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# a shared, automated test suite for Subversion
#  Subversion is a tool for revision control.
#  See for more information.
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 CollabNet.  All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
# are also available at
# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
# newer version instead, at your option.

import sys     # for argv[]
import os
import shutil  # for rmtree()
import re
import stat    # for ST_MODE
import subprocess
import copy    # for deepcopy()
import time    # for time()
import traceback # for print_exc()
import threading
  # Python >=3.0
  import queue
  from urllib.parse import quote as urllib_parse_quote
  from urllib.parse import unquote as urllib_parse_unquote
except ImportError:
  # Python <3.0
  import Queue as queue
  from urllib import quote as urllib_parse_quote
  from urllib import unquote as urllib_parse_unquote

import getopt
  my_getopt = getopt.gnu_getopt
except AttributeError:
  my_getopt = getopt.getopt

from svntest import Failure
from svntest import Skip
from svntest import testcase
from svntest import wc

#  Write a new python script that
#     1) imports this 'svntest' package
#     2) contains a number of related 'test' routines.  (Each test
#        routine should take no arguments, and return None on success
#        or throw a Failure exception on failure.  Each test should
#        also contain a short docstring.)
#     3) places all the tests into a list that begins with None.
#     4) calls svntest.main.client_test() on the list.
#  Also, your tests will probably want to use some of the common
#  routines in the 'Utilities' section below.
# Global stuff

class SVNProcessTerminatedBySignal(Failure):
  "Exception raised if a spawned process segfaulted, aborted, etc."

class SVNLineUnequal(Failure):
  "Exception raised if two lines are unequal"

class SVNUnmatchedError(Failure):
  "Exception raised if an expected error is not found"

class SVNCommitFailure(Failure):
  "Exception raised if a commit failed"

class SVNRepositoryCopyFailure(Failure):
  "Exception raised if unable to copy a repository"

class SVNRepositoryCreateFailure(Failure):
  "Exception raised if unable to create a repository"

# Windows specifics
if sys.platform == 'win32':
  windows = True
  file_scheme_prefix = 'file:///'
  _exe = '.exe'
  _bat = '.bat'
  windows = False
  file_scheme_prefix = 'file://'
  _exe = ''
  _bat = ''

# The location of our mock svneditor script.
if windows:
  svneditor_script = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'svneditor.bat')
  svneditor_script = os.path.join(sys.path[0], '')

# Username and password used by the working copies
wc_author = 'jrandom'
wc_passwd = 'rayjandom'

# Username and password used by the working copies for "second user"
# scenarios
wc_author2 = 'jconstant' # use the same password as wc_author

# Set C locale for command line programs
os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'

# This function mimics the Python 2.3 urllib function of the same name.
def pathname2url(path):
  """Convert the pathname PATH from the local syntax for a path to the form
  used in the path component of a URL. This does not produce a complete URL.
  The return value will already be quoted using the quote() function."""
  return urllib_parse_quote(path.replace('\\', '/'))

# This function mimics the Python 2.3 urllib function of the same name.
def url2pathname(path):
  """Convert the path component PATH from an encoded URL to the local syntax
  for a path. This does not accept a complete URL. This function uses
  unquote() to decode PATH."""
  return os.path.normpath(urllib_parse_unquote(path))

# Global variables set during option parsing.  These should not be used
# until the variable command_line_parsed has been set to True, as is
# done in run_tests below.
command_line_parsed = False

# The locations of the svn, svnadmin and svnlook binaries, relative to
# the only scripts that import this file right now (they live in ../).
# Use --bin to override these defaults.
svn_binary = os.path.abspath('../../svn/svn' + _exe)
svnadmin_binary = os.path.abspath('../../svnadmin/svnadmin' + _exe)
svnlook_binary = os.path.abspath('../../svnlook/svnlook' + _exe)
svnsync_binary = os.path.abspath('../../svnsync/svnsync' + _exe)
svnversion_binary = os.path.abspath('../../svnversion/svnversion' + _exe)
svndumpfilter_binary = os.path.abspath('../../svndumpfilter/svndumpfilter' + \

# Global variable indicating if we want verbose output, that is,
# details of what commands each test does as it does them.  This is
# incompatible with quiet_mode.
verbose_mode = False

# Global variable indicating if we want quiet output, that is, don't
# show PASS, XFAIL, or SKIP notices, but do show FAIL and XPASS.  This
# is incompatible with verbose_mode.
quiet_mode = False

# Global variable indicating if we want test data cleaned up after success
cleanup_mode = False

# Global variable indicating if svnserve should use Cyrus SASL
enable_sasl = False

# Global variable indicating that SVNKit binaries should be used
use_jsvn = False

# Global variable indicating which DAV library, if any, is in use
# ('neon', 'serf')
http_library = None

# Global variable: Number of shards to use in FSFS
# 'None' means "use FSFS's default"
fsfs_sharding = None

# Global variable: automatically pack FSFS repositories after every commit
fsfs_packing = None

# Configuration file (copied into FSFS fsfs.conf).
config_file = None

# Global variable indicating what the minor version of the server
# tested against is (4 for 1.4.x, for example).
server_minor_version = 5

# Global variable indicating if this is a child process and no cleanup
# of global directories is needed.
is_child_process = False

# Global URL to testing area.  Default to ra_local, current working dir.
test_area_url = file_scheme_prefix + pathname2url(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))

# Location to the pristine repository, will be calculated from test_area_url
# when we know what the user specified for --url.
pristine_url = None

# Global variable indicating the FS type for repository creations.
fs_type = None

# End of command-line-set global variables.

# All temporary repositories and working copies are created underneath
# this dir, so there's one point at which to mount, e.g., a ramdisk.
work_dir = "svn-test-work"

