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use File::Copy;
use File::Compare;
use File::Glob ':glob';
use DBI;

use Compress::LZF qw(:compress :freeze);

my $ETCDIR = "/etc/papp";

@ARGV or die "this program shouldn't be called directly\n";

for (@ARGV) {
   /^--(\w+)$/ or die "really, don't call this program directly\n";

   $ENV{PAPP_ETCDIR} = ".";
   local $PApp::Config::NO_AUTOCONNECT = 1;
   local @INC = (".", @INC);
   require PApp::Config;

use blib;
use lib '.';

use PApp;
use PApp::Admin;
use PApp::SQL;
use PApp::I18n;
use PApp::Storable ();


*CFG = \%PApp::Config;

my $lib = $CFG{LIBDIR};

sub crdir {
   local $_ = shift;
   print "Creating directory $_... ";
   if (-d $_) {
      print "[skipped] ";
   } else {
      mkdir $_, 0777 or die "$!\n";
   chown $CFG{PAPP_UID}, $CFG{PAPP_GID}, $_;
   print "ok\n";

sub install($$) {
   my ($s, $d) = @_;
   if (compare($s, $d)) {
      copy($s, "$d~") or die "copy($s,$d~): $!\n";
      chown $CFG{PAPP_UID}, $CFG{PAPP_GID}, "$d~";
      chmod ((stat $s)[2] & 07777, "$d~");
      rename "$d~", $d or die "rename($d~,$d): $!\n";
   } else {
      chown $CFG{PAPP_UID}, $CFG{PAPP_GID}, $d;
      chmod ((stat $s)[2] & 07777, $d);

if ($mode_install) {
   crdir $lib;
   crdir $CFG{I18NDIR};

   for my $dir (qw(style etc)) {
      crdir "$lib/$dir";

      for my $app (bsd_glob "$dir/{*.xsl,mimedb}",
                                    GLOB_ERR|GLOB_NOSORT|GLOB_BRACE) {
         $app =~ s/.*?([^\/]+)$/$1/;
         print "Installing $dir/$app $lib/$dir...";
         print "[skipped] " if install "$dir/$app", "$lib/$dir/$app";
         print "ok\n";

   my $umask = umask 022;
   mkdir $ETCDIR, 0777;
   umask 077;
   install ("config", "$ETCDIR/config"); chmod 0644, "$ETCDIR/config";
   install ("secure", "$ETCDIR/secure"); chmod 0600, "$ETCDIR/secure";
   umask $umask;
   print "\n$ETCDIR/secure is mode 600, better chown or chgrp it to the group
   your webserver or trusted user is running under.\n\n";

if ($mode_init || $mode_update) {

print <<EOF;

This initializes the database and library directories used by PApp. It
assumes that the DBD driver understands the "func" method. MySQL currently
does this.

You should be able to re-run "make update" as often as you like, no harm
will be done.


if ($mode_update) {
   print "trying to open papp database... ";

   $DBH =
                   { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1 });

      or die "Unable to open database ($CFG{STATEDB}): $DBI::errstr\n";

   $installed_version = sql_fetch $DBH, "select value from env where name = ?", "PAPP_VERSION";

} elsif ($mode_init) {
   $CFG{STATEDB} =~ /DBI:([^:]+):([^:]+).*?(?:host=([^;]*))?/i or die "unable to parse database name ($CFG{STATEDB})\n";

   my ($driver, $db, $host) = ($1, $2, $3||"'localhost'");
   print "trying to create $driver-database '$db' on host $host\n";
   print "(might only work for mysql)... ";

   $drh = DBI->install_driver($driver) or die "unable to find DBI driver $driver\n";
   $drh->func("createdb", $db, "localhost", $CFG{STATEDB_USER}, $CFG{STATEDB_PASS}, "admin");

