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   DTD for PApp-files
   has never been tested!
   (c)2000 Marc Lehmann <>

<!ENTITY % version    "2.02">

<!ENTITY % control    "(translate|state|domain)">
<!ENTITY % perlcode   "(perl|xperl|phtml|pxml|%control;)*">

<!ENTITY % sourceref  "src CDATA">
<!ENTITY % yesno      "(yes|no)">

<!ENTITY % modulebody "(module|import|callback|macro|description|%perlcode;)*">

<!-- a distinct package (application) -->
<!ELEMENT package (%modulebody;|define-group|database|description|style|nosession)+>
<!ATTLIST package
    name      CDATA #REQUIRED
    src       CDATA #IMPLIED -- optional source file to load --
    surlstyle CDATA "url"    -- one of url or get --

<!-- signifies a translation domain (very coarse!) -->
<!ELEMENT domain     ANY>
<!ATTLIST domain
    name  CDATA #IMPLIED -- default is application name --
    lang  CDATA #IMPLIED -- might be a list --

   specifies a stylesheet to apply to child nodes containing pxml code

   apply=onload   apply the stylesheet at parsetime
   apply=onexec   apply the stylesheet before execution (NYI)
   apply=output   apply the stylesheet to the output (default)

   src=file       use given file OR
   expr=xxx       use given expression that returns a PApp::XSLT at runtime

   eval=onload    execute the pxml at parsetime (NYI)
   eval=onexec    execute the pxml for every request (default)

   type=pxml      treat the stylesheet as pxml rather than as xml

<!ELEMENT style     ANY>
<!ATTLIST style
    src   CDATA #IMPLIED -- diskfile --
    expr  CDATA #IMPLIED -- variable/perl expression yielding PApp::XSLT-object --
    type  (pxml|xml)       "pxml"
    eval  (onload|onexec)  "onexec"
    apply (onload|output)  "output"

<!-- a description describes the application or module it is found in.
     only <application>-description elements are currently supported -->
<!ELEMENT description>
<!ATTLIST description
    lang  CDATA #IMPLIED

   each web-page is a seperate "module".

   name		the published page name (in the url)
   nosession	in case no valid session existed, redirect to this module instead
<!ELEMENT module   (%modulebody;)>
<!ATTLIST module
    name NMTOKEN      #REQUIRED	-- might be "*", designating the wildcard module --
    nosession NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

   modules wrapped in a nosession-element will not accept new sessions.
   instead, when a new session begins with sich a module it will be
   redirected to the target page.
<!ELEMENT nosession ANY>
<!ATTLIST nosession

<!-- the standard include mechanism -->
<!ELEMENT include EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST include
    %sourceref;       #REQUIRED

<!-- import is similar to perl's use, but works on .papp-files
     <import src="macro/admin"/>
     <import pm="PApp::Admin"/>            == use PApp::Admin;
     <import pm="PApp::Admin">()</import>  == use PApp::Admin ();
     <import pm="PApp::Admin">a b</import> == use PApp::Admin qw(a b);
     <import pm="PApp::Admin xxx"/>        == use PApp::Admin xxx;
<!ELEMENT import   CDATA>
<!ATTLIST import
    %sourceref;    #REQUIRED
    pm     CDATA   #IMPLIED -- perl module name --
    export %yesno; "no" -- no longer supported!! --

<!-- import is similar to application, but embeds full application files -->
<!ELEMENT embed   EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST embed
    %sourceref;    #IMPLIED


   if type attr is specified, this specifies a generic event callback:
   init		post-config, pre-forking				A1
   childinit	at server-start (per-process) NYI!			A
   childexit	at server-end (per-process) NYI!			A
   request	just before each request				P
   cleanup	end of request (probably to be removed in the future)	P
   newuser	initialize a new user (%state is almost empty)		P
   newsession	initialize a new session (%state is %user, augment it!)	P

   if name is specified, this creates a new callback using the
   PApp::Callback module, relative to either the current module or the
   current package (see PApp::Package::refer and PApp::Module::refer).
   args works the same as in a macro.
<!ELEMENT callback %perlcode;>
<!ATTLIST callback
    type (init|childinit|childexit|request|cleanup|newsession|newuser) #IMPLIED
    name NMTOKEN                                                       #IMPLIED
    args CDATA                                                         #IMPLIED

   the different ways to embed perl
   perl		plain perl code (better use <![CDATA[ code... ]]>
   xperl	extended perl (with autoexport!)
   phtml	html (or anything else) with embedded perl code
   pxml		xml with embedded perl code
<!ELEMENT perl     (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT xperl    (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT phtml    (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT pxml     (#PCDATA)>

<!-- embed a perl macro -->
<!-- args is a whitespace seperated list of parameter names -->
<!-- attrs is a whitespace seperated list of subroutine attributes -->
<!ELEMENT macro    %perlcode;>
<!ATTLIST macro
    args  CDATA #IMPLIED
    attrs CDATA #IMPLIED

<!-- define a group access right used in this applikation
<!ELEMENT define-group  EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST define-group
    name     CDATA #REQUIRED

<!-- set default database for the sql_* family of commands -->
<!-- the body can consist of the  sql-commands needed to re-create
     the database if neccessary -->
<!ELEMENT database  EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST database
    dsn      CDATA #REQUIRED
    username CDATA #IMPLIED
    password CDATA #IMPLIED

    translate a single field (columns) of a database. lang is the
    (optional) language tag. "style" is either 'plain' (the whole field is
    to be translated) or 'code' (the field is scanned like it were a phtml
    section). 'auto' can be used to select either plain or code, depending
    on wether __"xx" can be found.
<!ELEMENT translate  EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST translate
    fields   CDATA #REQUIRED
    lang     CDATA #IMPLIED -- might be a list --
    style    (plain|code|auto) "plain"

   type'ify state keys
   preference	this is a preference item ("durable")
   import	import from insecure places
   local	mark this var as local to this module
<!ENTITY % statetypes "(preference|session)">
<!ATTLIST state
    keys    NMTOKENS    #REQUIRED
    preference %yesno;  "no"
    import  %yesno;     "no"
    local   %yesno;     "no"

<!-- helper elements -->
<!-- can be used to store fragments properly, has no semantic value -->
<!ELEMENT fragment ANY>