# Constant for the merge info property.
SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO = "svn:mergeinfo"

# Where we want all the repositories and working copies to live.
# Each test will have its own!
general_repo_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "repositories")
general_wc_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "working_copies")

# temp directory in which we will create our 'pristine' local
# repository and other scratch data.  This should be removed when we
# quit and when we startup.
temp_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'local_tmp')

# (derivatives of the tmp dir.)
pristine_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "repos")
greek_dump_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "greekfiles")
default_config_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(temp_dir, "config"))

# Our pristine greek-tree state.
# If a test wishes to create an "expected" working-copy tree, it should
# call main.greek_state.copy().  That method will return a copy of this
# State object which can then be edited.
_item = wc.StateItem
greek_state = wc.State('', {
  'iota'        : _item("This is the file 'iota'.\n"),
  'A'           : _item(),
  'A/mu'        : _item("This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
  'A/B'         : _item(),
  'A/B/lambda'  : _item("This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
  'A/B/E'       : _item(),
  'A/B/E/alpha' : _item("This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
  'A/B/E/beta'  : _item("This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
  'A/B/F'       : _item(),
  'A/C'         : _item(),
  'A/D'         : _item(),
  'A/D/gamma'   : _item("This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
  'A/D/G'       : _item(),
  'A/D/G/pi'    : _item("This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
  'A/D/G/rho'   : _item("This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
  'A/D/G/tau'   : _item("This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
  'A/D/H'       : _item(),
  'A/D/H/chi'   : _item("This is the file 'chi'.\n"),
  'A/D/H/psi'   : _item("This is the file 'psi'.\n"),
  'A/D/H/omega' : _item("This is the file 'omega'.\n"),

# Utilities shared by the tests
def wrap_ex(func):
  "Wrap a function, catch, print and ignore exceptions"
  def w(*args, **kwds):
      return func(*args, **kwds)
    except Failure, ex:
      if ex.__class__ != Failure or ex.args:
        ex_args = str(ex)
        if ex_args:
          print('EXCEPTION: %s: %s' % (ex.__class__.__name__, ex_args))
          print('EXCEPTION: %s' % ex.__class__.__name__)
  return w

def setup_development_mode():
  "Wraps functions in module actions"
  l = [ 'run_and_verify_svn',

  for func in l:
    setattr(actions, func, wrap_ex(getattr(actions, func)))

def get_admin_name():
  "Return name of SVN administrative subdirectory."

  if (windows or sys.platform == 'cygwin') \
      and 'SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK' in os.environ:
    return '_svn'
    return '.svn'

def get_start_commit_hook_path(repo_dir):
  "Return the path of the start-commit-hook conf file in REPO_DIR."

  return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "start-commit")

def get_pre_commit_hook_path(repo_dir):
  "Return the path of the pre-commit-hook conf file in REPO_DIR."

  return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "pre-commit")

def get_post_commit_hook_path(repo_dir):
  "Return the path of the post-commit-hook conf file in REPO_DIR."

  return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "post-commit")

def get_pre_revprop_change_hook_path(repo_dir):
  "Return the path of the pre-revprop-change hook script in REPO_DIR."

  return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "pre-revprop-change")

def get_svnserve_conf_file_path(repo_dir):
  "Return the path of the svnserve.conf file in REPO_DIR."

  return os.path.join(repo_dir, "conf", "svnserve.conf")

def get_fsfs_conf_file_path(repo_dir):
  "Return the path of the fsfs.conf file in REPO_DIR."

  return os.path.join(repo_dir, "db", "fsfs.conf")

def get_fsfs_format_file_path(repo_dir):
  "Return the path of the format file in REPO_DIR."

  return os.path.join(repo_dir, "db", "format")

# Run any binary, logging the command line and return code
def run_command(command, error_expected, binary_mode=0, *varargs):
  """Run COMMAND with VARARGS; return exit code as int; stdout, stderr
  as lists of lines.
  If ERROR_EXPECTED is None, any stderr also will be printed."""

  return run_command_stdin(command, error_expected, binary_mode,
                           None, *varargs)

# A regular expression that matches arguments that are trivially safe
# to pass on a command line without quoting on any supported operating
# system:
_safe_arg_re = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z\d\.\_\/\-\:\@]+$')

def _quote_arg(arg):
  """Quote ARG for a command line.

  Simply surround every argument in double-quotes unless it contains
  only universally harmless characters.

  WARNING: This function cannot handle arbitrary command-line
  arguments.  It can easily be confused by shell metacharacters.  A
  perfect job would be difficult and OS-dependent (see, for example,
  In other words, this function is just good enough for what we need

  arg = str(arg)
  if _safe_arg_re.match(arg):
    return arg
    if != 'nt':
      arg = arg.replace('$', '\$')
    return '"%s"' % (arg,)

def open_pipe(command, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
  """Opens a subprocess.Popen pipe to COMMAND using STDIN,

  Returns (infile, outfile, errfile, waiter); waiter
  should be passed to wait_on_pipe."""
  command = [str(x) for x in command]

  # On Windows subprocess.Popen() won't accept a Python script as
  # a valid program to execute, rather it wants the Python executable.
  if (sys.platform == 'win32') and (command[0].endswith('.py')):
    command.insert(0, sys.executable)

