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package    # Trick xt/ tests into working

#<<< No perltidy
# use Mo qw/build is required default import/;
#   The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
#   Mo::Inline version 0.39
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.::.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&{$M.$_.::e}($P,\%e,\%o,\@_)for@_;return if$e{M};%e=(extends,sub{eval"no $_[0]()";@{$P.ISA}=$_[0]},has,sub{my$n=shift;my$m=sub{$#_?$_[0]{$n}=$_[1]:$_[0]{$n}};@_=(default,@_)if!($#_%2);$m=$o{$_}->($m,$n,@_)for sort keys%o;*{$P.$n}=$m},%e,);*{$P.$_}=$e{$_}for keys%e;@{$P.ISA}=$M.Object};*{$M.'build::e'}=sub{my($P,$e)=@_;$e->{new}=sub{$c=shift;my$s=&{$M.Object::new}($c,@_);my@B;do{@B=($c.::BUILD,@B)}while($c)=@{$c.::ISA};exists&$_&&&$_($s)for@B;$s}};*{$M.'is::e'}=sub{my($P,$e,$o)=@_;$o->{is}=sub{my($m,$n,%a)=@_;$a{is}or return$m;sub{$#_&&$a{is}eq'ro'&&caller ne'Mo::coerce'?die$n.' is ro':$m->(@_)}}};*{$M.'required::e'}=sub{my($P,$e,$o)=@_;$o->{required}=sub{my($m,$n,%a)=@_;if($a{required}){my$C=*{$P."new"}{CODE}||*{$M.Object::new}{CODE};no warnings 'redefine';*{$P."new"}=sub{my$s=$C->(@_);my%a=@_[1..$#_];if(!exists$a{$n}){require Carp;Carp::croak($n." required")}$s}}$m}};*{$M.'default::e'}=sub{my($P,$e,$o)=@_;$o->{default}=sub{my($m,$n,%a)=@_;exists$a{default}or return$m;my($d,$r)=$a{default};my$g='HASH'eq($r=ref$d)?sub{+{%$d}}:'ARRAY'eq$r?sub{[@$d]}:'CODE'eq$r?$d:sub{$d};my$i=exists$a{lazy}?$a{lazy}:!${$P.':N'};$i or ${$P.':E'}{$n}=$g and return$m;sub{$#_?$m->(@_):!exists$_[0]{$n}?$_[0]{$n}=$g->(@_):$m->(@_)}}};my$i=\&import;*{$M.import}=sub{(@_==2 and not$_[1])?pop@_:@_==1?push@_,grep!/import/,@f:();goto&$i};@f=qw[build is required default import];use strict;use warnings;
$INC{'Sys/Cmd/'} = __FILE__;

package Sys::Cmd;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.006;
use Carp;
use Exporter::Tidy all => [qw/spawn run runx/];
use IO::Handle;
use Log::Any qw/$log/;
use Sys::Cmd::Mo;

our $VERSION = '0.84.0';

sub run {
    my $proc = spawn(@_);
    my @out  = $proc->stdout->getlines;
    my @err  = $proc->stderr->getlines;


    if ( $proc->exit != 0 ) {
            join( '', @err ) . 'Command exited with value ' . $proc->exit )
          if $CONFESS;
            join( '', @err ) . 'Command exited with value ' . $proc->exit );

    if (wantarray) {
        return @out;
    else {
        return join( '', @out );

sub runx {
    my $proc = spawn(@_);
    my @out  = $proc->stdout->getlines;
    my @err  = $proc->stderr->getlines;


    if ( $proc->exit != 0 ) {
            join( '', @err ) . 'Command exited with value ' . $proc->exit )
          if $CONFESS;
            join( '', @err ) . 'Command exited with value ' . $proc->exit );

    if (wantarray) {
        return @out, @err;
    else {
        return join( '', @out, @err );

sub spawn {
    my @cmd = grep { ref $_ ne 'HASH' } @_;

    defined $cmd[0] || Carp::confess '$cmd must be defined';

    unless ( ref $cmd[0] eq 'CODE' ) {
        if ( !-e $cmd[0] ) {
            require File::Which;
            $cmd[0] = File::Which::which( $cmd[0] )
              || Carp::confess 'command not found: ' . $cmd[0];

        if ( !-f $cmd[0] ) {
            Carp::confess 'command not a file: ' . $cmd[0];

        if ( !-x $cmd[0] ) {
            Carp::confess 'command not executable: ' . $cmd[0];

    my @opts = grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' } @_;
    if ( @opts > 2 ) {
        Carp::confess __PACKAGE__ . ": only a single hashref allowed";

    my %args = @opts ? %{ $opts[0] } : ();
    $args{cmd} = \@cmd;

