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RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null	Tue May  5 16:32:27 1998
+++	Tue Feb  6 23:03:18 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+package ExtUtils::Depends;
+use File::Basename;
+use Carp;
+use Cwd;
+use IO::File;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($AUTOLOAD $VERSION);
+$VERSION = 0.1;
+sub new {
+	my ($class, $package, @depends) = @_;
+	my $self = {
+		_name_ => $package,
+		_depends_ => [@depends],
+		_dtypemaps_ => [],
+		_ddefines_ => [],
+		_prefix_ => 'xs/',
+		_install_ => [qw(typemaps defs)],
+		_handler_ => {
+			typemaps => \&basename,
+			defs => \&basename,
+			headers => sub {
+				my $s = $_[0]; 
+				$s =~ s(^[^<"]+/)(); #"
+				return $s;
+			},
+		},
+	};
+	$class = ref($class) || $class;
+	$self = bless $self, $class;
+	$self->load(@depends) if @depends;
+	return $self;
+sub installdir {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $dir = $self->{_name_};
+	$dir =~ s/^(\w+::)+//;
+	$dir =~ s(::)(/); #/
+	$dir = '$(INST_ARCHLIBDIR)/'.$dir.'/Install/';
+	return $dir;
+sub set_prefix {
+	my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
+	$self->{_prefix_} = $prefix;
+sub set_libs {
+	my ($self, $libs) = @_;
+	chomp($libs);
+	$self->{_libs_} = $libs;
+sub set_inc {
+	my ($self, $inc) = @_;
+	chomp($inc);
+	$self->{_inc_} = $inc;
+# load dependencies ...
+sub load {
+	my ($self, @depends) = @_;
+	my ($dir, $module);
+	for (@depends) {
+		no strict 'refs';
+		my ($name, $file);
+		undef $dir;
+		if (ref $_) {
+			($name, $file) = %$_;
+			my $dname = $name;
+			my $i = 2;
+			my $tmpdir = $file;
+			$dname =~ s(::)(/); #/
+			while ($i--) {
+				$tmpdir = dirname($tmpdir);
+				if ( -f "$tmpdir/Makefile.PL") {
+					$dir = "$tmpdir/blib/lib/".$dname."/Install/";
+					last;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			$_.='::Install::Files';
+			$module = $_.'.pm';
+			$module =~ s(::)(/)g; #/
+			$name = $_;
+			$file = $module;
+		}
+		eval {require $file;};
+		if ($@) {
+			die "Cannot load $_: $@\n";
+		}
+		$dir ||= ${"${_}::CORE"} || $INC{$file};
+		$dir = cwd().'/'.$dir unless $dir =~ m(^/);
+		warn "Found $name in $dir\n";
+		push @{$self->{_dtypemaps_}}, map {$dir.'/'.$_} @{"${_}::typemaps"};
+		#push @{$self->{_ddefs_}}, @{"${_}::defs"};
+		push @{$self->{_ddefines_}}, @{"${_}::defines"};
+		$self->{_dlibs_} .= " ".${"${_}::libs"};
+		$self->{_dinc_} .= " -I$dir ".${"${_}::inc"};
+	}
+sub add_pm {
+	my ($self, %pm) = @_;
+	foreach (keys %pm) {
+		$self->{_pm_}->{$_} = $pm{$_};
+	}
+sub get_pm {
+	my $self = shift;
+	# maybe make a copy
+	foreach ($self->get_headers) {
+		next unless s/^"//;
+		s/"$//;
+		warn "FORCE installing header: $_\n";
+		$self->{_pm_}->{$_} = $self->installdir().basename($_);
+	}
+	foreach ($self->get_typemaps) {
+		$self->{_pm_}->{$_} = $self->installdir().basename($_);
+	}
+	return $self->{_pm_};
+sub install {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $dir = $self->installdir;
+	foreach (@_) {
+		$self->add_pm($_, $dir.basename($_));
+	}
+sub real_add {
+	my ($self, $tag, @args) = @_;
+	my $file;
+	foreach (@args) {
+		$file = $self->{_prefix_}.$_;
+		if (-e || ! -e $file) {