  # Quote only the arguments on Windows.  Later versions of subprocess,
  # 2.5.2+ confirmed, don't require this quoting, but versions < 2.4.3 do.
  if sys.platform == 'win32':
    args = command[1:]
    args = ' '.join([_quote_arg(x) for x in args])
    command = command[0] + ' ' + args
    command_string = command
    command_string = ' '.join(command)

  if not stdin:
    stdin = subprocess.PIPE
  if not stdout:
    stdout = subprocess.PIPE
  if not stderr:
    stderr = subprocess.PIPE

  p = subprocess.Popen(command,
                       close_fds=not windows)
  return p.stdin, p.stdout, p.stderr, (p, command_string)

def wait_on_pipe(waiter, binary_mode, stdin=None):
  """Waits for KID (opened with open_pipe) to finish, dying
  if it does.  If kid fails create an error message containing
  any stdout and stderr from the kid.  Returns kid's exit code,
  stdout and stderr (the latter two as lists)."""
  if waiter is None:

  kid, command_string = waiter
  stdout, stderr = kid.communicate(stdin)
  exit_code = kid.returncode

  # Normalize Windows line endings if in text mode.
  if windows and not binary_mode:
    stdout = stdout.replace('\r\n', '\n')
    stderr = stderr.replace('\r\n', '\n')

  # Convert output strings to lists.
  stdout_lines = stdout.splitlines(True)
  stderr_lines = stderr.splitlines(True)

  if exit_code < 0:
    if not windows:
      exit_signal = os.WTERMSIG(-exit_code)
      exit_signal = exit_code

    if stdout_lines is not None:
    if stderr_lines is not None:
    if verbose_mode:
      # show the whole path to make it easier to start a debugger
      sys.stderr.write("CMD: %s terminated by signal %d\n"
                       % (command_string, exit_signal))
    raise SVNProcessTerminatedBySignal
    if exit_code and verbose_mode:
      sys.stderr.write("CMD: %s exited with %d\n"
                       % (command_string, exit_code))
    return stdout_lines, stderr_lines, exit_code

# Run any binary, supplying input text, logging the command line
def spawn_process(command, binary_mode=0,stdin_lines=None, *varargs):
  # Log the command line
  if verbose_mode and not command.endswith('.py'):
    sys.stdout.write('CMD: %s %s ' % (os.path.basename(command),
                                      ' '.join([_quote_arg(x) for x in varargs])))

  infile, outfile, errfile, kid = open_pipe([command] + list(varargs))

  if stdin_lines:
    for x in stdin_lines:

  stdout_lines, stderr_lines, exit_code = wait_on_pipe(kid, binary_mode)


  return exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines

def run_command_stdin(command, error_expected, binary_mode=0,
                      stdin_lines=None, *varargs):
  """Run COMMAND with VARARGS; input STDIN_LINES (a list of strings
  which should include newline characters) to program via stdin - this
  should not be very large, as if the program outputs more than the OS
  is willing to buffer, this will deadlock, with both Python and
  COMMAND waiting to write to each other for ever.
  Return exit code as int; stdout, stderr as lists of lines.
  If ERROR_EXPECTED is None, any stderr also will be printed."""

  if verbose_mode:
    start = time.time()

  exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(command,

  if verbose_mode:
    stop = time.time()
    print('<TIME = %.6f>' % (stop - start))
    for x in stdout_lines:
    for x in stderr_lines:

  if (not error_expected) and (stderr_lines):
    if not verbose_mode:
      for x in stderr_lines:
    raise Failure

  return exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines

def create_config_dir(cfgdir, config_contents=None, server_contents=None):
  "Create config directories and files"

  # config file names
  cfgfile_cfg = os.path.join(cfgdir, 'config')
  cfgfile_srv = os.path.join(cfgdir, 'servers')

  # create the directory
  if not os.path.isdir(cfgdir):

  # define default config file contents if none provided
  if config_contents is None:
    config_contents = """
password-stores =

interactive-conflicts = false

  # define default server file contents if none provided
  if server_contents is None:
    http_library_str = ""
    if http_library:
      http_library_str = "http-library=%s" % (http_library)
    server_contents = """
""" % (http_library_str)

  file_write(cfgfile_cfg, config_contents)
  file_write(cfgfile_srv, server_contents)

def _with_config_dir(args):
  if '--config-dir' in args:
    return args
    return args + ('--config-dir', default_config_dir)

def _with_auth(args):
  assert '--password' not in args
  args = args + ('--password', wc_passwd,
                 '--no-auth-cache' )
  if '--username' in args:
    return args
    return args + ('--username', wc_author )

# For running subversion and returning the output
def run_svn(error_expected, *varargs):
  """Run svn with VARARGS; return exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
  lists of lines.
  If ERROR_EXPECTED is None, any stderr also will be printed.  If
  you're just checking that something does/doesn't come out of
  stdout/stderr, you might want to use actions.run_and_verify_svn()."""
  return run_command(svn_binary, error_expected, 0,

# For running svnadmin.  Ignores the output.
def run_svnadmin(*varargs):
  """Run svnadmin with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
  list of lines."""
  return run_command(svnadmin_binary, 1, 0, *varargs)

# For running svnlook.  Ignores the output.
def run_svnlook(*varargs):
  """Run svnlook with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
  list of lines."""
  return run_command(svnlook_binary, 1, 0, *varargs)

def run_svnsync(*varargs):
  """Run svnsync with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
  list of lines."""
  return run_command(svnsync_binary, 1, 0, *(_with_config_dir(varargs)))

def run_svnversion(*varargs):
  """Run svnversion with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr
  as list of lines."""
  return run_command(svnversion_binary, 1, 0, *varargs)

# Chmod recursively on a whole subtree
def chmod_tree(path, mode, mask):
  def visit(arg, dirname, names):
    mode, mask = arg
    for name in names:
      fullname = os.path.join(dirname, name)
      if not os.path.islink(fullname):
        new_mode = (os.stat(fullname)[stat.ST_MODE] & ~mask) | mode
        os.chmod(fullname, new_mode)
  os.path.walk(path, visit, (mode, mask))