    return Sys::Cmd->new(%args);

has 'cmd' => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => sub {
        ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' || Carp::confess "cmd must be ARRAYREF";
        @{ $_[0] } || Carp::confess "Missing cmd elements";
        if ( grep { !defined $_ } @{ $_[0] } ) {
            Carp::confess 'cmd array cannot contain undef elements';
    required => 1,

has 'encoding' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    default => sub { 'utf8' },

has 'env' => (
    is  => 'ro',
    isa => sub { ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' || Carp::confess "env must be HASHREF" },

has 'dir' => ( is => 'ro', );

has 'input' => ( is => 'ro', );

has 'pid' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => undef,

has 'stdin' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => sub { IO::Handle->new },

has 'stdout' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => sub { IO::Handle->new },

has 'stderr' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => undef,
    default  => sub { IO::Handle->new },

has on_exit => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => 'on_exit',

has 'exit' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => undef,

has 'signal' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => undef,

has 'core' => (
    is       => 'rw',
    init_arg => undef,

sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dir  = $self->dir;

    require File::chdir if $dir;
    local $File::chdir::CWD = $dir if $dir;

    local %ENV = %ENV;

    if ( defined( my $x = $self->env ) ) {
        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each %$x ) {
            if ( defined $val ) {
                $ENV{$key} = $val;
            else {
                delete $ENV{$key};

    if ( ref $self->cmd->[0] eq 'CODE' ) {
    else {

    $log->debugf( '(PID %d) %s', $self->pid, scalar $self->cmdline );

    my $enc = ':encoding(' . $self->encoding . ')';
    binmode $self->stdin,  $enc;
    binmode $self->stdout, $enc;
    binmode $self->stderr, $enc;

    # some input was provided
    if ( defined( my $input = $self->input ) ) {
        local $SIG{PIPE} =
          sub { warn "Broken pipe when writing to:" . $self->cmdline };

        $self->stdin->print($input) if length $input;



sub _spawn {
    my $self = shift;
    require Proc::FastSpawn;

    # Get new handles to descriptors 0,1,2
    my $fd0 = IO::Handle->new_from_fd( 0, 'r' );
    my $fd1 = IO::Handle->new_from_fd( 1, 'w' );
    my $fd2 = IO::Handle->new_from_fd( 2, 'w' );

    # Backup the original 0,1,2 file descriptors
    open my $old_fd0, '<&', 0;
    open my $old_fd1, '>&', 1;
    open my $old_fd2, '>&', 2;

    # Pipe our filehandles to new child filehandles
    pipe( my $child_in,  $self->stdin )  || die "pipe: $!";
    pipe( $self->stdout, my $child_out ) || die "pipe: $!";
    pipe( $self->stderr, my $child_err ) || die "pipe: $!";

    # Make sure that 0,1,2 are inherited (probably are anyway)
    Proc::FastSpawn::fd_inherit( $_, 1 ) for 0, 1, 2;

    # But don't inherit the rest
    Proc::FastSpawn::fd_inherit( fileno($_), 0 )
      for $old_fd0, $old_fd1, $old_fd2, $child_in, $child_out, $child_err,
      $self->stdin, $self->stdout, $self->stderr;

    eval {
        # Re-open 0,1,2 by duping the child pipe ends
        open $fd0, '<&', fileno($child_in);
        open $fd1, '>&', fileno($child_out);
        open $fd2, '>&', fileno($child_err);

        # Kick off the new process
                $self->cmd->[0], $self->cmd,
                [ map { "$_=$ENV{$_}" } keys %ENV ]
    my $err = $@;

    # Restore our local 0,1,2 to the originals
    open $fd0, '<&', fileno($old_fd0);
    open $fd1, '>&', fileno($old_fd1);
    open $fd2, '>&', fileno($old_fd2);

    # Complain if the spawn failed for some reason
    Carp::croak $err if $err;
    Carp::croak 'Unable to spawn child' unless defined $self->pid;

    # Parent doesn't need to see the child or backup descriptors anymore
      for $old_fd0, $old_fd1, $old_fd2, $child_in, $child_out, $child_err;



sub _fork {
    my $self = shift;

    pipe( my $child_in,  $self->stdin )  || die "pipe: $!";
    pipe( $self->stdout, my $child_out ) || die "pipe: $!";
    pipe( $self->stderr, my $child_err ) || die "pipe: $!";

