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#!/usr/bin/env perl
package ubic_admin;
  $ubic_admin::VERSION = '1.56';

use strict;
use warnings;

# ABSTRACT: ubic administration script

use Pod::Usage;
use Ubic::Admin::Setup;

return 1 if caller;

my $command = shift @ARGV;

if (not defined $command or $command ne 'setup') {




=head1 NAME

ubic_admin - ubic administration script

=head1 VERSION

version 1.56


    ubic-admin setup [--batch-mode] [--quiet] [other options]


This script can be used to perform ubic administration operations.

There is only one command supported by now, I<setup>.

The logic behind the separation of setup process to this script instead of
implementing it as C<ubic setup> command is following: C<ubic> script always
operates on services, each of its commands (C<ubic status>, C<ubic start>, etc.)
can accept service names. C<ubic-admin>, on the other hand, performs installation-wide tasks.



=item B<--local>

Force local installation.

=item B<--batch-mode>

Enable batch mode: don't ask any questions, assume defaults.

=item B<--quiet>

Don't print verbose description before each question.

=item B<--reconfigure>

Force reconfiguration even if ubic is already configured.

=item B<--service-dir=DIR>

Override service dir (directory with descriptions of your services).

=item B<--data-dir=DIR>

Override data dir (directory into which ubic stores all of its data).

=item B<--log-dir=DIR>

Override log dir (directory into which C<ubic.watchdog> will write its logs).

=item B<--default-user=USER>

Override default user for services which don't specify the user themselves.

This option is useful for system-wide installations only.

=item B<--sticky-777>

Enable 1777 grants for data dir.

This option is useful for system-wide installations only.

It is enabled by default, you can turn it off with B<--no-sticky-777>.

=item B<--install-services>

Install standard services: C<ubic.watchdog>, C<> and C<ubic.update>.

C<ubic.watchdog> will be started automatically.

This option is enabled by default, you can turn it off with

=item B<--crontab>

Install watchdog's watchdog to user's crontab.

This option is enabled by default, you can turn it off with


=head1 AUTHOR

Vyacheslav Matyukhin <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Yandex LLC.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
