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=head1 NAME

perlstrip - make perl sources smaller by removing comments, pod, whitespace...


   perlstrip file...
   perlstrip --size --cache file...

   -v                verbose
   --size            optimise for size (also: -s)
   --cache           use a cache (also: -c)
   --cache-dir path  cache directory to use
   --output path     output file for next input file (also: -o)

WARNING: like its counterpart strip, by default files are overwritten!


This program can be used to reduce the filesize of perl sources, for
example, before bundling them using L<PAR>, L<App::Staticperl>, or when
using them in a situation where disk space is premium (such as within
firmwares, boot floppies etc.).

It does this by removing unnecessary whitespace, commands, POD and a few
other things.

By default, it works through the list of files given on the commandline,
strips them and writes them again. This can be influenced via switches.

=head2 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item C<--verbose>

=item C<-v>

Increases verbosity - highly recommended for interactive use.

=item C<--output> path

=item C<-o> path

Write the stripped contents of the I<following> files on the commandline
to this path, instead of overwriting the original file. This can be used
to copy files instead of (destructively) overwriting them, by specifying
C<-o> before each file, e.g.:

   perlstrip -o strippedfile origsource

=item C<--size>

=item C<-s>

Optimise for size instead of for compressibility - the default is to
optimise the file for later compression. Optimising for size makes the raw
file size smaller, but might compress a bit worse.

=item C<--cache>

=item C<-c>

Stripping files can take a very long time. When this option is enabled,
then C<perlstrip> will cache larger files in a special directory
(default: F<~/.cache/perlstrip>), to improve repeated calls to strip

This is mainly useful when you strip a whole perl installation repeatedly.

=item C<--cache-dir> path

Enables caching, but uses an alternative cache directory (which will be
created if it doesn't exist yet).


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<App::Staticperl>, L<Perl::Squish>.

=head1 AUTHOR

 Marc Lehmann <>


use Perl::Strip;
use Getopt::Long;
use common::sense;

our $CACHE;
our $OUTPUT;


sub usage {
   require Pod::Usage;

   Pod::Usage::pod2usage (-output => *STDOUT, -verbose => 1, -exitval => 1, -noperldoc => 1);

sub process {
   my $file = shift;

   # GetOotions apparently wraps us into an eval :/
   eval {
      my @cache;

      if (defined $CACHEDIR) {
         @cache = (cache => $CACHEDIR);
      } elsif ($CACHE) {
         mkdir "$ENV{HOME}/.cache";
         @cache = (cache => "$ENV{HOME}/.cache/perlstrip");

      print "$file... " if $VERBOSE;

      my $output = defined $OUTPUT ? $OUTPUT : $file;

      my $src = do {
         open my $fh, "<:perlio", $file
            or die "$file: $!\n";

         local $/;

      printf "%d ", length $src if $VERBOSE;

      $src = (new Perl::Strip @cache, optimise_size => $OPTIMISE_SIZE)->strip ($src);

      printf "to %d bytes... ", length $src if $VERBOSE;
      print $output eq $file ? "writing... " : "saving as $output... " if $VERBOSE;

      open my $fh, ">:perlio", "$output~"
         or die "$output~: $!\n";
      length $src == syswrite $fh, $src
         or die "$output~: $!\n";
      close $fh;
      rename "$output~", $output;

      print "ok\n" if $VERBOSE;

   if ($@) {
      print STDERR "$@\n";
      exit 2;

   or usage;

Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling", "no_auto_abbrev", "no_ignore_case");

   "cache|c"       => \$CACHE,
   "cache-dir=s"   => \$CACHEDIR,
   "verbose|v"     => sub { ++$VERBOSE },
   "quiet|q"       => sub { --$VERBOSE },
   "size|s"        => \$OPTIMISE_SIZE,
   "output|o=s"    => \$OUTPUT,
   "<>"            => \&process,
   or usage;


die "cannot specify both --app and --perl\n"
   if $PERL and defined $APP;

# required for @INC loading, unfortunately
trace_module "PerlIO::scalar";

# apply include/exclude

   my %pmi;

   for (@incext) {
      my ($inc, $glob) = @$_;

      my @match = grep /$glob/, keys %pm;

      if ($inc) {
         # include
         @pmi{@match} = delete @pm{@match};

         print "applying include $glob - protected ", (scalar @match), " files.\n"
            if $VERBOSE >= 5;
      } else {
         # exclude
         delete @pm{@match};

         print "applying exclude $glob - removed ", (scalar @match), " files.\n"
            if $VERBOSE >= 5;

   my @pmi = keys %pmi;
   @pm{@pmi} = delete @pmi{@pmi};

