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package Net::Twitter::Role::SimulateCursors;
use Moose::Role;
use namespace::autoclean;

requires qw/_json_request/;

around _json_request => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $self = shift;
    my ($http_method, $uri, $args, $authenticate) = @_;

    if ( defined(my $cursor = delete $args->{cursor}) ) {
        my $page = $cursor == -1 ? 1 : $cursor;
        my $r = $self->$orig($http_method, $uri, { %$args, page => $page }, $authenticate);

        my $key = $uri =~ qr`/ids\.` ? 'ids' : 'users';

        my $next_cursor     = @$r ? $page + 1 : 0;
        my $previous_cursor = $page == 1 ? 0 : $page - 1;

        return {
            next_cursor         => $next_cursor,
            next_cursor_str     => "$next_cursor",
            previous_cursor     => $previous_cursor,
            previous_cursor_str => "$previous_cursor",
            $key                => $r,

    return $self->$orig(@_);



=head1 NAME

Net::Twitter::Role::SimulateCursors - Make paging work like cursoring


  use Net::Twitter;

  my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(
      traits          => ['API::REST', 'SimulateCursors'],


This role simulates the cursoring method used by some Twitter API methods.  It's useful
for providing compatibility with, for instance, that does not support cursoring
and requires paging, instead.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4


=head1 AUTHOR

Marc Mims E<lt>marc@questright.comE<gt>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