# For clearing away working copies
def safe_rmtree(dirname, retry=0):
  "Remove the tree at DIRNAME, making it writable first"
  def rmtree(dirname):
    chmod_tree(dirname, 0666, 0666)

  if not os.path.exists(dirname):

  if retry:
    for delay in (0.5, 1, 2, 4):

# For making local mods to files
def file_append(path, new_text):
  "Append NEW_TEXT to file at PATH"
  file_write(path, new_text, 'a')  # open in (a)ppend mode

# Append in binary mode
def file_append_binary(path, new_text):
  "Append NEW_TEXT to file at PATH in binary mode"
  file_write(path, new_text, 'ab')  # open in (a)ppend mode

# For creating new files, and making local mods to existing files.
def file_write(path, contents, mode = 'w'):
  """Write the CONTENTS to the file at PATH, opening file using MODE,
  which is (w)rite by default."""
  fp = open(path, mode)

# For reading the contents of a file
def file_read(path, mode = 'r'):
  """Return the contents of the file at PATH, opening file using MODE,
  which is (r)ead by default."""
  fp = open(path, mode)
  contents =
  return contents

# For replacing parts of contents in an existing file, with new content.
def file_substitute(path, contents, new_contents):
  """Replace the CONTENTS in the file at PATH using the NEW_CONTENTS"""
  fp = open(path, 'r')
  fcontent =
  fcontent = fcontent.replace(contents, new_contents)
  fp = open(path, 'w')

# For creating blank new repositories
def create_repos(path):
  """Create a brand-new SVN repository at PATH.  If PATH does not yet
  exist, create it."""

  if not os.path.exists(path):
    os.makedirs(path) # this creates all the intermediate dirs, if neccessary

  opts = ("--bdb-txn-nosync",)
  if server_minor_version < 5:
    opts += ("--pre-1.5-compatible",)
  if fs_type is not None:
    opts += ("--fs-type=" + fs_type,)
  exit_code, stdout, stderr = run_command(svnadmin_binary, 1, 0, "create",
                                          path, *opts)

  # Skip tests if we can't create the repository.
  if stderr:
    for line in stderr:
      if line.find('Unknown FS type') != -1:
        raise Skip
    # If the FS type is known, assume the repos couldn't be created
    # (e.g. due to a missing 'svnadmin' binary).
    raise SVNRepositoryCreateFailure("".join(stderr).rstrip())

  # Allow unauthenticated users to write to the repos, for ra_svn testing.
             "[general]\nauth-access = write\n");
  if enable_sasl:
                "realm = svntest\n[sasl]\nuse-sasl = true\n")
    file_append(get_svnserve_conf_file_path(path), "password-db = passwd\n")
    file_append(os.path.join(path, "conf", "passwd"),
                "[users]\njrandom = rayjandom\njconstant = rayjandom\n");

  if fs_type is None or fs_type == 'fsfs':
    # fsfs.conf file
    if config_file is not None:
      shutil.copy(config_file, get_fsfs_conf_file_path(path))

    # format file
    if fsfs_sharding is not None:
      def transform_line(line):
        if line.startswith('layout '):
          if fsfs_sharding > 0:
            line = 'layout sharded %d' % fsfs_sharding
            line = 'layout linear'
        return line

      # read it
      format_file_path = get_fsfs_format_file_path(path)
      contents = file_read(format_file_path, 'rb')

      # tweak it
      new_contents = "".join([transform_line(line) + "\n"
                              for line in contents.split("\n")])
      if new_contents[-1] == "\n":
        # we don't currently allow empty lines (\n\n) in the format file.
        new_contents = new_contents[:-1]

      # replace it
      os.chmod(format_file_path, 0666)
      file_write(format_file_path, new_contents, 'wb')

    # post-commit
    # Note that some tests (currently only commit_tests) create their own
    # post-commit hooks, which would override this one. :-(
    if fsfs_packing:
      # some tests chdir.
      abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
          "import subprocess\n"
          "import sys\n"
          "command = %s\n"
          % repr([svnadmin_binary, 'pack', abs_path]))

  # make the repos world-writeable, for mod_dav_svn's sake.
  chmod_tree(path, 0666, 0666)

# For copying a repository
def copy_repos(src_path, dst_path, head_revision, ignore_uuid = 1):
  "Copy the repository SRC_PATH, with head revision HEAD_REVISION, to DST_PATH"

  # Do an svnadmin dump|svnadmin load cycle. Print a fake pipe command so that
  # the displayed CMDs can be run by hand
  dump_args = ['dump', src_path]
  load_args = ['load', dst_path]

  if ignore_uuid:
    load_args = load_args + ['--ignore-uuid']
  if verbose_mode:
    sys.stdout.write('CMD: %s%s | %s%s ' % (os.path.basename(svnadmin_binary),
                                            ' '.join(dump_args),
                                            ' '.join(load_args)))
  start = time.time()

  dump_in, dump_out, dump_err, dump_kid = open_pipe(
    [svnadmin_binary] + dump_args)
  load_in, load_out, load_err, load_kid = open_pipe(
    [svnadmin_binary] + load_args,
    stdin=dump_out) # Attached to dump_kid

  stop = time.time()
  if verbose_mode:
    print('<TIME = %.6f>' % (stop - start))

  load_stdout, load_stderr, load_exit_code = wait_on_pipe(load_kid, True)
  dump_stdout, dump_stderr, dump_exit_code = wait_on_pipe(dump_kid, True)

  #load_in is dump_out so it's already closed.