   $DBH = DBI->connect($CFG{STATEDB}, $CFG{STATEDB_USER}, $CFG{STATEDB_PASS}, { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1 });
   $DBH or die "unable to create database $CFG{STATEDB}, please create it manually and re-run papp-install\n";

   print "seems to have worked\n";

$PApp::SQL::DBH = $DBH;

print <<EOF;

Now creating tables (that do not already exist). Existing tables will
_not_ be dropped, so if you want to upgrade to a new (& incompatible)
version, or you want to downgrade again, you have to drop the database
manually. This is not normally required, as papp will automatically
upgrade tables from older releases transparently.


sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ env (
     name varchar(255) binary not null,
     value longblob not null,
     primary key (name)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ msgid (
     nr mediumint(6) unsigned not null auto_increment,
     id mediumblob not null,
     domain varchar(30) not null,
     lang varchar(16) not null,
     context blob not null,
     primary key (nr),
     index (id(64))

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ msgstr (
     nr mediumint(6) unsigned default '0' not null,
     lang varchar(16) not null,
     flags set('valid','fuzzy','unused') not null,
     msg mediumblob not null,
     unique nr (nr,lang)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ event (
     id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,
     event tinyblob not null,
     ctime timestamp(14),
     data mediumblob default '' not null,
     primary key (id, event(8))

if ($installed_version < 0.142) {
   $DBH->do("drop table state") if $mode_update;
   sql_exec <<SQL;
      create table /*! if not exists */ state (
        id int(10) unsigned not null,
        ctime timestamp(14),
        previd int(10) unsigned default '0' not null,
        alternative mediumint(8) unsigned default '0' not null,
        userid int(10) unsigned default '0' not null,
        sessid int(10) unsigned default '0' not null,
        state mediumblob default '' not null,
        primary key (id),
        key (alternative, previd)
      ) delay_key_write=1

if ($installed_version < 0.143) {
   if ($mode_update) {
      $DBH->do("drop table eventcount");

      $DBH->do("alter table msgid change id id mediumblob not null, change context context blob not null");
      $DBH->do("alter table msgstr change msg msg mediumblob not null");

   sql_exec <<SQL;
      create table /*! if not exists */ event_count (
         count int(10) unsigned not null

unless (sql_fetch "select count(*) from event_count") {
   sql_exec "insert into event_count values (0)";
   sql_exec "delete from event";

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ state_seq (
      seq int(10) unsigned not null

unless (sql_fetch "select count(*) from state_seq") {
   sql_exec "insert into state_seq values (1)";
   sql_exec "delete from state";

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ session (
     sid int(10) unsigned not null default '0',
     name varchar(255) binary not null default '',
     value mediumblob not null,
     unique key id (sid,name(200))

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ prefs (
     uid int(10) unsigned not null default '0',
     path varchar(255) binary not null default '',
     name varchar(255) binary not null default '',
     value mediumblob not null,
     unique key id (path(140),name(100),uid)

if ($mode_update && $installed_version < 0.142) {
   eval {
      my $st = sql_exec \my($userid, $prefs, $user, $pass, $comment),
                        "select id, prefs, user, pass, comment from user";

      print "Converting user preferences data to new format";

      while ($st->fetch) {
         print ".";
         if ($user ne "") {
            sql_exec "replace into prefs (uid, path, name, value) values (?,'',?,?)",
                     $userid, "papp_username", sfreeze_cr $user;
         if ($pass ne "") {
            sql_exec "replace into prefs (uid, path, name, value) values (?,'',?,?)",
                     $userid, "papp_password", sfreeze_cr $pass;
         if ($comment ne "") {
            sql_exec "replace into prefs (uid, path, name, value) values (?,'',?,?)",
                     $userid, "papp_comment", sfreeze_cr $comment;
         if ($prefs ne "") {
            $prefs = PApp::Storable::thaw decompress $prefs;
            while (my ($path, $keys) = each %$prefs) {
               next unless %$keys;
               sql_exec $DBH, "replace into prefs (uid, path, name, value) values (?,?,?,?)",
                              $userid, $path, "papp_prefs", 
                              compress PApp::Storable::nfreeze($keys);

      print " done.\n";

if ($mode_update && $installed_version < 0.21) {
   sql_exec "drop table /*! if exists */ obj_isa";

if ($mode_update && $installed_version < 0.22) {
   sql_exec "drop table /*! if exists */ obj_attr";