    $self->pid( fork() );
    if ( !defined $self->pid ) {
        my $why = $!;
        die "fork: $why";

    if ( $self->pid == 0 ) {    # Child
        $self->exit(0);         # stop DESTROY() from trying to reap


        if ( !open STDERR, '>&=', fileno($child_err) ) {
            print $child_err "open: $! at ", caller, "\n";
            die "open: $!";
        open STDIN,  '<&=', fileno($child_in)  || die "open: $!";
        open STDOUT, '>&=', fileno($child_out) || die "open: $!";

        close $self->stdin;
        close $self->stdout;
        close $self->stderr;
        close $child_in;
        close $child_out;
        close $child_err;

        if ( ref $self->cmd->[0] eq 'CODE' ) {
            my $enc = ':encoding(' . $self->encoding . ')';
            binmode STDIN,  $enc;
            binmode STDOUT, $enc;
            binmode STDERR, $enc;

        exec( @{ $self->cmd } );
        die "exec: $!";

    # Parent continues from here
    close $child_in;
    close $child_out;
    close $child_err;



sub cmdline {
    my $self = shift;
    if (wantarray) {
        return @{ $self->cmd };
    else {
        return join( ' ', @{ $self->cmd } );

sub wait_child {
    my $self = shift;

    return unless defined $self->pid;
    return $self->exit if defined $self->exit;

    local $?;
    local $!;

    my $pid = waitpid $self->pid, 0;
    my $ret = $?;

    if ( $pid != $self->pid ) {
        warn sprintf( 'Could not reap child process %d (waitpid returned: %d)',
            $self->pid, $pid );
        $pid = $self->pid;
        $ret = 0;

    if ( $ret == -1 ) {

        # So waitpid returned a PID but then sets $? to this
        # strange value? (Strange in that tests randomly show it to
        # be invalid.) Most likely a perl bug; I think that waitpid
        # got interrupted and when it restarts/resumes the status
        # is lost.
        # See for a
        # possibly related discussion.
        # However, since I localised $? and $! above I haven't seen
        # this problem again, so I hope that is a good enough work
        # around. Lets warn any way so that we know when something
        # dodgy is going on.
        warn __PACKAGE__
          . ' received invalid child exit status for pid '
          . $pid
          . ' Setting to 0';
        $ret = 0;


        '(PID %d) exit: %d signal: %d core: %d',
        $self->exit( $ret >> 8 ),
        $self->signal( $ret & 127 ),
        $self->core( $ret & 128 )

    if ( my $subref = $self->on_exit ) {

    return $self->exit;

sub close {
    my $self = shift;

    foreach my $h (qw/stdin stdout stderr/) {

        # may not be defined during global destruction
        my $fh = $self->$h or next;
        $fh->opened or next;
        $fh->close || Carp::carp "error closing $h: $!";


    my $self = shift;



=head1 NAME

Sys::Cmd - run a system command or spawn a system processes

=head1 VERSION

0.84.0 (2015-08-29)


    use Sys::Cmd qw/run spawn/;

    # Get command output, raise exception on failure:
    $output = run(@cmd);

    # Feed command some input, get output as lines,
    # raise exception on failure:
    @output = run(@cmd, { input => 'feedme' });

    # Spawn and interact with a process somewhere else:
    $proc = spawn( @cmd, { dir => '/' , encoding => 'iso-8859-3'} );

    while (my $line = $proc->stdout->getline) {

    my @errors = $proc->stderr->getlines;

    $proc->close();       # Finished talking
    $proc->wait_child();  # Cleanup

    # read exit information
    $proc->exit();      # exit status
    $proc->signal();    # signal
    $proc->core();      # core dumped? (boolean)


B<Sys::Cmd> lets you run system commands and capture their output, or
spawn and interact with a system process through its C<STDIN>,
C<STDOUT>, and C<STDERR> file handles. The following functions are
exported on demand by this module:

=over 4

=item run( @cmd, [\%opt] ) => $output | @output

Execute C<@cmd> and return what the command sent to its C<STDOUT>,
raising an exception in the event of error. In array context returns a
list instead of a plain string.

The first element of C<@cmd> will be looked up using L<File::Which> if
it doesn't exist as a relative file name is is a CODE reference (UNIX
only).  The command input and environment can be modified with an
optional hashref containing the following key/values:

=over 4

=item dir

The working directory the command will be run in.

=item encoding

An string value identifying the encoding of the input/output
file-handles. Defaults to 'utf8'.

=item env

A hashref containing key/values to be added to the current environment
at run-time. If a key has an undefined value then the key is removed
from the environment altogether.

=item input

A string which is fed to the command via its standard input, which is
then closed.


=item runx( @cmd, [\%opt] ) => $outerrput | @outerrput

The same as the C<run> function but with the command's C<STDERR> output
appended to the C<STDOUT> output.

