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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use lib '../example/lib';
use lib '../../SOAP-Lite-0.71/lib';
use lib '/home/martin/workspace/SOAP-WSDL_XS/blib/lib';
use lib '/home/martin/workspace/SOAP-WSDL_XS/blib/arch';
use Data::Dumper;
use SOAP::Lite;
use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP;
use MyInterfaces::HelloWorld::HelloWorldSoap;
#use SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::XSD_XS;
use Benchmark qw(cmpthese timethese);

use SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP;
use SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Transport;
SOAP::WSDL::Factory::Transport->register('http', 'SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP');

my $proxy = 'http://localhost:81/soap-wsdl-test/';
#my $proxy = 'http://localhost:81/soap-wsdl-test/helloworld';

my $lite = SOAP::Lite->new(
    proxy => $proxy

$lite->on_action( sub { "urn:HelloWorld#sayHello" });

my $soap = MyInterfaces::HelloWorld::HelloWorldSoap->new({
	proxy => $proxy,

my $soap_xs = MyInterfaces::HelloWorld::HelloWorldSoap->new({
	proxy => $proxy,
#$soap_xs->set_deserializer( SOAP::WSDL::Deserializer::XSD_XS->new() );

my @result = ();;

sub wsdl_bench {
    push @result, $soap->sayHello({
        name => $ARGV[1] || '"Your name"',
        givenName => $ARGV[0] || '"Your given name"',

sub wsdl_xs_bench {
    push @result, $soap_xs->sayHello({
        name => $ARGV[1] || '"Your name"',
        givenName => $ARGV[0] || '"Your given name"',

my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new('../example/wsdl/11_helloworld.wsdl');
my $call = $wsdl->compileClient('sayHello',
    sloppy_integers => 1,
    check_values    => 0,
    check_values    => 0,
    validation      => 0,

sub compile_bench {
    push @result, $call->(
        name => $ARGV[1] || '"Your name"',
        givenName => $ARGV[0] || '"Your given name"',

sub lite_bench {
    push @result, $lite->call(
            ->attr({ xmlns => 'urn:HelloWorld' }),
        SOAP::Data->name('name')->value( $ARGV[1] || '"Your name"'),
        SOAP::Data->name('givenName')->value( $ARGV[0] || '"Your given name"'),

# give all a chance to perform first-run initializations

timethese 150, {
    'SOAP::WSDL' => \&wsdl_bench,
#    'SOAP::WSDL_XS' => \&wsdl_xs_bench,
    'XML::Compile' => \&compile_bench,
    'SOAP::Lite' => \&lite_bench,