# scan for AutoLoader, static archives and other dependencies

sub scan_al {
   my ($auto, $autodir) = @_;

   my $ix = "$autodir/autosplit.ix";

   print "processing autoload index for '$auto'\n"
      if $VERBOSE >= 6;

   $pm{"$auto/autosplit.ix"} = $ix;

   open my $fh, "<:perlio", $ix
      or die "$ix: $!";

   my $package;

   while (<$fh>) {
      if (/^\s*sub\s+ ([^[:space:];]+) \s* (?:\([^)]*\))? \s*;?\s*$/x) {
         my $al = "auto/$package/$";
         my $inc = find_inc $al;

         defined $inc or die "$al: autoload file not found, but should be there.\n";

         $pm{$al} = $inc;
         print "found autoload function '$al'\n"
            if $VERBOSE >= 6;

      } elsif (/^\s*package\s+([^[:space:];]+)\s*;?\s*$/) {
         ($package = $1) =~ s/::/\//g;
      } elsif (/^\s*(?:#|1?\s*;?\s*$)/) {
         # nop
      } else {
         warn "WARNING: $ix: unparsable line, please report: $_";

for my $pm (keys %pm) {
   if ($pm =~ /^(.*)\.pm$/) {
      my $auto    = "auto/$1";
      my $autodir = find_inc $auto;

      if (defined $autodir && -d $autodir) {
         # AutoLoader
         scan_al $auto, $autodir
            if -f "$autodir/autosplit.ix";

         # extralibs.ld
         if (open my $fh, "<:perlio", "$autodir/extralibs.ld") {
            print "found extralibs for $pm\n"
               if $VERBOSE >= 6;

            local $/;
            $extralibs .= " " . <$fh>;

         $pm =~ /([^\/]+).pm$/ or die "$pm: unable to match last component";

         my $base = $1;

         # static ext
         if (-f "$autodir/$base$Config{_a}") {
            print "found static archive for $pm\n"
               if $VERBOSE >= 3;

            push @libs, "$autodir/$base$Config{_a}";
            push @static_ext, $pm;

         # dynamic object
         die "ERROR: found shared object - can't link statically ($_)\n"
            if -f "$autodir/$base.$Config{dlext}";

         if ($PACKLIST && open my $fh, "<:perlio", "$autodir/.packlist") {
            print "found .packlist for $pm\n"
               if $VERBOSE >= 3;

            while (<$fh>) {
               s/ .*$//; # newer-style .packlists might contain key=value pairs

               # only include certain files (.al, .ix, .pm, .pl)
               if (/\.(pm|pl|al|ix)$/) {
                  for my $inc (@INC) {
                     # in addition, we only add files that are below some @INC path
                     $inc =~ s/\/*$/\//;

                     if ($inc eq substr $_, 0, length $inc) {
                        my $base = substr $_, length $inc;
                        $pm{$base} = $_;

                        print "+ added .packlist dependency $base\n"
                           if $VERBOSE >= 3;



print "processing bundle files (try more -v power if you get bored waiting here)...\n"
   if $VERBOSE >= 1;

my $data;
my @index;
my @order = sort {
   length $a <=> length $b
      or $a cmp $b
} keys %pm;

# sorting by name - better compression, but needs more metadata
# sorting by length - faster lookup
# usually, the metadata overhead beats the loss through compression

for my $pm (@order) {
   my $path = $pm{$pm};

   128 > length $pm
      or die "ERROR: $pm: path too long (only 128 octets supported)\n";

   my $src = ref $path
           ? $$path
           : do {
              open my $pm, "<", $path
                 or die "$path: $!";

              local $/;

   my $size = length $src;

   unless ($pmbin{$pm}) { # only do this unless the file is binary
      if ($pm =~ /^auto\/POSIX\/[^\/]+\.al$/) {
         if ($src =~ /^    unimpl \"/m) {
            print "$pm: skipping (raises runtime error only).\n"
               if $VERBOSE >= 3;

      $src = cache +($STRIP eq "ppi" ? "$UNISTRIP,$OPTIMISE_SIZE" : undef), $src, sub {
         if ($UNISTRIP && $pm =~ /^unicore\/.*\.pl$/) {
            print "applying unicore stripping $pm\n"
               if $VERBOSE >= 6;

