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use utf8;

package KGS::Protocol;

use Carp;
use Compress::Zlib;
use Time::HiRes;
use Scalar::Util;

use KGS::Messages;

my $KGSHOST = "";
my $KGSPORT = 2379;
my $SGFHOST = "";

our $NOW; # the time the last packet was received

our $VERSION = '0.99';

sub MSG_CHANNEL() { 0x4000 }


=item new arg => value,...


sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my $self = bless {
   }, $class;

sub encode_msg {
   my ($type, %arg) = @_;

   my $msg = $KGS::Messages::enc_client{$type}
      or die "FATAL: tried to send unknown message type '$type'";

   $msg = $msg->(\%arg);
   #print "MSG $type => ", (join " ", %arg), "\n";#d#
   #print "HEX ", (unpack "H*", $msg), "\n";#d#
   #print "ok (y/n)?"; die unless <> =~ /^y/;#d#dd# let's be paranoid.. "don't crash the server, uh-oh"
   pack "va*", 2 + length $msg, $msg;

# encode/decode functions
sub decode_msg($) {
   my ($type, $data) = unpack "v a*", $_[0];

   my $msg = $KGS::Messages::dec_server{$type};

   if ($msg) {
   } else {
         type => (sprintf "unknown_%04x", $type),
         DATA => $data,

my $CLIENTVERSION = 4; # 4 == 3 + server zlib compressed
my $SERVERVERSION = 3; # since quite some time now

=item send

Format a message and send it to the server.


sub send($@) {
   my $self = shift;

   #use PApp::Util; print PApp::Util::dumpval [@_];#d#

   my $msg = $self->{generator}->enc_client (encode_msg @_);

   if ($self->{sock}) {
      syswrite $self->{sock}, $msg
         or croak "msg: $!";
   } else {
      warn "KGS::Protocol::send() called without a socket connection\n";

sub init {
   my ($self) = @_;

   $self->{generator} = new KGS::Protocol::Generator;
   $self->{zstream} = inflateInit;

=item handshake $fh

Do the initial handshaking with the server on the given socket and make it
the current one. This will initialize the communications stack and set the
socket to be used to sending messages.


sub handshake {
   my ($self, $fh) = @_;

   $self->{sock} = $fh;
   syswrite $fh, chr $CLIENTVERSION
      or croak "initial server handshake send: $!";

   sysread $fh, my $buf, 1
      or croak "initial server handshake recv: $!\n";

   $buf eq chr $SERVERVERSION
      or croak "initial server handshake: server version ".(ord $buf)." unsupported";

=item login $clientversion, $name, $pass[, $locale]

Login to the server. C<$clientversion> should be a descriptive string that
uniquely identifies the client and the client version.


sub login {
   my ($self, $clientver, $name, $pass, $locale) = @_;

   $self->{generator}->set_server_seed ($name);

   $self->{name} = $name;
   $self->send (login =>
      name      => $name,
      password  => $pass,
      locale    => $locale,
      guest     => $pass eq "",
      clientver => $clientver,

=item disconnect

Close the socket, generate a quit message and unregisters listeners.


sub disconnect {
   my $self = shift;

   close delete $self->{sock}
      if $self->{sock};

   $self->inject ({ type => "quit" });

   delete $self->{cb};

=item feed_data $data

Feed new data from the server into this object. This might or might not
result in messages being dispatched.


sub feed_data {
   my $self = $_[0];

   $NOW = Time::HiRes::time;

   my ($data, $status) = $self->{zstream}->inflate ($_[1]);
   $status == Z_OK or croak "inflate: status is $status";

   $self->{rbuf} .= $data;

   while (($self->{rlen} || 2) <= length $self->{rbuf}) {
      my $data = substr $self->{rbuf}, 0, $self->{rlen} || 2, "";
      if (delete $self->{rlen}) {
         #open XTYPE, "|xtype"; printf XTYPE "%16x", length($data); print XTYPE $data; close XTYPE;#d#

         $self->inject (decode_msg $self->{generator}->dec_server ($data));
      } else {
         $self->{rlen} = (unpack "v", $data) - 2;

sub register {
   my ($self, $obj, @types) = @_;

   for (@types) {
      $self->{cb}{$_}{$obj} = $obj;
      Scalar::Util::weaken $self->{cb}{$_}{$obj};

sub unregister {
   my ($self, $obj, @types) = @_;

   delete $self->{cb}{$_}{$obj} for @types;

sub inject {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;
   $msg->{NOW} = $NOW; # timestamps heissen bei mir "NOW"
   #use PApp::Util; warn PApp::Util::dumpval $msg;#d#

   for my $type ("any", $msg->{type}, "$msg->{type}:$msg->{channel}") {
      for my $obj (values %{$self->{cb}{$type} || {}}) {
         $obj->inject($msg) if $obj;