  dump_re = re.compile(r'^\* Dumped revision (\d+)\.\r?$')
  expect_revision = 0
  for dump_line in dump_stderr:
    match = dump_re.match(dump_line)
    if not match or != str(expect_revision):
      sys.stdout.write('ERROR:  dump failed: %s ' % dump_line)
      raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure
    expect_revision += 1
  if expect_revision != head_revision + 1:
    print('ERROR:  dump failed; did not see revision %s' % head_revision)
    raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure

  load_re = re.compile(r'^------- Committed revision (\d+) >>>\r?$')
  expect_revision = 1
  for load_line in load_stdout:
    match = load_re.match(load_line)
    if match:
      if != str(expect_revision):
        sys.stdout.write('ERROR:  load failed: %s ' % load_line)
        raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure
      expect_revision += 1
  if expect_revision != head_revision + 1:
    print('ERROR:  load failed; did not see revision %s' % head_revision)
    raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure

def canonicalize_url(input):
  "Canonicalize the url, if the scheme is unknown, returns intact input"

  m = re.match(r"^((file://)|((svn|svn\+ssh|http|https)(://)))", input)
  if m:
    scheme =
    return scheme + re.sub(r'//*', '/', input[len(scheme):])
    return input

def create_python_hook_script (hook_path, hook_script_code):
  """Create a Python hook script at HOOK_PATH with the specified

  if windows:
    # Use an absolute path since the working directory is not guaranteed
    hook_path = os.path.abspath(hook_path)
    # Fill the python file.
    file_write ("" % hook_path, hook_script_code)
    # Fill the batch wrapper file.
    file_append ("%s.bat" % hook_path,
                 "@\"%s\" %%*\n" % (sys.executable, hook_path))
    # For all other platforms
    file_write (hook_path, "#!%s\n%s" % (sys.executable, hook_script_code))
    os.chmod (hook_path, 0755)

def write_restrictive_svnserve_conf(repo_dir, anon_access="none"):
  "Create a restrictive authz file ( no anynomous access )."

  fp = open(get_svnserve_conf_file_path(repo_dir), 'w')
  fp.write("[general]\nanon-access = %s\nauth-access = write\n"
           "authz-db = authz\n" % anon_access)
  if enable_sasl == 1:
    fp.write("realm = svntest\n[sasl]\nuse-sasl = true\n");
    fp.write("password-db = passwd\n")

# Warning: because mod_dav_svn uses one shared authz file for all
# repositories, you *cannot* use write_authz_file in any test that
# might be run in parallel.
# write_authz_file can *only* be used in test suites which disable
# parallel execution at the bottom like so
#   if __name__ == '__main__':
#     svntest.main.run_tests(test_list, serial_only = True)
def write_authz_file(sbox, rules, sections=None):
  """Write an authz file to SBOX, appropriate for the RA method used,
with authorizations rules RULES mapping paths to strings containing
the rules. You can add sections SECTIONS (ex. groups, aliases...) with
an appropriate list of mappings.
  fp = open(sbox.authz_file, 'w')

  # When the sandbox repository is read only it's name will be different from
  # the repository name.
  repo_name = sbox.repo_dir
  while repo_name[-1] == '/':
    repo_name = repo_name[:-1]
  repo_name = os.path.basename(repo_name)

  if sbox.repo_url.startswith("http"):
    prefix = repo_name + ":"
    prefix = ""
  if sections:
    for p, r in sections.items():
      fp.write("[%s]\n%s\n" % (p, r))

  for p, r in rules.items():
    fp.write("[%s%s]\n%s\n" % (prefix, p, r))

def use_editor(func):
  os.environ['SVN_EDITOR'] = svneditor_script
  os.environ['SVN_MERGE'] = svneditor_script
  os.environ['SVNTEST_EDITOR_FUNC'] = func

def merge_notify_line(revstart=None, revend=None, same_URL=True,
  """Return an expected output line that describes the beginning of a
  merge operation on revisions REVSTART through REVEND.  Omit both
  REVSTART and REVEND for the case where the left and right sides of
  the merge are from different URLs."""
  from_foreign_phrase = foreign and "\(from foreign repository\) " or ""
  if not same_URL:
    return "--- Merging differences between %srepository URLs into '.+':\n" \
           % (foreign and "foreign " or "")
  if revend is None:
    if revstart is None:
      # The left and right sides of the merge are from different URLs.
      return "--- Merging differences between %srepository URLs into '.+':\n" \
             % (foreign and "foreign " or "")
    elif revstart < 0:
      return "--- Reverse-merging %sr%ld into '.+':\n" \
             % (from_foreign_phrase, abs(revstart))
      return "--- Merging %sr%ld into '.+':\n" \
             % (from_foreign_phrase, revstart)
    if revstart > revend:
      return "--- Reverse-merging %sr%ld through r%ld into '.+':\n" \
             % (from_foreign_phrase, revstart, revend)
      return "--- Merging %sr%ld through r%ld into '.+':\n" \
             % (from_foreign_phrase, revstart, revend)

# Functions which check the test configuration
# (useful for conditional XFails)

def _check_command_line_parsed():
  """Raise an exception if the command line has not yet been parsed."""
  if not command_line_parsed:
    raise Failure("Condition cannot be tested until command line is parsed")

def is_not_serf():
  return not (http_library == "serf")

def is_ra_type_dav():
  return test_area_url.startswith('http')
def is_ra_type_dav_neon():
  return test_area_url.startswith('http') and not(http_library == "serf")
def is_ra_type_dav_serf():
  return test_area_url.startswith('http') and (http_library == "serf")

def is_ra_type_svn():
  return test_area_url.startswith('svn')

def is_ra_type_file():
  return test_area_url.startswith('file')

def is_fs_type_fsfs():
  # This assumes that fsfs is the default fs implementation.
  return fs_type == 'fsfs' or fs_type is None

def is_os_windows():
  return == 'nt'

def is_posix_os():
  return == 'posix'

def is_os_darwin():
  return sys.platform == 'darwin'

def server_has_mergeinfo():
  return server_minor_version >= 5

def server_has_revprop_commit():
  return server_minor_version >= 5

def server_sends_copyfrom_on_update():
  return server_minor_version >= 5

def server_authz_has_aliases():
  return server_minor_version >= 5

def server_gets_client_capabilities():
  return server_minor_version >= 5

def server_has_partial_replay():
  return server_minor_version >= 5

def server_enforces_date_syntax():
  return server_minor_version >= 5

# Sandbox handling

class Sandbox:
  """Manages a sandbox (one or more repository/working copy pairs) for
  a test to operate within."""

