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package Ubic::Cmd;
  $Ubic::Cmd::VERSION = '1.50_01';

use strict;
use warnings;

# ABSTRACT: ubic methods with pretty printing.

use Params::Validate qw(:all);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use List::Util qw(max);
use Try::Tiny;
use Ubic;
use Ubic::Result qw(result);
use Ubic::Cmd::Results;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = validate(@_, {});
    return bless $self => $class;

sub _obj {
    my ($param) = validate_pos(@_, 1);
    if (blessed($param)) {
        return $param;
    if ($param eq 'Ubic::Cmd') {
        # method called as a class method => singleton
        $SINGLETON ||= Ubic::Cmd->new();
        return $SINGLETON;
    die "Unknown argument '$param'";

sub _any_method {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = validate(@_, {
        service => 1,
        results => 0,
        action => 1, # Starting/Stopping/...
        method => 1,
        enabled_only => 0,
    my ($service, $results, $action, $method, $enabled_only)  = @$params{qw/ service results action method enabled_only /};
    $results ||= Ubic::Cmd::Results->new;

    $self->traverse($service, sub {
        my $service = shift;
        my $name = $service->full_name;
        if ($enabled_only and not Ubic->is_enabled($name)) {
            print "$name is down\n";
        print "$action $name... ";
        my $result = eval { Ubic->$method($name) };
        $result ||= result($@);
        $results->print($result, $@ ? 'bad' : ());
    return $results;

sub start {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    return $self->_any_method({
        service => shift,
        results => shift,
        action => 'Starting',
        method => 'start',

sub stop {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    return $self->_any_method({
        service => shift,
        results => shift,
        action => 'Stopping',
        method => 'stop',

sub restart {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    return $self->_any_method({
        service => shift,
        results => shift,
        action => 'Restarting',
        method => 'restart',

sub try_restart {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    return $self->_any_method({
        service => shift,
        results => shift,
        action => 'Restarting',
        method => 'try_restart',
        enabled_only => 1,

sub reload {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    return $self->_any_method({
        service => shift,
        results => shift,
        action => 'Reloading',
        method => 'reload',
        enabled_only => 1,

sub force_reload {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    return $self->_any_method({
        service => shift,
        results => shift,
        action => 'Reloading',
        method => 'force_reload',
        enabled_only => 1,

sub do_custom_command {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my $service = shift;
    my $command = shift;
    my $results = shift || Ubic::Cmd::Results->new;

    my $count = 0;
    my $error = 0;
    $self->traverse($service, sub {
        my $service = shift;
        my $name = $service->full_name;

        # Imagine we have multiservice X with subservices X.A, X.B and X.C.
        # X may want to support custom command CC by implementing it in X.A and X.B but not in X.C.
        # In this case X.A->CC and X.B->CC will be called, and X.C will be skipped.
        if (grep { $_ eq $command } $service->custom_commands) {
            print "Running $command for $name... ";
            try {
                Ubic->do_custom_command($name, $command);
            } catch {
                $results->print(result('unknown', "failed: $_"), 'bad');
    unless ($count) {
        # But if none of X subservices support our custom command, something is obviously wrong.
        if ($service->isa('Ubic::Multiservice')) {
            die "None of ".$service->full_name." subservices support $command";
        else {
            # it is unlikely that this error will happen, because we already checked that $service supports $command
            die "$command unsupported";

    # TODO - what if X want to implement custom command itself?
    # should custom commands have different types, "try to call me in each subservice" and "call me for multiservice itself"?


sub usage {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my $command = shift;
    print STDERR "Unknown command '$command'. See 'ubic help'.\n";
    exit(2); # or exit(3)? see LSB for details

sub traverse($$$) {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my ($service, $callback, $indent) = @_;
    $indent ||= 0;

    if (not defined $service) {
        $service = Ubic->root_service;
    elsif (not blessed($service)) {
        $service = Ubic->service($service);
    my $name = $service->full_name;

    if ($service->isa('Ubic::Multiservice')) {
        if ($service->full_name) {
            print ' ' x $indent, $service->full_name, "\n";
            $indent = $indent + 4;
        for my $subservice ($service->services) {
            $self->traverse($subservice, $callback, $indent); # FIXME - rememeber result
    else {
        print(' ' x $indent);
        return $callback->($service, $indent);

sub print_status($$;$$) {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my $service = shift;
    my $force_cached = shift;
    my $results = shift || Ubic::Cmd::Results->new;

    # TODO - use Credentials instead
    my $user = getpwuid($>);
    unless (defined $user) {
        die "Can't detect user by uid $>";

    my $max_offset = 0;
    $self->traverse($service, sub {
        my ($service, $indent) = @_;
        my $name = $service->full_name;
        print $name;

        # calculating the number of tabs to separate service name from status
        # status will be aligned whenether possible without sacrificing the real-time properties
        # i.e., we add several tabs to align status with previous lines, but following lines can increase the number of tabs if necessary
        # TODO - there are two possibilities to improve this:
        # 1) look at the further *simple* services and add tabs:
        # blah
        #     blah.a            off
        #     blah.blahblahblah off
        #     blah.c            off
        # (current implementation wouldn't align "blah.a" line correctly)
        # this would require the change to traverse() method api, though
        # 2) pre-compile whole service tree before printing anything
        # but output speed would suffer
        my $offset = length($name) + $indent;
        if ($offset < $max_offset) {
            print "\t" x (int($max_offset) / 8 - int($offset / 8));
        else {
            $max_offset = $offset;
        print "\t";

        my $enabled = Ubic->is_enabled($name);
        unless ($enabled) {
            print "off\n";

        my $status;
        my $cached;
        if ($force_cached or ($> and $user ne Ubic->service($name)->user)) {
            $status = Ubic->cached_status($name);
            $cached = 1;
        else {
            $status = eval { Ubic->status($name) };
            if ($@) {
                $status = result($@);
        if ($status->status eq 'running') {
        else {
            $results->print($status, 'bad'); # up and not running is always bad