=item alloc_clientid

Create and return a new channel id, used e.g. for game creation. We start
at one, but cgoban2 seems to start at zero.


sub alloc_clientid() {
   my ($self) = @_;


package KGS::User;

sub is_admin	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00004 }
sub is_active	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00008 } # logged in(?)
sub is_gone	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00010 }
sub is_idle	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00020 }
sub has_url	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00040 } # wild guess
sub is_playing	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00080 }
sub is_reliable	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00100 } # reliable ranking?
sub is_ranked	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00200 }
#                                0x00400 # no idea
sub is_ranked2	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x00800 } # very reliably ranked? *g*
sub has_pic	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x01000 }
sub email_priv	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x02000 }

sub is_guest	 { $_[0]{flags} & 0x20000 }

sub usertype     { $_[0]{flags} & 3 }
# 0 == normal
# 1 == ranked robot (gtp-client)
# 2 == teacher
# 3 == assistant

sub is_valid    { length $_[0]{name} }

sub rank_number {
   $_[0]{flags} >> 24;

sub rank {
   my $rank = $_[0]->rank_number;
   $rank <= 0
      ? ""
      : $rank <= 30
         ? (31-$rank) . "k"
         : $rank <= 39
              ? ($rank - 30) . "d"
              : ($rank - 39) . "p";

sub rank_string {
      ? $_[0]->rank . ($_[0]->is_reliable ? "" : "?")
      : "-";

sub flags_string {
   my $r;

   $r .= "+" if &is_active;
   $r .= ":" if &is_ranked2;

   $r .= " (admin)" if &is_admin;

   $r .= " (child)" if &usertype == 1;
   $r .= " (teacher)" if &usertype == 2;
   $r .= " (ass)" if &usertype == 3;

   $r .= " (guest)" if &is_guest;
   $r .= " (gone)" if &is_gone;
   $r .= " (idle)" if &is_idle;
   $r .= " (playing)" if &is_playing;

   $r .= " (has pic)" if &has_pic;
   $r .= " (has url)" if &has_url;

   $r .= sprintf "%04x", $_[0]{flags} & 0xfdc000
       if $_[0]{flags} & 0xfdc000;


sub as_string {
   sprintf "%s\xa0[%s]", $_[0]{name}, $_[0]->rank_string;

package KGS::Game;

use KGS::Constants;

sub is_saved      { $_[0]{saved} } # hmm... not a flag...
sub is_scored     { $_[0]{flags} & 0x1 }
sub is_adjourned  { $_[0]{flags} & 0x2 }
# there is more going on, one bit 0x4 and above(?)

sub is_inprogress { $_[0]{handicap} >= 0 } # maybe rename to "complete"? "started"? "has_board"? ;)

sub is_private    { $_[0]{type} & GAMETYPE_PRIVATE }

sub is_active {
   &is_inprogress and !&is_scored;

sub player_colour {
   $_[0]{black}{name} eq $_[1] ? COLOUR_BLACK
   : $_[0]{white}{name} eq $_[1] ? COLOUR_WHITE

sub score {
   # due to the peculiar way score values are encoded, we keep special
   # values in the /4 format, while normal scores are represented "as is".
   # this makes it compatible to the /4 format used in trees.
      ? 8000 > abs $_[0]{moves} ? $_[0]{moves} * (1 / 2) : $_[0]{moves} / 4

sub moves {
      ? -1
      : $_[0]{moves};

sub type {
   $_[0]{type} & 15;

sub type_char {
   (uc substr ($gametype{&type}, 0, 1))
   . (&is_private ? "P" : "");

sub owner {
   length $_[0]{owner}{name}
      ? $_[0]{owner}
      : $_[0]{white};

sub opponent_string {
   $_[0]{owner}{name} ?
      $_[0]{black}{name} eq $_[0]{white}{name}
         ? "" : "(".$_[0]{white}->as_string." - ".$_[0]{black}->as_string.")"
      : "vs. ".$_[0]{black}->as_string;

sub size {

sub size_string {

sub score_string {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my $res;

   if ($self->is_scored) {
      $score = $self->score;
      if ($score < 0) {
         $res = "W+";
         $score *= -1;
      } else  {
         $res = "B+";
      $res .= $special_score{$score * 4} || $score;
   } else {
      $res = "(unfinished)";