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ user_seq (
      seq int(10) unsigned not null

unless (sql_fetch "select count(*) from user_seq") {
   sql_exec "insert into user_seq values (?)", 0+sql_fetch "select max(uid) + 1 from prefs";

$DBH->do("drop table user") if $mode_update && $installed_version < 0.142;

$DBH->do("alter table grp add comment text not null") if $mode_update && $installed_version < 0.124;
$DBH->do("alter table grp add unique key (name)") if $mode_update && $installed_version < 0.124;
$DBH->do("alter table grp change name name varchar(160) not null") if $mode_update && $installed_version < 0.14;

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ grp (
     id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment,
     name varchar(100) not null,
     comment text not null,
     primary key (id),
     unique (name)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ usergrp (
     userid int(10) unsigned default '0' not null,
     grpid int(8) unsigned default '0' not null,
     primary key (userid,grpid)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ app (
     id smallint(6) unsigned not null auto_increment,
     name varchar(255) binary default '' not null,
     appset smallint(5) unsigned default '0' not null,
     path varchar(255) binary default '' not null,
     mountconfig mediumtext default '' not null,
     config mediumtext default '' not null,
     primary key (id),
     unique (name)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ appset (
     id smallint(5) unsigned not null auto_increment,
     name varchar(255) default '' not null,
     primary key (id),
     unique (name)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ locks (
     id varchar(255) binary default '' not null,
     breaktime int(10) unsigned default '0' not null,
     data varchar(255) binary default '' not null,
     primary key (id)

$DBH->do("drop table error") if $installed_version && $installed_version < 0.13;
sql_exec <<SQL;
   create table /*! if not exists */ error (
     id mediumint(6) unsigned not null auto_increment,
     ctime timestamp(14),
     data blob default '' not null,
     comment text default '' not null,
     primary key (id)

sql_exec <<SQL;
  create table /*! if not exists */ ssluser (
    userid int(10) unsigned not null default '0',
    cert blob not null,
    key idx_userid (userid),
    key idx_cert (cert(20))

if ($installed_version < 0.22) {
sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE d_fulltext (
     id int unsigned not null,
     type bigint unsigned not null,
     data mediumtext,

     index type (type),
     fulltext data (data),
     primary key (id, type)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE d_string (
     id int unsigned not null,
     type bigint unsigned not null,
     data tinyblob,

     index type (type),
     index data (data(32)),
     primary key (id, type)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE d_blob (
     id int unsigned not null,
     type bigint unsigned not null,
     data mediumblob,

     index type (type),
     primary key (id, type)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE d_double (
     id int unsigned not null,
     type bigint unsigned not null,
     data double,

     index type (type),
     index data (data),
     primary key (id, type)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE d_int (
     id int unsigned not null,
     type bigint unsigned not null,
     data bigint,

     index type (type, data, id),
     index data (data, type, id),
     primary key (id, type)