            # special stripping for unicore swashes and properties
            # much more could be done by going binary
            $src =~ s{
               (^return\ <<'END';\n) (.*?\n) (END(?:\n|\Z))
               my ($pre, $data, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);

               for ($data) {
                  s/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\t([0-9a-fA-F]+)\t/sprintf "%X\t%X", hex $1, hex $2/gem
                     if $OPTIMISE_SIZE;

#                  s{
#                     ^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\t([0-9a-fA-F]*)\t
#                  }{
#                     # ww - smaller filesize, UU - compress better
#                     pack "C0UU",
#                          hex $1,
#                          length $2 ? (hex $2) - (hex $1) : 0
#                  }gemx;



         if ($STRIP =~ /ppi/i) {
            require PPI;

            if (my $ppi = PPI::Document->new (\$src)) {
               $ppi->prune ("PPI::Token::Comment");
               $ppi->prune ("PPI::Token::Pod");

               # prune END stuff
               for (my $last = $ppi->last_element; $last; ) {
                  my $prev = $last->previous_token;

                  if ($last->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::)) {
                  } elsif ($last->isa (PPI::Statement::End::)) {
                  } elsif ($last->isa (PPI::Token::Pod::)) {
                  } else {

                  $last = $prev;

               # prune some but not all insignificant whitespace
               for my $ws (@{ $ppi->find (PPI::Token::Whitespace::) }) {
                  my $prev = $ws->previous_token;
                  my $next = $ws->next_token;

                  if (!$prev || !$next) {
                  } else {
                     if (
                        $next->isa (PPI::Token::Operator::) && $next->{content} =~ /^(?:,|=|!|!=|==|=>)$/ # no ., because of digits. == float
                        or $prev->isa (PPI::Token::Operator::) && $prev->{content} =~ /^(?:,|=|\.|!|!=|==|=>)$/
                        or $prev->isa (PPI::Token::Structure::)
                        or ($OPTIMISE_SIZE &&
                            ($prev->isa (PPI::Token::Word::)
                               && (PPI::Token::Symbol:: eq ref $next
                                   || $next->isa (PPI::Structure::Block::)
                                   || $next->isa (PPI::Structure::List::)
                                   || $next->isa (PPI::Structure::Condition::)))
                     ) {
                     } elsif ($prev->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::)) {
                        $ws->{content} = ' ';
                     } else {
                        $ws->{content} = ' ';

               # prune whitespace around blocks
               if ($OPTIMISE_SIZE) {
                  # these usually decrease size, but decrease compressability more
                  for my $struct (PPI::Structure::Block::, PPI::Structure::Condition::) {
                     for my $node (@{ $ppi->find ($struct) }) {
                        my $n1 = $node->first_token;
                        my $n2 = $n1->previous_token;
                        $n1->delete if $n1->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::);
                        $n2->delete if $n2 && $n2->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::);
                        my $n1 = $node->last_token;
                        my $n2 = $n1->next_token;
                        $n1->delete if $n1->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::);
                        $n2->delete if $n2 && $n2->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::);

                  for my $node (@{ $ppi->find (PPI::Structure::List::) }) {
                     my $n1 = $node->first_token;
                     $n1->delete if $n1->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::);
                     my $n1 = $node->last_token;
                     $n1->delete if $n1->isa (PPI::Token::Whitespace::);

               # reformat qw() lists which often have lots of whitespace
               for my $node (@{ $ppi->find (PPI::Token::QuoteLike::Words::) }) {
                  if ($node->{content} =~ /^qw(.)(.*)(.)$/s) {
                     my ($a, $qw, $b) = ($1, $2, $3);
                     $qw =~ s/^\s+//;
                     $qw =~ s/\s+$//;
                     $qw =~ s/\s+/ /g;
                     $node->{content} = "qw$a$qw$b";

               $src = $ppi->serialize;
            } else {
               warn "WARNING: $pm{$pm}: PPI failed to parse this file\n";
         } elsif ($STRIP =~ /pod/i && $pm ne "") { # opcode parses its own pod
            require Pod::Strip;

            my $stripper = Pod::Strip->new;

            my $out;
            $stripper->output_string (\$out);
            $stripper->parse_string_document ($src)
               or die;
            $src = $out;

         if ($VERIFY && $pm =~ /\.pm$/ && $pm ne "") {
            if (open my $fh, "-|") {
            } else {
               eval "#line 1 \"$pm\"\n$src" or warn "\n\n\n$pm\n\n$src\n$@\n\n\n";
               exit 0;