# convinience

sub rules {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my $rules = $self->size_string;

   $rules .= " H$_[0]{handicap}"
          . ($_[0]{komi} < 0 ? $_[0]{komi} : "+$_[0]{komi}")
      if $self->{handicap} >= 0;

   $rules .= " " . $self->score_string
      if $self->is_scored;


package KGS::GameRecord;

use KGS::Constants;

sub score {

sub revision {

sub is_scored {
   ! ($_[0]{size} & 0x80);

sub gametype {

sub size {
   $_[0]{size} & 0x3f;

sub komi {
   $_[0]{komi} & 0x0800
      ? 0.5 * ($_[0]{komi} & 0x7ff) - 0x400
      : 0.5 * ($_[0]{komi} & 0x7ff);

sub handicap {

sub score_string {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my $res;

   if ($self->is_scored) {
      $score = $self->score;
      if ($score < 0) {
         $res = "W+";
         $score *= -1;
      } else  {
         $res = "B+";
      $res .= $special_score{$score * 2} || $score;
   } else {
      $res = "(unfinished)";


sub uri {
   my ($self) = @_;

   return if $self->is_inplay;
   return if $self->{score} == SCORE_ADJOURNED;
   return if $self->{gametype} & GAMETYPE_PRIVATE;

   $revision = $self->revision;

   my $p1 = $self->{black}{name};
   my $p2 = $self->{white}{name};
   my $p3 = $self->{owner}{name};

   my ($year, $month, $day) = (gmtime $self->{timestamp})[5,4,3];

   my $revisionstring = $revision ? "-" . ($revision+1) : "";
   my $playerstring =
         $p3 && $self->gametype == GAMETYPE_DEMONSTRATION
            ? $p3
            : $p2 eq $p1 
              ? $p2
              : "$p2-$p1";

   sprintf "/games/%d/%d/%d/%s%s.sgf",
           $year + 1900, $month + 1, $day,
           $playerstring, $revisionstring;

sub url {
   my $uri = &uri;
   $uri && "$uri";

package KGS::Room;

sub is_admin   { $_[0]{flags} & 0x01 } # maybe only admins (?) hidden (?)
sub is_default { $_[0]{flags} & 0x04 } # auto-join(?)
sub is_private { $_[0]{flags} & 0x10 }

package KGS::Rules;

sub new {
   my $class = shift;
   my $self = bless { 
      gametype => 0,
      ruleset  => RULESET_JAPANESE,
      size     => 19,
      handicap => 0,
      komi     => 6.5,
      timesys  => TIMESYS_BYO_YOMI,
      time     => 20*60,
      interval => 60,
      count    => 10,
   }, $class;

package KGS::Challenge;

package KGS::Score;

sub as_string {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my $score = sprintf "%d territory + %d captures", $self->{territory}, $self->{captures};
   $score .= sprintf " + %g komi", $self->{komi} if $self->{komi};
   $score .= sprintf " = %g", $self->{territory} + $self->{captures} + $self->{komi};


package KGS::Stats;

package KGS::Protocol::Generator;

# generate the numbers used for enc/de"crypt"ion

sub new {
   bless { server_state => 0, client_state => 0, server_seed => " " }, shift;

sub set_server_seed {
   my ($self, $seed) = @_;

   $self->{server_seed} = $seed;

sub enc_client {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;

   use integer;

   $msg ^= pack "C", $self->{client_state} >> 24;

   $self->{client_state} = $self->{client_state} * 0x4C2AF9B + 0xFFFFFFFB + length $msg;

   #printf "XXX %lx ($self->{client_state})\n", $self->{client_state};
   #printf "XXY %x (%x)\n", $len, 2 + length $msg;


*dec_client = \&enc_client;

sub dec_server {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;

   use integer;

   my $type = unpack "v", $msg;

   #printf "<LEN(%d) type %04x server_state %lx\n", length $msg, $type, $self->{server_state};#d#

   if (42 < length $msg) {
      $type = ($type + $self->{server_state}) & 0xffff;
      (substr $msg, 0, 2) = pack "v", $type;

   $self->{server_state} = $self->{server_state} * ($type - 0x6cdd)
                  + ord substr $self->{server_seed}, $type % length $self->{server_seed};

   #printf ">LEN(%d) type %04x server_state %lx\n", length $msg, (unpack "v", $msg), $self->{server_state};#d#


sub enc_server {
   my ($self, $msg) = @_;

   Carp::croak "NYI";
