork' || $mode eq 'threadpool' )
	    $this->mainHandler ( $childSocket );

=head2 main

Prefork processes if prefork mode, loop up for preforked childs count and call realMain()


sub main
    my $this = shift || return;
    my $mode = $this->{options}->{mode};
    $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $this || return; $this->processSigChild } if $mode =~ /fork/;
    $this->mainSocket || die "You must setup socket parameter";
    $this->realMain () unless $mode eq 'prefork' || $mode eq 'threadpool';
    if ( $mode eq 'prefork' )
	while ( ! $this->done )
	    while ( $this->{childCount} < $this->{options}->{preforkcount} )
		$this->forkFunction ( sub { $this->{childCount}++ }, sub { $this->realMain(); } );
	    sleep ( 1 );
    else # threadpool
	while ( ! $this->done )
	    while ( $this->{threadCount} < $this->{options}->{threadpoolcount} )
		$this->threadFunction ( sub { $this->{threadCount}++ }, sub { $this->realMain(); } );
	    sleep ( 1 );

=head2 DESTROY

Send TERM signal to all childs and call parent DESTROY()


    my $this = shift;
    foreach my $pid ( keys %{ $this->{childs} } )
	kill TERM => $pid;

=head2 Log Debug Error Fatal Run Options

for compatibility with Net::Daemon


sub Log
    my ( $this, $level, $message, @args ) = @_;
#    warn "depricated call Log() from " . ( join ' ', caller() ) . "\n";
    $message = sprintf ( $message, @args ) if @args;
    $this->log->$level ( $message );

sub Debug
    my ( $this, $message, @args ) = @_;
#    warn "depricated call Log() from " . ( join ' ', caller() ) . "\n";
    $message = sprintf ( $message, @args ) if @args;
    $this->log->error ( $message );

sub Fatal
    my ( $this, $message, @args ) = @_;
#    warn "depricated call Log() from " . ( join ' ', caller() ) . "\n";
    $message = sprintf ( $message, @args ) if @args;
    $this->log->error ( $message );
    die $message;

sub Run
    my $this = shift;
#    warn "depricated call Log() from " . ( join ' ', caller() );
    $this->handler ();

sub Options
    my $this = shift;
#    warn "depricated call Log() from " . ( join ' ', caller() );
    $this->options ( @_ );

sub Bind
    my $this = shift;
#    warn "depricated call Log() from " . ( join ' ', caller() );
    $this->run ( @_ );