#      if ($pm eq "") {
#         open my $fh, ">x" or die; print $fh $src;#d#
#         exit 1;
#      }

   print "adding $pm (original size $size, stored size ", length $src, ")\n"
      if $VERBOSE >= 2;

   push @index, ((length $pm) << 25) | length $data;
   $data .= $pm . $src;

length $data < 2**25
   or die "ERROR: bundle too large (only 32MB supported)\n";

my $varpfx = "bundle_" . substr +(Digest::MD5::md5_hex $data), 0, 16;

# output

print "generating $PREFIX.h... "
   if $VERBOSE >= 1;

   open my $fh, ">", "$PREFIX.h"
      or die "$PREFIX.h: $!\n";

   print $fh <<EOF;
/* do not edit, automatically created by mkstaticbundle */

#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>
#include <XSUB.h>

/* public API */
EXTERN_C PerlInterpreter *staticperl;
EXTERN_C void staticperl_xs_init (pTHX);
EXTERN_C void staticperl_init (void);
EXTERN_C void staticperl_cleanup (void);


print "\n"
   if $VERBOSE >= 1;

# output

print "generating $PREFIX.c... "
   if $VERBOSE >= 1;

open my $fh, ">", "$PREFIX.c"
   or die "$PREFIX.c: $!\n";

print $fh <<EOF;
/* do not edit, automatically created by mkstaticbundle */

#include "bundle.h"

/* public API */
PerlInterpreter *staticperl;


# bundle data

my $count = @index;

print $fh <<EOF;
#include "bundle.h"

/* bundle data */

static const U32 $varpfx\_count = $count;
static const U32 $varpfx\_index [$count + 1] = {

my $col;
for (@index) {
   printf $fh "0x%08x,", $_;
   print $fh "\n" unless ++$col % 10;

printf $fh "0x%08x\n};\n", (length $data);

print $fh "static const char $varpfx\_data [] =\n";
dump_string $fh, $data;

print $fh ";\n\n";

# bootstrap

# boot file for staticperl
# this file will be eval'ed at initialisation time

my $bootstrap = '
   package ' . $PACKAGE . ';


   @INC = sub {
      my $data = find "$_[1]"
         or return;

      $INC{$_[1]} = $_[1];

      open my $fh, "<", \$data;

$bootstrap .= "require '//boot';"
   if exists $pm{"//boot"};

$bootstrap =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$bootstrap =~ s/(\W) /$1/g;
$bootstrap =~ s/ (\W)/$1/g;

print $fh "const char bootstrap [] = ";
dump_string $fh, $bootstrap;
print $fh ";\n\n";

print $fh <<EOF;
/* search all bundles for the given file, using binary search */

  if (items != 1)
    Perl_croak (aTHX_ "Usage: $PACKAGE\::find (\$path)");

    STRLEN namelen;
    char *name = SvPV (ST (0), namelen);
    SV *res = 0;

    int l = 0, r = $varpfx\_count;

    while (l <= r)
        int m = (l + r) >> 1;
        U32 idx = $varpfx\_index [m];
        int comp = namelen - (idx >> 25);

        if (!comp)
            int ofs = idx & 0x1FFFFFFU;
            comp = memcmp (name, $varpfx\_data + ofs, namelen);

            if (!comp)
                /* found */
                int ofs2 =  $varpfx\_index [m + 1] & 0x1FFFFFFU;

                ofs += namelen;
                res = newSVpvn ($varpfx\_data + ofs, ofs2 - ofs);
                goto found;

        if (comp < 0)
          r = m - 1;
          l = m + 1;

    XSRETURN (0);

    ST (0) = res;
    sv_2mortal (ST (0));


/* list all files in the bundle */

  if (items != 0)
    Perl_croak (aTHX_ "Usage: $PACKAGE\::list");

    int i;

    EXTEND (SP, $varpfx\_count);

    for (i = 0; i < $varpfx\_count; ++i)
        U32 idx = $varpfx\_index [i];

        PUSHs (newSVpvn ($varpfx\_data + (idx & 0x1FFFFFFU), idx >> 25));

  XSRETURN ($varpfx\_count);


# xs_init

print $fh <<EOF;
staticperl_xs_init (pTHX)

@static_ext = ("DynaLoader", sort @static_ext);