=item spawn( @cmd, [\%opt] ) => Sys::Cmd

Return a B<Sys::Cmd> object (documented below) representing the process
running @cmd, with attributes set according to the optional \%opt
hashref.  The first element of the C<@cmd> array is looked up using
L<File::Which> if it cannot be found in the file-system as a relative
file name or it is a CODE reference (UNIX only).


B<Sys::Cmd> objects can of course be created using the standard C<new>
constructor if you prefer that to the C<spawn> function:

    $proc = Sys::Cmd->new(
        cmd => \@cmd,
        dir => '/',
        env => { SOME => 'VALUE' },
        enc => 'iso-8859-3',
        input => 'feedme',
        on_exit => sub {
            my $proc = shift;
            print $proc->pid .' exited with '. $proc->exit;

Note that B<Sys::Cmd> objects created this way will not lookup the
command using L<File::Which> the way the C<run>, C<runx> and C<spawn>
functions do.

B<Sys::Cmd> uses L<Log::Any> C<debug> calls for logging purposes. An
easy way to see the output is to add C<use Log::Any::Adapter 'Stdout'>
in your program.


=over 4

=item new(%args) => Sys::Cmd

Spawns a process based on %args. %args must contain at least a C<cmd>
value, and optionally C<encoding>, C<env>, C<dir> and C<input> values
as defined as attributes below.

If an C<on_exit> subref argument is provided it will be called by the
C<wait_child> method, which can either be called manually or will be
automatically called when the object is destroyed.



All attributes are read-only.

=over 4

=item cmd

An array ref containing the command or CODE reference (UNIX only) and
its arguments.

=item dir

The working directory the command will be run in.

=item encoding

An string value identifying the encoding of the input/output
file-handles. Defaults to 'utf8'.

=item env

A hashref containing key/values to be added to the current environment
at run-time. If a key has an undefined value then the key is removed
from the environment altogether.

=item input

A string which is fed to the command via its standard input, which is
then closed. This is a shortcut for printing to, and closing the
command's I<stdin> file-handle. An empty string will close the
command's standard input without writing to it. On some systems, some
commands may close standard input on startup, which will cause a
SIGPIPE when trying to write to it for which B<Sys::Cmd> will warn.

=item pid

The command's process ID.

=item stdin

The command's I<STDIN> file handle, based on L<IO::Handle> so you can
call print() etc methods on it. Autoflush is automatically enabled on
this handle.

=item stdout

The command's I<STDOUT> file handle, based on L<IO::Handle> so you can
call getline() etc methods on it.

=item stderr

The command's I<STDERR> file handle, based on L<IO::Handle> so you can
call getline() etc methods on it.

=item exit

The command's exit value, shifted by 8 (see "perldoc -f system"). Set
by C<wait_child()>.

=item signal

The signal number (if any) that terminated the command, bitwise-added
with 127 (see "perldoc -f system"). Set by C<wait_child()>.

=item core

A boolean indicating the process core was dumped. Set by


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item cmdline => @list | $str

In array context returns a list of the command and its arguments.  In
scalar context returns a string of the command and its arguments joined
together by spaces.

=item close()

Close all filehandles to the child process. Note that file handles will
automaticaly be closed when the B<Sys::Cmd> object is destroyed.
Annoyingly, this means that in the following example C<$fh> will be
closed when you tried to use it:

    my $fh = Sys::Cmd->new( %args )->stdout;

So you have to keep track of the Sys::Cmd object manually.

=item wait_child() -> $exit_value

Wait for the child to exit using L<waitpid>, collect the exit status
and return it. This method sets the I<exit>, I<signal> and I<core>
attributes and will also be called automatically when the B<Sys::Cmd>
object is destroyed.


=head1 SEE ALSO



L<AnyEvent::Run>, L<AnyEvent::Util>, L<Argv>, L<Capture::Tiny>,
L<Child>, L<Forks::Super>, L<IO::Pipe>, L<IPC::Capture>, L<IPC::Cmd>,
L<IPC::Command::Multiplex>, L<IPC::Exe>, L<IPC::Open3>,
L<IPC::Open3::Simple>, L<IPC::Run>, L<IPC::Run3>,
L<IPC::RunSession::Simple>, L<IPC::ShellCmd>, L<IPC::System::Simple>,
L<POE::Pipe::TwoWay>, L<Proc::Background>, L<Proc::Fork>,
L<Proc::Spawn>, L<Spawn::Safe>, L<System::Command>

=head1 SUPPORT

This distribution is managed via github:

This distribution follows the semantic versioning model:

Code is tidied up on Git commit using githook-perltidy:

=head1 AUTHOR

Mark Lawrence E<lt>nomad@null.netE<gt>, based heavily on
L<Git::Repository::Command> by Philippe Bruhat (BooK).


Copyright 2011-2014 Mark Lawrence <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.