  dependents = None

  def __init__(self, module, idx):
    self._set_name("%s-%d" % (module, idx))

  def _set_name(self, name, read_only = False):
    """A convenience method for renaming a sandbox, useful when
    working with multiple repositories in the same unit test."""
    if not name is None: = name
    self.read_only = read_only
    self.wc_dir = os.path.join(general_wc_dir,
    if not read_only:
      self.repo_dir = os.path.join(general_repo_dir,
      self.repo_url = test_area_url + '/' + pathname2url(self.repo_dir)
      self.repo_dir = pristine_dir
      self.repo_url = pristine_url

    ### TODO: Move this into to the build() method
    # For dav tests we need a single authz file which must be present,
    # so we recreate it each time a sandbox is created with some default
    # contents.
    if self.repo_url.startswith("http"):
      # this dir doesn't exist out of the box, so we may have to make it
      if not os.path.exists(work_dir):
      self.authz_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "authz")
      file_write(self.authz_file, "[/]\n* = rw\n")

    # For svnserve tests we have a per-repository authz file, and it
    # doesn't need to be there in order for things to work, so we don't
    # have any default contents.
    elif self.repo_url.startswith("svn"):
      self.authz_file = os.path.join(self.repo_dir, "conf", "authz")

    self.test_paths = [self.wc_dir, self.repo_dir]

  def clone_dependent(self, copy_wc=False):
    """A convenience method for creating a near-duplicate of this
    sandbox, useful when working with multiple repositories in the
    same unit test.  If COPY_WC is true, make an exact copy of this
    sandbox's working copy at the new sandbox's working copy
    directory.  Any necessary cleanup operations are triggered by
    cleanup of the original sandbox."""

    if not self.dependents:
      self.dependents = []
    clone = copy.deepcopy(self)
    clone._set_name("%s-%d" % (, len(self.dependents)))
    if copy_wc:
      shutil.copytree(self.wc_dir, clone.wc_dir, symlinks=True)
    return clone

  def build(self, name = None, create_wc = True, read_only = False):
    self._set_name(name, read_only)
    if actions.make_repo_and_wc(self, create_wc, read_only):
      raise Failure("Could not build repository and sandbox '%s'" %

  def add_test_path(self, path, remove=True):
    if remove:

  def add_repo_path(self, suffix, remove=1):
    path = os.path.join(general_repo_dir,  + '.' + suffix
    url  = test_area_url + '/' + pathname2url(path)
    self.add_test_path(path, remove)
    return path, url

  def add_wc_path(self, suffix, remove=1):
    path = self.wc_dir + '.' + suffix
    self.add_test_path(path, remove)
    return path

  def cleanup_test_paths(self):
    "Clean up detritus from this sandbox, and any dependents."
    if self.dependents:
      # Recursively cleanup any dependent sandboxes.
      for sbox in self.dependents:
    # cleanup all test specific working copies and repositories
    for path in self.test_paths:
      if not path is pristine_dir:

_deferred_test_paths = []
def _cleanup_deferred_test_paths():
  global _deferred_test_paths
  test_paths = _deferred_test_paths[:]
  _deferred_test_paths = []
  for path in test_paths:
    _cleanup_test_path(path, 1)

def _cleanup_test_path(path, retrying=None):
  if verbose_mode:
    if retrying:
      print("CLEANUP: RETRY: %s" % path)
      print("CLEANUP: %s" % path)
    if verbose_mode:
      print("WARNING: cleanup failed, will try again later")

class TestSpawningThread(threading.Thread):
  """A thread that runs test cases in their own processes.
  Receives test numbers to run from the queue, and saves results into
  the results field."""
  def __init__(self, queue):
    self.queue = queue
    self.results = []

  def run(self):
    while True:
        next_index = self.queue.get_nowait()
      except queue.Empty:


  def run_one(self, index):
    command = sys.argv[0]

    args = []
    # add some startup arguments from this process
    if fs_type:
      args.append('--fs-type=' + fs_type)
    if test_area_url:
      args.append('--url=' + test_area_url)
    if verbose_mode:
    if cleanup_mode:
    if enable_sasl:
    if http_library:
      args.append('--http-library=' + http_library)
    if server_minor_version:
      args.append('--server-minor-version=' + str(server_minor_version))

    result, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(command, 1, None, *args)
    self.results.append((index, result, stdout_lines, stderr_lines))

class TestRunner:
  """Encapsulate a single test case (predicate), including logic for
  runing the test and test list output."""

  def __init__(self, func, index):
    self.pred = testcase.create_test_case(func)
    self.index = index

  def list(self):
    print(" %2d     %-5s  %s" % (self.index,

  def _print_name(self):
    print("%s %s: %s" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), str(self.index),

  def run(self):
    """Run self.pred and return the result.  The return value is
        - 0 if the test was successful
        - 1 if it errored in a way that indicates test failure
        - 2 if the test skipped
    if self.pred.need_sandbox():
      # ooh! this function takes a sandbox argument
      sandbox = Sandbox(self.pred.get_sandbox_name(), self.index)
      kw = { 'sandbox' : sandbox }
      sandbox = None
      kw = {}