# prototypes
for (@static_ext) {
   (my $cname = $_) =~ s/\//__/g;
   print $fh "  EXTERN_C void boot_$cname (pTHX_ CV* cv);\n";

print $fh <<EOF;
  char *file = __FILE__;

  newXSproto ("$PACKAGE\::find", find, file, "\$");
  newXSproto ("$PACKAGE\::list", list, file, "");

# calls
for (@static_ext) {

   (my $cname = $_) =~ s/\//__/g;
   (my $pname = $_) =~ s/\//::/g;

   my $bootstrap = $pname eq "DynaLoader" ? "boot" : "bootstrap";

   print $fh "  newXS (\"$pname\::$bootstrap\", boot_$cname, file);\n";

print $fh <<EOF;
  Perl_av_create_and_unshift_one (&PL_preambleav, newSVpv (bootstrap, sizeof (bootstrap) - 1));

# optional perl_init/perl_destroy

if ($APP) {
   print $fh <<EOF;

main (int argc, char *argv [])
  extern char **environ;
  int exitstatus;

  static char *args[] = {

  PERL_SYS_INIT3 (&argc, &argv, &environ);
  staticperl = perl_alloc ();
  perl_construct (staticperl);

  PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

  exitstatus = perl_parse (staticperl, staticperl_xs_init, sizeof (args) / sizeof (*args), args, environ);
  if (!exitstatus)
    perl_run (staticperl);

  exitstatus = perl_destruct (staticperl);
  perl_free (staticperl);

  return exitstatus;
} elsif ($PERL) {
   print $fh <<EOF;

main (int argc, char *argv [])
  extern char **environ;
  int exitstatus;

  PERL_SYS_INIT3 (&argc, &argv, &environ);
  staticperl = perl_alloc ();
  perl_construct (staticperl);

  PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

  exitstatus = perl_parse (staticperl, staticperl_xs_init, argc, argv, environ);
  if (!exitstatus)
    perl_run (staticperl);

  exitstatus = perl_destruct (staticperl);
  perl_free (staticperl);

  return exitstatus;
} else {
   print $fh <<EOF;

staticperl_init (void)
  extern char **environ;
  int argc = sizeof (args) / sizeof (args [0]);
  char **argv = args;

  static char *args[] = {

  PERL_SYS_INIT3 (&argc, &argv, &environ);
  staticperl = perl_alloc ();
  perl_construct (staticperl);
  PL_origalen = 1;
  PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;
  perl_parse (staticperl, staticperl_xs_init, argc, argv, environ);

  perl_run (staticperl);

staticperl_cleanup (void)
  perl_destruct (staticperl);
  perl_free (staticperl);
  staticperl = 0;

print -s "$PREFIX.c", " octets (", (length $data) , " data octets).\n\n"
   if $VERBOSE >= 1;

# libs, cflags

   print "generating $PREFIX.ccopts... "
      if $VERBOSE >= 1;

   my $str = "$Config{ccflags} $Config{optimize} $Config{cppflags} -I$Config{archlibexp}/CORE";
   $str =~ s/([\(\)])/\\$1/g;

   open my $fh, ">$PREFIX.ccopts"
      or die "$PREFIX.ccopts: $!";
   print $fh $str;

   print "$str\n\n"
      if $VERBOSE >= 1;

   print "generating $PREFIX.ldopts... ";

   my $str = $STATIC ? "-static " : "";

   $str .= "$Config{ccdlflags} $Config{ldflags} @libs $Config{archlibexp}/CORE/$Config{libperl} $Config{perllibs}";

   my %seen;
   $str .= " $_" for grep !$seen{$_}++, ($extralibs =~ /(\S+)/g);

   for (@staticlibs) {
      $str =~ s/(^|\s) (-l\Q$_\E) ($|\s)/$1-Wl,-Bstatic $2 -Wl,-Bdynamic$3/gx;

   $str =~ s/([\(\)])/\\$1/g;

   open my $fh, ">$PREFIX.ldopts"
      or die "$PREFIX.ldopts: $!";
   print $fh $str;

   print "$str\n\n"
      if $VERBOSE >= 1;

if ($PERL or defined $APP) {
   $APP = "perl" unless defined $APP;

   print "building $APP...\n"
      if $VERBOSE >= 1;

   system "$Config{cc} \$(cat bundle.ccopts\) -o \Q$APP\E bundle.c \$(cat bundle.ldopts\)";

   unlink "$PREFIX.$_"
      for qw(ccopts ldopts c h);

   print "\n"
      if $VERBOSE >= 1;