    # TODO - print actual uplevel service's status, it can be service-specific
    if (any { $_->status ne 'running' and $_->status ne 'down' } $results->results) {
        $results->exit_code(3); # some services are not running when they should be
    return $results;

sub run {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my $params = validate(@_, {
        name => 1,
        command => { type => SCALAR },
        force => 0,
    my @names;
    if (ref $params->{name} eq 'ARRAY') {
        @names = @{$params->{name}};
    else {
        @names = ($params->{name});

    my $command = $params->{command};

    my $results = Ubic::Cmd::Results->new;
    for my $name (@names) {
        $self->_run_impl({ name => $name, command => $command, force => $params->{force}, results => $results });
    exit $results->exit_code;

sub _check_multiop {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my ($service, $command, $force) = validate_pos(@_, 1, 1, 1);

    return unless $service->isa('Ubic::Multiservice');

    my $screen_name = $service->name || 'root';
    my $multiop = $service->multiop;
    if ($multiop eq 'forbidden') {
        die "$screen_name multiservice forbids $command\n";
    elsif ($multiop eq 'protected') {
        unless ($force) {
            die "Use --force option if you want to $command all "
            .($service->name ? $service->name.' ' : '')."services\n";
    elsif ($multiop ne 'allowed') {
        die "$screen_name has invalid multiop value '$multiop'\n";

# run and modify results object
sub _run_impl {
    my $self = _obj(shift);
    my $params = validate(@_, {
        name => { type => SCALAR | UNDEF },
        command => { type => SCALAR },
        results => { isa => 'Ubic::Cmd::Results' },
        force => 0,
    my $command = $params->{command};
    my $name = $params->{name};
    my $results = $params->{results};

    if ($command eq 'status' or $command eq 'cached-status') {
        my $force_cached;
        if ($command eq 'cached-status') {
            $force_cached = 1;
        try {
            $self->print_status($name, $force_cached, $results);
        catch {
            print STDERR $_;
            $results->exit_code(4); # internal error

    if ($name and not Ubic->root_service->has_service($name)) {
        print STDERR "Service '$name' not found\n";

    # FIXME - we're constructing service and drop it to reconstruct later
    # but we need to construct service to check it's custom commands
    my $service = $name ? Ubic->service($name) : Ubic->root_service;

    # yes, custom "start" command will override default "start" command, although it's not very useful :)
    # but we need this because of current "logrotate" hack
    if (grep { $_ eq $command } $service->custom_commands) {
        $self->_check_multiop($service, $command, $params->{force});
        try {
            $self->do_custom_command($service, $command, $results);
        catch {
            print STDERR "'$name $command' error: $_\n";
            $results->exit_code(1); # generic error, TODO - more lsb-specific errors?

    $command = "force_reload" if $command eq "logrotate"; #FIXME: non LSB command!

    my $method = $command;
    $method =~ s/-/_/g;
    unless (grep { $_ eq $method } qw/ start stop restart try_restart reload force_reload /) {

    $self->_check_multiop($service, $command, $params->{force});
    try {
        $self->$method($service, $results);
    catch {
        if ($name) {
            print STDERR "'$name $method' error: $_\n";
        else {
            print STDERR "'$method' error: $_\n";
        $results->exit_code(1); # generic error, TODO - more lsb-specific errors?




=head1 NAME

Ubic::Cmd - ubic methods with pretty printing.

=head1 VERSION

version 1.50_01


When using ubic from simple scripts, you want to print some output about what happened when starting/stopping service.

This package mostly conforms to C<Ubic> module API (i.e. to LSB init-script API).


    use Ubic::Cmd;



=item B<< new($params) >>

All methods of this class can be invoked as class methods, but you can construct your own instance if neccesary (although constructor doesn't have any options by now, so it is useless).



All following methods do the same things as methods in C<Ubic>, but they also print messages about their actions.


=item B<< start($service) >>

=item B<< stop($service) >>

=item B<< restart($service) >>

=item B<< try_restart($service) >>

=item B<< reload($service) >>

=item B<< force_reload($name) >>




=item B<< do_custom_command($service, $command) >>

Do non-LSB command.

=item B<< usage($command) >>

Print command's usage.

WARNING: exits on invocation!

=item B<< traverse($name_or_service, $callback) >>

Process each subservice of C<$name_or_service> with C<$callback>, printing correct indentations.

=item B<< print_status($name, $force_cached) >>

=item B<< print_status($name, $force_cached, $results) >>

Print status of given service identified by name or by object.

If C<$force_cached> is true, prints status cached in watchdog file. Otherwise, check for real status if current user is B<root> or if current user is equal to service user.

=item B<< run($params_hashref) >>

Run given command for given service and exit with LSB-compatible exit code.



=item I<name>

Service's name or arrayref with names.

=item I<command>

Command to execute.

=item I<force>

Force command on protected multiservice.




Interface of this class is unstable and can be changed without further notice.

When in doubt, consider L<Ubic> or system("ubic COMMAND SERVICE") instead.

=head1 AUTHOR

Vyacheslav Matyukhin <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Yandex LLC.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