+			$file = $_;
+		}
+		$self->{$tag}->{$file} = $self->{_counter_}++;
+	}
+sub real_remove {
+	my ($self, $tag, @args) = @_;
+	my $file;
+	foreach (@args) {
+		$file = $self->{_prefix_}.$_;
+		if (-e || ! -e $file) {
+			$file = $_;
+		}
+		delete $self->{$tag}->{$file};
+	}
+sub real_get {
+	my ($self, $tag) = @_;
+	return sort {$self->{$tag}->{$a} <=> $self->{$tag}->{$b}} 
+		keys %{$self->{$tag}};
+	my $self = shift @_;
+	my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
+	my $tag;
+	$method =~ s/^.*:://;
+	if ($method =~ s/^(get|add|remove)_//) {
+		no strict 'subs';
+		$tag = $method;
+		$method = "real_$1";
+		return $self->$method ($tag, @_);
+	}
+	carp "No method '$method'\n";
+sub DESTROY {}
+sub sort_libs {
+	my ($libs) = '';
+	my (@libs, %seenlibs, @revlibs, @lflags);
+	foreach (@_) {
+		$libs .= ' ';
+		$libs .= $_;
+	}
+	$libs =~ s/(^|\s)-[rR]\S+//g;
+	@libs = split(/\s+/, $libs);
+	%seenlibs = ();
+	@revlibs=();
+	@lflags=();
+	foreach (@libs) {
+		if (/^-l/) {
+			unshift(@revlibs, $_);
+		} else {
+			unshift(@lflags, $_) unless $seenlibs{$_}++;
+		}
+	}
+	@libs=();
+	foreach (@revlibs) {
+		unshift(@libs, $_) unless $seenlibs{$_}++;
+	}
+	return join(' ', @lflags, @libs);
+sub get_makefile_vars {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my (%result);
+	my ($xfiles, $object, $ldfrom, $clean) = $self->setup_xs();
+	$result{PM} = $self->get_pm;
+	$result{TYPEMAPS} = [@{$self->{_dtypemaps_}}, $self->get_typemaps];
+	$result{DEFINE} = join(' ', @{$self->{_ddefines_}}, keys %{$self->{defines}});
+	$result{OBJECT} = $object;
+	#$result{LDFROM} = $ldfrom;
+	$result{XS} = $xfiles;
+	$result{INC} = join(' ', $self->{_dinc_}, $self->{_inc_});
+	$result{LIBS} = [sort_libs($self->{_dlibs_}, $self->{_libs_})];
+	$result{clean} = {FILES => join(' ', @$clean) };
+	return %result;
+sub setup_xs {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $xfiles = {};
+	my ($ldfrom, $object, @clean);
+	$ldfrom = $object = '';
+	foreach (keys %{$self->{xs}}) {
+		my($xs) = $_;
+		s/\.xs$/.c/;
+		$xfiles->{$xs} = $_;
+		push(@clean, $_);
+		s/\.c$/.o/;
+		push(@clean, $_);
+		$object .= " $_";
+		s(.*/)();
+		$ldfrom .= " $_";
+	}
+	foreach (keys %{$self->{c}}) {
+		s/\.c$/.o/i;
+		push(@clean, $_);
+		$object .= " $_";
+	}
+	return ($xfiles, $object, $ldfrom, [@clean]);
+sub save_config {
+	my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+	my ($file, $mdir, $mdir2, $pm, $name);
+	my (%installable, %handler);
+	@installable{@{$self->{_install_}}} = ();
+	%handler = %{$self->{_handler_}};
+	$file = new IO::File ">$filename" || croak "Cannot open '$filename': $!";;
+	$name = $mdir = $mdir2 = $self->{_name_};
+	$pm = $self->{_pm_};
+	$mdir =~ s/.*:://;
+	$mdir2 =~ s.::./.g;
+	$pm->{$filename} = '$(INST_ARCHLIBDIR)/'."$mdir/Install/";
+	print $file "#!/usr/bin/perl\n\npackage ${name}::Install::Files;\n\n";
+	foreach my $tag (sort keys %{$self}) {
+		next if $tag =~ /^_/;
+		my %items = %{$self->{$tag}};
+		print $file "\@$tag = qw(\n";
+		foreach my $item (sort {$items{$a} <=> $items{$b}} keys %items) {
+			my $s = exists $handler{$tag} ? $handler{$tag}->($item): $item;
+			print $file "\t$s\n";
+			$pm->{$item} = '$(INST_ARCHLIBDIR)/'. "$mdir/Install/" . $s if exists $installable{$tag};