    # Explicitly set this so that commands that commit but don't supply a
    # log message will fail rather than invoke an editor.
    # Tests that want to use an editor should invoke svntest.main.use_editor.
    os.environ['SVN_EDITOR'] = ''
    os.environ['SVNTEST_EDITOR_FUNC'] = ''

    if use_jsvn:
      # Set this SVNKit specific variable to the current test (test name plus
      # its index) being run so that SVNKit daemon could use this test name
      # for its separate log file
     os.environ['SVN_CURRENT_TEST'] = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + "_" + \


    saved_dir = os.getcwd()
      rc =**kw)
      if rc is not None:
        sys.stdout.write('STYLE ERROR in ')
        print('Test driver returned a status code.')
      result = 0
    except Skip, ex:
      result = 2
    except Failure, ex:
      result = 1
      # We captured Failure and its subclasses. We don't want to print
      # anything for plain old Failure since that just indicates test
      # failure, rather than relevant information. However, if there
      # *is* information in the exception's arguments, then print it.
      if ex.__class__ != Failure or ex.args:
        ex_args = str(ex)
        if ex_args:
          print('EXCEPTION: %s: %s' % (ex.__class__.__name__, ex_args))
          print('EXCEPTION: %s' % ex.__class__.__name__)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except SystemExit, ex:
      print('EXCEPTION: SystemExit(%d), skipping cleanup' % ex.code)
      sys.stdout.write(ex.code and 'FAIL:  ' or 'PASS:  ')
      result = 1

    result = self.pred.convert_result(result)
    (result_text, result_benignity) = self.pred.run_text(result)
    if not (quiet_mode and result_benignity):
      sys.stdout.write("%s " % result_text)
    if sandbox is not None and result != 1 and cleanup_mode:
    return result

# Main testing functions

# These two functions each take a TEST_LIST as input.  The TEST_LIST
# should be a list of test functions; each test function should take
# no arguments and return a 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
# Ideally, each test should also have a short, one-line docstring (so
# it can be displayed by the 'list' command.)

# Func to run one test in the list.
def run_one_test(n, test_list, parallel = 0, finished_tests = None):
  """Run the Nth client test in TEST_LIST, return the result.

  If we're running the tests in parallel spawn the test in a new process.

  if (n < 1) or (n > len(test_list) - 1):
    print("There is no test %s.\n" % n)
    return 1

  # Run the test.
  if parallel:
    st = SpawnTest(n, finished_tests)
    return 0
    exit_code = TestRunner(test_list[n], n).run()
    return exit_code

def _internal_run_tests(test_list, testnums, parallel):
  """Run the tests from TEST_LIST whose indices are listed in TESTNUMS.

  If we're running the tests in parallel spawn as much parallel processes
  as requested and gather the results in a temp. buffer when a child
  process is finished.

  exit_code = 0
  finished_tests = []
  tests_started = 0

  if not parallel:
    for testnum in testnums:
      if run_one_test(testnum, test_list) == 1:
          exit_code = 1
    number_queue = queue.Queue()
    for num in testnums:

    threads = [ TestSpawningThread(number_queue) for i in range(parallel) ]
    for t in threads:

    for t in threads:

    # list of (index, result, stdout, stderr)
    results = []
    for t in threads:
      results += t.results

    # terminate the line of dots

    # all tests are finished, find out the result and print the logs.
    for (index, result, stdout_lines, stderr_lines) in results:
      if stdout_lines:
        for line in stdout_lines:
      if stderr_lines:
        for line in stderr_lines:
      if result == 1:
        exit_code = 1

  return exit_code

def usage():
  prog_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
  print("%s [--url] [--fs-type] [--verbose|--quiet] [--parallel] \\" %
  print("%s [--enable-sasl] [--cleanup] [--bin] [<test> ...]"
      % (" " * len(prog_name)))
  print("%s " % (" " * len(prog_name)))
  print("%s [--list] [<test> ...]\n" % prog_name)
  print(" <test>  The number of the test to run, or a range of test\n"
        "         numbers, like 10:12 or 10-12. Multiple numbers and\n"
        "         ranges are ok. If you supply none, all tests are run.\n")
  print(" --list          Print test doc strings instead of running them")
  print(" --fs-type       Subversion file system type (fsfs or bdb)")
  print(" --http-library  DAV library to use (neon or serf)")
  print(" --url           Base url to the repos (e.g. svn://localhost)")
  print(" --verbose       Print binary command-lines (not with --quiet)")
  print(" --quiet         Print only unexpected results (not with --verbose)")
  print(" --cleanup       Whether to clean up")
  print(" --enable-sasl   Whether to enable SASL authentication")
  print(" --parallel      Run the tests in parallel")
  print(" --bin           Use the svn binaries installed in this path")
  print(" --use-jsvn      Use the jsvn (SVNKit based) binaries. Can be\n"
        "                 combined with --bin to point to a specific path")
  print(" --development   Test development mode: provides more detailed test\n"
        "                 output and ignores all exceptions in the \n"
        "                 run_and_verify* functions. This option is only \n"
        "                 useful during test development!")
  print(" --server-minor-version  Set the minor version for the server.\n"
        "                 Supports version 4 or 5.")
  print(" --fsfs-sharding Default shard size (for fsfs)\n"
        " --fsfs-packing  Run 'svnadmin pack' automatically")
  print(" --config-file   Configuration file for tests.")
  print(" --help          This information")

# Main func.  This is the "entry point" that all the test scripts call
# to run their list of tests.
# This routine parses sys.argv to decide what to do.
def run_tests(test_list, serial_only = False):
  """Main routine to run all tests in TEST_LIST.

