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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 17; #qw(no_plan);
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;

my $HAVE_TEST_WARN =eval { require Test::Warn; };

my $path = File::Spec->rel2abs( dirname __FILE__ );
$path =~s{\\}{/}xg;     # stupid windows workaround: $path works with /, but not
                        # with \

use_ok qw( SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser);

my $parser =  SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser->new();

my $definitions = $parser->parse_file(

my $schema = $definitions->first_types()->get_schema()->[1];
my $attr = $schema->get_element()->[0]->first_complexType->first_attribute();
ok $attr->get_name('testAttribute'),    'attribute name';
ok $attr->get_type('xs:string'),        'attribute type';

    Test::Warn::warning_like( sub {
        $definitions = $parser->parse_uri(
    }, qr{already \s imported}x, 'duplicate import warning')
else {
    SKIP: { skip 'Cannot test warnings without Test::Warn', 1; };
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
    $definitions = $parser->parse_uri(

$parser =  SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser->new();
        $definitions = $parser->parse_uri(
ok my $service = $definitions->first_service();
is $service->get_name(), 'Service1', 'wsdl:import service name';
is $definitions->first_binding()->get_name(), 'Service1Soap', 'wsdl:import binding name';

ok my $schema_from_ref = $definitions->first_types()->get_schema();
is @{ $schema_from_ref }, 2, 'got builtin and imported schema';
ok @{ $schema_from_ref->[1]->get_element } > 0;
is $schema_from_ref->[1]->get_element->[0]->get_name(), 'sayHello';

is $schema_from_ref->[1]->get_xmlns()->{ foo }, 'urn:Bar1', 'namespace prefix not overridden by import';

    my $warn_parser = SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser->new();
    my $warning;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = join(q{}, @_ )};
    $definitions = $warn_parser->parse_file(
    like $warning, qr{cannot \s import \s document \s for \s namespace \s >urn:Test< \s without \slocation}x
        , 'warn on import without location';

    $definitions = $warn_parser->parse_uri(
    like $warning, qr{cannot \s import \s document \s for \s namespace \s >urn:Test< \s without \slocation}x
        , 'warn on import without location';

eval {
    my $warn_parser = SOAP::WSDL::Expat::WSDLParser->new();

    $definitions = $warn_parser->parse_file(
like $@, qr{\A cannot \s import \s document \s from \s namespace \s
    >urn:Test< \s without \s base \s uri\. \s
    Use \s >parse_uri< \s or \s >set_uri< \s to \s set \s one\.}x;

# Alarm is just to be sure - may loop infinitely if broken
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'looped'};
alarm 1;

    Test::Warn::warning_like( sub {
        $definitions = $parser->parse_uri(
    }, qr{already \s imported}x, 'duplicate import warning');
else {
    SKIP: { skip 'Cannot test warnings without Test::Warn', 1; };
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
    $definitions = $parser->parse_uri(

alarm 0;
pass 'import loop';