+		}
+		print $file ");\n\n";
+	}
+	print $file "\$libs = '$self->{_libs_}';\n";
+	print $file "\$inc = '$self->{_inc_}';\n";
+	print $file <<"EOT";
+	\$CORE = undef;
+	foreach (\@INC) {
+		if ( -f \$_ . "/$mdir2/Install/") {
+			\$CORE = \$_ . "/$mdir2/Install/";
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	1;
+	close($file);
+sub write_ext {
+	my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+	my $file = new IO::File "> $filename" || carp "Cannot create $filename: $!";
+	print $file "\n\n# Do not edit this file, as it is automatically generated by Makefile.PL\n\n";
+	print $file "BOOT:\n{\n";
+	foreach ($self->get_boot) {
+        my($b) = $_;
+        $b =~ s/::/__/g;
+        $b = "boot_$b";
+        print $file "extern void $b(CV *cv);\n";
+	}
+	foreach ($self->get_boot) {
+        my($b) = $_;
+        $b =~ s/::/__/g;
+        $b = "boot_$b";
+        print $file "callXS($b, cv, mark);\n";
+	}
+	print $file "}\n";
+	close($file);
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Depends - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use ExtUtils::Depends;
+	$package = new ExtUtils::Depends ('pkg::name', 'base::package')
+	# set the flags and libraries to compile and link the module
+	$package->set_inc("-I/opt/blahblah");
+	$package->set_lib("-lmylib");
+	# add a .c and an .xs file to compile
+	$package->add_c('code.c');
+	$package->add_xs('module-code.xs');
+	# add the typemaps to use
+	$package->add_typemaps("typemap");
+	# safe the info
+	$package->save_config('');
+	WriteMakefile(
+		'NAME' => 'Mymodule',
+		$package->get_makefile_vars()
+	);
+This module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use
+functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means
+that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides
+also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one.
+This works as long as the base extension is loaded with the RTLD_GLOBAL
+flag (usually done with a 
+	sub dl_load_flags {0x01}
+in the main .pm file) if you need to use functions defined in the module.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paolo Molaro,
+=head1 SEE ALSO
Index: Makefile.PL
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/orbit-perl/Makefile.PL,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -a -u -r1.2 Makefile.PL
--- Makefile.PL	2001/02/05 00:03:10	1.2
+++ Makefile.PL	2001/02/07 04:03:18
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
 # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+require '';
+$orbit = new ExtUtils::Depends('CORBA::ORBit');
 @OBJECTS = qw(ORBit.o
@@ -37,26 +41,35 @@
 $orbit_cflags = `orbit-config --cflags client server`;
 $orbit_libs = `orbit-config --libs client server`;
+$orbit->set_libs($orbit_libs." -lIDL");
 if ($] < 5.0045) {
     print STDERR "Using compatibility macros/routines for Perl 5.004\n";
     push @OBJECTS,'constsub.o';
+    $orbit->add_defines('-DPERL5004_COMPAT ');
+$orbit->add_c(map {s/\.o$/.c/; $_} @OBJECTS);
+$orbit->add_headers(qw("porbit-perl.h" "exttypes.h" "server.h"));
+$orbit->add_pm('' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/', 
+        'ORBit/mapping.pod' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/ORBit/mapping.pod',