# Agni
if ($installed_version < 0.2) {

sql_exec <<SQL;
     id int unsigned not null auto_increment,
     gid bigint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
     paths bigint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
     primary key (id),
     unique (gid, paths)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE obj_attr (
     id int unsigned not null default '0',
     type bigint unsigned not null default '0',
     d_string tinyblob,
     d_text mediumblob,
     d_int bigint,
     d_double double,

     primary key (id, type),
     index type(type),
     index d_int(d_int, type),
     index d_double(d_double, type),
     index d_string(d_string(16), type)

sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE obj_gidseq (
     seq bigint unsigned NOT NULL

sql_exec <<SQL;
   CREATE TABLE obj_path (
     id tinyint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
     path varchar(255) NOT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY (id)

   sql_exec "update env set name = 'PAPP_SYSID' where name = 'SYSID'";

my $installed_sysid = sql_fetch "select value from env where name = 'PAPP_SYSID'";

die "installation sysid and configured sysid don't match"
   if $installed_sysid > 0 && $CFG{SYSID} > 0 && $installed_sysid != $CFG{SYSID};

if ($CFG{SYSID} > 0 && $installed_sysid == 0) {
   sql_exec "delete from env where name = 'PAPP_SYSID'";
   sql_exec "insert into env (name, value) values ('PAPP_SYSID', ?)", $CFG{SYSID};
   $installed_sysid = $CFG{SYSID};

if ($installed_sysid) {
   my $measured_sysid = sql_fetch "select seq >> 32 from obj_gidseq";

   if ($measured_sysid == 0) {
      sql_exec "delete from obj_gidseq";
      sql_exec "insert into obj_gidseq values ((? << 32) + 1)", $installed_sysid;

   die "PAPP_SYSID and actual obj_gidseq do NOT match"
     if $measured_sysid > 0 && $measured_sysid != $installed_sysid;

   # check the sysid
   my ($sysid, $oid) = sql_fetch "select seq >> 32, seq & 0xffffffff from obj_gidseq"
      or die "no sysid installed, a sysid is now required, please make reconfig";

   my $maxid = sql_fetch "select max(gid) & 0xffffffff from obj where gid >= (? << 32) and gid < (? << 32)",
                         $sysid, $sysid+1;
   $maxid < $oid
      or die "installation check found objects > oidseq, either your sysid is broken or your database is corrupt";

print <<EOF;

Now populating tables (that hopefully do exist now). Any errors in this
section are supposedly fatal(!!).


if ($mode_init) {
   $DBH->do("insert into appset values (1, 'default')")
      or warn "unable to create 'default' appset: $DBI::errstr\n";

   print "creating admin user and admin group... ";
   eval {
      my $pass = crypt "public", "xx";
          $DBH->do("insert into prefs values (1, '', 'papp_username', 'admin')")
      and $DBH->do("insert into prefs values (1, '', 'papp_password', '$pass')")
      and $DBH->do("insert into prefs values (1, '', 'papp_comment', 'Main Administrator')")
      and $DBH->do("insert into grp values (1, 'admin'      , 'hyperuser access rights')")
      and $DBH->do("insert into grp values (2, 'poedit'     , 'general translator access')")
      and $DBH->do("insert into grp values (3, 'poedit_*'   , 'translator access for all apps')")
      and $DBH->do("insert into grp values (4, 'poedit_papp', 'translator access for papp itself')")
      and $DBH->do("insert into usergrp values (1, 1)")
      and $DBH->do("insert into usergrp values (1, 2)")
      and $DBH->do("insert into usergrp values (1, 3)")
      or die;
      print <<EOF;

********* the admin user is named 'admin'           *********
********* and has the initial password 'public'     *********
********* please change this ASAP using             *********
********* papp-admin -u admin --password <password> *********

   if ($@) {
      print "failed (or already exists)\n";

print "\nimporting i18n tables\n";
for my $domain (qw(papp bench dbedit demo iso639 iso3166)) {
   PApp::Admin::import_po 0, "i18n/$domain.po", 1;
   print "exporting $domain to $CFG{I18NDIR}/$domain\n";
   PApp::I18n::export_dpo $domain, "$CFG{I18NDIR}/$domain", $CFG{PAPP_UID}, $CFG{PAPP_GID};

$DBH->do("delete from env where name='PAPP_VERSION'");
$DBH->do("insert into env (name, value) values ('PAPP_VERSION', '$PApp::Config::VERSION')");