  NOTE: this function does not return. It does a sys.exit() with the
        appropriate exit code.

  global test_area_url
  global pristine_url
  global fs_type
  global verbose_mode
  global quiet_mode
  global cleanup_mode
  global enable_sasl
  global is_child_process
  global svn_binary
  global svnadmin_binary
  global svnlook_binary
  global svnsync_binary
  global svndumpfilter_binary
  global svnversion_binary
  global command_line_parsed
  global http_library
  global fsfs_sharding
  global fsfs_packing
  global config_file
  global server_minor_version
  global use_jsvn

  testnums = []
  # Should the tests be listed (as opposed to executed)?
  list_tests = False

  parallel = 0
  svn_bin = None
  use_jsvn = False
  config_file = None

    opts, args = my_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vqhpc',
                           ['url=', 'fs-type=', 'verbose', 'quiet', 'cleanup',
                            'list', 'enable-sasl', 'help', 'parallel',
                            'bin=', 'http-library=', 'server-minor-version=',
                            'fsfs-packing', 'fsfs-sharding=',
                            'use-jsvn', 'development', 'config-file='])
  except getopt.GetoptError, e:
    print("ERROR: %s\n" % e)

  for arg in args:
    if arg == "list":
      # This is an old deprecated variant of the "--list" option:
      list_tests = True
    elif arg.startswith('BASE_URL='):
      test_area_url = arg[9:]
      appended = False
        appended = True
      except ValueError:
        # Do nothing for now.
        appended = False

      if not appended:
          # Check if the argument is a range
          numberstrings = arg.split(':');
          if len(numberstrings) != 2:
            numberstrings = arg.split('-');
            if len(numberstrings) != 2:
              raise ValueError
          left = int(numberstrings[0])
          right = int(numberstrings[1])
          if left > right:
            raise ValueError

          for nr in range(left,right+1):
            appended = True
        except ValueError:
          appended = False

      if not appended:
        print("ERROR: invalid test number or range '%s'\n" % arg)

  for opt, val in opts:
    if opt == "--url":
      test_area_url = val

    elif opt == "--fs-type":
      fs_type = val

    elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbose":
      verbose_mode = True

    elif opt == "-q" or opt == "--quiet":
      quiet_mode = True

    elif opt == "--cleanup":
      cleanup_mode = True

    elif opt == "--list":
      list_tests = True

    elif opt == "--enable-sasl":
      enable_sasl = True

    elif opt == "-h" or opt == "--help":

    elif opt == '-p' or opt == "--parallel":
      parallel = 5   # use 5 parallel threads.

    elif opt == '-c':
      is_child_process = True

    elif opt == '--bin':
      svn_bin = val

    elif opt == '--http-library':
      http_library = val

    elif opt == '--fsfs-sharding':
      fsfs_sharding = int(val)
    elif opt == '--fsfs-packing':
      fsfs_packing = 1

    elif opt == '--server-minor-version':
      server_minor_version = int(val)
      if server_minor_version < 4 or server_minor_version > 6:
        print("ERROR: test harness only supports server minor version 4 or 5")

    elif opt == '--use-jsvn':
      use_jsvn = True

    elif opt == '--development':

    elif opt == '--config-file':
      config_file = val

  if fsfs_packing is not None and fsfs_sharding is None:
    raise Exception('--fsfs-packing requires --fsfs-sharding')

  if test_area_url[-1:] == '/': # Normalize url to have no trailing slash
    test_area_url = test_area_url[:-1]

  if verbose_mode and quiet_mode:
    sys.stderr.write("ERROR: 'verbose' and 'quiet' are incompatible\n")

  # Calculate pristine_url from test_area_url.
  pristine_url = test_area_url + '/' + pathname2url(pristine_dir)

  if use_jsvn:
    if svn_bin is None:
      svn_bin = ''
    svn_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'jsvn' + _bat)
    svnadmin_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'jsvnadmin' + _bat)
    svnlook_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'jsvnlook' + _bat)
    svnsync_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'jsvnsync' + _bat)
    svndumpfilter_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'jsvndumpfilter' + _bat)
    svnversion_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'jsvnversion' + _bat)
    if svn_bin:
      svn_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'svn' + _exe)
      svnadmin_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'svnadmin' + _exe)
      svnlook_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'svnlook' + _exe)
      svnsync_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'svnsync' + _exe)
      svndumpfilter_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'svndumpfilter' + _exe)
      svnversion_binary = os.path.join(svn_bin, 'svnversion' + _exe)

  command_line_parsed = True


  # Cleanup: if a previous run crashed or interrupted the python
  # interpreter, then `temp_dir' was never removed.  This can cause wonkiness.
  if not is_child_process:
    safe_rmtree(temp_dir, 1)

  if not testnums:
    # If no test numbers were listed explicitly, include all of them:
    testnums = list(range(1, len(test_list)))

  if list_tests:
    print("Test #  Mode   Test Description")
    print("------  -----  ----------------")
    for testnum in testnums:
      TestRunner(test_list[testnum], testnum).list()

    # done. just exit with success.

  # don't run tests in parallel when the tests don't support it or there
  # are only a few tests to run.
  if serial_only or len(testnums) < 2:
    parallel = 0

  # Build out the default configuration directory

  # Setup the pristine repository

  # Run the tests.
  exit_code = _internal_run_tests(test_list, testnums, parallel)

  # Remove all scratchwork: the 'pristine' repository, greek tree, etc.
  # This ensures that an 'import' will happen the next time we run.
  if not is_child_process:
    safe_rmtree(temp_dir, 1)

  # Cleanup after ourselves.

  # Return the appropriate exit code from the tests.

# the modules import each other, so we do this import very late, to ensure
# that the definitions in "main" have been completed.
import actions

### End of file.