+        map {($_, "\$(INST_LIBDIR)/$_")} <ORBit/*.pm>);
     'NAME'	=> 'CORBA::ORBit',
     'VERSION_FROM' => '',
     'PREREQ_PM' => {
                      'Error' => 0.12,
-     'LIBS'	=> [$orbit_libs." -lIDL"],
-    'DEFINE'	=> 
-        ($] < 5.0045         ? '-DPERL5004_COMPAT ' : ''),
-    'INC'	=> $orbit_cflags,
-    'OBJECT'    => join(" ", @OBJECTS),
 #    'XSOPT'     => '-nolinenumbers',
     'OPTIMIZE'  => '-g -Wall',
 #    'OPTIMIZE'  => '-O2 -Wall',
     'MAP_TARGET' => 'orbitperl',
 #    'MAKEAPERL' => 1,
     'dist'      => { COMPRESS=>"gzip", SUFFIX=>"gz" },
+    $orbit->get_makefile_vars,
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/orbit-perl/,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -a -u -r1.7
---	2000/12/14 17:27:23	1.7
+++	2001/02/07 04:03:18
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 use strict;
 no strict qw(refs);
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $vnamespace);
 require DynaLoader;
 require Error;
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 $VERSION = '0.4.3';
+sub dl_load_flags {1}
 bootstrap CORBA::ORBit $VERSION;
 @CORBA::Object::ISA = qw(CORBA::ORBit::RootObject);
@@ -29,13 +31,17 @@
 # @PortableServer::POAManager::ISA = qw(CORBA::ORBit::RootObject);
 my $IDL_PATH;
+$CORBA::ORBit::vnamespace = 0;
 sub load_idl {
     my ($orb, $file) = @_;
     my $path = defined $IDL_PATH ? $IDL_PATH : "";
     my $includes = join (" ", map { "-I ".$_ } split /:/,$path);
+    $includes .= " $DEFINES" if defined $DEFINES;
     if ($file =~ m@^/@) {
 	if (-e $file) {
 	    $orb->load_idl_file("$file", $includes);
@@ -58,12 +64,22 @@
     my %keys = @_;
+    local $CORBA::ORBit::vnamespace;
     if (exists $keys{'wait'}) {
     if (exists $keys{idl_path}) {
 	$IDL_PATH = $keys{idl_path};
+    }
+    if (exists $keys{defines}) {
+	$DEFINES = $keys{defines};
+    }
+    if (exists $keys{vnamespace}) {
+	$CORBA::ORBit::vnamespace = $keys{vnamespace};
     if (exists $keys{ids}) {
Index: interfaces.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/orbit-perl/interfaces.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -a -u -r1.5 interfaces.c
--- interfaces.c	2001/02/05 05:32:30	1.5
+++ interfaces.c	2001/02/07 04:03:18
@@ -36,11 +36,24 @@
     SV *pkg_sv;
     char *varname;
+    char *version = NULL;
+    SV *vnamespace = perl_get_sv("CORBA::ORBit::vnamespace", TRUE);
     HV *hv = perl_get_hv("CORBA::ORBit::_interfaces", TRUE);
     PORBitIfaceInfo *info = g_new (PORBitIfaceInfo, 1);
-    info->pkg = g_strdup (package_name);
+    version = SvOK(vnamespace) && SvIV(vnamespace) ? rindex(desc->id, ':') : NULL;
+    if (version) {
+	int i;
+	version = g_strdup(version);
+	for (i=0; version[i]; ++i) {
+	    if (version[i] == ':' || version[i] == '.')
+		version[i] = '_';
+	}
+    }
+    info->pkg = g_strconcat (package_name, version, NULL);
+    g_free(version);
     info->desc = desc;
     info->class_id = 0;
@@ -169,10 +182,8 @@
     CV *method_cv;
     info = porbit_find_interface_description (desc->id);
-    if (info) {
-	CORBA_free (desc);
+    if (info)
 	return info;
-    }
     info = store_interface_description (desc, package_name);